unexpected emotion episode 24

(Tales of Meteor City)


By, Naomi Cindy B

**Don’t copy or repost plea-se, na God I take beg you, write yours**


Kingston drove home happily, he got off the car and literally rushed in, in excitement to talk to Iris but too bad she met only Eleven and Diamond at the dinning room

“Where’s Iris?” He asked, startled for a while

“She said she’ll wait outside for you,did you not see her?” Diamond said

” No, she’s not outside” Kingston replied suspiciously

” Then where is she” Eleven wondered aloud

Kingston went out to check again maybe his eyes are pla-ying tricks on him but she’s really not outside

He went in and checked her room and every angle in the house, Calling her name as he did

*Is she pla-ying pranks?” He wondered

He dialled her number but her phone rang on the couch

“No no no, something isn’t right” Diamond said, standing up

Eleven stood too and they all rushed out

They searched till the corner that led to the mansion and right there they found her teddy bear lying on the ground

Kingston picked it

“She went out with this earlier” Eleven said

“Then where is she” Kingston said

“I have no idea, this is too too confusing,I mean….

“call the cops” Kingston interrupted

“You don’t remember what you said she did to the police station the other time?, You think they’ll help if they find out we’re looking for her” Diamond said

” What do we do?, I’m damn confused!, Just where is she!” Kingston said frustratedly

His phone beeped immediately, a message from an unknown number

**Don’t search too much, your so called girlfriend is cooling her feet with me, I’ll text you where to meet us at in the evening, till then…bye!**

His arms fell after re-ading the message

Diamond took the phone from him and re-ad it with Eleven

“What!” They both screamed

Kingston rou-ghed his hair in frustration

” But Iris Is…I mean, she’s powerful,the people who kidnapped her shouldn’t still be alive by now, what’s happening?, They shouldn’t have the guts to kidnap her at all” Diamond said

” I know right?” Eleven added

” fvĀ¢k!, This is crazy!, I don’t know what to do” Kingston said, rou-ghing his hair


Hazel sipped from her glas-s of wine, smiling satisfactorily

Her legs are crossed on each other and she’s just too happy

Mission one accomplished

“What do we do to the girl?” One of the men he sĀ£nt to kidnap her asked

“Have you locked her up in the room like I said?* She asked

” Yes”

” Then go there and bring her out, we’re moving to my penthouse” she said.

” Why?

“We can’t do what I plan to do to her,we can’t do it here, I want a pure house, not a house desecrated with her screams” she replied

” I still don’t un-derstand”

” When we move her to the penthouse, you’ll personally call Kingston and tell him to meet us here, when he comes, we’ll capture him with a plank hit on his head…then you’ll get to have some fun” Hazel said and laughed wickedly


“Since it’s sure that Kingston Won’t ever look at me,, we’re gonna give iris two options,… it’s either I kill Kingston or she allows you guys to have S-x with her” Hazel said

” I can’t ask for more” the first guy said

“Me too” the second one added

“Sure, and it’s obvious she’ll choose to save him, so you both get to have some fun” Hazel said , smiling as she took another sip from the wine……


Isla rang the doorbell at Cole’s house and it opened up Immediately, revea-ling Cole

“Hey Isla, you didn’t tell me you’re coming”

“it’s a surprise visit” she replied, coming in fully

He’s an orphan, living alone, thanks to the trust fund his dad left for him, he’s doing just fine

Ha sat with Isla and she placed the box with her on the table

“What’s that?” He asked, wanting to tĀ©uƧh it but she sl@pped his hand away

“Don’t you dare, I’ll be the one to open it” she said

“Ok” he replied simply

“Eyes closed” she said

” As your lordsh!pplea-ses” he replied, closing his eyes

She brou-ght out the cake from the box

“Open your eyes” she said

He opened it and can’t hide his surprise

“a cake?”

” Happy nineteenth birthday” she said, smiling wi-dely

“You remember it’s my birthday?”

” Of course, I and Diamond planned it together but she said she can’t come due to some personal reasons, so here I am alone, wishing you a very happy birthday, more calendars to dil@pid@tĀ£” she said

” Come here” he said and pu-ll-ed her into a hvg

She smiled and hvgged him back

” You don’t know how happy I am, honestly I’ve never celebr@ted my birthday cos no one to celebr@te with, but you made it great this year, I’m so glad” he said, tearing up alre-ady

She broke the hvg

“Hey stĀ©p crying, it’s your birthday,tears aren’t allowed ok?” She said, wiping his tears with her thumbs

Their faces are so close and she can’t help but notice he’s cute

They stared at each other for so long and as her eyes fell on hisl-ips, she had to bring herself back to reality

She coughed

“Let’s .. cut the.. cake” she said awkwardly

“Oh!, The cake” Cole replied as awkwardly as she talked…


“Eleven didn’t come to work today and I’ve been calling his number but it’s not going throu-gh” Carson complained to Skylar who’s in his office

That bone Won’t let him be, always on his nĀ£Ā¢k everywhere he goes

But she’s cute like that and in a while, their wedding plans will start..

“Maybe he’s just busy” Skylar replied, throwing popcorns into her mouth as she sat

“I know him well, he would have called, and for the fact that Kingston’s number isn’t going throu-gh too, isn’t that a sign that all isn’t well?” Carson said

” Be full of good thoughts for once will you?, Gosh how…. excuse my English” Skylar said, rolling eyes at him

He smiled

“Maybe I should try calling Diamond” he said

“Do that plea-se, and stĀ©p giving yourself unnecessary headache” she replied

He dialled her number and she picked up at the second ring

” Hey Diamond!, I’ve been worried,why did Eleven not come to work and why is Kingston’s number not going throu-gh?”

” It’s because…. Eleven went somewhere with Kingston, it’s unplanned though so it c@mĀ£ suddenly, they had to leave this morning, they’ll be back in the evening, maybe Kingston’s phone is dead” Diamond lied

” Oh…I can now breath in peace” he said

” We’re ok, don’t worry too much” Diamond replied

” Ok, just take care” he said before hanging up

“they’re fine,I guess I worry too much” he said

Skylar stood and sat in front of him, his table actually

“I told you, be optimistic” she said and bit herl-ip

“Come here” he said and she’s bringing her face down for a k!sswhen an intern rushed in

“I’m sorry sir but an emergency c@mĀ£ just now!” She announced

“I’ll be back!” Carson said, giving her just a pe-ck before rushing out

“Having a doctor as a fiance is really a big deal” she muttered…


Evening, Meteor****

” Father, I just want to see you walk, you know I’ve never seen you walk all my life, I dunno but I feel sad seeing you lying down like this everyday” Lillie said sadly, holding Jin’s hand

He smiled weakly

“I feel like I’ll die soon” he said

“Don’t say that again father, I still want you to live long and stay with me” she said sadly

“if I’m destined to live long, then it’s possible” he replied

Eragon entered and bowed

“his evening tea hasn’t arrived?, It’s dark alre-ady” He asked

“Oh… I’ll go get it” Lillie replied and left the room

Getting to the kitchen,she started hearing slow words, it sounds like secret so she decided to listen

She recognizes the two voices,the empress and Dan the head maid

“You should ask me for the slow poison anytime it finishes, you can’t miss any day without adding it to his tea, why are you becoming forgetful, is it because of old age?, We’ve been doing this together since twenty four years ago so why are you suddenly being forgetful” empress said in a hushed tone

Lillie covered her mouth with her hand in shock

“I’m sorry your highness, I forgot, maybe it’s because of old age like you said” Dan replied

” Better not make such mistake again, now take another pack” empress said, handing another pack of slow poison to her

” So far he takes the slow poison in his tea for the next one month, he’ll die, that lousy foolish emperor” Aurora said and turned to go out but right at the kitchen door is Lillie, sword in hand with a burning look of anger on her face…


Kingston almost jumped as the promised text entered his phone this evening

*Come to the penthouse at Moka street, you can call the police, so far you’ll be satisfied with having iris’s corpse***

He made to go out of the house immediately

“I’ll go with you” Diamond said

“Me too” Eleven said

” No, I can’t risk it, you both should stay here ok?”

“No I refuse to do that, you’ll nee-d help” Diamond said

” Ok let’s do it like this, you both will follow me but you’ll stay outside in the car, I’ll go in and In the next ten minutes if I’m not back, then you guys can come in” he said

” Fair enough” Diamond said, getting her face cap

They drove out of the compound down to Moka street…


“Hazel?” Iris said as she regained consciousness, seeing Hazel sitting on a chair in front of her

Her hands and legs were tied

“Yeah it’s me” she replied c0ckily

“You stinky face!, I knew it, but thank your stars I’m not my normal self, I’d have turned you and your guys to my pets* she said, sm-irking defiantly

.”you really have got some nerves,br@t!” Hazel said, landing a sl@p on her face

“You little thing,you c@mĀ£ from nowhere and you snatched him away just like that, how unbelievable” Hazel said

” He cherishes me and that’s all what matters,ion care what you do to me but you’re dead if you tĀ©uƧh him” she said

Hazel bur-st into a biosterous laughter

“How funny,you look so pathetic” she said

One of her guys c@mĀ£ in and whispered something in her ear

“Bring him in” she said

He left and c@mĀ£ back with Kingston

“Kingston what are you doing here!, You can’t be here you know” Iris said, struggling

“the moment I saw the penthouse,I know it’s you, how dare you Hazel” Kingston said

” How dare you how dare me?, You have guts to question me in my own house, fvĀ¢k…I’m getting agitated, teach him a lesson and let’s start the show” Hazel said and one of his guys started walking towards Kingston from behind with a plank in hand

“No,no Kingston, your back!” Iris shouted but before he could get it, it was hit on his head and he fell down heavily,he didn’t lose consciousness though but he bec@mĀ£ weak and tears voluntarily c@mĀ£ out of his eyes

“Kingston!!!” Iris screamed

“The moment you choose her over me, that’s when I started hating you, pas-s me the gun” Hazel said

A gun was pas-sed to her and she pointed it right at Kingston

” No,no no you can’t do this,you can’t” Iris said

Hazel laughed

“Ok let’s do it like this,let’s strike a deal. …let my men have fun with you or I’ll kill him” she said


” Iris no” Kingston said on the floor, his head too heavy as a result of the hit

“Then I’ll just kill him” Hazel said

“No no no!!!… just do it, do what you have to do to me, don’t tĀ©uƧh the man I love plea-se” Iris said , crying alre-ady

” Good, Lima and Ohio, time to have fun with her, it’ll be a really cool thrĀ£Ā£sĀ©me” Hazel said

” No Hazel!, You can’t do this!,. Iris no!!!, No plea-se!!!” Kingston kept shouting as Iris was la-id down , re-ady to be R@pĀ£d, he tried to stand but it’s as if a stone was placed on him

“Start” Hazel said and the guys started taking off their trou-sers

Just when they finished taking it off, someone appeared in the room


“I nee-d some eggs, I guess I’ll have to eat bre-ad when I get home” she said and immediately, she kicked the two guys at where the sun doesn’t shine, right in front of everyone, their ba-lls fell and they followed

Hazel sh0t Diamond but the bullets kept falling till Diamond got to her and took her by the nĀ£Ā¢k

“Let’s sĀ£nd your eyes to heaven first” she said

She wi-de-ned her eyes and it shined just like crystal will do, sparks entered Hazel’s eyes and she immediately went blind

“Oh no I can’t see a thing, witch what have you done to me” Hazel said as she searched with her hands

“That’s how you’ll remain till forever, I’m cursing you with the power of the flaming crystal” Diamond said before her eyes turned back to normal

Hazel fell down unconscious

That’s when Eleven c@mĀ£ In with a plank

“Where are those idiots” he said

He saw them all down.

“Guess I’m late” he said, dropping the stick

“Oppa!” Diamond exclaimed and went to him

She placed her hand on his head and it immediately relieved him

He spranged up Immediately and rushed to Iris, hvgging her ti-ght

“I thought you’ll lose it just like that, I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you,I’m just so useless today” he said

” Don’t say that again, it’s my fault for drinking fruit jui-ce that contains apple, ma-king me lose my powers, but not to worry, I’ll regain it back tomorrow morning” Iris replied, almost crying

” So it’s the fruit jui-ce” Diamond and Eleven chorused

” No don’t cry, you can’t cry you know” he said, ru-bbing her cheeks

“I love you Kingston” Iris said

He smiled cutely

“I love you more and more, and more Iris” he replied

She hvgged him Immediately

“if you both are done, meet us outside, let’s get out for them” Diamond said, pu-lling Eleven out

Kingston broke the hvg and di-pped his hand into his pocket,he brou-ght out the anklet he bought earlier

“It’s pretty” Iris said

He took her leg and wore the anklet on her ankle

She smiled, checking it out

“It fits me”

“I know, just like you fit me” he replied

She smiled and he helped her stand

He carried her like a baby, her legs crossed behind him as they claimed each other’sl-ips…