My black knight Episode 47

🎴Happen 47
As Produced By Sheriff Squinty
Theme : Section In The Woods
And then hisl-ips c@m£ crashing down on mine.
I stood there, momentarily frozen, as a shock of electricity coursed throu-gh me and I felt plea-sant chills up and down my spine. Gabriel’s k!sswas ha-rd , demanding, and possessive—the k!ssof an Alpha Wolf. My eyes fluttered shut and I felt a rush of heat exploding from where our mouths met and my Wolf howled with joy as she realized what was happening.
Realizing I was standing like an idiot, I tried to gather my jumbled thoughts and I k!$$£d him back, moving myl-ips in synchronization with his. I heard a growl de-ep in Gabriel’s che-st and he angled his head to the side, de-epening our embr@ce. One of his strong arms wra-pped around me and pu-ll-ed me ti-ghtly to him, the hand fisting in my dark curls. Every inch of space was eliminated between us and I felt lvst pooling de-ep within me as I felt the contours of his ha-rd b©dy. His ba-re torso pressed against me and only intensified the burning s-en-sation I was feeling.
I felt like I was floating, the blood roaring in my ears. Gabriel broke the k!ssmomentarily to come up for air but a second later hisl-ips found mine again. I dimly realized that his free hand had settled on my h!pwhile the other remained clutched in my hair. I let out a little g@sp when I felt his f!ngerti-ps brush my ba-re skin un-derneath the bo-ttomof my shi-t, and Gabriel took this as permission to de-epen the k!ssfurther.
My whole b©dy tingled as our ton-gues intermingled. Gabriel’s husky scent surrounded me and I inhaled it every time we c@m£ up for air. I’d never been k!$$£d like this before or experienced anything even close to our pas-sionate embr@ce, and I wanted more of it. I never wanted this to end. Realizing that my hands were hanging uselessly at my sides, I brou-ght them up to wra-p around Gabriel’s broad torso. I ran my hands down his back, outlining his thick muscles and letting my nails scr@p£ against his skin. He growled again and I felt his muscles ti-ght£ñ as he f0rç£d me backwards.
Another g@sp of surprise escaped my p@rtedl-ips as I felt my back press against something ha-rd ; the bark of a tree. I was tra-pped now, but I relished the feel of it, continuing to put every ounce of feeling I had into the k!ss. Gabriel withdrew slightly, b!tt!g down on my bottoml-ip, and this time I felt the rumbling growl emanate from my throat as my Wolf reveled in the s-en-sation. My lvst was continuing to build and I was practically dizzy from Gabriel’s scorching mouth on mine.
I wanted to feel more of him—run my hands down the contours of his che-st. Bringing my hand around, I pushed Gabriel back slightly so I could sl!pmy hand between us, running it down his upper che-st and then down to his abd0m£n as I explored his chiseled b©dy the same way his ton-gue was exploring my mouth.
Letting out a husky rumble, Gabriel’sl-ips left mine briefly as, with one smooth motion, he hoisted me up, using the tree as leverage as he wra-pped my legs around his torso. I could care less about how suggestive our position was, I used my legs to draw myself even closer to him. The blood rushed to my cheeks as I felt his arou-salpressed against me, and my Wolf felt a bur-st of pride that we could elicit that reaction from him.
His mouth dep@rted from mine again and he began to trail h0t k!sses down the side of my n£¢k and across my collarbone, leaving me g@sping with plea-sure. It was similar to how he’d t©uçhed me all those nights ago in the h0tel, but this time I knew he was not holding back. His mouth roamed back up to the area near my ear-lobe. My skin felt like it was burning where he’d k!$$£d it.
“I’m leaving my scent all over you so every wolf knows that you’re mine,” he growled softly, right next to my ear. His voice c@m£ out de-ep and contorted, and I could discern heavy lvst interlaced with his tone.
“Like there was ever any doubt,” I replied breathlessly, ba-rely able to f0rç£ the words out. Gabriel seemed to like what he heard because he k!$$£d down my n£¢k with renewed vigor, his mouth moving down my che-st where my v-n£¢k left expo-sed skin, causing me to tremble. I felt his ton-gue replace hisl-ips and I dug my f!ngernails into his skin, a noise of plea-sure escaping me.
Feeling a rush of br@very, I opened my mouth and bit gently at the area that I planned on Marking when we completed the Mating ritual.
Gabriel gro-an ed with plea-sure.
“You’re going to be the death of me, Skylar,” he whispered. I smiled against him, continuing to move my mouth lower until I was placing gentle k!sses and bites across his che-st.
“Come with me back to the Black Mountains Pack,” he said suddenly, causing me to pause and look up at him. His eyes were burning brighter than I’d ever seen them, de-sire evident in their depths and in a certain p@rt of his anatomy pressed against me.
“I want you there with me. plea-se.” His voice held such vivid emotion, his gaze pleading. I’d never seen such an easily-re-ad expression from him before, and I relished the way he was opening up to me. I nodded, smiling slightly.
“So does this mean you’re trusting me with the decision to accept you?” I asked quietly, unwinding my legs from around his torso and allowing him to move away slightly so that I was standing on the ground again.
His eyes closed briefly as if he was trying to control himself. “It scares me, what might happen to you, but I’ve made enough decisions for you. As much as I want to protect you, you’re my Mate, and I know I nee-d to trust you with this.”
I smiled again, my heart soaring. In this brief, pas-sion-filled moment, it seemed like everything was going to be okay.
“I’m glad,” I told him softly, reaching up to press my mouth against his n£¢k again, unable to help myself. Like him, I felt the urge to let everyone know he was mine, and my Wolf urged me to continue k!ss!nghim. She wanted us to return to our former position. It was ha-rd , holding her back, but I didn’t want to press Gabriel too ha-rd . Although, judging by the look on his face as I trailed my mouth across his collarbone, he didn’t mind.
“Skylar, I think we nee-d to st©p now,” he said hoarsely. I blinked up at him, puzzled. My de-sire-riddled b©dy did not want to st©p. My Wolf wanted me to Mark him this very moment.
“I can’t hold my Wolf back much longer,” Gabriel added. I saw the darkness in his eyes that indicated his Wolf was close to the surface.
“Then don’t,” I replied before I could help myself. His eyes wi-de-ned a fraction.
“As much as I want to push you on the ground and Mark you right here-” Judging by his expression, he would very much enjoy doing just that. As he spoke so blatantly, I felt yet another wave of de-sire and warmth building up in the more inti-mate p@rts of me. I bit myl-ip, fighting back the imagery.
“-I would think you’d want it to be….well, not in the middle of the woods where anyb©dy could find us and interrupt.”
My Wolf sulked, and I was sure my face held a disappointed expression, but I knew he was probably right. That type of intim-acy deserved some sort of r0m@nç£, especially since I had never experienced it before.
“I guess you’re right,” I said reluctantly, although my hand was trailing across his che-st and down his stomach again. I couldn’t help but t©uçh perfection when it was displa-yed right in front of me. Without meaning to, I felt my eyes di-p lower until they were fixated on the tell-tale bulge in his shorts. My cheeks flu-shed h0tly. I mentally reprimanded myself for being embarras-sed when it was my Mate, but I’d never been expo-sed to this sort of thing before. I was curious, and I wanted to drink in every inch of him.
Hall Of Supernatural Stories
“Skylar…” Gabriel said warningly, voice dee-per than usual, and I knew he’d noticed me staring.
“Sorry…it’s just…um…how is that going to…?” I stuttered almost incoherently. My blus-h reddened as I realized I hadn’t meant to say that last bit out loud and I stared at the ground to hide my humiliation. I just didn’t un-derstand how something so large would be compatible with my small frame. I hadn’t wanted Gabriel to know my complete ignorance, though.
“I…uh…” I continued to stammer like an idiot, finally raising my eyes to meet Gabriel’s. To my complete and utter shock, I saw amusement glimmering in his de-ep eyes and one side of his mouth was slightly quirked upwards. It wasn’t a full-b!own grin or anything, but it was the first time I’d seen the slightest indication of amusement from him and it was mind-b!owing. I would act like an idiot every day if I could just see that ba-rest hint of a smile from him again.
“You look h0t when you’re almost smiling,” I blurted out, mentally scolding myself immediately afterwards. What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I just talking without thinking first? It was like every ounce of self-awareness had fled my b©dy when Gabriel k!$$£d me! It was completely mortifying,
A sudden movement from Gabriel saved me from humiliating myself further as, with another frustrated growl, he lowered his head and smashed hisl-ips against mine again. Apparently, this time he liked being referred to as attrac-tive. I opened my mouth to allow him entrance, feeling a rush of br@very that caused me to gently bite on his bottoml-ip. I knew he wanted to wait for a better moment but at this moment I didn’t give a damn.
As soon as I bit down on hisl-ip, I knew Gabriel was having similar thoughts to mine because his k!ssintensified and my back was pressed against the tree again. I felt one of his hands reach un-der the bo-ttomof my shi-t and stro-ke the ba-re skin on my midriff. I couldn’t prevent a small m0@n of plea-sure from escaping; his f!ngerti-ps were like fire blazing across my stomach.
Distantly, I felt some tiny p@rt of me protesting, the logical side of me that wanted to wait for a ro-mantic atmosphere than the middle of the woods.
Suddenly, with great f0rç£, Gabriel wrenched himself away from me. When my hazy eyes blinked open, he was halfway across the clearing, che-st heaving.
“As much as I want to right now, Skylar, this isn’t the time or place. It means a lot to both of us and it isn’t meant to happen here.”
Sliding down the tree, I took a de-ep breath, quelling my lvst. Gabriel’s fists were clenched and I could tell he was visibly restraining himself from leaping back at me.
“Did you hear what I was thinking?” I g@sped out, seizing on anything to distract me.
Gabriel gave a nearly imperceptible nod. “Our bond is strengthening, and it helps that I’m Alpha. In a position like that, I could s-en-se the direction your thoughts were going more than anything.”
I was somewhat disappointed, and my Wolf wanted to resume where we had left off, but the logical side of me was kicking in and I agreed with what Gabriel was saying. Better a be-d than on the gras-sy forest floor. Thinking of such activities made my cheeks’ heat spark up yet again.
“Besides, your friend Will has been trying to contact me for a while now.”
My eyes wi-de-ned, and I didn’t miss the way he said Will’s name, but I brushed it aside.
“Really? What does he want?”
“Before I find out, I want to know that you mean what you said before. I want you to come back to the Black Mountains Pack village. I’ll be going back and forth a lot, especially when we’re building the third village. As this pack’s future Luna, you’ll nee-d to be with me. And I want you there.”
As Produced By Sheriff Squinty
I felt a rush of pride, especially from my Wolf, as I realized what his words entailed—especially the last p@rt he made sure to tack on. This pride was followed by a bur-st of nervousness but I attem-pted to ignore it. “I mean it, Gabriel. I’ll go wherever you want me to go.”
He looked relieved, which surprised me. Had he honestly thought I’d turn him down, especially after what had just happened?
Gabriel’s eyes momentarily glazed over and I realized he was talking to Will. I wonder what Will wanted; did it have something to do with Eva? Had she finally come around, or was it something else entirely?
Seconds later, his gaze re-focused on me. There was a strange expression on his face as he studied me.
“What is it?”
“I’m not sure if you’ll be happy to hear this or not, but it seems my conversation with Eva did her some good.”
I tried not to bristle as I heard her name escape hisl-ips. “The conversation at my house?” Thinking about that night made my stomach turn.
“No, after.”
I felt a s-en-se of unease and tried to brush it aside. “What did you talk about?” To my chagrin, there was a tone of jealousy very evident in my voice. Gabriel’s expression softened slightly.
“I told her that finding one’s Mate is the best thing that’ll ever happen to a Wolf. Wasting her affections on someone that will never return what you feel is not worth sacrificing the one that can love her best.” His eyes, boring into mine, oozed sincerity and I felt my heart lift. I did not miss the double meaning in his words, as I realized he was indirectly telling me how important I was to him.
“It took her a while, but she c@m£ around.”
“So she and Will…”
“She’s accepting him, yes. He wants me to conduct the Mating ceremony as soon as possible.”
While I was glad that Will chasing her had been successful after all, Gabriel had been right to as-sume I would have mixed feelings. I didn’t think I could ever like Eva, but I hoped she really was accepting Will for the right reasons, and not just to spite Gabriel.
The whole thing seemed rushed but of course that was how Mates usually worked. Most wolves wanted a ceremony in front of the whole pack to recognize them as Mates (aside from the Marking, which was pri-vate for obvious reasons), and usually it happened very soon after they met. I nodded abs£ntmindedly, realizing Gabriel was waiting for my reaction.
“I guess we’ll see how it turns out.”
“We nee-d to head back,” he replied and I nodded, watching him as he retrieved the rest of his clothes and proceeded to put them on. I sped up my pace to catch up to him as he entered the shelter of the trees again, heading back in the direction of the village. It was only a few minutes’ walk from here and I realized how easy it would have been for others to intrude on our moment. It was better that we waited for a better time to become Mates officially.
Gathering the rest of my br@very from earlier, I tentatively reached out and took Gabriel’s hand in mine. It was a forward gesture, I knew. Gabriel was not the ‘t©uçhy’ type. I wanted him to be t©uçhy with me, though, which mean I had to condition him. I felt a rush of plea-sure as Gabriel glanced at my face, then down at our intertwined hands before he ti-ght£ñed his grip on mine. A smile graced the corners of my mouth and I felt a bit of extra spring in my step.
“We’ll leave for the Black Mountains Village tomorrow at dawn,” Gabriel said as we neared the village. I nodded, un-derstanding we didn’t have time to waste. Who knew how much longer the holy objects would last. I glanced down at my rosary; it was still warm against my skin, but it grew cooler each day. I had tried not to think about it but it was definitely cause for concern.
“It’s going to be ha-rd to wait until then for it to happen,” he added after a moment, ba-rely murmuring the words.
I felt my brow crease with confusion. “Wait for what? What’s happening?”
Gabriel glanced down at me, and my breath caught in my throat. His eyes were burning with suppressed de-sire, and he did nothing to mask the expression. Because of that, I knew what he was going to say before he said it. I shivered involuntarily as he spoke.
“When we get there, Skylar, I have every intention of picking up where we left off.”