Three episode 11


THEME: {Where do I belong??}

✍️Written By Precious Pinky✍️

?Don’t Copy Or Repost?

❣️Episode 11❣️

?Narrator’s pov?

“Did you really call me for this?” He asked angrily, clenching the phone so tight against his ear.

Mia let out a de-ep breath before saying, “This is very important, James.”

“Oh, really? You called to ask me if I’m really taking care of your daughter?” He scoffed. “Do I need to remind you that she’s also my daughter?” He questioned.

She stayed quiet for a while, the only thing he could hear was her breathing until she spoke up again. “A daughter you couldn’t fight for? A daughter you left? What are you saying, James? Have you forgotten so soon that you chose your fu-cking job over her?”

James was from mad at this point. How could she possibly say something as mean as this?

How could she even think that? He never left his daughter…he never chose his job over her,,, so what the hell was Mia talking about?

“Stop saying that, Mia.” He growled.

“Stop saying what exactly? The truth?” She scoffed.

“I didn’t choose my job over my daughter. If anything, I worked ha-rd for her.” He said.

“Indeed. Listen, I don’t know why you shipped that stupid motorbike over to New York but I want you to bear this one thing in mind,,, I didn’t send Gwen over there because you asked for it, I sent her over there because I want her to be useful. To be a lady that she really is. Do not worse things for me, James.”

James could not believe his ears right now. How can Mia say something as harsh as this about her own daughter? Was she indirectly calling her useless?

Mia was an emotionless person, she was ha-rd in nature but soft in the inside. She was a woman of principles, a woman who stand on her ground no matter the opposition that might come on her way. She was fearless, courageous, beautiful, smart and caring… He wasn’t surprise to see all of this characteristics in his daughter,,, in fact he was glad she possesses them but…

It doesn’t understand the woman anymore.

She sounded so different…she looks so different…and for a moment, he began to doubt his feelings for her.

Come to think about it, how did they even get here?

Honestly, he loves Mia with all of his heart.

He loves the way she talks, laughs, frowns, gets mad,,, he loves every god damn thing about her and he wish…he wish, he was able to fight for her…fight of their love…fight for their future.

But he couldn’t.

He was damn weak. He was a fu-cking coward.

He doesn’t blame Mia for her hatred towards him but what he doesn’t seem to understand is her reason for behaving this way to her own daughter!

Was she by chance, pouring out her frustrations and anger on the poor girl?

“Gwen isn’t useless. Can you stop looking down on this girl for once in your life?” He stated.

“For once in my life?” She clic-ked her tongue. “I took care of this girl all my life! I sheltered her, protected her, loved her, cared for her… I did everything a parent would do for their child but you?” She paused. “Do you even have any fu-cking right to tell me that shit?”

“Why are you talking like this? Why are you talking as if I abandoned my daughter?”

“THAT’S BECAUSE YOU ABANDONED HER!” She yelled at the top of her voice, almost damaging James eardrum.

James shook his head calmly. “I didn’t. You refused to let me take responsibility for her until her fourth birthday, remember? You practically never wanted me into her life!”

“Why exactly should I let you in? Oh, you aren’t done of breaking it?”

“Why does it seem like you regret ever letting me into her life?” He asked.

She kept mute for a while before saying, “I do. Honestly I never wanted to let you in, ever. But I just couldn’t. I just couldn’t deny my child the right of having a father. Like I said, you should be thankful I allowed her move in with you.” She sighed. “I want her to be more like a lady and stop acting like a fu-cking tomboy and if that motorbike you shipped off from here will prevent her from being just what I want, then I advise you to sell it off or better still, burn it!”

James didn’t say anything for a while. “You were once like that, Mia.” He said in a very low voice. “You were once that beautiful tomboy I fell in love with.” He added calmly.




“I don’t want to be reminded about the past, James.” With that said, she hung up the call.


?Alexis’s pov?

They say; when a problem becomes too difficult, you turn and walk away.

I never believed them…but right now, I felt the urge to walk away and act clueless of their presence.

But then again, I remember the saying; No matter how far you run away from a problem…it will always remain there waiting for you.

I clenched my fist tightly, my gaze never left theirs as they kept waving, waiting for me to respond.

I ask again, what do I do? How do I solve this one problem?

“Wait, is that dude waving at you now, Lexi? And why aren’t you waving back at Rowan?” Kathy asked me quietly.

If only they knew….

I quietly raised my hand up and waved back at…them?

“Hey Rowan!” Both Kathy and Pearl said, smiling at him. They turned to look at Gwen. “Hi?”

Gwen smirked, stuffing her hands into her pan-ts pocket. “Hi.” She turned to look at me. “It took you a while to recognize me, huh?”

I can never forget your face. I almost said that but quickly got a hold of myself, gulping hard.

I just smiled and looked over to Rowan who was quietly staring at me, suspiciously.

What? Could he tell that I’ve been thinking about someone else and not him?

Could he see the connection between Gwen and I?

Tsk, what connection am I even talking about? Of course, there is no fu-cking connection.

I’m quite sure she didn’t even recognize me until a while ago.

I’m sure she didn’t think about like I did throu-ghout the whole weekend.

Damn, I think I’m going crazy. What the hell is fu-cking wrong with me!? Like come on!

“I should be saying that to you,” I turned to Rowan. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

He shrugged. “Cool hoodie.” He sighed. “I will see you around.” He quickly added then walked away.

What the hell just happened?

Gwen stared after him before turning to look at him. “Your boyfriend?”

I nodded. “Yeah.” She looked so beautiful up this close. Her eyebrows, eyelashes, li-ps, nose, jaw…every goddamn feature on her face looks so perfect and beautiful.

God must have taken his time to create someone as flawless as her.

The need to hold her close to me was so strong…. I’ve been asking myself this one question since I met this charmer…what the hell is going on with me?

“You both know each other?” Pearl asked, staring in between Gwen and I.

“Yes.” I answered. “And don’t ask me any further questions about it!” I quickly added before they could even speak.

“Calm down girl, we weren’t going to ask that. But we were rather going to ask, why are you both wearing the same hoodie jacket?” Kathy questioned, raising a questioning brow at us.

Shoot! fu-ck! Dammit! Oh my fu-cking shit!

Why did I wear this hoodie to school? I should have just kept it away in my closet!

fu-ck, now she will think I have a thing for her.

~But you do have a thing for her~ My subconsciousness said. I almost gro-aned but I held my anger in, acting to be cool.

Gwen gaze ran over my body one more time before she slowly looked back into my eyes and smirked giving me the wow_wearing_my_hoodie_huh? look.

Please mother nature, can the ground just open and swallow me up?

I’m fu-cking dying of embarra-ssment right now!

I quickly looked away, staring at my friend’s as if they were the most interesting thing in the whole universe _which they definitely aren’t_

That interesting thing in the whole universe is just standing right in front of me.

Listen guys, I’m not g-ay, okay? And stop looking at me as if I’m one.

I love Rowan. He’s the love of my life, my heartbeat, my soulmate. Okay, that sound cheesy.

Anyway, I don’t have a thing for Gwen. Maybe if I just become friends with her, this damn feelings will just go away. Right?

“I guess it’s just coincidence.” Gwen said just when I was going to talk. “But I would never imagine something like that to be you style.”

I shrugged. “I’m unpredictable, I guess.” Was I?

Brenden was very good at pointing out ladies who were unpredictable…he has never pointed me out. And maybe that’s because he has never seen any girl who was unpredictable.

He should just wait and see Gwen,,, he will have a list of unpredictable girls and she sure as hell going to be the number one.

“So, you are a lady?” Pearl asked after a moment of silence.

Gwen stuffed her hands into her hoodie pocket. “Don’t I look like one?”

“You are way too pretty to be a guy but your dressing says otherwise.” Kathy said.

You see, I wasn’t the only one who noticed her pretty face. Kathy and Pearl noticed it as well!

“And you have a s-exy body too.” Pearl added.

You see, they noticed that too. I’m definitely not crazy.

“I love your eyes and your badas-slook… honestly, I wish you were a boy.” Kathy winked, running her tongue over her li-ps, seductively.

You see, they couldn’t also bypas-sher charms. Wait…why does it feel like I was trying to make up excuses?

Gwen chuckles. “Well, as you can see… I’m not a guy.”

“I like girls too.” Kathy flirted.

“What?” Gwen and I said at the same time.

She laughed, shaking her head. “Just kidding.” She stretched out her hand. “I’m Kathy, by the way.”

Gwen shook hands with her. “I will never forget your name, Kathy.”

“I’m Pearl.” Pearl said, shaking Gwen as well.

“Pearl…cute name.” Gwen smiled. “I’m Gwendolyn.”

“Gwendolyn…is it alright if we just call you Lyn?” Kathy questioned.

Gwen laughed, waving her hands off. “Please no. Just call me Gwen. Lyn sounds too… I don’t know,”

“Alright Gwen.” Both Kathy and Gwen laughed.

Why were they getting along? She has even forgotten about me and all of her attentions were just focused on Kathy.

Hey, stop giving me that look, I’m definitely not jealous. I mean, why exactly should I be jealous about?

“You must be a transfer student because I definitely haven’t seen you around. Especially with that grand entry.” Pearl stated,n indirectly referring to the suicidal thing.

“I’m not a transfer student, actually. I just…I recently moved in with my father. I’ve been living in Boston with my mother.” She replied.

“Boston… isn’t that a small town?” Kathy questioned.

“Apparently, it is.” She said.

Kathy and Pearl kept asking Gwen questions which she answered politely. I was completely forgotten…I don’t know who I should even be angry with, is it at Kathy and Pearl for leaving me behind or Gwen, for not talking to me but rather talking to my friends.

“I…I should go to the principal’s office.” Gwen said as she stopped walking.

“Oh. Do you want me to take you…” Kathy began but I quickly cut her off.

“I will take her.” I said, pulling Gwen along with me towards the opposite direction.

We were now far away from Kathy, Pearl and other students.

Actually, the hallway that leads to the principal’s office was always empty. You hardly see student roaming about the area unless they were summoned into the principal’s office or unless they were new just like Gwen.

Neither Gwen and I said a word to each other but as time went on, she decided to break the ice.

“Your friends are nice.” She chuckled.

“Yeah.” I mumbled quietly, as I fiddled with my fingers. “Kathy seems to like you more than me.” I joked.

“Well, I like you more than her.” Gwen said, catching me off guard. I also choked on my own saliva.

How can she just say something like that without even thinking?


“You are… blus-hing.” She pointed out, staring at me.

“Am I…” I stuttered. “Here feels so hurt.” I lied, trying to cover up my embarra-ssment.

“You look cute though.” She complimented. “So…you are wearing my hoodie.”

I knew she was going to talk about it. I just know it.

“It’s better than throwing it away or abandoning it, you know.”

“You are right. It suit you but,” She looks at me. “I don’t think your boyfriend is okay with you wearing something like that.”

Speaking about Rowan, why did he walk out like that?

What’s so wrong about the hoodie? Or did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Was he pissed before even coming to school?

I will just have to speak with him and figure out what happened.

“I will have to return it to you, anyway.” I shrugged.

She quickly shook her head. “Don’t. It looks perfect on you.”

“You are perfect.” I said before I could even stop myself.

“What?” She raised a questioning brow at me, expecting me to repeat myself.

“We are here!” I gestured towards the brown, wooden door in front of us. “I will wait for you out here while you collect your schedule and locker number from him.”

“You don’t have to. I will figure out my way around. And besides, I don’t want to get you late for cla-ss.”

Awww, so sweet.

“Are you sure?”


I turned to leave but stopped and turned back to look at her. “Are you always this nice?”

“Me? Nice?” She laughs. “Trust me, I’m not in some certain ways.” She winks before going inside the office, leaving me in a complete mess and confusion.


?Brenden’s pov?

“Are you going to keep wearing that cap and nose mask even to cla-ss?” Arthur questioned.

“You don’t expect me to take it off and ruin my reputation. No, thank you.” I said.

Arthur and Davis started laughing. “But seriously though, your nose is very funny. You completely look like a clown.” Arthur said in between laughter.

“I wonder what you did to this person that made them almost knock off your nose.” Davis added in between laughter as well.

That bi-tch …look at just what she has caused! Now I’ve become a laughing stock because of her!

I swear I will kill her if I ever cross path with her!

“I can see how happy you guys are over my misery. Go on, keep laughing. Nothing will ever make you laugh this way again.” I said in annoyance.

“Calm down, man. We are just…” Arthur tried to swallow up his laugh but it wasn’t working quite well for him. “Your nose is just so funny, honestly. You should look at yourself in the mirror, you will totally laugh.”

“Laugh again and I promise not to help you guys out on the maths a-ssignment.” That did the magic for me.

They both stopped laughing and fake glared at me. “You bastard.”

It was my turn to laugh. I was going to laugh when the pain strikes again. I hissed, cursing at the tiny woman that put me into this condition.

What are you guys thinking? Wait, you didn’t actually think I will tell my friends what really happened to my nose, did you?

I definitely wouldn’t have been able to come to school if I’d told them.

I had to convince Alexis not to tell any fu-cking person about what truly happened to me.

If anyone ever asked, I will just say and I quote; ‘I hit my face against the door.’

“Too bad you won’t be able to go clubbing with us.” Davis said after a moment of silence.

“And who said I wasn’t going to come?” I questioned.

“You will? I mean, your nose…” He was cut off when I mistakenly bumped into someone.

“fu-ck!” The voice cursed loudly, staggering back. “You should…” She looks up at me and damn, I recognize this face.

I will never forget this face. Never.

“You…,” I said, glaring ha-rd at her.

****To Be Continued****