unexpected emotion episode 27

(Tales of Meteor City)


By, Naomi Cindy B.


As Lillie’s blood made contact with Eragon’s mouth, it ran down his throat and the blue flames surrounded him

She watched with inpatience as it happened

Just then, in front of her, his wound healed up and the blood stains on his robe dissappeared

Her eyes wi-de-ned at what just happened

She looked at the palm she had cut with the sword the other time, no wound on it again, it healed up too

“I’m not ok…I’m not ok… this isn’t possible, I can’t be her, I can’t be the daughter of the…

Eragon opened his eyes and spranged up

“Lillie!” He said, checking himself out…

Lillie is crying alre-ady

” How did it happen?, Why am I still alive?, Where did my wound go?, Why are you crying?” He asked at a time…

She looked at him and sniffed

“Eragon, I saved you with my blood” she said

” What do you mean by that?”

” I cut myself and dropped my blood in your mouth, blue flames emanated and then you woke up, Eragon I think I’m one of the daughters of the Phoenix” she said

” What!’

“It’s only their blood that can heal right?, It’s exactly what my blood just did for you Eragon, it’s my blood mother nee-ds to be ok” she said

” Wait, you’re one of the daughters of the Phoenix? , They’re two?”

” Mother once said something about that, I think so Eragon” she replied

” Don’t tell me you’re willing to get killed just to save Aurora” Eragon said

” Never, the next thing to do right now is to save father, since she still trusts me, I’ll use that advantage and save father” she replied

” That’s quite true, go, quic-k!, I’ll wait here and probably search for Kayla, I can’t find her, I’m sure she’s still alive” Eragon said

Lillie nodded and hvgged him before using her mask again

She left the cave…she got to the palace and entered as stealthily as she had c@m£ out

When it comes to stealthy steps, she’s a pro


“You mean Eragon killed more than hundred of my men?” Aurora demanded from Jung

He actually stayed to guard the palace when the others left

He left in search of them when he waited for them to come back but they didn’t

And shockingly he found their slayed bodies in the cave

“Yes your highness, they were killed mercilessly” Jung replied

” Seems his swords fighting is worth praising, but that’s not the end, write a letter to the Moon school of warriors in my name, tell them to s£nd me two hundred able bodied men” Aurora said

” Yes your highness” he replied and stood , leaving the chamber with determination

But pas-sing by the king’s chamber, he noticed blue flames coming out throu-gh the gaps above the door of the emperor’s room

He moved closer and it’s really it, blue flames

He tried to open the door but it’s locked…

He broke it with two kicks from his leg and it fell

Right in front of him, he saw Lillie dropping her blood in the emperor’s mouth

“My lady”

“Keep shut or die” Lillie said, facing him with the red eyes

He shivered at her ha-rd voice as the blue flames ac¢v-mulated round the emperor

It later dissappeared and almost immediately, Jin opened his eyes and God!, He looks younger,his skin c@m£ back to normal and he looks ok now

He sat up surprisingly

“What happened to me?, Why am I ok now?, What….

“Father” Lillie said and hvgged him ti-ght

“Daughter,what happened, tell me I nee-d to know”

She faced him

” It turned out that I’m one of the daughters of the Phoenix” she replied

His eyes wi-de-ned

” What?’

“Yes, it’s my blood that healed you” she said

” Lillie how come you…

“Even I don’t know how it happened but it just happened, father you’re handsome, stand up and walk plea-se” she said

He stood from the be-d he has been lying on all his life

He walked round the whole room

“I feel ok and just normal” he said

“Father…it was actually mum who has been adding slow poison in your tea since the past Twenty four years” she said

” What!”

” Yes dad, it’s her, I’m sorry father”

He sat back on the be-d

“Aurora…..I don’t think she has much time left to live again” he said and looked at where he hanged his three Royal swords by the wall

“No father, we shouldn’t rush…we should….

Aurora c@m£ in with Jung before she could finish

So bloody Jung told her alre-ady

“It’s true!, Lillie you can heal, your blood can do wonders, you’re one of them, daughter of the Phoenix” Aurora said mischievously

“my dear husband” she said, moving closer to Jin .

” You’re asking for a quic-k death if you move one more step closer” Jin said

She st©pped in her tracks

” Wicked beast,that should be your nickname Aurora, for Good twenty four years!, You’ve been feeding me with poison just because you want my throne, but as you can see now, I’m back, back to take back the throne” he said

” I see, so you’ve been told everything” she replied

“I hate you Aurora, and father is right, you’re more than a beast, you’re a witch!” Lillie said

” So my own daughter is one of the green snakes in the green gras-s, I would have killed you now but good thing you’ll be useful for me so far you are one of the daughters of the Phoenix, capture her Jung” she ordered

” Calm down father” Lillie said as he advanced towards her

She let her hands come wi-de open and countless nails c@m£ out of her b©dy,it pierced throu-gh Jung’s b©dy and he’s not different from a slaughtered cow now, his robe is dripping with his blood as he fell down dead

Aurora ran out of the room

Jin made to follow her but Lillie held him

“She can’t go anywhere, she’s too desperate to do that, she’ll still stay in this palace and source for ways to bring you down and ways to have my blood, but that’ll be impossible, I deposited some amount of poison in her b©dy alre-ady” she said

Jin pu-ll-ed her into a ti-ght hvg


“Father, I’m glad you’re back on your feet” she said

” By the way, where’s Eragon?”

” He’ll be here soon” she replied


Aurora walked throu-gh the corridor furiously till she got to her room and pushed the door open violently

She ban-ged her fist on the wall

“I won’t accept defeat!” She ranted

She picked a pen and paper and wrote a letter to school of warriors to s£nd her two hundred men

She s£nt the letter throu-gh a pigeon and almost immediately, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach

She held it ti-ght

“Oh no, what’s happening” she said, rising up as the pain left her

” It’s nothing right?” She thought


Kingston caught up with Iris just outside the house, he held her by the arm and pu-ll-ed her to himself, holding her ti-ght, not re-ady to let go as they both cried, her tears we-tting his che-st as she di-pped her face right there

“I’m so sorry Iris, I’m sorry plea-se don’t run away from me I beg you, don’t go away, don’t leave me I promise to settle all this” he said, his tears falling too

She looked up at him

” I’m not angry at you, it wasn’t even you who murdered my mother, I’m just angry at my fate, why is fate cruel these days, as if Diamond’s death isn’t enough, and if Eleven’s agony isn’t enough, and now this…the bloody empress must pay, I can’t take it” she said bitterly

” It’s a promise,here and now, I’m promising you that I’ll make all things right, I feel like we’re coming to the end of all these, I feel like we’ll soon conquer, I feel like we’ll soon smile again, just plea-se don’t go” he said, holding her more ti-ghtly

” I’m going nowhere crybaby, I’m right here, I just felt suffocated with the shock I received, that’s why I ran out, but I’m fine now let’s go back in” she said

He nodded and held her hand back in

Eleven and Andromeda are still seated silently there

“What do we have to do?” Iris said

“Destroy your weakness first cos it’ll keep being a threat so far it’s still intact, after destroying it like I said, then I’ll come back here cos the heavens will give me the sign, we’ll go back to Meteor together” Andromeda said and Immediately vanished

Eleven coughed and Can’t help but giggle for the first time since Diamond’s death

“Why that insincere cough and giggle” Kingston said

He ran upstairs

” You guys should make it snappy!” He shouted from upstairs

Kingston and Iris looked at each other and looked away in embarras-sment

What to do?

All this is happening too fast


Cole laughed out loud for the first time since Diamond’s death

It has been ha-rd but today, Isla cracked a crazy joke

She’s actually in his house

“I did it!, You just laughed” she said, smiling

“It’s funny, who won’t laugh” he replied, still laughing slowly

“that’s exactly what you should do,. Laugh away everything and you’ll find out that you’re getting better” she said

” Thanks for that” he replied

” I’ll go get you some jui-ce from the fridge, my spirit tells me ya thirsty” Cole said

“your spirit is a faithful one” she replied and they laughed again, trying not to think about Diamond…

He made to stand up but unknown to him, his shi-t is stuck on the table edge

As he stood, it drew him back and he fell, right on t©p of Isla, theirl-ips met mistakenly and their eyes showed how shocked they are…

They stayed like that for minutes before Cole stood up awkwardly

“I’m … I’m sorry” he muttered, pale with embarras-sment

Isla looked away

“It’s.. it’s ok” she said..


Kingston gathered more than enough courage and head towards Iris room

Iris on the other hand found it ha-rd to sleep, she kept expecting when he’ll come in

And he did

He c@m£ in and stood by the door for some minutes

She sat up on be-d and they stared at each other for a while

He walked closer and sat beside her on the be-d, unsure of how to even start,she looks too innocent

“Can I do this?” He asked himself

Honestly he’s a v!rg!nhimself

He’s about to stand up when she held him back by the arm and pu-ll-ed him back to the be-d, right on t©p of her

Their heartbeats increa-sed it’s pace and they can hear it as it raced

“Let’s…do it” she said

Kingston captured herl-ips instantly and they wra-pped hands round each other as they tasted the sweetness of each other’sl-ips

His hand rested on her bu-tt as he did and soon, it found its way to her bo-ob s, he gently did his magic on it

When clothes bec@m£ obstacle, he broke the k!ssand gently took it off, she’s not wearing a br@ so it’s easy

He took off his trou-sers too cos he’s shi-tless before

Then he got rid of her Sk-irt and she bec@m£ Stark n-ked, she’s just perfect, even In her n-kedness


“Huh?” She replied,not looking at him

“Look at me” he said

She managed to do that and he took herl-ips in immediately

He k!$$£d away her fears and anxiety as he slid gently into her and gentle m0@n s escaped her mouth throu-ghout

It was painful but she took it all, so far it’s for the best…

Next morning***

Kingston woke up and smiled, seeing her slee-ping face next to her

He k!$$£d her gently on thel-ips before getting off be-d

Andromeda might come anytime soon so he took his l@pt©p and s£nt a mail to Danny

*Take care of clients, repres£nt me when nee-ded, take care of the casino too, nee-d to go somewhere fast.. I’m trusting you*

He s£nt it and almost immediately, he felt arms wra-pped around him

He smiled before facing Iris

“Are you ok?, How do you feel?” He asked

“A little pain down there, but I’m ok, it’ll soon leave me , and what about you?, How do you feel, feel any different?” She asked

“yes, I feel more energetic” he replied

She smiled at that

“Thank you” he said


“Giving me your innocence” he said, glancing at the stained sheets in the laundry basket

She hvgged him ti-ght

“I love you so much”

“I love you pie…now you can take as much apple as you want” he replied, chuckling

A knock c@m£ on the door

” Time up Mr and Mrs!, Andromeda is here” Eleven’s voice rang

” j£rk” Kingston muttered

” Andromeda c@m£ early, let’s prepare quic-kly, I should s£nd messages to Cole and Isla, and you nee-d to message Carson and Skylar too” she said

” Sure” he replied

She left for her room and did the necessities, bathing and dressing up

Then he messaged Cole and Isla before coming downstairs, Andromeda is really there alre-ady with Eleven who kept giving her weird looks

She stick out her ton-gue at him and he chuckled as Kingston c@m£ down

“Congratulations on breaking it….shall we?, We nee-d to get there as soon as possible” Andromeda said

” How?, Hope we’re not gonna fall again” Iris said

” That’s important, hope we aren’t falling again” Eleven said

Kingston has that questioning look

” We’re not falling, trust me” Andromeda said


“Close your eyes and a whirlwind will come” Andromeda said

They did as they said but the wind took forever before it c@m£

It took them and for some minutes, it’s like they’re flying, they suddenly felt their feets on the ground and opened their eyes

Their environment has changed

“Meteor!” Iris exclaimed

“It’s really been a long time” Kingston said

“Your face didn’t change, only your hair” Iris said to Kingston

” And that’s because he’s the first prince” Andromeda replied

“You’re always beautiful, your Meteor face is awesome too” Kingston said and Iris blu-shed

” And Eleven, I saw your Meteor face when we were still young, you look handsome” Kingston said

” I know” Eleven replied, smiling

That’s when they noticed they’re by the city gate

“Let’s go” Eleven said, leading the way

They walked throu-gh the streets and people bowed for Eleven

“He’s back!, Our prince is back!”

“Isn’t that the girl who was banished?”

The people murmured

They can’t recognize Kingston,he left when he’s still young anyways

The people gathered behind them and some followed them up until they got to the palace…

The palace gate was opened in respect of Eleven as the Prince

They suddenly noticed Andromeda is not with them anymore

He has vanished again….

They entered and Kingston smiled, looking around the palace

The front door opened and it revealed Lillie first

Her eyes wi-de-ned as she saw Eleven

“Oppa!” She screamed and ran into his arms

Eleven looks surprised, they’re always not on good terms before he left, and now she’s hvgging him?, Surprise

“She broke the hvg and pe-cked him

” Why do you have to leave for so long” she said

“To search for our long lost brother” he replied


” It’s successful” Eleven reply

Lillie c@m£ closer to Kingston and can really smell the royal scent from him

“You’re our brother?, Novato?”

Kingston smiled

“Not happy to see me?” He said

She jumped on him like a monkey, hvgging him ti-ght

“you’re so handsome brother, I love you so much and I’m glad I met you, I’ve always wanted to meet you” she said

” And here I am, with a wife” he replied, gesturing at Iris

” She’s your wife?”

” Yes”

“I’m sorry” she said slowly, ashamed to look Iris in the face

” And your fated sister too” Iris said

Lillie is about to ask what’s the meaning of that when Eragon showed up

“Eleven!, I’m sorry…my prince!” He exclaimed, running to hvg him ti-ght

” I missed you so much” he said

“Same here, and here is the person you miss more than me, my long lost brother, Nova” Eleven said

“jinjja?, Novato?, It’s really you” Eragon said

He nodded and Eragon hvgged him so ti-ght that he almost suffocated

“Hey Eragon, easy” Kingston said

“I’m just so happy, and you guys c@m£ at the right time” Eragon said

“my Princes, my sons are back?” Jin’s voice c@m£

He has been standing by the door , watching everything and they’re too carried away to see him

“Father?, He’s ok?” Eleven said unbelievably, seeing his dad Walking towards them with his two legs and perfect skin,he looks younger and now he knows he has a handsome dad

“It’s me son” her replied

Eragon hvgged him immediately, tears rolling out of his eyes

“I’m sorry I had to leave you, I went in search of love but too bad I never got that” he said as they broke it

” But you c@m£ with your brother, what more can I ask for” Jin said, moving closer to Kingston, he perceived the royal scent from him alre-ady

“Father’ Kingston said, his tears falling

The last time he saw him was twenty years ago when he left this place, and then,he was on the be-d, unable to stand,but that same dad is now in front of him, hale and healthy, gosh!”

Jin ru-bbe-d his cheeks and can’t help but cry too

” My son!” He exclaimed and hvgged him ti-ght

Iris smiled at the family reunion

“Family is a great gift anyone can ever get” she thought as Kingston held her hand

” My wife” he said, introducing her to Jin

“She’s pure and beautiful” he said as Iris bowed in respect

It’s indeed a happy reunion

“where’s my witch of a mother?” Kingston asked

Aurora who has been watching everything from her window upstairs c@m£ out

“Here I am, why are you back?, To die?” She said emotionlessly

Kingston sm-irked obviously

” No, to give you the gift of death” he replied