unexpected emotion episode 25

(Tales of Meteor City)


By, Naomi Cindy B…

**Don’t copy or repost my story Biko, write yours**


Kingston unlocked from the k!ssand proceeded to k!ss!ngher forehead

She smiled and hvgged him ti-ght

Kingston glanced at Hazel’s b©dy once again

“Good luck living as a blind singer” he said

He swept Iris off her feet into his arms and took her out of the penthouse, meeting Eleven and Diamond inside the car

“You both are finally done with your lovey dovey* Diamond said

“Are you jealous?* Kingston said.

Diamond rolled eyes at him

The drive home was silent, each bearing different thoughts in their minds

Diamond thinking of her fate and how Eleven will cope after her dep@rture

Kingston thinking of her new found love

Iris thinking of Diamond and her new found love at the same time

Eleven thinking about Diamond

They got home and Diamond faced them

“Who’s Still going to work?” She asked

“No one” Kingston replied for everyone

” In that case, I don’t have a clas-s either, let’s eat out, Oppa, you should book down a comfortable and nice restaurant” she said

” Nice idea” Kingston said

Iris only sighed,she un-derstands Diamond is trying to spend the rest of her time with them and she had to try ha-rd in order not to cry..


Lillie felt like slashing throu-gh her mother’s throat and beheading her as she advanced towards her but she changed her mind and turned to the maid instead

She slashed Dan’s throat and she fell down dead instantly

Aurora shifted back in horror as Lillie kept advancing towards her

“Lillie what has come over you, you love your mother right?” She said , suddenly becoming so fearful of her daughter

” Mother how dare you” Lillie said

“Lillie you don’t know anything, you don’t..

“And I’m asking you that why did you do it why!” Lillie ranted, standing still

” Because I hate the fact that he’s the empress, I didn’t marry him cos of love!, I married him cos I want to have children and because I want his throne!” Aurora snapped, suddenly regaining her boldness

“really?, You’re that heartless?, Very heartless to the point of poisoning dad since twenty four years ago?” Lillie said, fighting back her tears

” Do what you want, you can’t kill me, that’s certain” Aurora said

Lillie laughed out loud, so ha-rd that she held her sides

“I’m so good at acting mum” she said


“You fell for my act?, Oh mum st©p, that was all just an act, how can I say all that to you,think about it mum” she said and started laughing again, hysterically this time around

“Lillie?, You scared me” Aurora said, calming down

” Oh mum you’ve changed, since when did you start feeling fear” she replied

Aurora smiled and pu-ll-ed her to a hvg

” Thanks for always supporting me” Aurora said

“It’s nothing mum, but you just have to always give me the poison, no, give me all the packs of the poison you have, I’ll give it to him for the remaining one month” Lillie said on her shoulder

” I trust you daughter” Aurora replied

“It’s not for my dad, it’s for you Aurora” Lillie thought

She later got back to her room and locked the door on herself, she started crying profusely

“Oh dad… you’re dying” she cried bitterly

“I can’t let that happen,but what can I do?, What do I do?, He has been taking it unknowingly for the past Twenty four years, dad!!!” She cried, more tears coming out.

A knock c@m£ on her door and she quic-kly wiped her tears

“It’s Eragon” his voice c@m£

She wiped the remaining traces of tears before opening the door

Eragon c@m£ in and she locked the door again

She immediately hvgged him ti-ght

Eragon wondered why, not until he felt something cold on his shoulder

He turned her to face him and saw her tears

“Lillie…why the tears?, Why are you crying huh?, Why?’ he said with concern

She wants to talk but the words kept choking her,she can’t


” Listen , take a de-ep breath” Eragon said

She did

“Now talk to me” he said

“Dad has been taking… poison for the past Twenty four years,he has been taking it with his tea, it’s all mum’s handiwork, she connived with Dan, the head maid, they’ve been feeding dad with tea that contains slow poison for twenty four years, dad will die, what should I do” she said, more tears flowing

Eragon let go of her first, his arms behaved like they’re limp

“What, what did you just say” he said, not believing his ears


Tears rushed out of his eyes too

“She has been poisoning him?” He said

She nodded

“Then she nee-ds to die now!” He said and made to go out but she blocked his way

“Eragon no, I’ll be the one to do this, just trust me ok?, Trust me” Lillie said

“no Lillie, no!, She’s not worthy of being alive again, I nee-d to kill her” he said

Lillie hvgged him, maybe that’ll st©p him

“plea-se I beg you, a quic-k death doesn’t befit her, she nee-ds a slow and agonizing death just like what she made dad feel, and I’ll handle that fine, that’s why I behaved like I’m on her side when I heard about it.. just let’s be wise” she said

” But we shouldn’t take long” he said, calming down

” Sure, but father”…

“I really don’t know what to say or do” he said with an heavy heave of sadness


“You invited us to breakfast today again, I’m suspecting, is one of you traveling?” Isla said when they had finished settling down on the table for six in the restaurant

Diamond actually invited Isla and Cole

“No, maybe because I just want to eat with Cole cos it’s his birthday” Diamond replied

Cole smiled wi-dely

“it’s your birthday today Cole?” Eleven and Kingston asked simultaneously

” Yes, I turned nineteen” he replied

“Yippee, let’s cheer to that” Iris said

They took their glas-ses of wine and cheered

“I wish everyone enjoys their food” Diamond said as they started eating

Eleven held her hand un-der the table as they ate

She can’t help but think about the day after tomorrow, she’ll be gone by then, how pitiful

Her tears fell as she ate

“Diamond” Eleven called

She looked at him and gave a sad smile

” The food is just too delicious” she said, still crying

“Too delicious to make you cry?” Kingston said, looking at her questioningly

“I got carried away, I’m just so happy to have you as my brother, when I’m not here anymore, just make sure to take care of yourself ok?” She said

” What are you talking about?” Kingston said

” And Eleven, the only guy that made my heart race during my days in life, try not to be too sad for long” she said, getting everyone more confused

” Diamond you’re scaring me” Eleven said

“And Isla, Isla and Cole, the first friends I ever had, you guys should take care, you’re a nice guy Cole, your destined girl will locate you soon, and you Isla, my parrot, when you finally find a guy you love, I know he’ll love you back instantly, you’re a rare gem” she said

” Iris…my beautiful princess,the only girl I envy her beauty in this world, take care of my brother as much as he’ll be taking care of you, make sure you re-ad the recipes I wrote down so you won’t kill them before their time,… you’re special in case you dunno, you’re special in my heart” she said

“that sounds like a goodbye speech, are you going somewhere?” Isla said

Diamond laughed out loud

” I just succeed in scaring everyone,that’s exactly my aim, I did it!” Diamond lied

Kingston curved hisl-ips into a sm-irk

” That was expensive,you scared $h!ts out of me” Eleven said

” Don’t do that again” Cole said

” She knows better than to do it again” Isla said, rolling eyes at Diamond

Iris remained mute, she never talked throu-ghout the meal…


Next day**

Lillie entered the empress chamber with her food in the Royal tray

“What!, What are the maids doing, my Princess Carrying my food?” Aurora said, standing up

” Calm down mother, I was the one who insisted on doing it” she said, coming in fully and placing it in front of her

“oh” she replied, smiling

“The poison,you added it to Jin’s tea this morning right?” Aurora asked

” Of course, that’s my first duty,I made his tea myself and fed him myself, he was busy saying I’ve changed , if only he knows what’s in the tea” Lillie said

Aurora laughed

” That’s my daughter”

She opened the food and inhaled the aroma

“Is it because you brou-ght it with your golden hands?, It smells good” she said

“oh mother, st©p exaggerating, eat before it gets cold” she said

Aurora digged in, eating with relish as Lillie watched her

She added the poison in the water and the food itself in high quantity

“Just like you made father useless, you’re about to become useless” she thought silently…



” What!” Isla and Cole exclaimed when Diamond said she’s gonna follow them to the karaoke this evening

“Is it a sin?” She said.

“No, it’s because you haven’t followed us there before, that’s new” Cole said

” But all the same, let’s go!” Isla said, pu-lling her along

They got there and Cole just sat amidst the beats blarring from the speakers

Isla and Diamond took their respective microphones and started singing….

The Blackpink song… “Don’t know what to do”

Cole smiled, watching the two is just dope

Isla kept pointing at him when she reaches the love lines in the song and he can’t help but steal glances at her

Diamond has never been so happy


Next day, evening***

“Diamond and Iris, you guys have been acting weird since three days ago, anything going on?” Kingston said when Diamond told them she’ll be pla-ying the guitar for them tonight

It’s past six

“It’s nothing, let’s just say we’re over joyous” Iris said , covering up as Diamond c@m£ downstairs with the guitar

She sat on the couch, facing the three as she started pla-ying

It’s like sadness lies beneath the strings as she pla-yed, the song is sad and Iris can’t help but let out her tears, it’s almost seven

“Iris I’m not un-derstanding anymore” Kingston said, getting confused again

Diamond suddenly st©pped pla-ying and held her stomach in pains as her guitar fell

“Ha!” She winced

Eleven and Kingston rushed to her

“Are you ok?” They both asked simultaneously

She looked up and her face is all dampened with tears

“Diamond!” Eleven screamed

“You guys will surely miss her, I’ve been missing her since I know she’s a flaming crystal who can only live as a human for twenty one years and six months, today is the last day” Iris said

King’s ears behaved like they don’t belong to him


“Oppa” Diamond called, pointing out her hand, he quic-kly took it and squat in front of her

“Just tell me what I heard is not true, tell me what Iris said is not true!” He shouted

Eleven sat on the ground, crying alre-ady, Iris won’t lie

” It’s all true,I’m sorry for not telling you Kingston, it’s my last day, I’ll be gone by seven” Diamond said

” No, no no” Kingston said

“You’ve been the most caring brother I’ve ever known, the most handsome too, I’ll protect you even as a crystal….Iris… you’ve been the most caring and loving girl I’ve ever met, sweet too, but don’t worry, when you finally start giving birth for Kingston, I’ll come as your first twins…I just wish my destiny can change so I’ll perform on stage with you, pla-ying the guitar,but there’s no time again, I’ll miss you guys” she said in tears

Kingston let out his tears, sitting on the ground too, only Iris stood, she’s crying too

“Eleven” Diamond called….

He looked up at her with tearful face..


Eleven Walked towards the compound swimming pool with Diamond in his arms in a bridal style

“Eleven” she called

He found it ha-rd to answer..

He sat beside the pool with her in between his legs, resting her head on his che-st

“Eleven?” She called again

“Yes?” He replied, letting out his tears again

“Promise me you won’t cry or think too much about me when I’m gone” she said

He never answered

“promise me you’ll be happy” she said

He never answered too, tears Won’t let him

*Promise me you’ll give another woman a chance in your life” she said

He kept mute

” I love you” she said as she started feeling drowsy

” This time, don’t wait for me to wake up,I’m never going to….. I’ll transform right in front of your eyes” she said as blood dropped from her nose

Eleven cried out loud as she leaned in and k!$$£d him lightly on thel-ips, she went limp immediately

Eleven kept crying profusely, it’s too bitter a pill to swallow

And just like she had said, right in front of him, she transformed to Crystal…


Who get tissue??