It all started with a sl@p episode 55 & 56

šŸ­ It All Started šŸ’‹
šŸ‘€ With ašŸ‘€

(And now I love himšŸ’œ)



(Don’t copy or repostā€¼ļø)


Betty was still clinging on Nathan’s arms ti-ghtly as they climb the large staircase

“You two are walking to slow, I wanna be the first person that grandpa would see!” Regina complained as she was trying to run

“I wanna surprise grandpa” she added still running

“Careful unless you’ll- Nathan was cut short when Regina sli-pped and fell flat right in front of her grandpa’s eye

“Fall” he later completed what he was about to say

“Gina is that you?” The old man with a neatly shaved hair that looks likes he’s in his early 70s asked

“Hello grandpa, happy birthday” she waved at him from the floor

“Aunty” a familiar voice shouted and she raised her head to see Lisa and also Gwyneth who was eating with her cutleries

“Wait if I’m seeing Lisa and Gwyneth then..” she looked and saw Evan sm-irking at her

“Oh no” she g@sped silently before standing up

“Look how beautiful you are now, come sit my dear and where is your brother?” Thomas asked

“Here grandpa” Nathan entered with Betty who looked quite nervous

“Wow, my grandson so this is your girlfriend, come here my dear” the old man said happily

Nathan let go of Betty hand nodded at her

“Happy birthday grandpa” Betty smiled as she moved to him

“Dear, may I?” He asked, Betty looked at Nathan and he nodded

Thomas k!$$Ā£d the back of Betty’s palm

“You’re beautiful dear, my grandson is so lucky go on have your sit” he said and she nodded

“Okay he was nicer than I thought” she thought, taking her sit beside Nathan but his eyes were locked on Evan’s

“Brother meet Evan my boss” Regina introduced

“I know” they both chorused

“Okay so grandpa we brou-ght you presĀ£nt the guards will go get them now” Regina smiled

The door opened and footsteps of two women was heard, they turned to see Diana and another woman walking in

“Mom” Gwyneth rushed to the second woman and so as Lisa

“When did you get back?” Gwyneth asked

“Not to long ago” the woman who happened to be named Tamaya replied

“Evan can’t you greet your mother huh?” She said and Evan gro-an ed loudly

“How are you mom” he lazily spoke, Tamaya just shook her head and sat down right next to Diana

“My dear long time no see” Diana smiled at Betty

“Mom guess what!” Regina beamed


“They are alre-ady d@t!ng” Regina said

“I saw that coming anyways” Diana smiled

“So when would you two get married?” She asked

“Married” Tamaya scoffed

“Why don’t he marry Gwyneth, she’s perfect for him” Tamaya added and Gwyneth eyes wi-de-ned

“What?! No way I’m not marrying at this age, hmm hmm” she shook her head

“I’m happy with my girlfriend and I never asked for your opinion” Nathan snapped

“Yeah you can’t come and decide who my brother will marry or not, he’s not 3” Regina glared at her

“Ion know what’s going on here but since everyone is glaring at you mom, I’ll just follow” Lisa said

All eyes were now glaring at Tamaya expect from Evan who was busy eating

“Oh I’m sorry it’s just that I thought, Gwyneth would be perfect cause she’s rich and clas-sy why this woman is just poor, I bet she’s just after your money”

Immediately Tamaya said that Betty stood up

“Happy birthday grandpa but I think I’ll leave now” she said and then rushed out if the building

“Cut the damn cra-p old lady, look what you’ve caused” Nathan said angrily as he stood up and ran after Betty

“How could you say that in front of his girlfriend and beside marrying Nathan is just like marrying Evan, I won’t do it” Gwyneth pouted and Regina gave her a high five

“I want one too” Lisa pouted and Regina gave her one also

“Well ion care whether rich or poor the thing is that I’m happy my son is happy again” Thomas said and Diana nodded in agreement

“I’m sorry for suggesting the right thing for you guys” Tamaya slowly muttered

“More like wrong thing” Gwyneth muttered earning a glare from her mother


The little p@rty was wra-pped up after few hours, Regina was on her way to the restroom but froze when she heard too people talking, putting her eat closely that’s her boss and Tamaya

“Mom don’t you get it, what you’re saying is stupid, I know Nathan and I aren’t on good terms but I’ll never sabotage his relationsh!pwith Betty” Evan said

“Evan this is for our good” Tamaya said

“Can’t you see they are both in love, plus Gwyneth is not re-ady for marriage so I’ll advise you not to sacrifice your daughter’s happiness for your selfish nee-ds” Evan sounded clearly annoyed

“But son-

“That’s enough, aren’t we rich enough so just leave Nathan alone let him be” Evan said and opened the door

Regina immediately ran to hide at the back of a wall, she peeped and saw that he has alre-ady left, she then sighed but didn’t know when a smile appeared curved on herl-ips


“That’s enough” Nathan said softly, stro-king Betty’s hair

He had been trying to pacify her for a long time now

“Why why was she saying that, don’t she now I have feelings huh?” Betty cried

“Who cares of what she says, babe haters would be haters. The point is I love you and I’ll always be with you even thou the whole world turns against it” he said but she was still sniffing

“plea-se, that’s enough alre-ady you’re breaking my heart” he said, k!ss!ngher eyes

“Okay I won’t cry again, I’m tired I wanna sleep” she sniffed

“I un-derstand it’s really a long night, I’m tired and sleepy too, are you hungry I’ll make your favorite food okay?” He said softly and she nodded

“Good now smile for me” he pinched her cheeks and she smiled a little

“Let’s go” he held her hand

“And Regina??” She asked

“She’s coming tomorrow, free night for us” he said and she chuckled as they entered their car and the driver drove off



Crystal college**

Evelyn and Tara were sitting at the school park, they were chatting but it was a sad chat

“Why don’t you just break up with him alre-ady??” Tara said

“Don’t you get it, I’m scared he’s gonna kill me” Evelyn cried

“Then let’s tell the corps, look he’s hurting you and oneday he’s gonna r@pĀ£ you to death” Tara said

“I’ll rather die than let that happen” she muttered

“It’s time for my clas-s, I’ll see you later and make sure to tell your sister about this or I will” Tara said before leaving

Evelyn buried her face de-ep into her l@ps and cried for a while. “What have I gotten herself into now??, How will I get out if this mess” she cried even more

Suddenly someone c@mĀ£ and pushed her from behind, she fell badly on the ground and turned to see Roger glaring at her

“R.. Roger” she stuttered

“You wanna call the corps on me?? I’m gonna make you eat your words whole” he said and then gr@bbĀ£d her by the hair up and pu-ll-ed her f0rƧĀ£fully to his dorm ignoring her screams

He locked the door and gave her a ti-ght sl@p on her cheek that made her fall on the be-d

He loosĀ£ned his belt, Evelyn tried to stand but he wh!pped her with it

“Arghhhh no plea-se stĀ©p” she cried but he kept on flogging her

“You wanna call the corps huh? Answer me!” He yelled still wh!pping her

“You wanna break up bit*h” he wh!pped her again that her blood stains were alre-ady on his belt

“From the day you agreed to d@tĀ£ me, I own you and you’re gonna remain stuck with me” he yelled

He then brou-ght out his d*** and f0rƧĀ£d it into her mouth, holding her chin ti-ght

Numerous tears were pouring from Evelyn’s eyes, her face was alre-ady red and Sweaty, hair scattered, cloth were stained with her blood

“You won’t svƧkit” he yelled pushing her head de-ep in his d***and gro-an ing in plea-sure

Angrily Evelyn bit it real ha-rd , not caring if he kills her cause now if there’s one thing she want it’s death

He screamed and moved away from her,she managed to stand but her weak legs failed her, she fell on the ground struggling for her life

“bit-ch” Roger yelled in anger, he resumed flogging her again and again ignoring her screams

It went on for an hour before she pas-sed out, looking like a bloody mess that was just dragged out of the Lion’s den, by now all her blood had stained everywhere including Roger’s cloth too,

He looked at her breathing heavily before going to his bathroom


šŸ­ It All Started šŸ’‹
šŸ‘€ With ašŸ‘€

(And now I love himšŸ’œ)



(Don’t copy or repostā€¼ļø)



In an empty school spĀ©t, Roger could be seen talking with three guys

” You’re been too slow, we are starting to doubt you?”a guy with long dre-ad spoke

” You have to un-derstand that, that girl is to tough, give me few days it’s done” Roger said

” Men the deal was that you make Evelyn fall head over her heels for you and you disv!rg!nher but not with f0rƧĀ£” another guy said

” She’s really annoying but don’t worry I’ll win this bet and prove to you guys, she’s alre-ady head over her heels for me just wait a little more” Roger said before turning to leave

” Roger” the guy with dre-ad called

” What”

” Don’t kill her one day, reduce your physical violence on her” he added

” I’ll try” Roger said before leaving


After hours of lecture, Freddy and Leo were now heading to her dorm

” I haven’t seen Evelyn for the past two days, I’m kinda worried about her” Freddy said

” Just leave her men, she’s enjoying her life with her new bĀ©yfriĀ£ndand I’m sure she have forgotten about your existence” Leo said earning a glance from Freddy

” How about I just go check on her, it’s been months now I nee-d to see her badly, I nee-d to hear her voice” Freddy said and Leo started grinning

” What why are you smiling?” Freddy asked seeing the expression on Leo’s face

” You are talking like you are in love again” Leo grinned

” That’s because I’m, I’ve always been but I was so stupid, I didn’t realize it earlier” Freddy sighed and gr@bbĀ£d Leo hands

” Let’s go”

” But what if Roger is there with her?” leo asked

“fu-ck that damn Roger, I’m sure somewhere in her heart she still have some feelings left for me” Freddy said

” You think?” Leo asked

” I hope so men” Freddy sighed


They arrived at Evelyn’s dorm, it’s quite big guess because she’s rich or something. Freddy knocked on the door gently but no response

He then knocked four more times before Tara slowly opened it, she looked scared but sighed of relief immediately

” Freddy it’s you” she sighed

” Yeah, is Evelyn in?, Can I come in?” Freddy asked

” Well Evelyn is in but I don’t think she’s on a good shape to see anyone” Tara said

“Why is she not feeling well?, plea-se let me see her” Freddy pleaded looking worried alre-ady

” Freddy let’s go home as you heard she doesn’t want to see anyone yet” Leo said but Freddy stubbornly entered inside

” Evelyn” he called

Her bĀ©dy was wra-pped with a scarf as she backed him

” What wrong Eve are you fine?” Freddy asked moving close to her

” What are you doing here Freddy, didn’t Tara told you not to enter” Evelyn said

” Do you hate me this much that you won’t even look at me, or are you hiding something” Freddy said and she turned to him with a blank look

” I’m not hiding anything, now what do you want?” She asked coldly

” Eve you don’t look good, look your eyes are red and swallowon, have you been crying” he asked softly but no response

” plea-se talk to me Eve, I can’t hold this anymore I badly nee-d to see you” he held her hands but she hissed in pain and quic-kly pu-ll-ed it back

” What’s wrong, let me see” Freddy said moving to her

” It’s nothing” she tried moving back but he f0rƧĀ£fully pu-ll-ed the scarf from her bĀ©dy and his eyes wi-den in disbelief

” He’s hurting you??” he asked in shock when he saw several bruises on her bĀ©dy but fresh and old

” I think we should leave them alone” Tara said to Leo, he nodded and the both of them excused themselves out, leaving Freddy alone with Evelyn

” I think I asked a question!!” Freddy said sternly and Evelyn turned back, her eyes welled up with tears

” Are you gonna laugh at me because of how stupid I’ve been, well go ahead, laugh all you want, I deserve it anyways” she started crying but then Freddy hvgged her from behind

” I’ll never do that, I’m sorry all this happened to you, just give me a few minutes I’ll make that bastard pay” he said angrily, he was so angry that his breathing was now ragged

Evelyn turned to him immediately. “plea-se don’t, he’s dangerous he might kill you” she shook her head repeatedly in fear

” He would never, I’ll make him pay for every mark on your bĀ©dy it’s a promise, just wait!!” Freddy vowed anger that he couldn’t control anymore, he turned to leave but Evelyn rushed to hvg him from behind

“plea-se Freddy I’m scared don’t get yourself into trouble because of me its my mistake for falling for a launatic, just let me suffer plea-se, don’t get involved plea-se” she cried hvgging him ti-ghtly

” I could have seen it from the onset, I was deceived and I was a fool, a big one everything happening to me now it’s my fault, I fell for a lunatic just because I was eager to move on, he made me think he was the only one who cared about me in this world, Freddy plea-se don’t get involved if anything but happen to you then I wont be able to forgive myself plea-se just leave me to suffer this alone” she cried ha-rd

Hearing her cry like that breaked his heart into million pieces. He sighed de-eply to control himself before turning to her, he cu-mpped her cheeks softly

” You know I’ll always be here for you Eve, why didn’t you tell me that jĀ£rk has been hurting you since, I thought you we’re happy with him that’s why I f0rƧĀ£d myself away from you for months. That’s bastard has the guts to hurt you like this, from today I’ll stay with you, I’ll protect you baby girl, you gotta trust me” Freddy said softly and then k!$$Ā£d her tears from her eyes

” You don’t hate me one bit?” Evelyn asked still sniffing, her bĀ©dy was alre-ady h0t and shaking due to they way she was crying so much

” why would I hate you instead I’m supposed to be asking you for forgiveness, I ignored your feeling without knowing, I hurt you a lot without knowing gosh I’m such a fool” he cursed sadly

Evelyn looked into his eyes and bur-st out in more tears again

” Come on that’s enough look you alre-ady burning up” he said tou-ching her forehead which was freaking h0t

” I still feel like I don’t deserve any of this Freddy plea-se just leave I’m begging you, Roger can you come in at any time I’m scared that he might hurt you plea-se” Evelyn cried

” You worry too much even if he shows up, I’ll be waiting for him, I’ll gladly show him that he can’t miss with an angel like you” Freddy said softly, he k!$$Ā£d her forehead and used his thumb to wipe her eyes gently

” plea-se that enough I can’t bear seen you like this” he cooed but suddenly the door bur-st opened and Roger stepped in fuming with anger


To be continued…

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