To live forever Episode 11 & 12

💗 To Live Forever 💗
📘 Chapter 11📘
Written by: Tamara Blair
A week later.
💖 Claribel’s P.o.v💖
“Aww, Jack Frost is so so cute” i squealed ma-king Adrian gr0@nin annoyance.
We were at my house watching Rise of the guardians, it’s a animation movie.
Adrian wanted to watch something scary but i f0rç£d him to watch this instead,he has been pas-sing rude comment about the characters in the flim.
“Clary, you do know that Jack Frost is a cartoon character?”
“Yes, I know that,so?”
“You can’t possibly have a crush on someone that isn’t real” he said and i rolled my eyes.
“Jack Frost is real and he lives in my heart”
“You get crazier by the day”He said and i giggled.
“You know,you actually remind me of Jack Frost”I blurted out.
“Yeah,i mean you also have white hair and de-ep blue eyes like him”
“First of all,my hair color is beach blonde by the way”He said proudly,i just rolled my eyes
“And am nothing like your stupid Jack Frost,am more handsome,even you know that”
“I don’t know anything about you being so ‘handsome’ ”
I did air quotes on handsome.
“Admit it, Clary,you find me super attrac-tive just like the other girls do”
I bur-sted into laughter ma-king him throw a pillow at me.
“What’s so funny,Miss Johnson?”
“The fact that you think that i find you handsome”
“That’s because you do, Claribel,i catch you staring,am irresistible,babe”
He called me babe,p@rt of me is screaming so loud that he called me babe but the other p@rt is confused on why i was so happy he called me babe.
“You are not irresistible, bonehead” I said and he moved closer,so close that my heart started beating so fast.
We were interrupted by the sound coming from outside,i stood up to check.
“Oh God, it’s my dad,Adrian,you have to leave,now”
“No, am not leaving you here,i won’t let him t©uçh you”
“Adrian, plea-se leave, I can handle him”
“No, Claribel”
“Leave alre-ady,He is going to hurt you” i said trying to push him throu-gh the back door but he holds my hand.
“Follow me”He whispered in my ears.
“To where?”
“To my house, let’s go now before your father walks something for yourself for once, Claribel”
I smiled at him.
“Let’s go”
We used the back door before my dad could enter,we hopped on Adrian’s bike and zoomed off.
“Let’s go in”He said as we arrived at his house.
I never actually been to Adrian’s house,he just never suggests that i come over.
“Claribel!!”Adrian’s mom beamed as she saw me walk in with Adrian.
“Good day,Aunt”
“You look beautiful as always”
“Mom,I and Claribel will be in my room”Adrian said and he dragged me upstairs before his mom could reply.
😍 Adrian’s P.o.v😍
No one ap@rt from my family has entered my room because i really like my privacy but somehow Claribel makes me do alot of stuff.
“Woah”She said as we entered my room.
“Your room is amazingg”
She walked around my room,she st©pped when she got to the shelf.
“Adrian Coleman,you re-ad novels and you didn’t tell me?”
“You didn’t ask”
“The h0ttest guy in Forcados high school re-ads novel”She said and started laughing.
“Laugh all you want”
“Am really surprised, you don’t look like the type of person that re-ads even re-ad novels from Darcy and Heathercliff… they are my favorite authors”
“Me too”
She walked closer to me and folded her arms.
“Wow,Adrian Coleman,you have really b!own my mind today” She said and i chuckled
“Oh, plea-se,i b!ow your mind every day, Claribel Johnson”
💖 Claribel’s P.o.v💖
I can’t believe he re-ads novels just like i do, Adrian always has this bad boy appearance, who could have known that he actually likes novels.
My eyes caught something scribbled on the wall,it was like a quote.
“She took my hands and led me throu-gh the darkness and showed me that to love….”
“Is to live forever” i and Adrian said the last p@rt together
“Why did you write that on the wall?”
“Because it means so much to me”
“Is it like a quote from a novel?”
“No,i wrote that myself”
“It’s Nice”
“Claribel”He called out and moved closer to me.
“You once asked me what do i do that takes me to a different place”
“Yeah but you didn’t tell me”
“Well, it’s drawing,i love to draw so much,i feel like the only way i fully express myself is throu-gh drawing”
“Can i see your art book?”
He brou-ght out a book from his re-ading table and handed it over to me.
I opened it and i saw drawings of different things,it was so beautiful.
Then i saw a drawing of his mom and dad, then of the garden we secretly go to.
“They are all so beautiful”
I placed the book back and i saw another art book.
“Can I see the other art book?”
I tried to reach out to it but he quic-kly gr@bb£d it.
“,you can’t,this one os really personal to me,so you can’t”
We ended up talking about novels and music and just having fun.
The Next Day.
I was in history clas-s with Shannon, the teacher wasn’t around yet so the clas-s was kind of noisy.
“Why is there an extra chair beside you?”Shannon asked,i turned and there was an extra chair.
“I don’t really know”
Adrian walked into the clas-s with Isaac,he wore a beanie over his head ma-king his hair cover his eye a little,he was so handsome.
He win-ked at me ma-king me smile so wi-de,then he walked over to his seat.
“Urrgh,just admit that you like this boy”Shannon said,while i rolled my eyes.
History teacher walked in with the principal.
We all greeted them as they walked in.
“The principal has an announcement to make”
“Good morning, Students,i c@m£ here to tell you that you have a new student today,his name is Derek”
Immediately his name was called,he walked in.
He had piercing on his l!pand eyebrow,he had a really black hair and de-ep brown eyes.
He had the real appearance of a bad boy,his eyes never left me as the teacher introduced him to the clas-s.
“Why is he staring at you?”Shannon asked.
“I don’t know but he looks really creepy”
“You can sit beside Claribel”
He walked over to the empty chair and sat down,he win-ked at me but i quic-kly looked away.
“Derek,you can choose whoever you want, to show you around the school”
“”I want her” he pointed at me
Holly Molly, The creepy guy chose me but i don’t want to do it.
“Good choice, Claribel is a brilliant student,She will show around school”
📘 Chapter 12📘
💖 Claribel’s P.o.v💖
“But principal Terian, can’t someone else do it?”
After Derek chose me to show him around school,i went over to the principal’s office to talk to him.
“But why? What’s wrong with you taking Derek around the school?”
If it wasn’t any regular teenager,i would be glad to do it but Derek looks so creepy,he looks like a vilian from a movie.
“Sir, am busy today,i can’t..
“Nons-en-se,Miss Johnson,you are showing him around and that’s final”
I couldn’t object to his decision,i have to show creepy guy around school.
“What did he say?”Shannon asked as i got of the principal’s office.
“He didn’t agree to it,i still have to show Derek around”
“Well,just do it,he isn’t that bad”
“Shannon,he has piercing on hisl-ips and eyebrow”
“So?Adrian has a piercing on his left ear and i don’t see you complaining”
“Adrian doesn’t look like someone who just c@m£ out of juvenile deliquency”
“Babe,you just have to endure” She said and i sighed.
“Isaac is waiting for me”She added,we hvgged a little before she walked away.
I didn’t really like the way he looked at me, he’s so mysterious.
“Hey” A voice said and i jumped in fear,i turned and it was him, Derek.
“Sorry i scared you” he said in a really weird accent.
“It’s okay,by the way,my name is..
“Claribel Johnson, I know that alre-ady,am Derek Hale”
“Nice..your accent sounds really different”
“Yeah,am from Australia,i lived there all my life,i as-sume you and i have a meet up after school”
“Yes,we do..just wait for him”
“Glady”He said and walked away but not before wi-nking at me.
I sp©tted Adrian walking towards me,he still had a beanie on and he looked cute.
“I saw that weird guy talking to you”
“Yeah,he c@m£ to introduce himself” i said and he scoffed.
“But he did it in the clas-s,why did he come to you personally?”
“I really don’t know but he looks creepy and he is from Australia, his accent is kinda..cute”
“Whatever”Adrian said non-chalantly.
“You don’t like him very much,do you?”
“I find him very disturbing,i saw the way he looked at you in clas-s,like he wanted to eat you up..i don’t trust him”
“Me neither but i still have to show him around school”
“Let me follow you”
“No,Adrian,i will be fine”
“Okay, arguing with you is fruitless anyways”
“So you like his accent better than mine?”He asked as he stared de-ep into my eyes.
“No,i like yours better” i said and his mood lighten up.
I do like Adrian’s British accent, it’s really nice to hear.
After School.
I walked over to where Derek was waiting for me.
I literally had to give Adrian a thousand reason why he shouldn’t wait for me.
“Hey,baby girl” Derek said to me and i almost froze on the sp©t.
I only love it when Adrian calls me baby girl not some random creepy dude.
“My name is Claribel so I would love it if you didn’t call me baby girl”
“The same thing she said” i heard him whisper or i think I heard him whisper,never mind.
“So let’s start from the clas-ses”
I practically showed him every inch of the entire school although i don’t think he was listening because he kept staring at me.
“And finally,we have the [email protected] favorite place”
“Really what?”
“The libr@ry is your favorite place in school?”
“Yeah” i said and he chuckled.
“What? It isn’t lame”
“It’s not about that,you just really remind me about someone.. someone special” He said in a serious tone.
I didn’t bother to ask who because honestly i didn’t want to continue talking.
“I have to go,i have work” I said and he nodded.
“Can i at least drop you off.. it’s my way of saying thanks for showing me around”
“, thanks but am fine”
I tried to walk away but he held my wrist.
“Just let me,am not a monster”
“Baby girl,are you coming?” That thick British accent echoed in the hall way,i thought he left the school.
He walked closer to us,he looked at Derek’s hand in my wrist,he glared at Derek who immediately re-moved his hands from his.
“Are you re-ady?” He asked me totally ignoring Derek’s pres£nce.
“Um..yeah, sure” i said and Adrian held my wrist.
“Um..excuse me,are you Adrian Coleman?”Derek asked.
“Yeah, why?”
“It’s nothing, it’s just that alot of girls talk about you in this school”
“I know that,i would love to talk more but we have to go” Adrian said and walked away dragging me along.
“Okay, if i remember clearly,i saw you drive away from school” I said as we got into his car.
“Well,i c@m£ back”
“Seriously, Adrian,i told you that i will be fine”
“I don’t trust that dude”
“I don’t know,he seems kinda nice” I said and Adrian looked at me like i had grown two horns.
“What?” I asked,he took his eyes back to the road.
“I don’t want to talk about that guy”
“If i didn’t know better,i would say you are jealous”I said and he chuckled.
“Oh, Little girl, you crack me up all the time” he said and i sl@pped his arm.
“The only reason a person can be jealous is if his rival is better than him and Claribel,Derek is no where better than me”
One thing about Adrian,he always has this over confidence thing.
There was slience in the car, only music from the radio can be heard.
“Are we going to the garden?” I asked as i noticed he took another route.
“Yeah,you don’t want to?”
“No, let’s go”
😍 Adrian’s P.o.v😍
After i parked my car at a distance, I and Claribel started walking throu-gh the bush path.
I felt the nee-d to hold her hands as ee walked down,so i did it.
She doesn’t object to the fact that i hold her hands, instead,she laced her hands together.
The feeling of her hands in mine is something I don’t want to st©p.
We finally got to the garden, then let go of my hand, which made me a little sad.
“Woah,you got me Potato ch!ps?” She asked as we got to the bench.
“It’s just a little treat of mine”
We sat down on the bench,she la-id her head on my shoulder while eating the ch!ps.
We remained quiet,only the chirping of birds could be heard.
“Have you..have you ever fallen in love?” She asked breaking the slience.
“Why are you asking?”
“Because of that quote you wrote on your wall that says “She held my hands and led me throu-gh the darkness and showed me that to love is to live forever”
“So it must mean something to you..who is the “she”?” She asked.
“Am still trying to figure out that myself”
“You can’t be serious?”
“I am, actually,i have never felt a different way for any girl,so i don’t know of am in love or it’s just a stupid crush”
“You know i thought i loved Dylan but i was wrong, he’s not even my type”
“What’s your type?”
“Someone who will love me no matter what, Someone who will try to fight for us when we have issues, someone I can run to when am feeling down”
“That’s alot but it shouldn’t be alot for someone who loves you”
The Next Day
💖 Claribel’s P.o.v💖
“Shannon, Edward is definitely h0tter than Jacob”
We were walking down the school hallway and arguing about Twilight.
“No, it’s Jacob, he’s super S-xy”
Shannon wanted to say something but Derek approached us,he was holding a rose.
“Um..hey”He said nervously
Shannon and i looked at each other then back at Derek.
“Hey, Derek”
“I got you this” he said and handed me the rose,i had no choice but to take it.
“Claribel,after yesterday i can’t st©p thinking about you,i just can’t”
“It’s true,Claribel,i really like you and want you to go on a d@t£ with me?”
I swear my jaws nearly dropped, how can he like me? We just met yesterday.
I st©pped talking when I noticed Adrian walking away,he had something like a small box in his hand.
I think he heard everything Derek said.
“Adrian!!” I dropped the rose on the floor and ran after him.
I know Adrian is just my friend but i just feel the nee-d to explain things to him.
I got outside the school but his car alre-ady left.
He left school.
Who thinks Adrian was over reacting?