voice for the poor 4 episode 5 & 6


It is in the ward sir, let’s take you there, so that we can serve you. The doctor responded smartly and they wheeled me back into the ward.

When we were almost in the ward, I pretended to be unconscious again.

They lifted and threw me angrily on the be-d.
What kind of on and off unconsciousness is this?
Moments ago, this man was awake, and now, he is unconscious again, what at all is happening? The incharge asked worriedly.

Don’t worry Mrs, let’s monitor his condition till evening. If he wakes up again, we will serve him an overdose of a sedative to enable us take the blood, but if he fortunately remains unconscious, we will wheel him back to the lab to take all his blood. Nons-en-se! The doctor responded angrily.

I la-id down quietly in fear and panic.
The nurses kept checking on me to ensure I was unconscious.

The ward incharge made her last check on me for the day, and called the doctor.
Hello doctor Boadi, the idiot is still unconscious oooo. She stated.

That is wonderful Mrs, we will take him back to the lab as early as 4am in the dawn, plea-se don’t be late. The doctor responded at the other side of the phone.

Later in the night around 1am, I woke up, climbe-d up the ceiling and picked the c@m£ra.
I carefully sneaked out the ward and tried scaling the wall. Hurriedly, a hand held me and pu-ll-ed me on the floor.

Who are you? Talk now or I raise alarm. He threatened.

plea-se don’t shout, I am a patient at the intensive care unit, but I’m better now, and I want to go home. I panicky responded.

No one gets fit at the intensive care unit. It’s either you die, or run away with an evidence. So tell me, which evidence have you gathered? He asked.

plea-se who are you, and how did you know the happenings in the ward? I asked too.

My name is Ezekiel, the chief security man in this hospital. He responded.

Ezekiel, plea-se let me go. I am Brenda’s father, Brenda actually s£nt me here. I responded.

Oh yeah! That intelligent beautiful soul, I very well remember her. She threatened to come back at these people, and indeed, she has.
She was even the one who saved my brother’s life. plea-se extend my regards to her when you go. Go now before the nurses come after you. He responded happily.

Ezekiel, scream for help after I am gone, in order not to loose your job. I advised.

Hurriedly, I scaled down the wall, and took to my heels.
I then disguised myself as a mad man throu-gh out the night, till morning when I disguised myself again as an old man, and picked a car back into this village. Daddy narrated.

Wow wow wow! Daddy, I feel like carrying you high on my shoulders.
You are indeed my father. Thanks for risking your life to make sure others live. I congratulated happily.

Anything for you my daughter, now tell me, what else is left? Daddy asked.

Daddy, I’d wanted us to leak the video to social media, but that is unnecessary.
I suggest we rather get a new sim card and s£nd it to the president’s personal number. I suggested.

That’s right, I was even waiting for you to come, so that we change the social media idea, it doesn’t really show maturity. Daddy responded.

But daddy, have you alre-ady edited your face from the video? I asked.

Of course yes! I’ve not rested since you left for school, I’ve always been with my l@pt©p. He responded.

Early the following morning, Ike traveled to the next town to get the sim card.
We did the necessary arrangements and forwarded the video to the president. Afterwards, we destroyed the sim to prevent them from tracing us.

Several days later, news broke into all the media houses that, the president and his wife has divorced due to infidelity.

The first lady began calling my father.
Hello Arthur, so after all the bribe I gave you, you still went ahead to break my home right. She asked angrily.

Well, your bribe couldn’t give me joy, that is why I resigned.
And the truth of the matter is that, women like you are not supposed to be in matrimonial homes. I can imagine the look on your face when the president confronted you with the evidence. Daddy tea-sed.

Arthur, br@ce yourself for war! I promise to deal with you ruthlessly. Mummy threatened.


Arthur, br@ce yourself for war! I promise to deal with you ruthlessly. Mummy threatened.

We all bur-st into laughter after the phone call.

Daddy, this whole thing is becoming bloody, how well are we going to protect ourselves? Ike asked.

Don’t worry Ike, I have a pistol. Anyb©dy who tries to cross me will be double crossed. Daddy responded confidently.

Weeks pas-sed into months and we graduated from school. I took my certificate to begin my quest for justice.

Daddy, I have my certificate and my knowledge in law now, but since the sitting president cannot be prosecuted, I suggest we deal with Caleb first.
The president has lost his wife and he must loose his son as well to weaken his strength in wickedness. I explained.

I will meet my brother in court with the evidence we have.
I am suing him for attem-pted murder. I added.

You have my support Brenda. Daddy urged me on.

Thanks a million daddy, this nation must work again.
We must all be rich in our own way, in peace, in shelter, education, security, and at least, common food to fill every empty stomach. I responded.

What about your sister Richlove? What happens to her? Daddy asked.

Daddy, Richlove peddles drugs, but we don’t have any evidence against her for now. The evidence I had from her, was discovered and probably destroyed, but don’t worry, she murdered the wife of our security guard who is currently in prison for no better reason. I will get to him and see if he can help us with any evidence against her. I responded.

Days later, I filed a case of attem-pted murder against Caleb in court.
The news began to circulate internationally.
People were so much interested in the case.
They couldn’t just believe, such a young lady who just got to the law field could be bold enough to sue the only son of the president.

People who had had their bitter experience with the president and his family funded a heavy security to protect me from any attack.
I bec@m£ the talk of the nation.

After Caleb and my father realised I was the lawyer, they began calling me.

What is it Mr President? What is the reason behind this call? I asked angrily.

Brenda, this is supposed to be a family issue which can be solved amicably without the public. plea-se withdraw the case. He pleaded.

Well Mr President Tieku Adam, when you threw me onto the streets, I realised how painful it was to be bullied by the same people who are supposed to protect you.
You and your son are bullies, and don’t deserve to rule this nation. I responded.

Brenda plea-se have mercy on me, your mother cheated on me and we are no more. Caleb and Richlove are my only sources of happiness. He pleaded.

Mr President, have you for once thought about what my source of happiness is, after you threw me out of your house?
If you don’t know, I will personally tell you. My only source of happiness is JUSTICE! and that is what I will soon achieve. I responded unhappily.

And come to think of it, why would you break up with your wife because she cheated?
Haven’t you cheated before? I asked.

No Brenda, your mother is a woman, and she didn’t have that right. He responded ignorantly.

Which p@rt of the constitution forbids women from cheating but urges men on?
A president who is gender bias, is that one too a president? I tea-sed.

Brenda, plea-se, don’t do this. plea-se. He pleaded.

quic-kly, I hanged up on him.

Minutes later, I received a call from Caleb.
Hello madam lawyer, I learnt you have filed a case against me.
Brenda, when daddy was throwing you out of this house, I thought it was for the better, not knowing it was for the worst.
Whiles in this house, you were stupid! Out of the poverty you encountered on the streets, you have gone totally mad.
You want to prosecute me Caleb? The son of the president? Well, get your money re-ady, because we are all going to trade for justice. He threatened.

Caleb my brother, we will only trade for justice if we happen to be in the same market, but if we are not, then know that, one of us is doomed.
In a situation where you hold your local currency in a foreign market, what do you think you can buy?
And what can I also buy, when I hold foreign currency in my local market?

That means we’ve all lost our targets, and one or two of us will perish in the dying nee-d for the item we want to purchase.

I don’t expect a febrile and frail mind like yours to un-derstand anything I’ve just said. Just be my guest in court. I responded and hanged up.

On our first day in court, people trooped into the court as if we were having a national celebr@tion of a kind.
I pres£nted my case but
the court was not so strict about it so I realised their conscience was almost bought.

The night after my first day in court, Ike and I sle-pt in the house of one of the renowned business men in the country who willingly requested to accommod@t£ us.

I was stressed up, so immediately I hit the be-d, sleep carried me away.
Hours later, Ike woke me up.

Wake up RM, robbers have stormed the house.
The president is after your life. He whispered with sweats all over him.

How did you know Ike? I whispered back.

Sssshhhh! Don’t talk! I can hear their foot steps. He whispered.

quic-kly, he lifted me unto a table and pushed me onto the ceiling to hide.
RM, stay cool, plea-se don’t move, or else, we are all dead. He cautioned.

I began to tremble. God, what happens to Ike? Where is he going to hide? I thought almost in tears.

I thought it wise to come down from my hideout to protect Ike too.

Brenda where in God’s name are you going to? Can’t you hear the people opening the doors in this house? plea-se hide! If you truly love me, just hide! He whispered.

Before he landed with his words, I heard a gun sh0t in the house.

I quic-kly climbe-d up again and la-id quietly whiles Ike hid himself in the laundry basket in the room and covered himself with clothes and be-d sheets.

I trembled the more when I heard the gun sh0t.
Minutes later, the business man was brou-ght into our room at gun point.

Where the hell are they? Provide them now, or you go down! The masked robber threatened.

plea-se don’t kill me, they were in this room, but I believe they sneaked out when everyone was slee-ping. The man responded in a trembling voice.

plea-se, if you want more information, you can inquire from my security guard. He added.

Damn! We shouldn’t have gunned the security man down. What the hell are we going to do now. One of the robbers asked his colleagues.

Immediately he landed with the question, I heard the serene of the police patrol car.

quic-kly, the robbers run out of the room.
I could hear them exchanging bullets with the police.
The exchange went on for minutes and later st©pped.

The police entered the house to call us from our hideouts.

Ike and I were sweating profusely.
I couldn’t just stand on my feet. I was so much gr!pp£dwith fear.

Don’t be afraid, they are gone, but fortunately, the bullet has hit one of them on both legs, and we believe, we can make an evidence out of him. The police as-sured.

The next day, my funding agencies withdrew the case and s£nt it to the international court of law.
We went to the court first and second time.

On the first and second hearing, I pres£nded my evidence against Caleb. The video of him with as-sas-sins in Abr@m’s room.
Abr@m was called to testify that indeed, that was his room. He gave testifications of all kind.

On the third hearing, my brother was found guilty with all the evidence I provided and was prosecuted for life imprisonment.

I walked to him and congratulated him.
Congratulations Mr president’s son, your intelligence and riches have accepted my stupid prosecution to spend the rest of your life in jail.
Go and repent, or else, God will jail you to eternal suffering as well. I tea-sed and walked away.

My name went viral, and I broke the internet.

What next Brenda? Go ahead and fight, fight for what is right! I soliloquised.

To be continued…