Key to sleep to my heart episode 55

(Only you can unlock it)šŸ”

By, Authoress RhemašŸ§


ā€¼ļø Don’t copy or repost plea-se ā€¼ļø




Nina woke up and stretched her bĀ©dy, she sat up and looked around then she remembered she sle-pt at Alex place

“Alex” she called and looked around

“Yes baby, morning baby” he c@mĀ£ out of his bathroom in his bathrobe

“Morning” Nina moved to him and pe-cked hisl-ips

“Where did you sleep?” She asked, since she sle-pt on his be-d then were did he sleep, did he sleep beside her

“What are you thinking about, I sle-pt on the long couch over there” he pointed a couch and shurgged

“That must be so uncomfortable, can’t believe I chased you out of your own be-d” she muttered

“Better believe it” he chuckled and held her hands, pu-lling her to the bathroom

“You don’t wanna be late for school” he said

“Can we see Nelson before we go to school, I miss him can’t believe he chased us out yesterday” Nina bit herl-ips

“Sure anything for you princess now go shower and leave my room or else my mom will freak, she did told you to stay with Luna” he said

“Oh, on it” Nina smiled and closed the door, she opened it again and pouted

“Another k!ssplea-se”

“Such a n@Ć»ghty girl” he moved to her and pe-cked her again

“Not enough” she grumbled, he chuckled and k!$$Ā£d her a bit more before locking the door

“Alex” she hit the door and he opened it a little

“My uniform, what will I wear??” She asked

“Your uniform is here, I asked the maid to dry clean it yesterday for you, I’ll give it back only if you shower and stĀ©p trying to make us late” he replied and shut the door again

“jĀ£rk!” She shouted


“Okay, be careful on your way out” Isabella waved at them as they left the house

Alex, Luna and Nina used Alex car to go to the hospital, their plan is to visit Nelson before going to school, finally they packed at the parking lot and c@mĀ£ down

“Good morning doc, can we see him now?” Alex asked when they got in

“Ofcourse but don’t make too much noise” the doctor replied and left

“Let’s go” Nina hvgged Alex arm and went in, with Luna trailing behind


Nelson is awake alre-ady, he’s trying to move his hands with every strength in him but he can’t, the door opened revea-ling Alex, Nina and Luna and he stĀ©pped immediately

“I hate it when people comes to visit me, it makes me feel more useless” he muttered

“Nelson don’t be like this, we care about you” Nina said with teary eyes

“Care about me” he chuckled and looked elsewhere

“You talk because you have two hands, hands that are working perfectly well!!” He added

“Nelson” Alex called softly

“What, what are you doing here, trying to visit a useless guy like me, go to school and live your life fully I’m fine” he replied and looked up

“You’ll be fine Nelson, we’ll do everything to make sure…

“Make sure what!!, Are you daft or something?? You heard the doctor right??, My hands are permanently damaged, don’t you know what permanent means huh!” He cut Luna off and sniffed in painfully

Tears rolled down Luna’s cheeks

“Think about Camilla, she won’t..

“fvĀ¢k that Camilla, ion care anymore, Camilla can’t give me my both hands can she,yunno what just leave” he looked elsewhere

“Let’s go, it’s better if we leave him alone for a while” Alex whispered and Nina nodded

“Let’s go” Nina said to Luna, Luna looked at Nelson one more time before leaving

After the all left, Nelson looked up and closed his eyes painfully letting his tears roll down

“Once I find out who did this to me, I’ll make him or her pay” he swore



Bella just packed her car and c@mĀ£ down, her eyes wi-de-ned, her gate is smatched, the window is broken, in short everywhere is trashed

“B” Christan rushed to her

“What happened here Christan?” Bella asked

“Riot, people c@mĀ£ in here, calling you names and they did this” Christmas replied

“What” Bella muttered and went inside, seems like they broke I’m cause everything inside was trashed

“They even trash my computer room, all my gadgets are broken plus all the workers quit” Tom said, coming out of his office

“I knew it, I knew my mom mistake will lead me to this, then my second company what will happen to it” Bella muttered and rushed back to her car

“Hey B where are you…” Christan is yelling but Bella alre-ady drove off



Once Bella c@mĀ£ down from her car a stone landed on her head, before she could process anything people from no where began throwing things at her, reporters were presĀ£nt

“What is wrong with all of you, how dare you come here and do this!!” Bella yelled

“Shut up mother of a who-re”
“How are we sure if she’s not a replica of her mom”
“She’s shameless, she’s here leaving a peaceful life while another person suffered 18 years for her mom sin”

People kept commenting and throwing stuffs at her, reporters were taking pictures and creating stories.

Bella felt humiliated, she went back to her car but they alre-ady less her tire and broke her wind screen

“It’s not my fault my mother committed that crime why do I have to suffer for it!!” Bella yelled out in tears but instead they threw more things at her till she ran out of the place

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The same thing Bella faced is what Camilla is facing right now, people kept insulting and throwing things at her including her friends

“What is wrong with you guys, I have nothing to do with all this” Camilla yelled

“You’ve always boss and maltreat students how ever you want, we should have known you took after your mom!!” A girl said

“Yea!!” The students shouted

“Sydney, Morgan” Camilla called

“Don’t call us, we don’t wanna as-sociate with a person like you” Sydney replied and Morgan nodded

“I got the tomatoes” a guy said, carrying a small basket of tomatoes

“What do you wanna do with that?” Camilla asked moving backwards

“You’ll see, get her” they yelled and chased after her while she ran out, leaving her bagpack behind

Nina sighed and closed her locker, she felt a bit of pity for her while Benedict didn’t bother to care

“Guy guys guys” Ming rushed to them

“Check out what is going on as the trending news, crazy b got attacked by people” Ming said, showing them get phone

At that point Fred entered with a worried look,he saw Benedict and rushed to hvg her ti-ght immediately

“Hey, look boy” Benedict g@sped

“Nothing I’m just happy you’re alive, plea-se promise me you’ll stay strong and safe” he pleaded not breaking the hvg

“Promise you what, what are you talking about?” Benedict asked

“Just promise, plea-se” he pleaded

“Okay I promise” she said and he broke the hvg

“I’ll see you later” he said then smiled at Nina and Ming before leaving

“What was that for?” Benedict muttered, feeling her cheeks heat up a little

Yesterday when Fred woke up, Dave had told him that his men has planted a bomb at Benedict house, if he dares talk she’s going down immediately, so Fred had decide to keep mute for now



Rebecca kept laughing as she’s watching the news, she sat inside Dave office, Dave who is standing by the coffee machine stylishly turned back to look at her

“Now is not the time to laugh, it’s the time to take action, since Bella is finally out of the picture I’m expecting you to go to Collymore Corp and win Andre back” Dave said and faced the machine back

“I know what to do exactly, I’ll get him just wait and watch” Rebecca sm-irked and repla-yed the vedio of how Bella was being trashed

Ofcourse she was the one that sĀ£nt those people and those reporters to her

“That’s just small, I can’t wait to watch you fall crazy b” she muttered and laughed again


It’s evening alre-ady only Becky is sitting at home and staring at space

“How did everything went so wrong, my son has lost his hands my daughter hates me, gosh” she sighed

Suddenly a loud knocking sounded at her door

“Who’s it” she muttered and wore her dark shades

“Maybe it’s the landlord, I don’t even have money to pay” she sighed and opened up, her eyes wi-de-ned

He stood at the front of her with a dangerous look on his face that made her trembled

“Where’s my son??” He demanded

“X..Xander” Becky stuttered.