You are mine Episode 13 & 14

I thought Arya and I had rules governing our relationsh!p. The k!ss!!! It tasted so real and not like our usual pretence. I waited for her all night and after waiting fruitlessly, I sle-pt off.
“Wake up” Someone tapped my legs
“Huh” I opened one eyes to see Arya in my room
“It’s morning” She screamed sprinkling ice water on my b©dy
“Arya, What your problem” I grinned
“Happy birthday boss” Her eyes brightened in excitement as she sat beside me on the be-d.
Like seriously, I totally forgot about my birthday. Oops!!!, I wasn’t even prepared for any p@rty.
“Thanks” I got up from the be-d covering myself with my blanket
I finished taking my bath, staring at my wardrobe I wondered what I was going to wear. I took my favorite jeans and a white T-shi-t. I sli-pped into my sli-ppers and went straight to Granny’s room.
Getting to Granny’s room, I couldn’t find her and Arya was no where to be found either.
“Vera!!!Vera!!!” I screamed the little girl name
“Yes, Mr Roland” She said smiling
“Where is everyone” I yelled
“In the sitting room, Happy birthday Mr Roland” I overhead her scream
I ti-p toed into the sitting room to meet Arya, Granny and workers in Hacienda Luis. I wasn’t expecting all these at all.
“Happy birthday Mr Roland” They all chorused
“Thank you” I managed to say.
“Who organize this p@rty” I asked noticing the cakes and few balloons
“Mrs Roland did” Little Vera said
“Arya” I let out a breath.
I went back into my room to change back into something nice. Birthday c@m£ and ended. Granny didn’t stay two weeks again, She left after the birthday.
“What did you do that for” I yelled as Arya walked briskly behind me.
“What did I do” She yelled back folding her arms
“The k!ss, the birthday p@rty” I eyed her
“What about it” She shrugged
“Don’t ever let it repeat itself” I said sternly
“Roland” She screamed my name
“What Arya” I said rudely
“Your mother nee-ds a child from us and that was what she called to tell me last night” Arya frowned
“A child” I repeated not so sure of what I heard.
Roland hates me…….I sat on the sofa and ponder on what had happened so far. Tears flowed freely from my eyes.
“Are you alright Mrs Roland” Vera said kneeling beside me.
“Roland hates me” I sobbe-d
“I’m sorry about that Mrs Roland but I love you” The little girl said softly
“Call me Miss Arya” I smiled tou-ching her face.
I heard his car horn blared. I wasn’t expecting to see him soon. Peeping throu-gh the curtain, I sighed in defeat as I sat helplessly on the Sofa.
“Where is Miss Arya” I overheard Roland asked Vera.
“In her room” The little girl responded quic-kly.
“Arya!! Arya!!!” I heard him scream my name and I pretended to be asleep. I wasn’t re-ady to exchange words with him.
“Arya, I know you can hear me and I nee-d to talk to you” He continued.
“Huh” I winced in pain noticing the guilt in his voice.
“I’m sorry about the way I talked to you the other time, thanks for the birthday p@rty” He hvgged me slightly.
“We’re cool” I replied bluntly.
“Arya, We’ll be going on a vacation to Florida in two weeks time” Roland stared at me.
“I don’t think I would be able to make it” I said bluntly
“It’s a command” He walked out on me.
I didn’t like the idea of staying with Roland alone. Phew!!!
I smiled brightly as I watched her make the phone call. Benita on the other ha-rd , Was excited.
“What’s the recent upd@t£” I stood in front of Benita
“The fake couples are not in good terms and in two weeks time they will be going on a vacation in Florida” Benita smiled
“Get re-ady Benita, in two weeks time we would be going on a vacation in Florida also” I grinned.
Benita pu-ll-ed me closer to her and placed a k!sson myl-ips. This time around, I didn’t return the k!ss.
We got to Florida and with the help of our informat, We were able to locate the h0tel where Arya and Roland lodge. Benita was in charge of the Bills. Arya was always quic-k to tell Vera about the recent happenings which made it easier for Benita and I to stalk her. Then I saw Arya alone at the swimming pool.
“You cruel creature” I approach her by the swimming pool noticing she was alone
“Edwin, What a coincidence” Arya’s eyes brightened in excitement.
“I hate you” He sm-irked
“Your words are harsh and plea-se leave me alone” I tried walking away when he pu-ll-ed me back and s£nt a sl@p across my face.
“You know what Edwin, I hate you and this relationsh!pis over” She said in tears.
“You can’t end a relationsh!pI spent six years of my life building” I said pressing her n£¢k with my hands
“Edwin, you are hurting me ” She struggled
I felt a punch on my back and I fell flat. Somehow, I pas-sed out and found myself on Benita’s l@ps
“Edwin, we didn’t come here to fight we only c@m£ to make her jealous” Benita said as she mas-saged my back
“Arya ended the relationsh!p” I broke into tears.
It was all my fault maybe if I hadn’t left her alone, Edwin wouldn’t have hurt her.
“I’m sorry Arya” I looked at her
“What will your sorry do, will it change the fact that I lost Edwin because of you” She yelled at me.
“You ended the relationsh!pand it’s for your own good” I said
“You know what Roland, just shut up and let me be” I watched her walk away.
I saw figure standing at the front of the door. This couldn’t be Arya, I saw sure.
“Who are you” I said boldly
“Roland, your end has come” The figure rush towards me with a knife.
“Roland!! Roland!!!” I screamed when I noticed he was unconscious.
Emergency!!!!…. I called the Ambulance and Roland was rushed to the hospital.
Tik Tok!!! Tik Tok!!!….my time was counting. 6 hours soon since I brou-ght Roland to the hospital. I walked restlessly round the reception room.
“Nurse, how is him” I approached the nurse who took him into ward
“He is getting better” The nurse smiled
“Can I go see him” I smiled
“Yes” The nurse said leading me into Roland’s ward.
“Roland” I rushed to hvg him
“Arghh” He winced in pain
“Sorry Roland, what happened” I said sitting close to him on the be-d
“I really can’t say but he threatened me to stay away from you” Roland said and faced me.
“Do you know him” I squee-zed my palm into his palm
“No but his voice….his voice sounds so familiar” Roland stammered
“Did you see his face” I blinked my eyes to prevent tears from falling.
“No I didn’t, he only warned me sternly to stay away from you” Roland whispered and closed his eyes.
“We are leaving Florida soon ” I placed a k!sson his forehead.
I covered my arms with my palm to prevent more flow of blood. Roland!! How I wish he could die so I have Arya all to myself.
“Edwin, what happened??…why are you bleeding” Benita stood opposite me
“I was robbe-d” I lied
” Did you have a fight with anyone” Benita said trying to apply some treatment
“No , I didn’t” I yelled staggering into my room.
“You are losing much blood Edwin, let’s go to the hospital” Benita complained
“I’ll be fine” I screamed.
“Benita we are leaving Florida first thing tomorrow” I continued
“Why” Benita frowned
“Don’t ask questions….I’m still the boss here” I said sternly
I had plans for Edwin. Wrecking him was one of it. Obviously smarter than him but I nee-ded to act dumb for the now.
“Edwin, I brou-ght another suggestion” I smiled mischievously
“And this time” Edwin sm-irked
“Get a loan and use the Estate as a collateral” I persuaded
“Arya, She warned me never to use the Estate” Edwin said
“I thought it over between you too” I frowned
“I can’t use the Estate” Edwin yelled
“Think about it Edwin, You will have enough money” I smiled.
Edwin finally use the Estate as a collateral. I didn’t also tell him that the company who lend him the money was my company. I knew he won’t be able to pay back which made the Estate automatically mine.
Camille Shopping was my favorite eatry. I mean one could get all types of delicacy there….yummy!!!. I noticed her, She was Arya , Edwin ex girlfriend. Was she back from Florida so soon, I grinned and approached her.
“Hey Arya” I sat opposite her with my glas-s of jui-ce on my left hands.
“Hey, I don’t remember you and so I’m wondering how you got to know my name” Arya was surprised
“You wouldn’t know me …..for a start tho, I’m Benita Edwin’s girlfriend” I sm-irked staring at my glas-s of jui-ce.
“Edwin got a new girlfriend anyways since you know my name I don’t think there would be any nee-d for me to introduce myself” She snapped and I laughed loudly
“So sad you lost” I kept laughing and watched how she ran out of the restaurant.
Heck!!! I cursed loudly. Who the hell did she think she was. She was so rude, I meant there are better ways she could introduce herself even if she was d@t!ngEdwin.
I was about entering my car when I got a phone call from Hacienda Luis. Ohhh!!! The car, I got the G – wagon car I was using pres£ntly as a gift from Roland. It was actually one of the tricks he used in ma-king his Grand mother believe that we were really married.
“Hello Mrs Roland” The caller said and I recognize the voice as the watch man voice
“Gud afternoon sir” I greeted politely
“The Hacienda nee-ds you Ma” The watch man said and I ended the call
Getting to the Hacienda, I met the place so quiet.
“Where is everyone” I asked the Watch man the minute I entered the Hacienda
“Mr Roland is having meeting with them” The watch said closing the gate
“What is it about” I stared at him
“Everyone is complaining about the decrease in their salary” The watch man said and walked into his small room.
“Don’t not be offended, I promise to double the pay next month” I knew that was Roland talking.
“Sir, what about our wives and children?? What do we tell them” A middle aged man asked
“plea-se bear with me. I had so many commitment this month, my wife can testify to it” Roland pleaded
“Hacienda Luis….Bear with my husband” I managed to say.
I was about coming down from the pavement….my heels!!! I regretted wearing them today of all days. I missed my steps and nearly fell when Roland held me .
“Go on, k!ssher Mr Roland” The crowd cheered
Roland leaned forward and pu-ll-ed me closer to himself. He k!$$£d me and I k!$$£d him back. It was becoming intense. I broke the k!ssonly to discover that the workers in the Hacienda took pictures of Roland and I.
Roland was ma-king me fall for him, I guess.
“What your problem Roland” I yelled noticing we were now alone
“What did you do that for” Roland hissed
“Why did you k!ssme” I said ru-bbing myl-ips with my palm
“Why did you return the k!ss” Roland raised his voice
“St©p acting like I committed a crime” I grinned
“This Relationsh!phas rules and when rules are broken it becomes a crime” Roland said
“I won’t break the rules anymore” I sighed a defeat.
“I love you Arya” Roland whispered in my ears before leaving the Hacienda with his car.