The sacrifice Episode 95


©Sir Zach

Flinging the door of Stephanie’s office open, Jade stormed into the office. Setting her eyes on Stephanie right now, there was only one thing in her mind and that was turning that well powdered face of hers red with her palm.

Stephanie was shocked when she heard someone open her door without knocking. Herl-ips curled upwards when she saw the de-ep frown on Jade’s face as she strolled in.

“What a plea-sant surprise” Stephanie said in a taunting voice, a fiendish smile graced her face. “Wait! I think I know that look” Her smiled wi-de-ned.

“Really you do?” Jade raised a brow at her as she approached Stephanie who was sitting behind her desk.

“Yeah it’s…” She paused when Jade started walking around her desk.

“W–what are you doing?” She asked when Jade kept closing in on her.

“I thought I should come pay you a visit and tell you that your plan failed” Jade said calmly, but the un-der current behind her voice could not be missed. Anger and rage were evident in her eyes.

“And also to teach you some manners” Jade added. Stephanie’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the cold and menancing look Jade was shooting at her. She wanted to stand up from her seat but there was something about the way Jade was staring at her that made her immobile. Jade gaze pinned her down to her seat.

“Do you know what I hate most?” Jade asked, but she didn’t wait to Stephanie to reply so she continued. ” It’s people who think they can pl@yGod and who do nas-ty things behind my back” Jade said f0rç£fully, her hands speaking with her as she sl@pped Stephanie across her face.

Stephanie saw stars the minute Jade’s hand t©uçhed her face.

“You bit-ch how dare you?!” Stephanie spat out in anger, her eyes slowly turning red as she glared at Jade. Stephanie could not believe she had just been sl@pped by Jade. She tried to move but Jade’s fiery gaze looked her down.

“How dare..? bit-ch?” Jade scoffed in incredulity. She couldn’t believe Stephanie still had the guts to still talk nas-ty.

“It seems I have to take it upon myself to teach you some manners” Jade spoke as she sl@pped her again. This time on the other side.

Stephanie g@sped in shock when Jade sl@pped her for the second time. Her hands flew to cover her cheeks. The cheeks were burning so ha-rd and it seems the nociceptors in her b©dy had gone on a override ma-king the other p@rt of her br@in to shut down, because she couldn’t feel anything else but pain. She wanted to say something but her throat was burning just as much as her cheek was.

Jade took a step back as she took some de-ep breaths to calm herself. She thought hitting Stephanie would make her feel better, but right now she just felt like killing her. She pursed inl-ips as she tried to even breath.

“You know at first I thought maybe you were just a tiny little bit-ch, but it seems you’re not just a bit-ch, you’re also stupid and evil. I warned you never to cross my path didn’t I? But you had the nerve to have me followed and s£nt pictures to frame me?” Jade felt like pounding on her. Stephanie dared to accuse her of using unhanded means in acquiring the contract, when she was actually the one who was guilty of such?

Stephanie tried to open her mouth to speak, but Jade spoke up first. “Deny you didn’t s£nd those pictures to the vice president?” Jade fumed.

“So what if I did?” Stephanie snapped, her hand still covering her cheek.

“I know you did. So I’m going to warn you for one last time, let this be the very last time you try to step on my toes and try to sabotage me. Because the next time you do…”

“What will you do?” Stephanie asked as she snapped herself free from whatever hold Jade had initially placed on her. She pushed her chair backward, stood up to her feet and took a step closer to Jade.

Jade squared her gaze on her, which were terribly scorching. “I’ll s£nd you to the mental asylum where crazy bit-ches like you truly belong, since you have chos£n to remain mad” Jade snarled.

“I’m seriously warning you. Steer clear off my path. I won’t be this nice the next time you try something funny” She warned, before turning around to leave. The sight of Stephanie was irking her out. How can one person be so evil.

Stephanie watched as Jade walked away. She couldn’t let Jade have the last win. She was going to get back at her.

“Because you’re now d@t!ngthe rich and infamous pla-yboy, Jake Beau, you think you can threaten me?” Stephanie asked, halting Jade on her strides. “Because you’re now a wealthy man’s woman you think you’ve become invincible? You think you can now walk in the air while everyb©dy worsh!ps you?” Stephanie seethed, ma-king Jade turn to look at her.

“So what if I’m d@t!ngJake Beau, you want him too?” Jade asked with a sardonic smile.

“And what if I do?” Stephanie dared, while Jade frowned and her gaze turned menancing.

“You do don’t you?” Jade asked in a deadpan tone.

“As a matter of fact I do, and don’t forget I sle-pt with him first. Did he tell how plea-surable and satisfying it was? I sure worked my wonders on him” Stephanie said tauntingly, a wicked smile spre-ading across her face.

“Well it’s a given since you’re just a common who-re. And I’m sure he doesn’t remember someone like you exist. He’d be so regretful when he knows he sle-pt with a pig in human form. Well thank God he now knows better than to chase after thrash” Jade retorted. She wasn’t going to let Stephanie’s words get to her.

“What did you say?” Stephanie asked incredulously.

“I’m not going to repeat myself. Just stay away from me or whatever belongs to me, including my man” Jade warned menanacingly as she continued on her stride to the door.

“Then watch me take Jake from you too, and every other thing that has your name on it” Stephanie snapped.

“I’d like to see you try” Jade dared before slamming the door on her way out.

“You bit-ch! How dare you?!” Stephanie cussed as she brushed the things on her desk to the floor.

“I’m so going to take Jake, just wait and see. I’m going to prove that you’re way beneath me! I’m going to pay you back for everything” She yelled crazily.

*Jade’s office.*

“Girl what happened?” Sara curiously asked when Jade walked back to the office with a scowl on her face. Jade noticed the odd and inquisitive look people were giving her, but she didn’t mind. She had no time for that at the moment.

“Nothing” Jade replied dismissively. She was too angry to say anything at the moment. As a matter of fact she was so angry at Jake at the moment. As much as she didn’t want to take Stephanie’s word seriously, she still couldn’t help but get angry by them.

He just had to sleep with Stephanie didn’t he? Of all the women he could have shared a be-d with it just had to be Stephanie, the only person she hated most in this world.

Jade knew she wasn’t supposed to get angry at him, since that was his past life. Not that he has as-sured her that he’d never do anything like that, but she has subconsciously believed he was changed and she was sure he has, but she couldn’t shake off the way she was feeling right now. Her stupid heart just had to fall in love with a notorious casanova.

She really want to pu-ll his hair right now. She want to pu-ll it so bad, he’d kneel and beg her.

She hated the fact that she had to hear Stephanie gloat about having S-x with b©yfri£nd. Couldn’t he have made a better choice of the kind of women he sle-pt with. All this happened in the past, even before they met, but her heart was not re-ady to un-derstand.

“Jade!” Sara called her for the upteenth time. Jade snapped her head towards her, c0cking her brows questioningly.

“Your phone, it’s ringing” Sara informed her. She has been calling her for a while now, but she was too lost in thought that she didn’t even hear her or the ringing phone.

“Are you okay?” Sara asked with concern.

“Sure I am” Jade as-sured as she picked up her phone. Her countenance bec@m£ grave when she saw who was calling.

‘Speak of the devil’ she hissed inwardly.

Jade was feeling more angry as she stared at his number. Maybe she shouldn’t answer his call, that way he would know she was mad at him. But how would he know that just by not picking his call? She asked herself.

Sincerely, she didn’t want to be angry at him. She just wanted to enjoy their newly started relationsh!p. She just wanted his love and care while she did the same for him. Though she was trying to be reasonable, the anger in her was blocking whatsoever logical reasoning she had.

Finally she decided to pick his call.

“Hello Jade”


‘Hey? Why was she sounding like that?’ Jake asked himself.

“How are you?” He asked.

“Fine” Jade replied.

“It’s noon, have you had your lunch?” He asked.


“I’ve been calling you, and you’ve not been picking up. Are you busy?”


That was it. Jake didn’t like the way her voice was sounding cold and her answers were monotonous. Was she angry at him? Did he do something wrong? Jake panicked at the thought of Jade being angry at him. Was it because he hasn’t called her since morning? But they chatted this morning and everything was fine.

“Jade, is something wrong?” Jake asked, his heart was beginning to race.

“Nothing. I’m just tired” She lied. She didn’t like the way she was acting towards him, but she really couldn’t help it.

“Are you angry with me? Did I do something wrong?” Jake asked those questions with great difficulty. He didn’t want to think he has offended her. How was he going to pacify her if she was?

Jade kept quiet for a while as she thought about her answer. She had better get it out of her che-st, and he should at least as-sure her that he wasn’t going to continue with his chivalrous ways. She can’t go throu-gh another round of betrayal. It would kill her.

“Yes I am” She answered. Jake almost pas-sed out when he heard her reply. What did he do? Was she going to break up with him now?

“Jade, Babe I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong but plea-se forgive me. plea-se don’t leave me. Tell me what I did wrong, I promise I’m going to work on it and I’ll never do it again. But you can’t break up with me.” Jake begged. He was almost at the point of tears. His heart was in a mess.

Jade felt her heart melt when she heard him. He was sounding like a baby, her baby. She suddenly felt bad for getting angry at him, but she still wanted that as-surance. Though it might be mere words, but that’ll take whatever feeling she was having right now away.

When Jade didn’t reply, Jake felt like he was dying. She was going to leave him, wasn’t she?

“Jake, there’s something I want to talk to you about” Jade said after staying quiet for some time. Jake felt his br@in shut down the moment Jade said that.

He remembered when Dan had said, those were the words women used when they wanted to break up a relationsh!p. Jade was truly going to leave him now wasn’t she?

He didn’t know what to say, do or feel at the moment. But one thing he was sure of, was that he wasn’t going to let her leave him. Not a chance!

“Jade can you come down stairs in ten minutes?” Jake asked, as he j£rked up to his feet.

“Why?” Jade was surprised. Was he going to come over right now? She didn’t want to talk about it now, since they were both at work. What about his work? Was he just going to leave that and come down here?

Jake paused his actions when he heard her question. She didn’t want to see him too? Was it that bad?

“Jade plea-se, I’m begging you. Just come down in ten minutes, and then let’s talk okay?” Jake pleaded desperately. Jade could hear the desperation in his voice, and she knew she couldn’t say no. After all he was leaving his work behind just to come see her.

“Okay” She replied before ending the call. Well, it would be better if they talked about things before they went out for that p@rty later.

Ten minutes later Jade was waiting outside the company when Jake’s sport car pu-ll-ed up. She was really surprised he showed up not even a minute late.

The drive from Acrosoft to Xenox was supposed to be a thirty minute drive, but he made it ten. Just how fast did he drive?

Jake stepped out of the car and hurried up to her. His hair looked slightly dishelved. Jade was certain he must have raked his hand throu-gh it a couple of times on his way there. Was he that worried?

Him being there, looking slightly disheveled though he was still looking handsome, and with the anxious look in his eyes, Jade was convinced Jake was serious about their relationsh!p, and it made her heart swell.

“Hey” She said when Jake stood right in front of her.

“Babe what’s wrong?” Jake asked in desperation, one which Jade noticed.

“I’m hungry, can we gr-ab lunch first? I’m sure you haven’t had one too” Jade said. Her heart was aching for her adorable and cute b©yfri£nd, who looked quite shaken.

“Okay” He replied. Sincerely, he wasn’t feeling hungry. Even if he was, he didn’t have the appetite for anything at the moment, at least not until he was sure he had fixed the problem.

He led her to the car and held the door for her, before walking to his side of the car. He looked at Jade as she buckled up before he revved the car to life.

“Any food preferences?” He asked.

“Nachos” She replied.

“Okay” Her favorite Nacho sp©t was just around the corner, so he headed in that direction. Although they drove in silence, there was nothing peaceful and calm about Jake at the moment. He was a bundle of nerves, and he might break down anytime soon.

Soon they arrived the restaurant, and Jake led them in. Jade made her orders, but Jake didn’t.

“Are you not having anything?” Jade c0cked a brow at him.

“Not yet” He answered. He reached out for Jade’s hand which was placed on the table.

“Jade plea-se tell me what’s wrong. I know I’m new at this, but I’m willing to try anything as long as I have you. I only just got you and you can’t leave me. Let’s talk things out” Jake said, as he looked into Jade’s eyes. His gaze and voice were soft, pleading and desperate.

Jade looked at his hand over hers and the way he was looking at her, she felt her heart melt for him, and she just felt like placing herl-ips over his, and k!ss!nghim right there. But she couldn’t do that. Though she’d love for them to have their first k!ss- not like a first k!ssever, but one since their relationsh!pstarted – but she didn’t want to look desperate by initiating it.

Fear and anxiety were slowly taking over Jake’s heart as Jade remained for several seconds. Seconds which felt like eternity. He was cussing himself at the moment. He ought to have been attentive towards his woman, but what was he doing? How could he have offended her? He reprimanded himself even though he had no idea what he had done wrong.

“Jade plea-se talk to me. Your silence is killing me. I’m sorry” He apologized again.

Jade hissed when she heard him apologize again. His constant apology even though he had no clue what she was angry about made her feel guilty. It was her foolishness for ma-king a ruckuos over those silly words Stephanie had said.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize. I’m not breaking up with you. Why would you even think that?” Jade asked incredulously. She didn’t know he had that thought.

“Well you’re not talking to me, so I thought…”

“I’m not breaking up with you” She as-sured him.

“So will you tell me what I did wrong?” He asked. He wanted to know what he had done that had made her so angry. He didn’t want to make a repeat of that again.

“I-It’s jus—” She hestitated. Seeing him like this she didn’t know how to say what she had in mind anymore.

“It’s what?” He urged. “Tell me whatever it is” Jake pressed.

“It’s about-your past” She uttered.

“My past?” Jake asked in confusion. He wasn’t so sure about the past she was talking about except she was…

“Babe are you talking about my past lifestyle?” Jake asked nervously.

“Yes” She replied.

He knew it! He was sure that his horrible lifestyle was going to cause him problems and he was thinking his brother and friends would create these troubles for him, what he didn’t know was that it was going to come from some other angle.

“Jade I’m not proud of the kind of lifestyle I’ve led. I know I was a pla-yboy, but baby that changed after I met you. I know It’s not easy to overlook my past behavior, I un-derstand if it scares you and makes you worried but I’m re-ady to let it go. I won’t do it again. I’d never treat you that way. Jade I want no one else, I only want you. I don’t want to be with any other woman, except you” He moved from his seat and took the one next to her, his hand still holding hers.

“Jade don’t leave me. Let’s talk things throu-gh. I promise not to hurt you or repeat such mistakes again.” Jake said with all his heart. He couldn’t imagine his life without Jade in it. This past months with her even though they were just friends, they were the happiest moments of his life. He anticipated seeing and spending time with her everyday. Now he was so used to it, he didn’t want to lose what he had.

Jade held his gaze, her eyes searching de-ep into his. Her heart was feeling so merry and those words of love and promises he had just made were enough to let go of anything of misun-derstanding she harbored in her heart.

“Jade plea-se say you’re not going to leave me because of this, because if you do I don’t know what I’d do. I promise I won’t go to the club again, except you want to come with me. I won’t look at any another girl or think about slee-ping with any other girl. I only want to make love to you….” He paused when he realized he wasn’t supposed to say that.

Jade was equally surprised when he said that. Why was his sweet loving promises turning into something else.

Jake chuckled awkwardly. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that”

“Its okay” Jade said. She un-derstood what he was trying to say at the moment.

She put her other hand over his hand which was still holding hers.

“I’m sorry if I doubted you. I just wanted you to as-sure me that I had you and that nothing was going to come between us. And no, I’m not leaving you. I want this relationsh!pjust as much as you want it. So let’s not talk about this anymore, I’m sorry. And I’m happy you value our relationsh!pthis much” She said with a reas-suring smile which put Jake’s heart at ease. He lifted their hands towards hisl-ips and he placed a soft k!sson the back of her palm, and muttered, “Thank you”

“For what?” Jade asked confusedly.

“For not leaving me. I almost had an heart attack when you said you were angry and you had something to talk about” He explained, heaving a de-ep sigh. “You don’t want to know how many red lights I ran just to get here on time” He added, before placing another k!sson the back of her hand.

“Why would I want to leave you? You should get that thought out of your mind. You’re so mine” She said as she brushed a few strands of his hair hovering over his face behind.

“Now I know that, and I’ll always be yours. At least till you chase me away, and I pray that day never comes”

“Not a chance Jake, not a chance” She said still putting his dishelved hair in order.

“St©p doing that now. Don’t I look handsome enough?” He asked blinking his eyes se-ductively.

“Well you do, but my man should never be caught unfresh” She said placing a k!sson his cheeks. Her cheeks flu-shed when she realized what she had done. She looked around to ensure there was no one looking, and she felt relieved when she observed no one was currently looking at them, or rather see her wantonness.

Jake chuckled when he saw her looking around.

“I’d love to k!ssyou right now, but I’ll wait for tonight” He said with a smile.

“Why tonight? It’s something special happening?” She curiously asked.

Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ears he said, “You’ll have to wait and see”