a mermaid’s love episode 30 & 31

( Melody Musical High… )


By, Naomi Cindy B.


“Tom!” Kat shouted and Tom quickly disentangled from Lotus.

Lotus opened her eyes and luckily the lights are gone, her arousal left.

She just made a mistake which she’s surely gonna pay dearly for.

“Kat…I can explain” Tom said and Kat smi-rked before walking to Lotus.

She pulled her by her hair and slapped her ha-rd, her li-ps bled immediately.

“How dare you come here to se-duce my boyfriend!, You were invited to sing at the banquet but you choose to se-duce him instead?, Huh?, How dare you seductress!” Kat yelled and made to slap her again but Tom stopped her by taking Lotus from her.

It’s the first time Lotus will be regretting in all her 2500 years of living, she has never tasted regret and the fact that this is coming from her own mistake, it’s hurting.

She just betrayed Starr.

She stood behind Tom and Kat raged more.

“After kizzing her, you’re protecting her too?, This is crazy” she said.

“It was me, I kizzed her, you should slap me instead” Tom said.

“Do you think I’m blind?, She was the one who pinned you to the wall, I watch dramas too and I know what that means, she made the first move, I’ve been watching!” Kat shouted

“I’m sorry Kat, I’m so sorry” Tom said.

Kat looked up and saw the camera, she smiled before leaving the room.

Tom faced Lotus and when he made to touch her, she ran out of the room.

“Lotus!, Lotus!’ he ran after her but he wasn’t able to catch up before she finally stepped out.

She rushed into her car and her tears fell

She has been trying to fight it back so she won’t hurt Starr but she can’t do it anymore.

kizzing another guy different from him will make the pains more great.

“What’s wrong?” Nam-Ri asked in confusion.

“Drive me home!!” She cried.



The song practice is ongoing already with Ophelia, Martin and Constance as the lead singers.

Starr is pla-ying the piano but he kept ruining it.

His mind is not in cl@$$, it’s with Lotus.

He pla-yed off the key again and Mr Roger got more pissed.

“Starr what’s up with you!, Why do you keep ruining the song for us?, This is the fourth time you kept doing this” he said angrily.

Start stood slowly.

“I don’t think I can continue, I’m not feeling well” he said .

“Rhythm take over the piano” Mr Roger said and Rhythm went there.

“Are you sick?” She asked as she walked past him.

He was about to talk when pains gripped his heart suddenly.

“Ah!” He held it ti-ghtly and it escalated immediately.

“Starr!” Rhythm quickly held him.

“Argh!!!” He Gr0-ned more loudly, going on his knees, still holding his che-st.

Everyone stood fearfully and his friends rushed to him.

“Starr!” Martin held his shoulders.

“My…my ..heart” he said, tears coming out of his eyes.

“Arrggg!!!!” Came another yell of pains from him.

Mr Roger quickly called the school ambulance.

“You’ll be fine, you’ll be fine ok?” Bluey said, holding him.

“Lotus is crying, is she hurt?, What happened to her?” Starr thought as he started losing consciousness.

“Starr stay awake, Starr!” Martin shouted.

“The ambulance is here” Mr Roger said and Starr was heaped on Martin’s back.

Martin carried him out of the cl@$$, running to the park where the ambulance is waiting.

Starr was taken in and a lot of students followed the ambulance to the hospital.



The way she’s feeling pains in her che-st as she cried only means Starr is crying too.

The pain she’s feeling is not that much but the tears on her face can probably form a river.

“How am I supposed to face him?, How?” She sobbed, covering her face with her palms.

“I’m so ashamed of myself, yesterday I lied, today I betrayed and cheated, am I really the Lotus I used to be?, Where’s the real me” She hiccu-pp-ed sadly.

Feeling the abnormally cold breeze on her skin and the water we-tting her foot made her turn around

“Goddess!” She said, glad that she came.

“I see the tears has started” Rivera said.

“Why did I get aro-use d when I was with another guy?, Tom is not my soulmate!, Why did I lose control to the point of kizzing him why!, Why is this happening to me!” She yelled.

“When I said your fate is cruel, what came to your mind?” Rivera replied and looked at her.

Lotus looked on mutely.

“Ridiculous things like what happened today will continue to happen, this is just the start” Rivera replied.

“So… getting aro-use d when I was around Tom is pa-rt of my cruel fate?” Lotus asked.

“You didn’t get aro-use d by him, weren’t you thinking about your soulmate before he showed up?”

“Yes, Starr was all-over my head before Tom came in, even after he came in, I still had Starr written all over my br-ain” Lotus replied.

“The thoughts of your soulmate aro-use d you, but..

“But what?”

“You lost control pa-rtially because your soulmate was not around you, and pa-rtially because that man…. he’s trapped in you”

“Tom is trapped in me?”

“His heart is weak and soft, he got charmed easily by your appearance, his heart has been stolen by you unintentionally, and that’s pa-rtially why it was easy to lose control in front of him”

“How did I steal his heart when I feel nothing for him?” Lotus asked in confusion.

“You don’t have to feel for him before stealing his heart princess, you’re a special being, charms lives in your eyes” Rivera replied.

“Then how am I supposed to handle it?, Kat is not nice with the little I’ve seen, What if Starr finds out?, I can’t even imagine how he’ll feel goddess, I can’t imagine, and what if same mistake happens again?”

“Mate with your soulmate then the arousal will stop coming abnormally”

“But he’s not ready, he’s still young and…

“Then wait for him” Rivera replied and vanished.

“Goddess!!!, She left again…oh my Starr, what do I do?” She thought, falling on the ground .



“That ward ma’am” a doctor directed Judy to Starr’s ward when she rushed into the hospital.

She took fast strides into the room and saw him unconscious on a bed, his friends and cl@$$mates are all around him.

“Honey!” She rushed to his side, throwing her bag on the ground.

“How did this happen to him?” She asked, touching his face fondly.

“He suddenly started complaining of heartache then he blacked out” Bluey said.

“Again?, And why is this happening to him?, It was confirmed that he’s fine, no heart problems then why?” She said and Davis came in too.

“Heartache again?” He said after it was explained to him.

A doctor came in with Starr’s test results and Davis took them.

“He’s medically fine?” He said in confusion.

“If you don’t believe, you can come with me and let’s run the test in front of you” the doctor replied and Starr opened his eyes .

“Honey!” Judy rushed to his side.

“Starr are you ok?” Martin asked quickly.

Davis felt his temperature, it’s normal.

He looked around for any sign of Lotus but couldn’t find her.

He got down from the bed.

“Where are you going to?” Bluey asked.

“I nee-d to see someone, else I might just p@$$ out again” he said and started walking out of the ward.

His parents went after him and caught up in front of the hospital.

“Wherever you’re going, I can go with you” Davis said.

“Right, let’s go with you” Judy replied.

“No, I’ll meet you at home, I’m fine so don’t worry” Starr said and entered Judy’s car.

He told the driver the street name and when it’s a bit before they’ll get to Lotus’s mansion, he came down from the car.

“Go” he told the driver.

“But master, it’s a must for me to wait and take you back, else I’ll be in trouble” the driver replied.

“Then wait here, don’t follow me” he said and left the car.

A five minutes walk brou-ght him to Lotus’s mansion and he went in straight.

Lotus was descending the stairs when he came in and her eyes wide-ned when she beheld him.


“Why was your phone off?” He asked, walking to her.

“I… forgot to charge” she replied, standing still on the stair.

“Why didn’t you go to the blue house last night?” He asked, still walking to her

“Martin nee-ded me so I …. Went to him”

“What happened at the blue house this morning?, Why did you cry and made my heart ache like crazy?” He asked, finally getting to her.

He stood on the stair below hers, looking at her.


Saying she kizzed Tom is the ha-rdest thing she has ever tried to say, her tongue felt tied.

Starr suddenly grabbed her wa-ist and she let out a gasp when her che-st hit his own, her legs found their way down the same stair he’s standing on.

His eyes right now aren’t soft, neither are they cold, it’s in-between and it’s ha-rd to decide if he’s actually mad at her or not.

He looks different and as his fresh breath brushed her face every sec, her heard thumped.

“What exactly happened?” He asked.

His voice sounds different too, maybe in her ears.

“I…. I’m sorry” she said and he leaned in at once.

Her back hit on the rails and he supported the back of her head with a palm as he crashed his li-ps into hers like a vampire thirsty for blood.

It was rou-ghbut short because when Lotus closed her eyes and was about to start adjusting her pace to match with his own, he broke it and gave her a blank look before starting to leave.

“Starr…” She called out to him but he walked out of the house and she sat on the stair, burying her face in her propped up knees.



Starr walked furiously into the house and Judy stood quickly.

“I made your favorite, you should eat please” she said.

“I’ll eat later” he replied and started climbing the stairs, he met Davis who’s coming downstairs.

“You’re back?, Your mum specially prepared your favorite, I promise to eat with you, let’s eat” he said.

“Not now dad” he replied and walked into his room, shutting the door loudly behind.

He stood in front of the mirror and the feather pendant on his ne-cklace shone blue shortly.

He tou-ched it and smi-rked.

“Someone else kizzed my mermaid?, Who?” He muttered.



Bluey went in and met Tasha on seat already.

He sat with his books and faced her.

“How’s your li-ps faring?” She asked but he gave her a “talk to my @$$” look.

“Ok, let’s start with types of business management which runs in Kings group” she said, sitting beside him.

She started teaching and though he doesn’t want to listen but he found himself listening.

His plan was to come and pretend to be listening then leave when it’s time but he’s already failing.

She teaches like a professional and it’s ha-rd to believe that a nineteen years old girl is doing it so well.

“Wait… explain this pa-rt again” he said and she smiled before starting over again.

“You get to create your own rules, and don’t let the shareholders trample on you, else you’ll become their puppet” she finished up and he sighed, looking at his note.

He jotted five pages within two hours.

“I’m mad, I should go for a br-ain test soon” he thought and looked up.

“I’m sorry about yesterday, I was just trying to follow chairman Kings orders, he payed me heavily for this and though I’m not a fan of fathers who dictate for their wards, I just have to do it, I hope you un-derstand” Tasha said.

“Which school are you?” He asked.

“Marvel High” she replied.

“Oh…” He said and she came closer.

“You didn’t treat the li-ps?, It’ll get contaminated and you won’t be able to eat” she said, bringing out a pack of buds from her bag and a lotion.

She ru-bbed the lotion on the bud before bringing it down to his li-ps.

“I’m fine, it’s my li-ps” he said.

“But it’s pa-rtly my fault that you got hit so accept my act of kindness” she replied and he smi-rked as she started applying it gently.

“It’s ok” he said, pushing her hand away when it got to a point.

She stood upright and smiled.

“Thanks for letting me do it” she said, taking her bag.

He sighed and she left the room but he noticed something on the table.

A red book.

He went for it and found out it’s a diary.

“She forgot it, wow!, I have a lot to read tonight” he smiled.



“Your phone was off throu-ghout yesterday and when your line went throu-ghthis morning, you didn’t pick your calls, are you ok?, You don’t look good” Yolanda said when Lotus showed up in cl@$$.

“I went to the blue house yesterday” she replied, looking around for Starr.

“Really?, How was the banquet?” Constance asked.

“I didn’t attend the banquet” she replied.

“What!” Yolanda said.

“I don’t even know how to explain what exactly happened, you guys won’t un-derstand” she replied, still looking around.

“I hope you won’t get in trouble” Constance said.

“And why are you so weird?” Rhythm suddenly asked.

“Stop it” Yolanda hit her.

“Starr p@$$ed out yesterday” Constance said.

“I know” Lotus replied.

The girls exchanged glances.

“How the hell did she get into the blue house without an IV” Ophelia said confusedly, entering the cl@$$ with Enolla.

“I have no idea, is she a witch or something?” Enolla replied.,

“Can’t wait for Kat to be here, she nee-ds to be disgraced” Ophelia smiled.

Mr Roger entered the cl@$$ earlier than usual.

“Lotus what happened yesterday?, Why did you leave the blue house before the banquet even started” he said angrily.

Lotus stood slowly and Starr entered with his friends.

She looked at Starr as she talked.

“I….I..was feeling…..I don’t know” she said, not wanting to lie again.

“Of course you won’t know, you must be so ashamed to admit that you actually went there to se-duce my boyfriend” Kat said, walking in.

“Yes!” Ophelia said happily.

“What are you talking about?” Mr Roger asked and Kat got her phone.

“Thankfully I have an evidence” she said and sent the video to Enolla.

“Enolla you can post it on the cl@$$ group for everyone to see” she said.

“OMG how bi-tch y!” Enolla gasped as she watched the video before sending it to the cl@$$ group.

The pa-rt where Lotus was telling Tom not the come close was cut from the video, the only thing in the video is how Lotus grabbed him, slammed his back on the wall and kizzed him.

? She’s so shameless

? She should have done this somewhere else, not in the blue house

? Kat is nice, I’d have killed her

? Lotus is crazy, how could she…

? Se-ducer

? Her beauty won’t go to waste anyways, she’ll make it as a slut

? Prostitute!

? Wench!

Mr Roger couldn’t say a thing as he watched everything.

Starr’s anger knew no bounds, now he knows what exactly happened yesterday.

He looked at Lotus and left the cl@$$.

Lotus made to rush after him but Kat blocked her.

“Beat her up” she ordered and the girls were about to pounce on her when Martin intervened.

“Don’t touch her” he said and Kat rolled eyes at him as Lotus ran out of the cl@$$.

Thanks to his scent, she traced him to the corner of the block.

“Starr!” She blocked him quickly.

“I can explain, just let me tell you how this happened please” she begged.

She should be in tears right now but she’s strongly fighting back her tears so he won’t be in pains.

“Explain what?, You do tell me I’m yours, aren’t you mine too?, Why must you kizz that guy!, It’s obvious you made the first move in the video!” He shouted at her.

“Please hear me out, please Starr, just please….I love you so much don’t turn your back on me” she said, trying to touch him.

“Don’t touch me, betrayer” he said and turned back, he went down the stairs, leaving her standing.

Lotus covered her eyes with her palms and squ-atted right there.

“Don’t hate me, please don’t” she cried.


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