xxx celebrity episode 9 & 10

Written by author Nath
When a rat is attacked by a predator, it runs into a hole for hiding without knowing if a reptile that could swallow it is there or not. Vicker suddenly bec@m£ the rat in the family of Mr. Williams. Before the police could enter into the house, he used the back door, looked up to see a fence rounded with an electrical and sharp wire. How would he jump throu-gh with a box of an known element in his hand? He had to, otherwise face police bru-tality. Smartly, he pu-ll-ed his polo, used it to tie the box on his b©dy like a woman backing a baby.

“I pray the wire isn’t electrified. God help me.” he murmured.

With hands up like a surrendered criminal, he jumped carefully, though wounded by the wire. Turning to the other side of the fence to jump down, the sharp wire hooked on his trou-ser unknowingly to him. Therefore when he finally jumped, it n-ked him totally, leaving the trou-ser and his un-derwear on the wire. Hitting the ground, he dislocated one of his legs but never minded, galloping along the street n-ked in the sight of people.

“Hey, look at a mad man.” a teenager pointed from a distant.

“He’s backing a box like a baby.” Another said.

A lady sighted him, the first place her eyes went to was on his d!¢k. “Who’s that ringing his d!¢k like a bell?” she asked rhetorically and hilariously.

Truly, his d!¢k was ringing a bell on the street. It’s flexibility was as a result of his recent eja-culation. Luckily, he saw a parked taxi, he rushed inside. The females in the car screamed and ran away. The driver looked at him.

“Mister man, what are you doing. I don’t carry a mad person in…”

“I’m not mad!!” Vicker interrupted him…
Meanwhile, the policemen had searched the nook and cranny of the hose without seeing anything that has Vicker’s resemblance. Mr Williams stood still inside his room to see how scattered it looked. He had also leant that his hidden box had disappeared.

The wife met him. “Honey, it seems that boy was on a mission here? What was hiding inside the bathroom that he dug off? How did he even know that something was there? I mean, what was there?”

The husband thoughtfully remained quiet. “I have to take my children to the hospital now!!” He swiftly turned to leave but the wife’s voice st©pped him.

“Hospital cannot save them.” she had reluctantly said.

The husband glared. “What do you mean by that?”

She swallowed ha-rd , feeling tears circulating her eyes.

Williams voice increa-sed as he stepped closer to her. “Rose, what are you talking about?!”

“The twins S-xuality is interconnected and banned from S-xual int£rç0rs£otherwise they die if things aren’t done fast about it?”

The husband surprisingly listened for her to continued.

“That’s why I always checked their vir-ginity to keep them off the act?”

The husband took another step closer, while the wife stepped back to avoid unwanted sl@p.

“It was in form of a ritual. I offered their S-xuality to boom my business.”

Finally, Mrs Rose received the sl@p from her husband. The sound and the woman’s screaming voice attra-cted the policemen. “If anything should happen to those children, I’ll kill you myself!” He wanted to walk out but turned back. “What’s the remedy to save their lives?!”

“ mmm…” she stammered.

“Speak, woman!” the husband’s voice startled her.

“Only the man that defied one of them can save them with his life” she replied.

This boiled down to the reason for Cas-sandra and Vicker’s dream and why she told him that he was in the house to save them. But now that the man in quotes had accomplished his mission and gone, how would they get him on time?
Vicker la-id on the floor of his house, enduring the pains of the dislocation. Mark entered in a hurry to see him n-ked, then shocked.

“Guy, do you think you’re acting p©rn?”

“Shut up and fix my dislocation.” he gro-an ed.

Mark gr@bb£d his leg then he screamed in pains. “Oga, what really happened?” he was still inquisitive.

“What happened is that the twins and their fence are possess.”

“Fence?” Mark looked at him.

“I fv¢ked one in order to shut her up and get the stuff, but both coll@psed.”

“Then how’s their fence possess too?”

“Which normal fence will n-ked a whole celebrity?”

Mark twisted his face. “Which celebrity? xxx celeb?” he mocked him then cracked the joint back to it’s position. Vicker screamed.
Alice arrived at Vicker’s residence a few minutes later, holding the box in her hand. Mark and Vicker watched her silently from a corner likewise other security men. When she opened the box, she frowned, bringing out an unfamiliar device.

“What? isn’t that what you s£nt me to get?” VIcker broke the silence.

“Yes, the man pla-yed you. He knew about your mission.” Alice replied.

The two men looked at each other.

“How’s that possible? It can’t be!” Vicker disagreed.

Silence creeped into the sanctum again. Just then, Alice’s ringing phone lively brou-ght back sound in the room. Everyb©dy watched her pick the call and placed it on her ear. They couldn’t hear the caller, only Alice’s voice.

“Alice, how do you think I’d take such a risk to leave the formula when I’m harbouring a stranger?” a voice c@m£ from the phone. Alice recognized it to be Williams. Therefore she smiled.

“Why are you calling me then?” she asked.

“Because I want to give it to you myself”

Alice quietly walked around thoughtfully. “Why don’t you go ahead and tell me what you nee-d in return. My life?”

“No, I only nee-d the boy you s£nt here to take it”

“You’re kidding, right? Give me the reason why he’s now more valuable to you than the formula?”

The room went silent for a couple of minutes. Within that time, the two men kept glancing at each other. Alice hung up the call and stared at Vicker. She ordered Mark to leave which he reluctantly did.

“I un-derstand that the man’s children are at the verge of death because of you.” she said.

“Yes, but I never knew it would happen like that. It was the only way to get…”

“Blindfold and chain him.” Alice interrupted by ordering her men.

Vicker bec@m£ confused. “Why? I don’t un-derstand!”

He was chained, blocked his mouth and blind-folded him before dragging him outside. The poor man never knew why and that could be his end.
In a desert, Vicker was kicked down in front of Alice who was standing a few distance from Williams with her men. She saw him stretching a paper to her which her men brou-ght to her before giving Vicker to him.

“Alice, do not use the formula!” Williams began. “It will bring destruction to the world.”

The short woman gazed at him but finally left. Williams put Vicker in his car then drove out..
Cas-sandra could see herself running in the dark with tears in her eyes. She wore her church go-wn which she supported with a hand, running as if to catch a flight. “Vicker!” she kept calling as she was running. Suddenly, she met him along the road then embr@ced him. “I love you so much, Vicker. plea-se, don’t leave me.”

“I have to go, Cas-sandra.” Vicker began to cares her hair.

“No, plea-se, don’t leave me! I beg you! I can’t stay without you!”

“Bye, Cas-sandra” Vicker left her into the darkness.

“Vicker!” the girl fell on the ground, crying bitterly, only to wake up with her twin sister inside her room. She looked around to see only her father and her sister who was as confused as she was.

“Thank God both of you are awake.” The father embr@ced them.

“Dad, what happened and where is mom?” Sandra asked.

Cas-sandra stood up. “Where is Vicker, Dad?” she asked with a very concerned tone which got her father wondering why….
(Redum at Home)
Episode 10
Written by author Nath
Inquisitively, the twins gazed at their father in the room. Not only did their eyes show a sign of confusion but also the quietness that stretched around the sanctum. Sandra, again, glanced at her twin sister to see blood stains on her cloth. She also saw the same thing on the be-d she sat on, only to remember Vicker as the person ma-king love to her before she bec@m£ unconscious. She nee-ded to know what happened but was ashamed to ask.

Meanwhile, Cas-sandra nee-ded to get answers why she bled from church to the house. She also nee-ded to know the way about of Vicker regarding her dream and the feelings she had for him. Therefore, she broke the silence, asking again. “”Where is Vicker, Dad? Why all this blood stain? Why were we unconscious?”

Mr Williams exhaled. Where would he begin? Nevertheless, like a man, he said, “Vicker is the cause of whatever that happened to you both.”

“How?” Cas-sandra unabashedly wanted to know, while the sister couldn’t look at the father’s face even though she was also interested to know the answer to that question.

The father kept quiet.

“Dad!” Cas-sandra shouted. “The last time I checked Vicker wasn’t with me when I coll@psed at the gate only to see myself inside this room in pools of blood. So I ask you again, how’s Vicker the cause?”

“Listen, Cas-sandra. It’s complicated. He crossed the line..” he glanced at Sandra. “Your sister was so stupid to make love to him.”

Cas-sandra looked at her sister then back to the father. “That’s what affected me too, isn’t it?”

“Your mother will explain better.”

“I see..” Cas-sandra began to node her head. “This is why she has been so persistent to see us abstain from men.”

Just then, they heard footsteps coming up throu-gh the staircase until the door of the room opened. All looked up to see the woman of the house.

“Oh my children. Thank God!” she wanted to hvg Cas-sandra who was closer and standing.

“Take your evil hands off me!!” she screamed thereby not only startling the mother but also pinned her at a sp©t. “What did you do to us, mom?” she glared.

Alre-ady, Sandra had started shedding tears.

“Your mother used you both to boost her business.. that’s why… but everything is okay now.” the father answered that question.

“Vicker has paid for it. He has paid for the act he committed.” the mother added, while the father surprisingly looked at her like a foolish woman.

Cas-sandra’s voice bec@m£ intensively curious. “How did he pay?”

“With his life otherwise both of you would have been dead by now.”

Hearing that, Sandra looked up at her parents with a shock. Only then did Cas-sandra’s tears started, reflecting on her first dream and what she told Vicker. Truly, he was there to save them.

From the girls’ reaction, the parents could tell that their children liked Vicker especially Cas-sandra who had seated at the corner of the room, crying.

“How could you be so wicked, mom!” Sandra skrie-ked from the be-d with tears.

Agressively, Cas-sandra rushed up to the mother. “Where did you take him to?! Where mom!” she held her cloth.

“Enough, Cas-sandra!” The father rebuked her.

“Its not enough! It will never be enough until you both provide him.” She ran out of the room, nearly pushing the mother down.

Throu-gh out the remaining time of the day, none from the family was seen outside. All remained in their individual rooms. One could see Mr Williams standing and staring at the wall of the room. He was on caftan with his two hands behind like a meditating chief priest. The wife’s voice c@m£ from behind.

“I’m so sorry about everything. I only wanted to re-move shame from my boutique after I was seriously mocked by others on our line.”

The husband neither turned nor said anything.

“plea-se, my husband.” The woman continued. “plea-se, talk to me. What troubles you?”

Mr Williams turned. “My Children troubles me. Did you see how they reacted to Vicker’s death, and from what I learnt. He was a p©rn star.”

“They will get over it soon. I believe whenever Cas-sandra learn about his true identity, she’ll calm down.”

“Another one is Alice…” car engine from outside interrupted them. Williams looked throu-gh the window to see his car driving out. Both rushed out in the darkness to see the old gatekeeper.

“Come, Aminu, who drove out with my car?” Williams asked the man.

“Sir, its Cas-sandra. She was stubborn!” the man expressed himself.

“And you allowed her?!” Mrs Rose skrie-ked.

“Did she tell you where she was going by this time of the night?” Williams asked.

The man shook his head. However, Sandra had been looking at them from the window. She win-ked.
Only the headlight of the Lexus overshadowed the darkness on the road as Cas-sandra handled the steering wheel ti-ghtly. She wore a jean trou-ser and a ti-ght t©p like one going for a fight. She left her two hands from the steering wheel, using it to tie her hair at a sp©t.

“I’m coming for you, Vicker.” She murmured…
After dressing up for church, Cas-sandra admired herself in a standing mirror. She brou-ght out a tracking device saying, “I’m sorry, Vicker, its my job to track your movement.” he picked up her phone and called Vicker….

Cas-sandra relaxed on the back seat of the car while Vicker exercised his f!ngerson the steering wheel. He occasionally glanced at her throu-gh the centre mirror.

“Excuse me, ma’am.” he broke the silence. “Why is Sandra not with you?”

Cas-sandra didn’t say anything.

“I mean, why isn’t she following you to church?” He added and glanced at the mirror again.

“My name is Cas-sandra.” she replied, but didn’t go further to answer the other question. Hence silence took over the car again. She used that opportunity to hide the tracking device un-der the seat……
The same car Cas-sandra put the tracking device was the same car her mother used to carry Vicker to the ritualist. After tracking the last destination of the car that night, Cas-sandra hit the road. Now, its obvious where she was heading to.

She drove to the end of the road, parked and c@m£ out with a t©uçh light. Cricket chirpped and owl crows from a distance, reminding Cas-sandra that it wasn’t the hour for the living but the dead. She pointed her torchlight to see a local building with red fabric at the door. She bec@m£ scared but the love of Vicker resto-red courage in her heart. Therefore she surged forward like a hunter. Getting to the door, she saw a snake pas-sing. She screamed and ran back, recreating never to carry a weapon.

“Vicker!” she shouted his name only to hear the echo of her own voice.

Again, she began to walk towards the local building. She hesitated at the door but finally pushed the red fabric away and entered…..