When Love Is Not Enough – episode 3


#Michelle .
“…I said I’m sorry…Lis.. listen to me first Michelle, this is not right.. you are punishing me, whenever you intentionally refused me my conjugal right you indirectly punishing me… we suppose to be in a honey moon not in a prayer meeting…I tried but you refused to see reasons with me… my love I’m…
Michelle started walking away, James stood there for sometime, comb his hand into his hair before going to sit in the sitting room.
Michelle later c@m£ out all dressed and was moving to the exit door.
James quic-kly stood up and rushed to the door.
He stood in front of the door, hand akimbo, preventing his wife from pas-sing
“James, In the name of God leave the door…why are you allowing the devil to use you..you are becoming the devil’s workshop… you refused to join me for prayer and to exercise little patient for me to be throu-gh with my prayers you f0rç£fully la-id with me without my permission… James you R@p£d your own wife and still claim to love her… God have mercy on you… so you don’t have safe control… you saw that I was having quiet time with God, is not like I’m running away, the prayer I was even doing was for our own good… for God to bless our union you still went ahead to perform such forbidden act…I will report you to Pastor and tell everyone who cares to listen that my suppose husband is a ra-pist…
“You dare not do that Michelle, st©p calling me a ra-pist…I am your husband..I had enough patient with you while d@t!ng, you even deny me as little as a hvg, a k!sseven holding of hands, it was all a sin to you because you termed it as one, you said any form of intim-acy before marriage is a sin and we should abstain from it all…I listened I obeyed now we are legally married I don’t un-derstand what again you are abstaining from… this is too early Michelle and I won’t let you go out there to spoil my image… you want to go and tell Pastor and anyone that cares to listen that your husband is a ra-pist… How will you feel telling people such or if someone calls me that how will you react to it… I did not r@p£ you I only la-id with my wife in a wrong way… I’m not justifying my myself but I’m de-eply Sorry… st©p all this madness… let’s talk over it, I will make it up to you… plea-se…
Michelle refused to listen as she tries to push James away from the door but James locked the door with key, re-moved the keys and return to his seat. Leaving Michelle to stand by the door in a confused state.
Michelle not knowing what to do after James locked the door and took the keys quietly returned to the room.
She brou-ght out her phone and try calling her pastor but he was on phone at the moment.
She later tried again and it rang without respond.
She got tired of calling the pastor and decided to call her friend Katie.
Katie picked up on the first ring
“Hello Michelle…Mrs James I thought you have forgotten me, forming levels for your friends since you are married, well I don’t blame you… you must be giving different be-dmatic styles to James like a dosage, morning afternoon and night since he couldn’t get it during your courtsh!pdays. I envy you babe, not many of us got so lucky as you to have such a nice man like James… your prayers for a good man really worked out for you… forgive my manners… how are you and how’s James doing…I could have called but I didn’t want to disturb your honey moon…
“Katie, you won’t believe what I’m about to tell you…I wish you are here…is not a phone talk at all… James is not what he appears to be…
“Ewooo… Michelle, tell me something, what happened…infact I’m on my way to your place.. I’m coming over right away… plea-se tell me what did James do…did he kill someb©dy… oh wait, he lied to you… you caught him without another woman… that must be so terrible… I’m coming now…
“Katie he did not do any of those things you mentioned… can you believe my suppose husband r@p£ m…
James who Just c@m£ into the room quic-kly collected Michelle’s phone from her before she could complete her s£ntence.
He checked who she was speaking with and saw Katie who kept saying
” You said James did what…I can’t hear you… hello Michelle.. James did what…hello…
James angrily pressed the end bu-tton on the phone ending the call.
He looked at Michelle who also stare back at him shouting at him for taking her phone.
James was speechless as he left the room with Michelle’s phone, leaving her to fuss and cuss
While sitting at the parlour, Michelle’s phone rang and James saw that it was her pastor that was calling.
He picked it up.
“Hello pastor… good afternoon sir…
“God bless you my son, How are you and your wife…I missed her calls earlier, i was busy…I believe all is well…
“Yes pastor, all is well, Michelle is doing great…we Just wanted to check up on you… and thank you more for everything you did for us during our wedding… we are grateful sir…
“To God be praise, dedicate this period for just you and your wife, don’t start rushing to work, spice up your marriage, even the Bible said let your wife’s br£@st satisfy thee, so have some good quality time together, I believe Michelle pla-ys her role well as a wife…
“Yes sir, she is trying her best… thank you Pastor…we remain grateful.
“God bless you my son and kindly extend my greetings to your lovely wife.
James later ended the call and went to the door immediately he heard a knock.
He unlocked and opened the door and Katie stood outside the door with a big grin on her face.
She was smiling from ear to ear as she greeted James who was not happy to see her but tries to return the smile as he ushered her in.

Still continues

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