xxx celebrity episode 7 & 8

Episode 7
Written by author Nath
Things you see to be very easy can turn out not to be only difficult but also deadly. Vicker was yet to fully un-derstand that when he made himself available in the family of a renounce doctor.

He stepped into the house with Sandra beside him. Though the man of the house wasn’t pres£nt but the wife was just standing in the living room as if she was waiting for them. Vicker changed plea-santries with her then everywhere calmed. Yet, Sandra never left his side like a queen to her king. Of course the mother knew her to be stubborn and her intentions.

“Vicker, you’ll stay at the boys quarter, discharge your duties from there. On the wall of your room is our daily outing and domestic movements. Study it and know your place and duties…” The woman was instructing, while Vicker’s mind, b©dy and soul were on Cas-sandra who just stepped out on the staircase, standing like a royal endowment. She wore a fairy go-wn which she supported with a hand. She left her natural hair dangling around her shoulder like the Phili-ppines in a lovely atmosphere. She was damn beautiful!! Even Cas-sandra never left her eyes from him, reasoning his own outfit too.

“Do you un-derstand, Vicker?” Mrs Rose brou-ght his attention back.

He startled, exhaled and responded phonetically. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Let me show him the boys quarter.” Sandra carried his bag.

“No,” the mother objected immediately to Vicker’s amazement. “Let your sister do it. Cas-sandra, show Vicker the boys quarter.” she commanded.

Sandra didn’t say anything rather glared at her mother as Cas-sandra was coming down from the staircase to accomplish the instruction. Her footsteps on the tiled floor was the only thing heard in the living room, while communication was by eyes contact among all of them, thinking why Mrs Rose Williams made such a decision.

Nevertheless, Cas-sandra carried the bag without looking at any persons face followed by Vicker while Sandra just stood at a sp©t until they left the room.

“What was that for, mom?!” she skrie-ked. “Why such embarras-sment in the pres£nce of a….”

“I’m sorry, Sandra.” She Interrupted then sat down. “Just go to your room.”

She looked at the mother without knowing the adjective to qualify her attitude. So she angrily ran upstairs.

Cas-sandra opened the quarter, entered, dropped the bag on the floor. Vicker surveyed the sanctum to see it well furnished with a large family be-d at a corner. He also noticed on the wall what his new madam told him.

“Bathroom is over there.” Cas-sandra pointed at a corner.

“Thank you.” he turned to her in a way their eyes caught again. Cas-sandra began to walk out reluctantly until Vicker’s voice st©pped her. “Are you the one I saw at the window?”

She turned. “Yes..” she swallowed ha-rd . “Any problem?”


They remained quiet again only to hear the gate opened and a car driving in. Also, a horn from the car filled the air.

“Vicker,” Cas-sandra began. “I have a feeling you’re here to..” she paused as the young man stared at herl-ips. “I know why you’re here.” she concluded.

Vicker bec@m£ not only mute but confused too. How would the girl know why he was in that house? Bizarrely, he said, “I don’t un-derstand. I’m here to drive.”

“No, Vicker. You’re here to do more than driving.”

“Can you tell me what that is?”

“It’s..” she was interrupted by a shout of her name which c@m£ from outside. She recognized the voice as her sister’s who wanted her to come welcome the father. “Welcome, Vicker.” she left the room, leaving the young man in a bizarre curiosity.

Notwithstanding, Vicker swiftly began to bring the device out. He believed he wouldn’t last more than three days in the house to get what he wants then disappear. He flung his clothes out of his bag until he saw the device which he activated the red bo-ttomwaiting patiently to receive any signal but nothing happened. He toasted it on the be-d and ru-bbe-d his head haphazardly. He looked throu-gh the window to see the twins and the father entering into the house.
The Sun aro-se in its glory and magnificent power, Vicker stepped into his driving uniform, took the man of the house to work and the woman to her well known boutique. He used that opportunity to meet his friend Mark who hailed him inside his ap@rtment but Vicker wasn’t smiling at all.

“Guy, what’s going on? You look worried when you should be happy to finally entered into the family.”

“Things aren’t funny, guy.” He crossed his legs.

Mark adjusted forward. “What is it?”

“Alice threatened my mother if I don’t get what she wants.”

Hearing that, Mark opened his eyes wi-dely like a native doctor in a shock.

“The most mysterious thing is that the first day I entered into the house, I stumbled and began to lose my sight. The next thing I heard was that I’m not welcome in the house. As if that isn’t enough, Cas-sandra, the fair one, said she knows why I’m in that house.” he re-leased his crossed legs.

“Guy, things are getting ugly. Do you think the man is a ritualist? But have you noticed anything from the device so that you can get the thing and leave the house asap?”

“No, I guess I have to take it to the main house which I’m restricted from and I must do it today.”

Just then, a call c@m£ in on Vicker’s phone. He answered it immediately and hung up, standing on his feet at the same time like one who had an urgent issue to attention to. “That was Cas-sandra. She said I should come take her to church. Middle week church, something like that.” They shook hands.
Cas-sandra relaxed on the back seat of the car while Vicker exercised his f!ngerson the steering wheel. He occasionally glanced at her throu-gh the centre mirror.

“Excuse me, ma’am.” he broke the silence. “Why is Sandra not with you?”

Cas-sandra didn’t say anything.

“I mean, why isn’t she following you to church?” He added and glanced at the mirror again.

“My name is Cas-sandra.” she replied, but didn’t go further to answer the other question. Hence silence took over the car again.

“You once said that I c@m£ to do something more than driving” Vicker was still inquisitive.

“St©p me here” Cas-sandra commanded when they got to her destination. She stepped out, walked to the front door with a bible. She bent down in order to see the driver’s face. “You didn’t only come to drive, you c@m£ to save my family.”

Vicker smiled. “From what?”

“I don’t know. I saw it in a dream.” She walked out, going into the church compound as Vicker stared at her. He wondered if she had the same dream he had.

“How possible?” He murmured and drove straight back home. Sandra was the only one at home and Vicker swore to take the device into the main house in order to detect the location of whatever he was told to get.

Unabashedly, he stepped into the living room of the house, put on the device to see a red signal on the centre of the screen with a circular wave navigation. He began to walk upstairs following the signal which took him to the door of Mr Williams’ room. Silently, he clutched the knob to see it locked.

“What are you looking for and what’s that in your hand?” Sandra startled him from behind.

He quic-kly placed the device inside his pocket. Arrogantly, Sandra pu-ll-ed it out, looking at it strangely. “What are you tracking?” she asked.

“Nothing, it’s not a tracking device”

“And what are you doing at my father’s door. You have no right to be here. Are you aware?”

Vicker went tabula-rasa.

“I’m calling my Dad to tell him” she aggressively wanted to walk into her own room, but Vicker pu-ll-ed her back and k!$$£d her at once. It continued ro-mantically until the device fell off from Sandra’s hand which is to say that she was enjoying it….

Episode 8
Written by author Nath
The sound of the device on the floor after falling from Sandra’s hand never seemed to be a big deal to them rather the pres£nt state of their b©dy chemistry overshadowed their thought and s-en-se of hearing

Her oestrogen, S-xual hor-mones, actively circulated all over her b©dy. Her nervous system increa-sed, thus, pumping blood throu-gh her veins to her uterus, ma-king her crave for stimulation. That was the potentiality of Vickersl-ips on herl-ips, soaring every p@rt of it. Backwardly, they pushed Sandra’s room opened, staggered inside as theirl-ips never had the best of their satisfaction. Reaching the be-d, Sandra quit, c@r£ss!nghis beards.

“I know you’re a p©rn star. Take it easy on me coz I’ve not done it before.”

“I know all that.” Vicker resumed the k!ssimmediately, ro-mantically la-id her down on the be-d.

Sandra wore a crop-t©p and bu-mshort which Zi-p had been dragged to the finishing line, ex-posing her white p@n-t. Slowly, Vicker pu-ll-ed the short, wanting to render her n-ked but Sandra held his hand.

“Wait.. you know all that? How come you know that I know you?”

“The same way you know that I’m a p©rn star.”

“You’re not being straight. You sound like an xxx spy. What are you up to?”

Vicker slowly la-id on her, k!$$£d herl-ips and said, “What I’m up to is to make love to you, my love.”


“Because I love you.” he responded according to what the young girl wanted to hear. While as, his mind was on his mission in the family.

Sandra smiled, pu-ll-ed him to herself in a way Vicker used his ton-gue on her n£¢k, just at the shoulder angle which is a plea-surable point for any woman. Sandra m0@n ed with mouth open like one reducing the h0tness of food p@rticles in her mouth. Tactically, he pu-ll-ed off her p@n-t, using his f!nger to work wonders on the erogenous zone until the pvzzybec@m£ a well of we-tness. Finally, he found his way in between her legs.

“Aaahhh” the young girl m0@n ed, holding him ti-ghtly across the back…
On the other hand, at church, in the midst of people where Cas-sandra was having a bible study, she felt an abdominal pains like a menstrual cra-p as a result of the act her twin sister was doing at home. Though she didn’t know. Suddenly, the pains increa-sed, feeling her p@n-t we-t with blood until it started dripping throu-gh her th!ghs.

“It’s not my period! What’s happening?” She thought folding her stomach. She managed to dial Vicker’s number severely to come take her home, but he wasn’t picking.

Painfully, she struggled home on a taxi, ban-ged on the gate with the last strength in her like a notorious criminal.

“Who’s there!” The old gatekeeper opened the gate to see Cas-sandra staggering inside with her clothes stained with blood. From her mouth was blood rushing out too. “Ah, madam, what’s happening to you?”

She didn’t respond rather coll@psed on the floor.
Meanwhile, Vicker suddenly discovered the person he was ma-king love with lifeless on the be-d.

“Sandra?” he tapped her cheek. “Sandra!” he withdrew himself from her, shaking her vigorously. Yet, the girl never responded. There was little or no blood-stain on the be-d, but a quantity of it began to come from her mouth. Fearfully, he dressed up, ran out of the room to see the gatekeeper who suspected something after seeing the fallen device.

“plea-se, come take her to the hospital!!” the man shouted.

“Who?” Vicker adjusted his trou-ser.

“Cas-sandra! She’s lying outside!”

Vicker rushed down the staircase to outside. Seeing Cas-sandra lying the same way her twin sister was, he felt pity for her and un-derstood that her predic@m£nt was as a result of the S-xual act with her sister. Something he didn’t know was happening. He just had to use his initiative at that moment.

“Do something na!!” The old man shouted from behind.

Vicker narrowed his vision inside the man’s office to see a bunch of key. So he ran into the office to the man’s amazement then shouted. “Come and help me get this first!!” he gr@bb£d that key. When the man c@m£, he locked him inside.

“Hey! What are you doing! She’s dying! plea-se, help her!”

Vicker ignored both him and Cas-sandra, broke down Mr Williams door then began his search with the device. He believed he had gotten control of the house at the moment not knowing that he locked up the gatekeeper with a cell phone..

Meanwhile, the old man had called the man of the house and was on call with the wife saying hastily, “Madam, come home now, the driver is doing something wrong in the house and Cas-sandra is lying dead. I believe the driver had done something to Sandra too.”

As the parents were on their way home, so as Vicker was at the verge of getting what he wanted. And also, the driver, using a long metal found in the office, stretched it throu-gh a window to open the small gate since it was closer.

However, Vicker had detected the sp©t where the signal was high. It was buried inside the bathroom. Therefore he had to break the floor open to see a box. “I got it!” He murmured, carried it and rushed downstairs. He looked throu-gh a window from the parlour to see Mr and Mrs Williams barging inside with some policemen.

“Hey, God oh!” Mrs Rose rushed her daughter who was still lying on the floor. Looking at her, she knew what happened to her and the only solution which she can’t say without revea-ling the secret why she monito-red her children’s vir-ginity.

“Search the house!” Mr Williams commanded the police.

“Oh my God! I’m finished!” Vicker concluded at the window…..