xxx celebrity episode 11 & 12

Episode 11
Written by author Nath.
Her footsteps on the creepy floor of the unknown local building at the ungodly hour of the night could get a frighten heart st©p beating. She never made another move after the red fabric flopped down behind her. The interior of the place was dark, so she put on her torchlight. “Jesus!” she whispered at the sight of diabolical totems she saw: a wall with pictures of only females. At another corner were human skulls and red fabric demarcating a p@rt of the room. Suddenly, she began to hear a gro-an ing voice behind the fabric. Courageously, she slowly fli-pped the red fabric sideways like a curtain at the entrance of a building to see Vicker in pools of blood.

“You made a mistake for coming here, young lady!” a female voice startled her from behind. She was covered in a red garment, plumpy and fair in complexion. Her f!ngerswere like the claws of vultures. Her eyes sparkle in the dark like the eyes of a cat.

Cas-sandra turned. “God never makes mistake.” She replied unabashedly.

The woman laughed in a loud voice. “You’re ma-king yourself a god?”

“No, but he’s in me. Therefore he that’s in me is greater than he that’s in the world! You shall do me no harm!”

The power in the ton-gue of the believer manifested in the house. So the woman watched Cas-sandra dragged Vicker up then began to take him outside. Truly, she had been hypnotized by the words, so she stood there like an iroko tree.

Cas-sandra put Vicker on the front seat, entered to the driver’s seat only to hear him gro-an ing again with eyes closed.

“Vicker, what are you saying? Are you okay?” she listened closer to his mouth.

“Grace.. Grace..” The young man gro-an ed again.

Hearing the name, Cas-sandra bec@m£ disappointed thinking he was calling the name of his girlfriend. Truly, Grace was Vicker’s girlfriend who left him the day she discovered he was a p©rn star.

Nevertheless, Cas-sandra notice a device blinking red light inside his pocket. She hastily brou-ght it out to see it as a tracking device too. She looked at Vicker.

“Who’s tracking you? My Dad?” she asked but didn’t get a response….
“Blindfold and chain him.” Alice interrupted by ordering her men.

Vicker bec@m£ confused. “Why? I don’t un-derstand!”

He was chained, blocked his mouth and blind-folded him before dragging him outside. The poor man never knew why and that could be his end.

“You, wait” Alice called one of the men. “Have a tracking device put inside his pockets. By night-fall after handling him to Williams, track and kill him if he will still be alive. In fact, kill anyb©dy you’ll see around him. Remember, by night-fall.”

“Yes, ma’am” the man replied….
Throu-gh the side mirror of the car, Cas-sandra saw another car speeding from behind. Obviously, those were Alice’s men.

“Oh, God!” Cas-sandra threw away the device, ignited the car and sped off. Though she didn’t know the road she was heading throu-gh but had to escape from those men.

However, the men st©pped at the device. They were four in number with guns. One of them picked the device up then gave two a sign to enter into the local building. Entering into the house, they saw the woman still hypnotized.

“Woman, where is the man that was here?” one of them asked but she couldn’t reply.

“Kpooo!!” he put a bullet in her head, she fell down and died instantly. The echoe of his gunsh0t travelled all over the bushy area.

“Vicker must be the one that drove out when we were coming. Let’s go!” they entered into their car, running after poor Cas-sandra.

As the fight went on, so as darkness bec@m£ thicker. The men followed the car-track made by tyres until they saw it parked inside a forest. All c@m£ down, conk their guns, quietly approached the car like in one of the movies Cas-sandra use to watch. The headlight of their car served as an illuminator, hence they could see everything within a close range clearly. They approached, looked into the car to see nob©dy but could only perceive the smell of petrol. Just then, the car exploded, hitting them down on the ground—that was Cas-sandra’s handiwork. She had taken Vicker to a hiding place, broke the fuel tank and left the engine on.

Like a movie actor, she rushed out from her hiding place, collected the guns from those men who were still trying to regain their strength and sight. quic-kly, she met Vicker lying un-der a crop.

“Come on, we nee-d to get out of here.” She pu-ll-ed him up again.

“Grace.. Grace… don’t leave, plea-se. I’m sorry.” Vicker gro-an ed again.

Cas-sandra glanced at him as both were staggering out but never said anything. She was yet to know whom she fell in love with; a p©rn star and one who had not fully gotten over his previous relationsh!p. Yet, she was risking her life for him. What a pity?
Their eyes remained heavy due to sleepless night, but the gatekeeper snored his way to Jamaica while slee-ping. Cas-sandra’s disappearance didn’t bother him much like it did to the parents and her twin sister, Sandra who was sitting with her parents in the parlour. Their posture was like a mourning family.

“It’s pas-s six o’clock in the morning, yet Cas-sandra is not back. Let’s talk to the police!” Mrs Rose broke the silence.

“Or let’s call James, my brother” Sandra ch!pped in.

“No, we’re not involving my son in this.” The mother objected.

All these while, the man of the house had not said anything, thinking critically. He stood up, spaced to the wall in a way he backed them.

“Honey, say something!” The wife urged.

“Allow me to think woman!” the man skrie-ked.

“What have you been doing since last night?”

The man glanced at her. “They are some things going on and about to go on that you don’t know.” he sounded scarily as if the world was about to come to an end.
In the forest, one could see Vicker lying un-der a tree. There was a flowing river a few meter aware where Cas-sandra was rinsing a cloth. She was only on that Jean trou-ser and br@, while she was using her cloth to clean Vicker up. So after rinsing, she walked to him, sat beside him and began press the we-t cloth on his forehead. The young man opened his eyes. Seeing her, he wanted to struggle up but the pains couldn’t let him.

“Just relax.” Cas-sandra told him.

“What are you doing? And… and…” he looked around. “Where are we?”

“I don’t know. We pas-sed the night here.”

Vicker finally stood on his feet, stepped away from the tree to survey the environment and to recall the last thing that happened to him. He turned to Cas-sandra.

“The last thing I could remember was being tortured to death by a woman.”

“Yes, and I tracked you to save you.” Cas-sandra replied. “Are you saying you have no memory of what happened last night?”

Vicker thought for a while and shook his head. Cas-sandra had to tell him everything ranging from the reason why he was brou-ght to the ritualist to their pres£nt location.

Surprised, Vicker said, “Those men are from Alice. They put the tracking device in my pocket!”

“Who is Alice and what does she want from you?”

Vicker bec@m£ quiet. He gallopped closer to her, staring into her eyes. “Why did you have to risk your life to save mine?” he changed the t©pic with a be-droom voice.

She spre-ad her hands. “I don’t know.” She replied as an afterthought, shyly bent down her head.

“Thank you.” he sighted the guns at the tree then walked to them. Cas-sandra watched him check the bullets and shoving them behind him.

“What are you doing?” she asked, going closer to him.

“The war has just begun. I’m going to kill Alice and your father.” He replied without looking at her.

“Ya kidding, right?”

He finally looked at her. “Do i look like a clown to you?” he gr@bb£d his shi-t and began to leave.

“Vicker!” Cas-sandra called on him but he never st©pped. “Vicker who’s Grace?!” she finally put him to a st©p with that question. Vicker turned like a robot……

Written by author Nath
The name ‘Grace’ sounded like the name of our saviour whom the christians believe if mentioned, every knee must bow and every ton-gue must confess that He is the Lord. Subsequently, Vicker’s reaction attributed to that when Cas-sandra asked him who Grace was. He turned like a robot, forgetting his initial mission of killing Alice and Williams. He couldn’t think of anything else but the bearer of that name and how Cas-sandra got to know about it.

Slowly, he bagan to walk close to the young lady who had been baffled by his dumb reaction. Therefore she couldn’t help but to believe whoever Grace might be, she was very important to Vicker whom she had hopelessly fallen in love with. What would she do if by the end, he doesn’t reciprocate her love because of this Grace? Imagining that, her heart skipped as she watched Vicker return to her, bemused. She stepped backward, unknowingly matched a dry stick that broke to her hearing.

The silence generated by Vicker’s attitude could allow them hear every nearby sound; the singing birds of the forest, flowing river and rattling of reptiles on dry leaves which was an evidence of their pres£nt ecological habitat.

“What did you just ask me?” Vicker broke the silence, glaring at Cas-sandra. His voice and glare got her scared, hence, she lost her own voice.

“I.. um.. I ask who Grace is?” she stammered.

“How did you know her?

“You were mentioning her name last night. You thought I was her.”

Vicker reasoned for a while. He said nothing again, rather bent down his head like a shameful defeated wrestler. Surprisingly, he felt a hand on his jaw that raised his head up–That was Cas-sandra, emotionally raising the head and both gazing at each other ro-mantically.

“I was there for you yesterday, I’m with you today and I’ll always be with you.” Cas-sandra sounded.

Vicker swallowed ha-rd . “See.. Cas-sandra, I appreciate you saving my life…”

“I didn’t save your life. God did?” she interrupted him, c@r£ss!nghis chin.

“God used you.”

Both remained quiet, still gazing at their beautiful and handsome faces. Just then, Cas-sandra’s legs rattled with dry leaves as she moved closer to him. On only br@ and trou-ser, she brou-ght her head closer to k!sshim but Vicker withdrew his face, so Cas-sandra bec@m£ disappointed.

“I’m sorry, I can’t give you what you want, Cas-sandra.” he slowly lifted her hand from his chin.

“Because you love my twin sister? Was that why you made love to her?”

“No, I don’t love your sister. What happened was as a result of.. Listen I was on a mission in your house and your sister c@m£ on the way. Having S-x with her was the only solution to get her off the way.”


“Yes,” Vicker told her everything, even how Alice betrayed him and handed him to her father. “That’s to say the worst is about to happen. But before that, I bullet must be dancing inside her head.” He concluded.

Cas-sandra thought for a while with the heartbreak. “Grace?” she sounded dull.

“No” Vicker promptly answered.

He wanted to leave but Cas-sandra’s voice st©pped him for the second time.

“I overheard you and Sandra. She said she knows you even before you c@m£ into our family. How?”

He didn’t look back, but answered saying. “‘How’ is the reason I can’t give you what you want.” he finally turned his head with a lower voice. “That’s the same reason Grace left.” he began to leave.

Cas-sandra wondered what the reason might be. She was re-ady to accept any condition, but her ego as a woman couldn’t let her tell him that anymore. She had alre-ady tried. Though she never st©pped loving him. Nevertheless, as she was contemplating, Vicker’s voice c@m£ from a distant.

“Are you not coming with me?!”

“You are not even ro-mantic!” she retorted, gr@bb£d her shi-t and followed him….
Pas-s eight in the morning, Mr Williams wasn’t thinking about her daughter anymore but the safety of the city from the hands of Alice coz he believed if the city is safe, his daughter will be safe anywhere she is. Therefore, in the pres£nce of his wife and daughter, he called the press whom arrived to his home.

The wife looked at him. “Honey, why are you calling the press?”

The man didn’t respond rather headed towards the door.

Sandra stood up. “Dad, Daddy! What’s going on!?”

He glanced at his daughter who waited with her mother hoping the man of the house would say something but he disappointed them, clutched the doorknob and went outside to see the press with their c@m£ra and microphones.

“My name is Williams Ogene” the man began while everyone listened even the gatekeeper. “I once had a p@rtner who is a scientific researcher. We discovered an effective and contagious disease and the formula to the cure. She tends to unleash it to people, make money with the cure and answer a god of this generation…”

“Sir, what’s the mode of transmission?” A reporter asked.

“b©dy contact. It makes one aggressive and extra powerful and hunger for fresh blood like a vampire.”

Hearing that, Mrs Rose glanced at her daughter. She couldn’t help but to wonder where her second daughter was.

“Sir, plea-se, what’s the name of this your p@rtner?” Another reporter asked.

“Ah…” a group of gunmen that berged throu-gh the gate interrupted him. Before he knew what was going on, a bullet pierced throu-gh his forehead. People screamed and ran away especially the wife and Sandra who locked the door. Yet, the men struggled to enter and kill them.
On the other hand, Vicker and Cas-sandra had been stocked on a traffic jam along one of the popular road of the city. One could see cars horning, drivers shouting and hawkers parading the road. Inside the yellow bus, Cas-sandra had refused to talk to Vicker. Suddenly, they heard people shouting and running from a distant. Vicker stretched his n£¢k like every other pas-s£nger.

“What’s happening , driver?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I’m only seeing people running.” The young driver replied.

Just then, they sighted a lady, su-cking another lady’s blood throu-gh the n£¢k region like a vampire.

“Jesus!” Cas-sandra shouted.

“This must be Alice’s handiwork.” Vicker said then gr@bb£d Cas-sandra’s hand. “Time to run now!”

Everyb©dy rushed out from the car, then followed the crowd on a race. Sooner did affected individuals begin to lift up vehicles from a distant. People were really contacting the hazardous disease due to none had any knowledge of mode of transmission.

However, Cas-sandra fell on the ground while running and people began to stampede on her.

“Watch where you’re going!” Vicker began to push them away then covered the poor girl until people made way. “gr-ab my hand!” he told Cas-sandra. Just then, a victims angrily approached from behind.

“Vicker, behind you!” Cas-sandra shouted.

The young man turned, pu-ll-ed out his gun and sh0t at the victim severally begore he died. Meanwhile, Cas-sandra had stood up.

“From now on, do not allow anyb©dy to t©uçh you!” Vicker instructed her. “Come with me” they started running again.

“Where are we going?!” Cas-sandra asked.

“Grace’s house is close from here!” he replied.

“Grace?” Cas-sandra murmured. Only one thing c@m£ into her mind which changed her feelings too….