The pact episode 45 & 46




Season 1





‘’Are you sure you want to do this?’’ Robert asks, we have just pu-ll-ed up in front of Mr. Msizi’s house, I asked him to drive me here after we left Mr. Sondashi’s house. I can take any disrespect thrown at me but when my daughter is messed with, it’s game over, Dorothy has caused me more than enough harm and I have been quiet anymore but enough is enough, this has to end.


‘’Yes, this has to be done babe, these people will not st©p messing with our lives if I keep quiet.’’

‘’You want me to come in with you?’’

‘’No, you wait up here for Kristian, I s£nt her a text to drive over here.

‘’Alright babe, I will be right here waiting, be safe,’’ he k!sses myl-ips lightly and I step out of the car.

Pushing the gate open I walk towards the front door and knock ha-rd and loud. When the maid opens the door, I push her aside and walk into the house and head straight to the living room where I find Mr. Msizi, his wife Dorothy and Kenzie watching television. They sure do look like a perfect family but that’s not even why I am here.

‘’What are you doing here?’’ Dorothy asks.

‘’I am here to have a word with you and your daughter.’’

‘’What for?’’

‘’Dorothy? What have I ever done to you?’’

‘’And what is the meaning of that?’’ Mr. Msizi asks.

‘’I would appreciate it if you shut up, this battle is not yours,’’ I yell.

‘’You don’t talk to my father like that.’’

‘’And if I talk to him like that, what are you going to do br@t?’’

‘’Now you have crossed the line Linda,’’ Dorothy stands up.

I laugh, ‘’First you c@m£ after my husband and I let you have him without putting up any fight. I have stayed off your path and moved on, I have never disrespected you in anyway so what do you want from me and my child?’’

‘’I don’t know what you are talking about.’’

‘’You hired that Aisha into your company and connived with her to tra-p Kristian’s husband, you paid her maid to eavesdrop on their conversation so she could give you information about their marriage and you successfully destroyed my daughter’s marriage and reputation, what do you want from us?’’

‘’Dorothy? Kenzie? Is this true?’’ he asks.

‘’So what if it is true, that girl disrespected you, I did what I did for you.’’

‘’For me? Kristian is also my child Dorothy, how could you do that to her.’’

‘’I am not your child,’’ Kristian says walking into the living room. ‘’You st©pped being my father the minute you decide to side with these wolves in sheep’s clothing.’’

‘’Have some respect.’’

‘’I am done fv¢king with you all, you have messed up my marriage and I hope you are happy.’’

‘’We didn’t mess up anything that marriage was fake in the first place, we just showed your audience the kind of fake life you were living, you lied to everyone, don’t come here and claim to be perfect,’’ Kenzie says.

Upset, I raise my hand and sl@p her ha-rd across her face, ‘’this is for messing with my daughter’s marriage,’’ I yell.

‘’You sl@pped my daughter?’’

‘’And I will do it again if I have to.’’

‘’Babe do something, kick this woman out of our house,’’ Dorothy whines.

‘’And this is for the times you thought you won,’’ I unexpectedly sl@p Dorothy, stumbling she almost falls.

‘’Linda, have you gone out of your mind?’’

‘’Yes I have, tell your wife and your daughter to leave my child alone. This is the last time I will come here to warn you all, the next time they do this kind of $h!t, I will let daddy P handle you guys, I am sure you know what he is capable of.’’

‘’Daddy P is not afraid to kill anyone who messes with the people he calls family,’’ Kristy adds.

‘’Are you threatening my family?’’

‘’No I am not, I am s£nding my last warning to you all. Stay away from us, leave us alone enjoy your little family here,’’ I say in a serious tone before I hold Kristian’s hand and say, ‘’Child of mine, I think we should leave now.’’

‘’I hope you really stay away from me, you have gotten what you wanted, Lee and I are divorced. I hope that makes you happy. As for you Mr. Msizi, I am so done with you, it was good knowing you,’’ Kristy says before we walk out of the house slamming the door behind our backs.


pu-lling up into the parking space at my house, I notice Meria’s car parked in front of my house.

I wonder what she is doing here, I don’t even know how she found out where I stay. Stepping out of my car, I walk towards her car and knock on the window, she opens the door and smilingly says, ‘’Hey buddy!’’

‘’What are you doing here?’’

She gr-abs a bottle of wine and a box of pizza before she steps out of her car, ‘’aren’t you going to allow me inside?’’

‘’I have had a hectic day, I really don’t have time to deal with your drama.’’

‘’I watched Kristy’s video about the divorce and I decided to some over to comfort you, I come in peace.’’

‘’Whatever,’’ removing my keys from my pocket, I open the door.

I walk into the house and she follows me in, at this point I don’t even have the energy to argue with her. In the living room she places the box of pizza and wine on the table then she says, ‘’I will get some glas-ses from the kitchen,’’ and she dashes off without waiting for a response from me. Shaking my head, I open the box, gr-ab a slice of pizza and take a bite.

I am actually starving and wasn’t in a mood to cook, Meria’s visit is actually a blessing in disguise, with the way I am feeling I could do with a few glas-ses of wine.




Season Pre Final


‘’Because sometimes love just isn’t enough and sometimes you have to let go of someone who means the world to you not because you want to but because you have to.


‘’Don’t you think you’ve had enough to drink?’’ Meira asks as I pour myself a third glas-s of wine.

‘’I love Kristian, I love her so much it hurts, I didn’t even love Aisha this much. You know Aisha fv¢ked up my life and when I met Kristy, I wasn’t re-ady for a relationsh!p, I didn’t even think I would ever fall in love but things just happened and I fell de-ep.’’

I pause and take a long sip of my wine before I continue, ‘’and you know what hurts me the most?’’


‘’I didn’t even cheat on her, she was so quic-k to believe everything she saw on social media. I begged and pleaded with her to listen to my side of the story but she didn’t give me a single chance, she quic-kly filed for a divorce. And as if to add salt to my wound, she c@m£ with for the court hearing with another man acting all cozy, she couldn’t even pretend to have loved me.’’

‘’You are a very good man Lee and any woman would be lucky to have you,’’ she runs her f!ngersthrou-gh my hair.

‘’And you know what’s funny? Despite everything she has done, I can’t get myself to hate her, I still love her so much.’’

‘’You will get over her, I promise you will,’’ she moves closer, ‘’It will hurt but you will heal, you will get over eventually and then you will fall in love with someone else,’’ leaning in, she places herl-ips on mine, I try to push her off me but her hands ti-ght£ñ on my w@!st holding me in place. And because I am a bit ti-psy I just go with the flow.

‘’You taste exactly the way I always imagined,’’ she murmurs as the k!ssbegins to build up.

We continue k!ss!ngand for a moment there, I forget it’s Meira that I am k!ss!ngbecause it’s Kristian’s face that I keep seeing. At the sound of the door slamming shut, Meira and I quic-kly pu-ll away from each other, looking up, I lock eyes with Kristian.



When I leave Mr. Msizi’s house, I text a friend and ask him to s£nd me Lee’s address and he does, I drive straight there. I don’t even know what I will tell him, I am so ashamed of myself for acting so quic-kly. I should have listened to him but anyway what’s done is done, I will try and apologize to him though for the damage and humiliation caused. pu-lling up in front of the gate, I step out of the car and walk to the front door, I am about to knock when I notice it is slightly open so I walk in but the sight in front of me causes me to panic and I slam the door shut behind my back startling Lee and Meira.


My heart aches instantly, I feel it breaking into a million pieces. Did he have to move on so soon? And even if he wanted to get back at me did he have to choose Meira? And now I wonder if these two were just friends or something was going on between them even before Lee and I got divorced.

‘’Kristian! What are you doing here?’’ Lee asks, rising to his feet.

A smile tugs at Meira’sl-ips, ‘’Hey Kristy,’’ she says. I guess she is trying to show me that she won in the end.

Then she stands up, ‘’It’s h0t in here, I think I will go and take a bath,’’ and with that she heads for the stairs.

‘’It’s not what you think it is,’’ he says.

I manage a smile before I slide the ring off my f!nger. I wore it on my way to his house, I don’t know why.

‘’I don’t think I should wear this,’’ I drop it into his palm.

‘’Kristian, I..’’

‘’I just c@m£ to return the ring and to apologize for not listening to your side of the story. You and I are expecting a child together and for his/her sake I hope there won’t be any bad blood between us, I want you to be a p@rt of this child’s life because I don’t want him/her growing up bitter like I did and all I ask is that if you end up with someone else, make sure they have the child’s best interest at heart. Good bye Lee,’’ I lean in and k!sshis forehead.


I am about to walk out when he gr-abs me and holds me ti-ght, I allow him to hold me for a moment before pu-lling away, I don’t want to break down, at least not in front of him, walking out of the house I rush for my car.



I am sitting at my desk and typing away on my computer when the ringing of the office phone startles me.


‘’I want to see you in my office right now,’’ Kenzie says on the other end of the line, her voice sounds serious.

Placing the phone back on the table I stand up from my chair and walk up to her office. She has a serious expression on her face and she is loudly drumming her f!ngerson the table. I clear my throat to get her attention and blurt out, ‘’you called for me?’’

‘’plea-se sit down,’’ she gestures to an empty chair in front of her, I sit down and for a moment there is silence.

‘’Kristy and her mother know about what we did, they c@m£ to our house yesterday yelling and screaming at my mother and I.

‘’How come?’’ I surprisingly ask.

‘’I think Mr. Penjani hired some men to get him this information, you know that man is well connected and he gets whatever he wants. You know I thought he would fire her when news about what she did was expo-sed but he did the opposite. Apparently he now treats her like his daughter and anyone who crosses paths with her will be in trouble.’’

‘’So what next?’’

‘’Kristy is divorced now and we managed to ruin her reputation, we got what we wanted so mission abolished.’’

‘’If you say so.’’

‘’My father is very angry at us for what he did, you know even if he and Kristy are not on good terms, she is still his child. Anyway, let me just get straight to the point, you can’t work here anymore Aisha, my father doesn’t want you here.’’

‘’What is that supposed to mean? You are firing me after everything I have done for you and your mother?’’

‘’I am sorry but there’s nothing I can do at the moment but to let you go, clear your stuff from the table and go to the accounts office for your money. My mother and I really appreciate everything you did for us but—-.’’

Rising to my feet, I push the chair as ha-rd as I can and it falls over instantly.

‘’fv¢k you Kenzie!’’ I shout unconcerned that we are at the office. I continue, ‘’fv¢k you and your mother for using me.’’

‘’We didn’t use you, you c@m£ here with the intention of destroying Kristy, don’t act as if you are a saint, besides, we paid you a lot of money for the job that you did for us, so st©p being a bit-ch and leave.’’

I laugh, ‘’I will leave but this is not the last you will hear from me.’’

With that said, I march out of the office and loudly slam the door behind my back.

