unexpected emotion episode 23

(Tales of Meteor City)


By, Naomi Cindy B

**Na God I take beg you, don’t copy or repost my story.. write yours Biko**


Hazel walked round her living room this morning, thinking of possible ideas to get back at Iris and Kingston

“If I can’t have him, no one will have him, and if he refuses to be mine throu-ghout, then I eliminate him, either he loves me or die” she thought and smiled before taking her seat

She picked her phone and made a call

She sipped from the glas-s of wine on the table after hanging up

“Get re-ady for a shocking movie Kingston” she said…


“You really meant it when you said no food for me this morning?, Huh? ‘ Kingston said, finally coming downstairs with Iris

“You both ate alre-ady so…

” You’re talking as if you and Eleven aren’t…

” Hey no” Diamond interrupted

“I have two eyes and I know you both are in love!, So how many k!sses have you guys had? ” Iris said

” Silly you” Diamond replied shyly

“Is that true?, As the landlord of this house, I should be the first to know if anything is going on at all” Kingston said

” I’m sorry brother but…

“I un-derstand, I’m an un-derstanding brother so you don’t have to worry” Kingston said, smiling knowingly

Diamond chuckled

“So are you re-ady to cook or should I go cook?” Iris said

“No!!!!” Eleven and Kingston shouted

“I’m sorry…drinking poison is a fast way to die… But eating your food is the fastest… I’ll go cook” Diamond rushed into the kitchen

Iris sm-irked as the brothers started laughing hysterically

“Why are you guys ma-king jest of me, it’s unfair!” She said, stumping her foot on the ground

Kingston moved closer and tried to hold her but she stepped back, pouting

“Hey don’t be crossed ok?, We’re sorry for laughing at you but honestly it’s really worth laughing at” Kingston said and they started laughing allover again

Iris ran upstairs, pretending to be angry

“I’ll be back” Kingston said and followed her

Eleven entered the kitchen without Diamond noticing

He remembered the long k!ssin this same kitchen last night and smiled

Honestly his heart is just too simple, he falls in love too fast…. And that’s exactly what’s happening with Diamond right now

He walked closer and sli-pped his hand round her w@!st, hvgging her from behind, his head on her shoulder

Diamond smiled, it’s surely him

She dropped the knife with her and faced him

They smiled at each other cutely and she ru-bbe-d her nose on his



“I love you” she said

“I love you” he replied

That brou-ght a whole lot of smile to her face and she hvgged him immediately

She broke the hvg and k!$$£d him just like last night but when she remembered her fate, she broke it abruptly

“What?, Why?” Eleven asked surprisingly

“I… I’m …. I should be quic-k with the food” she said, managing to smile

” Oh… I can help….

“No, you know I like being alone while cooking” she said

Eleven smiled

” Ok dear” he said and pe-cked her before leaving

Diamond’s tears fell as he left

“I really want to spend much time here, I really don’t want to go yet, I don’t want to… Can’t a miracle just happen and add to my days? ” She said, crying profusely but she quic-kly cleaned it up and concentrated back on her cooking with a heavy heart

Kingston on the other hand had to beg and beg before Iris can open the door for him to come into her room

“You’re really like a baby, who surrounds her be-d with teddy bears” he said, sitting beside her on the be-d

“you talk as if you’re seeing it for the first time” she said, not looking at him

He smiled at her cute anger and took her face in his palm, ma-king her face him

She’s ….. Charming, beautiful and pretty

He k!$$£d her gently

“Ok I’m sorry for ma-king jest of your cooking but it’s really true, you almost killed us the other time” he said, smiling

” There he goes again” she said

“Ok sorry?, Are we fine now?” He said

She nodded

*I.. I.. Kingston stammered

“You what?”

“It’s nothing, let’s get re-ady for work before Diamond will finish cooking breakfast” he said, standing up

She held him back and closed her eyes, pouting out herl-ips

He smiled before bending to k!ssher lightly

She opened her eyes and smiled

“Silly pie” …


EXO college***

“You’re late, the clas-s ended alre-ady” Isla said as Diamond entered the clas-s right after the clas-s finished

She has actually been thinking.. about her and Eleven, the days she has left and all that

“I was. .I just…

” Don’t tell me you aren’t ok, yes?” Isla said

” I’m ok but…

“Ion think you’re ok with the look of things” Cole spoke

“Don’t worry Cole,you know I’m a strong girl, I’ll always be ok” she replied, smiling

” Says a girl who’s bleeding right now” Cole said looking, at her

” And there she goes again” Isla said, noticing blood coming out of Diamond’s nose

“What?” Diamond asked obliviously

Not until the blood fell on the front of her t©p

She fell in Cole’s arms, loosing consciousness…


“Be careful” Eragon said as she helped Lillie climb down the stairs at the back of the palace

They’re actually sneaking out, it’s night alre-ady

They’re going to the cave to give food to the three people they’ve saved

Lillie climbe-d down and smiled

“Let’s go”

They trekked down the forest, starting the one hour journey to the cave

They’d have taken chariots but that would have alerted the palace guards and that’s the last thing they want right now

They walked side by side, ma-king sure to cover their faces with masks in case of necessity

“Empress Aurora is just a good example of useless and worthless, sorry to say” Eragon said

Unknown to them, one of Aurora’s spies is hiding in the gras-s, listening

” You’re right, no nee-d to be sorry, she’s indeed useless, she didn’t even remember it was my birthday yesterday, I decided not to tell her anyways, what use would it be?” She said

“but the cave, do you think it’s safe enough for the three of them?, I mean, Jung, that old palace guard is too nosy, I’m dead if he finds out” Eragon said

Lillie held his hand

” Eragon, you don’t nee-d to fear, when I’m beside you, just be solid, like a rock” she said

He smiled as they heard movements behind them

They looked back and saw one of the Queen’s spies, you’ll recognize them by their uniform, thanks to the moonlight shinning directly at it

Eragon looked at Lillie and as the spy took to his heels, they ran after him till they caught him at a p@rticular place

“You can’t say bad things about the empress and go Scot free” he said

” You know who we are?” Eragon said

” You both are masked…wait, ion know…

” Fool, and that foolishness is what will make you go to hell, spying for the empress is the only mistake you made, goodbye” Eragon said and drew his sword, stabbing the spy

“Daebak!” Lillie said, giving thumbs up

“Let’s go” ….


Next day*****

“She has never sle-pt so long like this before, I wonder why it’s so this time around” Kingston said

He’s sitting beside Diamond’s be-d with Iris and Eleven

Since Isla and Cole brou-ght her home yesterday afternoon, she has been unconscious, just that she’s breathing well

Isla and Cole went home late yesterday, hoping she’ll wake up but she didn’t

Kingston and Iris with Eleven watched her till the morning but she didn’t

“I’m scared” Eleven said, holding her hand, looking worried a lot

“Thankfully it’s early in the morning and she hasn’t taken her disguise pills, I detected what she is alre-ady” Iris said sadly…

“what?” Eleven asked

“Flaming crystal, that’s what she is” Iris replied

“That’s what she told me she is too” Kingston said

” What’s a flaming crystal?” Eleven asked

” She never told me more than she’s a flaming crystal, ion know more than that” Kingston said

” A flaming crystal is a crystal stone, Kept in ancient museums as great acquisitions, it’s a stone, full of power and dignity, always shinning and beautiful, the crystal produces flames once in a year and any year it produces black flames, the crystal has the opportunity to turn human and leave the museum to live as a human for….

“For what?” Kingston asked

She actually wanted to say for twenty one years and six months but she st©pped cos if she says so, they’ll start crying

“It’s nothing” she replied, hiding the sadness in her voice

” So she’s a crystal stone who turned human” Eleven said, holding Diamond’s hand more firmly

“Yes, and the reason for her ramp@n-t bleeding is that….. each person has a price to pay for every good thing, let’s just say it’s the price she has to pay for getting to live as a human” she said

” That’s too heartbreaking,no wonder she doesn’t want to tell us who she is, but she doesn’t lose consciousness for this long before, why is she suddenly losing consciousness for long” Kingston asked

” Because… because…

Iris wanted to say because her days as a human is numbered but she st©pped herself

“Because she’s… maybe stressed out” Iris lied

” Good job telling them everything” Diamond said, opening her eyes

” Diamond!” Eleven literally screamed

“Missed me?” She said, sitting up

Eleven hvgged her

“Yes, I was so scared” he replied

Kingston coughed

” So now you don’t see us” he said.

“Oppa!” She said, standing on the be-d to hvg him

He carried her like a baby and swirled her round while she kept smiling

“Hey Iris, you made your promise come to pas-s, so now you know what I am” she said

” Yes” Iris replied, hiding her sadness as they all went downstairs

Diamond made delicious breakfast and can’t help but cry silently while cooking

“Just one more time, and I’ll be….gone” she thought, h0t tears falling

Iris entered the kitchen

She faced her and they hvgged each other

“Thanks for not telling them I have three days left, they’d have been heartbroken” Diamond said

” Diamond, isn’t there any remedy to make you live for long?”

” No, it’s my destiny, destiny can’t be changed, I’ll have to transform back to a flaming crystal three days to come…tell eleven to keep me safe and not return me to the museum” she said

” Which museum did you come out from?” Iris asked

“Ancient Historical museum at Gobongsan” she replied

“Oh Diamond” Iris said and hvgged her again, both crying profusely

” I’ll write down my cooking recipes for you so you won’t kill them both when I’m gone” she said

” Diamond” Iris wailed

“Hey st©p crying, I’m not gone yet, how much will you cry when I’m gone” Diamond said

They broke the hvg

” My brother loves you, and I know you love him too…. about Eleven,I know I’m selfish to have make him fall in love with me when I know I’m leaving soon but…what can I do?, I love him so much, too bad I won’t last” she said

Iris hvgged her again

She later finished cooking and served meal on the table but only Eleven is pres£nt

“Where’s Kingston?” Diamond asked

“He said he nee-ds to get something, he went out” Iris said

He actually went to the jewelry sto-re to get something to profess his love to her with

He sp©tted a pretty anklet and got it…

“Nice!” He gushed as he got back in the car…

” Iris try this out, it’s your favorite noodles, I spiced it up this time around” Diamond called as she ate with Eleven on the dinning table, holding each other’s hands

“No, I’ll wait for Kingston to come and feed me” she replied

Diamond smiled

” How cute” Eleven said

“I’ll feed you” Eleven said, raising a fork of noodles in front of Diamond’s mouth

She smiled before taking it

That alone is enough to sadden her heart

To think she won’t get to enjoy this for long

Tears threatened to fall but she st©pped them

“Since you like fruits so much, then come taste this fruit jui-ce” Diamond said

” Fruit jui-ce?” Iris said, standing up

She went to the dinning room and took the jui-ce cu-p on the table

“Try it” Diamond said

Her forgetful self didn’t bother to ask if the ingredients consists apple

And unfortunately,it does

She gulped it down

“Not bad, I’ll drink a lot of it with Kingston when he comes back” she replied

” Lover girl” Eleven said

” I love it like that… I’ll go wait outside for him” she replied and left the house with one of her teddy bears

She waited outside, pla-ying with the bear

“What’s taking him so long” she thought

She walked down the road that led to the house and stood there

“Why am I missing that j£rk badly alre-ady… and wait…why do I feel weak?, What’s happening?, I’m feeling drowsy too…”

Her eyes wi-de-ned

” F….fr….fru…fruit jui-ce!, Does it contain apple?” She thought

“This is exactly how I felt when I ate apple in Meteor”

” Oh my life” she thought and made to rush back inside the house but out of nowhere c@m£ a car which double crossed her

Two masked men c@m£ out of it she was tossed into the car, her teddy fell

The fruit jui-ce took absolute control…she lost consciousness….


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