kis-ses from bad jerks episode 41 & 42

???? kis-sES FROM
(Her wild cravings…)????

BY:Anny Oluchi.

CHAPTER 41 & 42

★(Stuck in between)★

Rania’s eyes wide-ned as his li-ps met with hers, she quickly pushed him away and landed a hot slap on his face.

“Are you mad?” Rania yelled and wiped her li-ps with the back of her hand.

Wyatt hand touched his stinging cheek in shock.

“Scu-mbag!” Rania spat and ran away from there.Wyatt ran after her but she was too fast.

“Leonora!!!” Andre yelled and ran to the direction Wyatt was.

“Leonora” Andre scratched his hair in frustration. “that b*tch is going to pay for what she did, I swear!”

Wyatt watched him run back up the stairs, Dylan and Kendall walked in to see Wyatt standing on the same spot.

“Bro” Dylan called and tapped his shoulder. Wyatt faced him.

“What happened to your face?”

“I met Rania,” Wyatt muttered. They both gasped.


Andre’s quarters ***

“This is all your fault!” Andre yelled as he entered.

“My fault, now you are choosing her over me, I have always known you were interested in her” Tinsley yelled.

“You are so pathetic” Andre insulted and went to drag her by her hair.

“Aah, Andre!!!” She screamed in pain.

“The next time you come in here, I swear to God that I will skin you alive, it is over between us!” Andre thundered and pushed her outside.


“B*tch, if you dare come close to me again, I will tell everyone you had seven ab-ortions –”

“That’s not true, I did it only once,” Tinsley cried.

“Well, I’m going to tell your parents otherwise or ask my step-dad to tell your father, how about that?” Andre hissed and slammed the door in her face.

Tinsley gripped her hair and started jumping.

“You can’t do this to me” Tinsley cried like a baby and fell to the floor, she began thrashing her legs everywhere.


Hostel ****

“Aren’t you going to clas-stoday?” Megan asked and lit Belle’s cigarette.

“I’m not in the mood of learning musical tunes” Belle puffed smoke out of her mouth.

“I miss Marvin, so much” Belle cried, Megan sighed and sat beside her.

“There are many fishes in the ocean” Megan consoled her.

“Oh please, the only silver fish I want is my Marvin, I have to find a way to get rid of Joelle,” Belle said and smoked.

Megan sighed contemplating whether to say anything or keep quiet.

“I know what to do, I am going to kill the most important person in her life,” Belle whimpered.

“And that is…”

“Her mother,” Belle smirked.

“It’s Joelle, we have a problem with not her mother” Megan argued.

“I don’t care what you say, my father has connections, I would get some of his men to do the job” Belle whistle smoke in her face.

“I will have Marvin and you would have Luca, life is so fair” Belle laughed and dialled a contact name.



The groups were asked to meet after clas-sas instructed by the music teacher, the four guys sat down staring at each other, no one was ready to sing.

“Why does this fuc-k ing group even exist?” Andre rolled his eyes.

“You can get out if you want,” Simon glared at him.

“You better shut up, I’m the leader of the group and I choose who stays in and who goes out and I swear it, you are leaving this group, traitor!” Andre shouted and stood up.

“Says who?, a loser like you”

“I am a loser who has two girls you like in my bed, you are too much of a girl to keep a woman by your side, ” Andre said angrily.

“Say that again”

“Guys, please enough!” Marvin yelled and stood in their middle.

“I said you are just a weakling and a bastard, id*ot” Andre increased his insult. “Maybe that’s why she ab-orted your baby because who wants the child of a degenerate poop like you”

Simon launched forward to attack but Marvin held him back.

“Enough” Marvin held him.

Luca didn’t interfere, he was strangely busy with his phone.

“D*ck, ugly Simon, look at your nose like a turkey’s, I know your d*ck is like a pin, that’s why no girl stays” Andre insulted and stuck out his tongue.

“I wonder how your pin got her pregnant”

Marvin kept holding Simon back but that stupid Andre wouldn’t shut up.

“You should shut up, you know you can’t fight” Marvin yelled at Andre who gasped.

“Me” Andre smirked, knowing it was true.

“Leave me!” Simon yelled and punched Marvin in the face by mistake.

“Jesus” Marvin gasped in pain and held his nose in pain.

“Bro, I’m sorry” Simon apologised.

“fuc-k off” Marvin gro-aned.

Marvin stared angrily at the both of them “Fight, what are you waiting for, kill each other,”


Simon stood staring at Andre who already kept quiet.

“Idiots” Marvin hissed and stormed out of the room.

Cafeteria ***

During lunch, Joelle treated Marvin’s wounds.

“Does it hurt?” Joelle asked, cleaning the blood in his nose.

“Yes,” Marvin nodded childishly.

“Sorry, next time don’t butt into something that is not any of your concern” Joelle muttered and put a cotton wool in his nostril.

“Advice taken” Marvin sighed.

“I’m sorry about what mom did to you yesterday,” Joelle giggled.

“It’s alright,” Marvin smiled.

“Let’s go out later tonight, just you and I” Marvin smiled and kis-sed her li-ps.

He couldn’t help but admire her beauty, she looked more beautiful than ever and he also noticed the changes in her outfit.

“You look amazing” Marvin complimented and purposely touched one of her b**bs.

“Hey!” Joelle chuckled.

Luca watched them and then stared at his phone.

“Finally” He smiled, he had hacked Marvin’s phone.

He immediately searched for the video and saw it.

“Found you, now we will see how long both of you remain together” Luca grinned sinisterly.

Blood dropped from his nostrils, he had to lower his head and wipe it off with his handkerchief.

“Damn it”

Wyatt looked around the clas-sbut there was no trace of Rania, it was like she had vanished just as fast as he found her.

“My love” He muttered staring at the butterfly tattoo on his hand.

“Who are you searching for?” Dylan sat in front of him.

“What are you doing in my cla-ss?” Wyatt frowned.

“Leave that Rania girl alone” Dylan whispered.

“I can’t”

“Don’t you remember what you did to her” Dylan reprimanded.

“I don’t care, it’s not like she knows, don’t make me feel more guilty” Wyatt sighed and ruffled his hair.


“Get away from here!”


School closed and everyone was on the way home, Rania came out of her hideout where no one could find her, luckily Poppy was at home.

As she was about to take another step, Wyatt grabbed her arm from behind.

“Hey!” Rania snapped and pulled arm away.

“Rania, I’m sorry,I can fix what happened that day” Wyatt apologised.

Rania knew that he could tell her about her past but she didn’t want to know anymore.

“Please stay away from me”

“My name isn’t Rania, it’s Leonora,” Rania yelled, shocking him.

“Rania, what are you saying, you are the love of my life, I’m sorry I left”

“Don’t you get it,I don’t know you!” Rania yelled at the brink of tears.

Wyatt was perplexed.

Andre suddenly grabbed her wa-istfrom behind.

“Why are you bugging my girlfriend?” Andre questioned, possessively.

“Girlfriend” Wyatt said coldly, his aura changed drastically.

“Rania can never be your girlfriend”

“Who’s Rania?”

At this point Rania was already feeling dizzy with multiple voices in her head.

“Rania, what’s he saying, I know you might be angry but don’t you remember our promise to each other, we would love each other to death no matter what” Wyatt said, desperately.

“Leonora, what’s this bastard saying?” Andre asked her.

“You are the bastard here and her name is Rania not Leonora”

Andre suddenly realised he had heard that name, before but from where?”

Students were watching the scene, all of them stopped on their tracks to watch the drama unfold.

” What’s going on? ”

” Two guys fighting for her ”

“Such a cheap girl”

“Our poor Andre”

” You are a newbie and you are already causing trouble”

“Our tattoos can prove it” Wyatt yelled and rolled up his sleeves, the butterfly tattoo was really bold.

Wyatt wanted to hold her hand but Rania snatched it away.

“Stop please!, both of you should leave me alone” Rania screamed and ran out of there.

Both of them chased after her, Simon saw the scene and went after her as well.

Rania ran out of the school’s gate but as she reached the road, more dizziness struck her and different faces appeared in her head.

The person who was in a car, pressed the accelerator and sped towards her, Rania wanted to move away but it was too late.



A ha-rd bang followed.