The unknown attack Episode 3 & 4

Episode 3 & 4
Honey! plea-se let’s take him to the hospital, I don’t want anything to happen to my son. “Tina screamed in agony and that moment they rushed Henry to hospital, while their other children went inside the house without going to school for that day again.
Tina and her husband took their son Henry to hospital and he was rushed to the emergency. Tina sat on a chair crying and pacing, while Gabriel was left walking up and down. shortly the doctor showed up they rushed to him immediately.
“how is my son? is he okay? Tina asked but the doctor refused to say anything and this made Tina’s heart to skipped
doctor!! plea-se say something, how is my son? is he alright? Gabriel also asked but still the doctor didn’t say anything. after some moment the doctor sighted and said “Am sorry we lost him .”he said and immediately Tina fell on the ground crying rolling herself
“doctor! what do you mean that we lost him? Gabriel asked with tears dropping from his eyes
your son is dead, we tried all we could to save him but unfortunately he died .”the doctor explained and Gabriel sobbe-d while Tina was on the ground crying.
Later they took their son’s b©dy and buried him.
One day Tina was at home with her baby, her husband had gone to work, while her three sons had also gone to school. she was at home when her friend Franca c@m£ to visit her .
“my sister!! am sorry for what happened to your son Henry, plea-se take heart “Franca said
Thank you! but honestly I don’t really know what is happening to my children, just last month my son Elvis died and now is Henry, I don’t who I have offended .”Tina said with tears dropping from her eyes while still carrying her baby jewel
is okay, I un-derstand the pain you are pas-sing throu-gh now and am sorry for your lost plea-se take heart, but wait ooo…. was Henry sick? Franca asked
“no!! he was not sick, we were having breakfast that morning when he started complaining of headache so I gave him some drugs and the headache st©pped that moment, as they were about to enter the car he started screaming that his head was hurting him and we rushed him to the hospital and from there he died .”Tina explained with tears while Franca consoled her, after some moment Franca collected the baby from her.
“Jewel baby you have grown so fast. “she said while pla-ying with the baby
she have grown, this month will be her six months. “Tina said
wow!! six months?? I remember when she was still a new baby, now she is alre-ady six months nawaooo children can grow fast .”Franca said smiling and that moment she throw the baby up in the air and the baby laughed. Franca stayed for some hours with Tina before she left.
That same midnight when Tina and her husband was slee-ping in their room with their baby, as they were slee-ping there c@m£ a loud scream from the children’s room which woke Tina up, so she tapped her husband to wake up.
“What is it honey? Gabriel asked with a sleepy eyes
This is not time for questions, let’s rushed to the children’s room I think I heard one of them screamed. “Tina said panicking immediately they rushed to the children’s room, when they got there lol and behold they saw David their first son on the ground vomiting blood, while their other children were there crying, with fear Tina rushed and gr-ab her son David who was still vomiting blood.
David!! David!!! ” Tina screamed calling his name while her husband Gabriel went to their room and collect his car key rushed back to the children’s room and carried David, Tina also followed and they rushed David to hospital, but before they got there David died.
Episode 4
Am sorry he was alre-ady dead before you brou-ght him. “the doctor said shaking his head
“nooo….. not again, my son cannot be dead .”Tina cried
doctor! you mean my son David is dead ? Gabriel asked the doctor with tears
yes, you people brou-ght him dead, am sorry for your loss. “the doctor said and Gabriel sobbe-d because David was his first child.
The next day morning, Gabriel took David’s b©dy and buried him in the cemetery, he was also accompany by some of his family members. meanwhile at home Tina and her children were still crying, their neighbors who c@m£ were consoling them.
“but what really happened to him? mama Mary one of their neighbor asked
I don’t know exactly what happened to him, we were slee-ping in the midnight, when I heard him screamed, so I woke my husband up and we rushed to the children’s room to know what the scream was all about, but to our greatest surprise we saw our son David on the floor vomiting blood and from there he died before we got to the hospital. “Tina explained with tears
“Too bad!! my sister, the way your children are dying is not ordinary, I will advise you seek the face of God because I think your children are dying from unknown attack which is spiritual, why not call your pastor so he can pray for your home and children. “mama zion advised
do you think that my children are dying from attack? Tina asked
yes I think so, all you have to do is to invite your pastor. “mama zion said
but if truly my children are dying from attack, my pastor would have told me that two days ago that I went to church for prayers. “Tina said confusedly
“just invite your pastor let him pray for your family .”mama zion said and after that she and mama Mary left, while Tina began to think of what mama zion told her, after some moment she decided that she will call her pastor.
Later that evening, Tina was in the room with her husband, while her sons were in the sitting room pla-ying with their baby sister jewel, as Tina was in the room she decided to call their pastor because at that time they were still mourning for their son who died. so she dialed pastor Fred’s number and it rang but he wasn’t picking his call, so she called him the second time and he picked the call.
“good evening pastor, is me Tina. “Tina greeted immediately he picked the call
sister Tina!! how are you? pastor Fred asked
am fine pastor .”Tina replied
so how is the family ? he asked again
they are fine pastor .”she replied
what about your baby, I hope she is fine? he asked
yes pastor they are all fine .”Tina replied and then she explained everything to the pastor and he as-sured her that he will come the following day to pray for her family.
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