voice for the poor 4 episode 3 & 4


Thanks my role model, you are such a genius. Ike complimented happily.

The next Sunday, Ike called me very early in the morning.
Hello RM, can you imagine Sheila is here this early morning? He rhetorically asked.

This is the best opportunity Ike, just gr-ab it. I responded.

Oh yes, I have alre-ady set my phone on voice recording.
I’m going back into the room to achieve the target. Will call you soon. He stated hastily and hanged up.

I waited impatiently for a feedback.
Minutes later, Ike called me into his hostel.

RM, come right away! The whole thing is getting serious. Can you imagine she has str!pped n-ked? I’ve left the room and she has vowed not to leave until I make love to her. Ike narrated.

That sounds crazy! But have you alre-ady gotten the voice recording? And has she given you her father’s number? I asked.

I’ve gotten the voice recording but I couldn’t take the number due to how she suddenly got crazy and str!pped n-ked. Ike responded

Well don’t worry, I am right on my way. She will give me her father’s number compulsorily. I responded and rushed to the hostel.

On arrival, Ike was desperately waiting few walks away from the hostel.
RM, I’m glad you here, plea-se what do we do now? He asked worriedly.

Ike, leave everything to me, I will handle her. I responded.

I bu-mped into her and started videoing her with my phone.

What the hell do you think you are doing Brenda? plea-se st©p it! She screamed and jumped out of the be-d to wear her clothes.

Brenda plea-se st©p! plea-se don’t do this to me. She continuously pleaded.

I still didn’t utter a word, but continued videoing her till she finished dressing up.

Sheila, if you don’t want this video to get leaked on this campus, kneel down now! I threatened.

quic-kly, she knelt down in tears.
Brenda plea-se, don’t do this to me. plea-se have mercy on me! She cried out.

Now listen to me, I want you to vow, never to stalk Ike again. I want you to avoid him like a disease. Vow Now! I yelled.

I promise Brenda! I promise never to look in Ike’s direction again. I promise. She responded in tears.

Good! Now we have a deal. The day you will breach this promise, this video will hit the streets.
And I can’t wait for the media houses to make beautiful headlines out of it… “THE UGLY SIDE OF THE BEAUTIFUL MINISTER’S DAUGHTER expo-sed”.

And just so you know, a stronger person is not the one who oppresses the weak, she is the one who carries the weak on her shoulders till she finds refuge.

If you are rich, let the world know it throu-gh helping those who are nee-dy, rather than insulting them with it.
Anyone that does that is the poorest rich person on earth. Get this into your fragile unmatured skull. I advised and insulted at the same time.

I’ve heard everything you’ve just said Brenda.
I didn’t know all these. plea-se forgive me. She apologized.

I forgave you before you even committed this sin. I responded.

The second thing is that, I nee-d your father’s phone number, I nee-d to coach him on how to train you. I requested.

Brenda plea-se, don’t s£nd this video to my father, plea-se don’t. She pleaded.

Sheila, the fact that I’m here talking to a mad person like you, doesn’t mean I am equally mad, it only means that, I’m trying to make diagnosis out of your condition and as well plan your cure.
Now call the numbers to me and st©p the drama. I yelled.

quic-kly, she mentioned the numbers to me and I saved it on my phone.

Thanks for your cooperation Sheila, you can go and sin no more! I responded and walked her out of the room.

She took to her heels the moment she stepped out.

Ike and I bur-st into uncontrollable laughter.
Wow RM, you are so intelligent! I can’t just believe you’ve finally silenced this cheap who-re. Ike exclaimed.

Come on Ike, people like these are very simple to handle. They have loud mouths, but they lack simple tactics to life.
Anyway, let me delete the video before someone steals my phone to implicate me. I responded and deleted the video.

And the audio on your phone, let’s get a new sim card and s£nd it to her father.
This should be a guideline for her father to know how to train her. I suggested.

We got the sim card and s£nt the audio to the father.


We got the sim card and s£nt the audio to the father.

Minutes later, there was a response.
Sheila has killed me! So my daughter was not a v!rg!nafter all! God I’m finished!
Gentleman plea-se who are you? Kindly show your identify, plea-se! The man pleaded in a voice recording.

Ike recorded another voice audio and s£nt it to him.
Sir, my identity is not the type that will catch your attention nor fall within your clas-s.
My aim for s£nding this audio is to let you know the type of product you’ve brou-ght into the general market.

This your product lack quality content. It is cheap and expired.
Sir, in fact, this product is spoiling your br@nd as a minister. Get up and rebuild her.

After that last audio, Ike re-moved the sim card and destroyed it.

Sheila bec@m£ so sober on campus.
She was not seen flaunting her riches and insulting others like she used to do.

People began gossiping about her.

Has her father st©pped giving her money or what? I overheard two people gossiping.

No, I learnt her b©yfri£ndin the States has married another woman. The other person responded.

I laughed over it and walked away.

Soon, the semester was over and I called my father to find out how things were moving.
Hello daddy, I am done with school, plea-se any progress? I asked.

Yes my daughter, mission accomplished and I have the evidence with me. I have added it to the c@m£ra and the tape in Ike’s bag, but there is fire on the mountain.
I had a ti-p off from one of my trusted colleagues that, the president, as well as the first lady is haunting for me.

This is serious daddy, have you plea-se gone back to the village? I asked.

Yes Brenda, I am currently with my in-laws. He responded.

Don’t worry, just stay safe for me, I will be with you early tomorrow morning. I responded.

The next morning, Ike and I set off to the village.
We got home and we met everyone sound and fit.

Daddy, plea-se tell me, how did everything go? My ears are itching. I inquired desperately.

My daughter, everything was not as easy as we thought.
When I got to the hospital, I was admitted into the emergency unit per my complains.

I pretended to be critically ill.
24 hours later, I was transferred into the intensive care unit. Fortunately or unfortunately, I was the only patient there.
In the middle of the night when the nurses were slee-ping, I climbe-d up the ceiling and hid a c@m£ra there.

The next morning, one doctor Boadi and the ward incharge walked into where I was slee-ping and I pretended to be unconscious.

The both of them began talking.
Doctor, I don’t know why people don’t come these days. The incharge complained.

Don’t worry, let’s make good use of this one for now, and we will later see what we can do. The doctor responded.

But Doc, this patient looks too healthy to be unconscious ooo. The incharge complained.

You worry too much my dear, what matters is, he is unconscious. The doctor responded.

Early the next morning, I was placed on a stretcher and wheeled to the blood donation center.
When we got there, the doctor and the incharge walked out.

Michael I’m going back to the office, plea-se be snappy about it, the people are waiting. The doctor instructed whiles walking away.

Just when the guy finished with the preparations to take the blood, I woke up.
Where am I? And what are you doing with me? I asked.

Calm down sir, let me call the doctor. The guy responded in fear and run out of the room.

I quic-kly stood up and re-moved my micro bu-tton c@m£ra from my bo-xer p@n-ts and hurriedly attached it to my shi-t and la-id down again in an unconscious state.

Seconds later, the doctor and his people walked in.

Michael, are you mad? Didn’t you tell us he was awake? The doctor yelled angrily.

Doctor, it’s unfortunate we are all using fake certificates to operate, we would have as-sessed him well to see whether he is unconscious or not. Michael responded.

Brenda, at that instance, I nearly laughed.
I just couldn’t believe they were not qualified health practitioners. Daddy stated.

Continue daddy, and what happened? I asked.

Brenda, the doctor angrily yelled at the guy.
How dare you remind me of that nons-en-se! Don’t you know the man in his unconscious state will hear that?

Oh Doctor, even in the man’s dying moment, you are still protecting your swag. Anyway, if you think he is unconscious, let’s take the blood. Michael tea-singly responded.

When they tried tou-ching me, I woke up.
What is happening here? Where am I? Do you know who I am? I screamed in fear.

Calm down sir, we were trying to serve your medication, plea-se calm down. The doctor responded in fear too.

Serving medication? Well, where is the medicine? I asked.

It is in the ward sir, let’s take you there, so that we can serve you. The doctor responded smartly and they wheeled me back into the ward.

To be continued…