three episode 57 & 58


THEME: {Where do I belong??}

✍️Written By Precious Pinky✍️

❣️ Episode 57&58❣️


???? Alexis’s pov????

“You’ve been acting strange ever since your brother and Gwen got home. You even refused to have dinner and in that process you made me starve as well. Are you okay?”

I rolled my eyes, leaning back against the headboard of my bed. “And when did you start caring about my life, Arthur?”

“I’ve always cared, you know?”

“Why? Because you are my brother’s friend?” I clic-ked my tongue as I shook my head. “Tsk, stop caring. It’s annoying.”

That was rude. I know.

But I was just so angry.

I was angry about everything and nothing!

Angry about this stupid a-ssignment.

Angry about being cuffed with Arthur.

Angry at Principal Daniel for partnering my boyfriend with his ex girlfriend, Lena.

Yes, I know about that. I had to do my research and that’s when I discovered this heartbreaking truth.

Why didn’t Rowan tell me about it?

Why did he hide it from me and lied to my face about Lena coming over to his house to collect a book when we both know that there’s no way Lena would collect a book from him or anyone _she cares less about school_

Why was Lena even at his house that day?

What if Rowan was really cheating on me?

What if I was the only putting high hope on our relationship while he isn’t?

What if he was already tired of me…tired of us?

I was bothered, angry, sad, hurt, pained scared…I was having different emotions and damn, it was scaring the shit out of me!

I love Rowan so much but,,, I don’t know.

Those emotions weren’t really what I felt about Rowan and Lena…yes, I was upset about it but I felt nothing like hurt or pain until I saw ‘them’

Why was Gwen cuffed with Brenden and not me!?

What are those look I could see in Brenden’s eyes whenever he looks at her?

I know my brother so well and I’ve never seen him look at any girl like that. Not even one!

Even at the hospital, I saw how worried he was…how scared….how…he claimed to be worried because he was the one who caused the accident but I know fully well that it was a lie.

He wasn’t worried because of that shit of an excuse. He was rather worried about something else. Something that I’m yet to figure out.

Arrrrgh, why do I even care? It’s not like I have anything to do with Gwendolyn or anything.

She’s just… she’s just…my gaze shifted over to the black leather hoodie hung up in my closet, displaying clearly in front of me.

~My savior.

A girl I won’t deny that I have something for.

A girl that’s making me wonder,,, where I belong?

I let out a de-ep sigh as I shut my eyes close but…of course Arthur won’t let me be.

“Lexi, are you alright?” He asked again, sounding more worried than earlier.

I gro-aned loudly, turning to shoot a glare at him. “Can you just let me sleep? I’m tired, okay?”

“So am I but I’m worried about you. You are acting so different and strange. Does this have anything to do with Gwen and Brenden?”

The glare on my face de-epened. “And why should it be about them?” I snapped. “Listen, I’m not ready for this co-ckand bull story. I want to sleep so please do the same and stop bothering me!”


????Narrator’s pov????


“Hi.” He waved, smiling down at her. “Can I…um, come in?”

“Why are you here? Is something wrong with Gwendolyn? Is she sick again?” She was very much worried now.

James smiled, shaking his head. “Calm down. Gwen is fine. In fact she’s far more better than before. You don’t have to get worried about anything, okay?”

She let out a sigh of relief then after a moment, she raised a questioning brow at James. “If Gwen is alright. Why then are you here?”

He sighed, stuffing his hands into his pan-ts pocket. “I’m here to see you.”

Her brows were knitted in confusion as she pulled her door closer to herself as if she was indirectly telling James that there’s no way she was letting him inside her house or her life.

“why?” She questioned.

He hesitate for a while before saying. “We can’t stand out here and talk, Mia. Let’s go inside.”

“No.” She said sharply, shaking her head vigorously. “There’s no way I’m letting you inside my house, James. Please leave.”

James seemed hurt by her words but he refuse to give up.

He had given up on her years back and up till date he was still regretting his stupid decision but he wasn’t willing to repeat that same mistake again.

He wants Mia back. He wants the love of his life back. Was that too much to ask?

Yes, he betrayed her and her love? He couldn’t defend her or better still protect her from his parents especially his mother. He was a weakling.

And no, he doesn’t deserve her forgiveness…neither does he deserve her love again…he failed her…but he wants to correct his mistake now.

He wants to protect and love her now.

He wants to be the man that she truly deserves.

He wants to be there for her and his daughter.

He wants his perfect family back.

And he will stop at nothing until he gets her back. Until he proves to her that he was now a changed person.

But that’s if she was even going to give him the chance to prove himself.

“Mia, please listen to me first.” He pleaded.

“Listen to you?” She scoffed. “What exactly do you have to say to me? What’s there for us to talk about? Is it about our child? You could have just called me on the phone instead of coming all the way here.”

“I’m not here to talk about Gwendolyn. I’m here to talk about us. Please you just have to…”

“Talk about us?” She repeated that very sentence, shaking her head. “Is there anything like us between you and I?”

“Mia…” He began but she cuts him off immediately.

“Don’t.” She warned. “Don’t just say something or do anything that will make me regret my decision of allowing you back into my life and daughter’s. Don’t think because I let you into my daughter’s life that means I’ve forgiven you or I want you back because I don’t. You are just my daughter’s father and that’s the only thing that bind us together, James.” She pointed her index finger at him. “Your mother helped chose your path which you gladly accepted. You let her guide you even if it meant abandoning me and your unborn baby!” She was already at the verge of crying. The tears were blinding her eyes now but she won’t let it fall.

She doesn’t want to give James the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

She can’t get emotional now. She wasn’t the type to get so emotional over anything.

And never will she get emotional because of James…he was her past and like the saying goes; “the past should be forgotten and buried. Life goes on.”

She might not have remarried but that doesn’t mean anything.

She doesn’t want to be with him ever again.

She hates him so much.

The pain…the bitterness…the suffering…the insults…the shame… everything she received from that arrogant woman known as his mother,,,how could she forget about them?

How could she pretend like none of those things never happened and accept him back?

That was impossible!

Very impossible!

The memory was still there. It almost felt like all of those things happened just yesterday.

“I didn’t abandon you, Mia. You left without my knowledge.”

“I left because I was tired. I left because the man I love couldn’t defend and protect me. I couldn’t take the insult no more. It wasn’t my fault that my parents weren’t as rich as yours. It wasn’t my fault that I saw you and fell ha-rd for you. It wasn’t my fault that life has to be so unfair to me and treat me badly but my fault here was that I let my heart be broken in million pieces and yet I still hoped and wished that things will be alright even when the handwriting was so clear to me that I can never be happy with you.” She gulped hard, narrowing her eyes at James. “Your mother was right after all… there’s no future between the both of us.” She turned to leave but James caught hold of her wrist.

“What you said at the hospital about not being in love with me anymore, do you really mean that?” He asked calmly.

She yanked her wrist from his grasp rou-ghly and shot a glare at him then said. “There’s no reason for me to lie that day, James.” With that said, she went inside the house, slamming the door shut at James face.

Just as she stepped inside, the tears she has been holding in sli-p off her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

Mia leaned against the door and slide down to the ground, sobbing quietly.

Her heart were heavy…they were broken.

Truth be told, she don’t know what she actually feels for James.

Does she want him back?

Does she not want him back?

Does she still love him?

Or does she just see him as nothing but the father of her child?

It was confusing and at the same time frustrating.

She clenched her dress tightly as more tears kept running down, refusing to stop.

She was never the type to get so emotional…in fact she hated it with so much pa-ssion.

To her, tears was just a sign of weakness.

But right now,,, she doesn’t care.

Weakness or no weakness, she wants to pour out all of her emotions.


James sat down in his car without making any attempt to drive away.

His gaze never left her house.

A tear came down to his face and he did absolutely nothing to wipe it off.

*What you said at the hospital about not being in love with me anymore, do you really mean that?*

*There’s no reason for me to lie that day, James.* The bitterness was evident in her voice.

There was no room of doubt or lie in those words that left her li-ps and it broke his heart.

He still love her. He wants her so badly.

But…it seems like his chances to be with her were slim now.

There’s a probability that she doesn’t love him anymore.

And he have no one to blame but himself!

Yes, his parents especially his mother was the problem but he had the ability to stand on his ground and fight for what he wanted.

But what did he do instead? He just sat there and watch everything sli-p away from his fingers…he watched her sli-p away.

James started the car, he stared at the closed door one last time before driving off into the lonely road, not still taking his gaze off the house from the rearview mirror.


????Brenden’s pov????

“I still don’t get why dad accept to this shit. How can he let me be cuffed with some sort of guy? He should have just asked them to cuff me with a table or something. Look at me now, fighting the urge not to commit murder. I…”

“You can stop talking now, Barbie.” She scowled at me. “Hey, calm down.” I smirked.

“Do you know what I feel like doing to you right now?”

“Let me guess, hit my face like usual?” I raised a teasing brow at her.

She grinded her teeth, glaring. “I feel like strangling you to death, idiot!”

She has been mad at me since we left the bathroom. She has just been mumbling and whining about this punishment. Hey, it wasn’t my fault that my hand moved in such a way that resulted in her hand slightly grazing ‘my thing’ it just happened! Women.

I laughed shaking my head at her joke _don’t give me that look. There’s no way she meant what she just said about strangling me, right?_

She eyed me from head to toe, giving the those disgusted kind of look.

“I hate you.” She growled.

“I love you…” I said before I could even stop myself.

We both froze at that word and stared blankly at each other.

What did I just say?

What? Me? Love?

What the Fuc-k was I thinking?


“What’s with that look? You said you hate me and the opposite of hate is love while I said I love you and the opposite of love is hate… it’s common sense barbie.” I winked.

Fuc-k, I hope that helped lighten the mood.

I can’t believe I said that.

There’s no way I could possibly love her or anyone.

What’s even the meaning of love? You see, I don’t know!

“Tsk, this is stupid.” She shook her head.



“Fuc-k!” I cursed loudly as I hit the cold floor, shortly followed by a weight on top of me.

My chest vibrates as someone gro-an into it from pain. Gwendolyn. She hovers over me, her head rested on my chest while her legs straddle my lap.

The position was awkward and s-exual as Fuc-k.

How the hell am I going to survive this without eventually begging for s-ex from…okay, that’s enough, Brenden. Don’t even think of stooping so low to that extent.

Something was poking my chest from her body. I don’t know what that is but it’s Fuc-king turning me on.

“What the hell?” She gro-aned, raising her head up to look at me now. “What the Fuc-k is your problem?”

“I’m not use to having a stranger sleep next to me in my bed. So it’s practically not my fault.”

She scowled at me. “Then whose fault is it? Mine?” She hit my chest but it wasn’t painful. “You just interrupted my sleep, idiot.”

“It’s morning already, Barbie.” I smirked.

She lifted half of her body and looked towards the window then gro-aned. “Fuc-k, I didn’t even realize it.”

I stared down at her chest to see her n*pples poking out of her black Tee. She was wearing no bra.

Damn, what’s this girl doing to me?

“But wait, is that why you have to wake me up like this?” She looked down at me now.

Her gray eyes shone brightly due to the morning sun that reflected on her face.

Her hair were messy…her li-ps were plumpy…she was looking so beautiful. No one would believe that this girl didn’t actually had her bath before going to bed last night.

She always appear to be manly and strong but right now, she appears to be the feminine that she truly was.

That tough side of her wasn’t there anymore but was rather replaced with her feminity side.

How can one be this beautiful?

I didn’t know what came over me but I find myself brushing off a stray of hair from her face and tucked it to the back of her ear.

Her li-ps parted a little as a little gasp escaped from it and I watch her lean against my touch, slowly grinding on ‘my thing’

I gro-aned quietly, bringing my hand down to caress her soft skin.

Suddenly her eyes peeled open, “What the Fuc-k is poking me down there?”

“What?” I asked her.

She got off from me and stared down below my waist, widening her eyes a little at what she saw.

“What the hell!?” She gro-aned.

I rolled my eyes. “It’s morning, barbie. What do you expect?”

“Well I didn’t expect something to poke me.”

“You were sitting right on me so don’t blame me here.” I said nonchalantly, sitting up now.

“Why do I have to wake up and see you first thing in the morning?” She mumbled under her breath, coming up to her feet pulling me up along as well. “This is so frustrating.”

“Stop acting like you’ve never seen a guy’s morning hood before.”

“News flash, I haven’t.” She stated, walking towards the bathroom. “Do you have any extra toothbrush?”

“Yeah.” We walked inside the bathroom and shut the door closed.

She tried reaching out for one of the new brushes with her left hand but damn, this girl su-ckat using left hand.

“Do you need help with that?” I offered.

“Nah. I got this.” She replied still struggling to reach it.

Twenty minutes later, she gro-an turning to look at me.

“Help me with it.”


“No?” She repeated.

“No. I offered to help but you rejected it so why should I help you now?” I shrugged.

She sighed. “Okay, I’m sorry. Can you help me now?”



“That’s the only way I can help you, Barbie.” I smirked.

“You are very annoying.” She huffed. “Fine.” She took in few breaths as if preparing herself for the big mission. “Please help me with the toothbrush.”

“Good. Did that take anything away from you?” I reached out to it and handed it over but she shook her head. “What?”

“I su-ckat using left hand. Can you…”

“Can I…”

She shut her eyes close before saying in one breath. “Canyouhelpmebrushmyteeth.”


She opened her eyes and stared at me. “can you help me brush my teeth? God, I can’t believe I’m being reduced to this level now.”

I laughed. “I will help you on one condition.”

“Which is?”

“For this morning,,, you are going to follow my lead. Are you in or not?”

She raised a brow at me. “You are kidding, right?”

“I know you are the dominant type, sweetie but for this morning I want you to be the submissive.” I gave out a devious smile.


“Close your damn eyes, Brenden!” She growled, glaring at me.

“What’s there that I haven’t seen before?”

“You might have seen other girls own but not mine so kindly close your eyes or I might just pluck them out for you.”

I glanced over at her and ran my tongue over my li-ps before turning around with my back against the shower room.

“You are so boring.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“But you didn’t turn around when I had my own bath, you know.” I complained.

“You only asked me to look away.” She responded.

“Oh. Well you only asked me to close my eyes and not to turn around.” I was already turning around to face the shower room when I heard her sharp voice.

“Don’t you dare! Just remain that way.” She said.

“Arrrgh. Hurry up already, joy killer.”

After about twenty-five or more minutes, the shower stopped running but I didn’t hear any footsteps.





I heard a loud voice scream. I quickly turned around to find nak-ed Gwen seated on the floor, hissing in pain.

Fuc-k, I didn’t take any further step neither did I let out a word as my gaze rested upon her beauty.

She was perfect.

How can she hide this beauty with those stupid baggy tomboy clothes she always wear?

How can she hide this free gift of nature from guys like me.

Damn. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

I was…



I was just smirking as we both walked out of the room and headed towards the living room.

We were dressed for school. Gwen was still wearing the clothes she wore down here while I had a change of clothes _hey, we were at my house afterall_

It was very difficult to wear our clothes using one hand. We even had to look it up on YouTube and Google.

I hate this punishment. It’s restricting my movement!

Gwen haven’t said a single word to me but I can see her throwing glares and frowns at my way which meant she was still angry about earlier at the bathroom.

I was smirking, looking over at her from time to time.

“Why are you smirking?” She finally asked me, scowling.

“I can’t seem to take your beautiful body off my head.” I teased with a wink.

“Oh really? How about I help.”


“Simple. I will just have to crack your head into two and take off the image then close back your head.”

“What? Is that even possible?”

“What do you think?” She grinned. “Death is the only way here, idiot. And I will be more than happy to kill you.”

I started laughing but I stopped immediately I heard my name.



****To Be Continued****