The male str!pper episode 15

šŸ‘™šŸ‘ THE_MALE_str!pPERšŸ§„šŸŽ©
{Everyone wants a male str!pper}
Writer: By Johnny LĆ©gendary
Note: 18+ šŸ”ž adult contents āŒ not for re-aders un-der the age of 18





” I want to un-derstand why you got my wife pregnant,” James asked.

One look at his eyes and I knew if I said something stupid, he’d hurl that knife at me.

” I asked you a question!”

I snapped back into reality. ” James, I didn’t get your wife pregnant on purpose.”

” Is that so?”

” She requested for a night….a d@tĀ£… Well, I was supposed to give her a good time….bā€“but she decided to go to a bar and get drun!k. I wanted to use a c0md0mbut she refused…”

He wasn’t satisfied with that answer. ” She refused and you went ahead to fvĀ¢k her without protec-tion? Doesn’t your job have some sort of S-xual policy?”

” We do bā€“”

” But you got carried away because you were enjoying my wife that’s what it is and now she’s pregnant with your child.”

” James, listen to me, I’ve never had any interest in your wife. Trust me, I was just doing my job!”

” Shut the fvĀ¢k up about doing your job!” He yelled turning over the table savagely in rage. ” You got my wife pregnant that’s not doing your job, you rascal!”

” I’m sorry, sir, it was a mistake. Yā€“you can’t just blame it all on me. Cas-sieā€“”

” Enough about Cas-sie,” he snarled. ” Cas-sie is a fool and will forever remain a fool. slee-ping with her didn’t bother me that much because I knew it was my fault she cheated on me….but getting her pregnant? You really expect me to house another man’s child in my own house? I know I cheated on her first but I’ve never had any intentions of having a child outside my marriage. This is the last straw that broke the c@mĀ£l’s back. I won’t have it!”

I stared at the knife in his hand. ” Are you going to kill me?”

He gr!ppĀ£dthe knife firmly. ” I wish I could. I have that murderous instincts in me but I’m undecided. There are four people that’s become a torn in my flesh. I don’t know which one to kill. You? Cas-sie? Her baby or myself?”

Despite the fact I was scared of him, I felt sorry for him. ” James, killing won’t solve anything. If you kill Anyone, you’d be persecuted for murder.”

James smiled and began edging away from me towards the be-droom where Simi was lying. ” Are you sure about that?!”

My mind jumped as I realized what he was going to do.

” James!” I yelled. ” StĀ©p, don’t do it!”

” I’m sorry, Marcel,” he growled. ” But if you hadn’t been Soo stupid you wouldn’t have gotten into this mess.”

” James,” i moved a step towards him, pleading with my hands opened. ” plea-se, plea-se, I beg of you. Don’t do it. She’s all I have.”

” Cas-sie is all I have as well,” he kicked opened the be-droom door. ” I warned you if you had anything to do with her again, I’d find you and kill you. This pregnancy is the worse thing you’ve ever done to me so I’m taking your sister!”

I wanted to throw myself on him but he had the knife pointed at me. One false move and he’d stab me.

” James, listen to what I have to sayā€“”

But he didn’t listen.

Suddenly, he moved into the be-droom swiftly and I began hearing the knife working on something tough.

” James noooooo!” I screamed and ran full fledge into the room.

Instantly, I halted to a stĀ©p as James was raising Simi up to her feet. On the floor were some old ropes he’d used to bind her.

His knife had cut off the ropes.

James turned to me and pushed Simi towards me. Simi staggered like a drun!kwoman until I caught her in my arms.

She was dizzy and lightheaded. To my relief, there were no cut marks or bleeding wounds on her bĀ©dy.

I glanced up at James, confused at what he was up to.

He raised the knife up and dropped it on the floor. Then he pocketed his hands and looked outside the window.

” Your sister will be alright. With time the drugs will clear away.”

I was Soo confused I yelled. ” I don’t un-derstand. What stĀ©pped you from killing us?”

James made a bitter smile. ” Because I saw no reason to. What’s been done is done. There’s nothing I can do to change anything. I believe everything happens for a reason. Cas-sie’s pregnancy is probably one of those things.”

” But you were going to kill me. How I’m I sure you weren’t the driver who knocked that lady down last night?”

He turned to me. ” I’m not a killer, Marcel. I’m a psychopath but not a killer. As for the lady, I ba-rely even know her so that wasn’t me.”

If he was lying, I wouldn’t know. One thing I was certain was this, he had no intentions of Killing Simi or I.

Suddenly, the front door broke opened and stampeding footsteps ran from the living room into the be-droom.

” Freeze!”

Policemen, all in black and fully armed surrounded me with their guns pointed at James.

From behind me, I saw Cas-sie, Jenny and my boss, Dada ran in as well.

” What is this?!” James asked, raising his hands over his head.

” Mr. Ajayi James,” an officer approached him with handcuffs. ” You’re un-der arrest for attem-pted murder of last night’s accident.”

” That’s a lie,” he scowled at them. ” I wasn’t the driver who did it. It wasn’t me.”

” Silence, whatever you say here would be used against you inā€“”

” I don’t care what is used against me,” he yelled at them. ” I wasn’t the driver! I’ve never killed anyone did you hear? You got the wrong guy.”

Next moment, he was cuffed and dragged away from the room.

Cas-sie watched him go with tears in her eyes and Jenny comforting her.

Dada c@mĀ£ up to me and directed some men in white coats to take my sister away to the ambulance outside.

” You okay, kid?” He asked.

” I’m fine, what’s going on here?!”

Dada rested his hand on my shoulder. ” Tarma told us what happened.”

” What happened?”

” Everything that you and James discussed. For crying out loud, Marcel, why didn’t you tell me he threatened your life? I could have done something about it on time.”

I pas-sed my ton-gue across myl-ips. ” I didn’t want to start any trouble with anyone.”

He frowned. ” Marcel, this guy is trouble. He knocked down Tarma.”

” Who told you that?”

” Tarma ofcourse.”

” Did she see his face?”

” What’s the matter with you, kid?” Dada frowned dee-per. ” James nearly killed you today if Cas-sie and Jenny hadn’t informed the police on time what makes you think he wasn’t the driver from last night?”

” Your boss is right,” Cas-sie said approaching me with Jenny. ” Last night, James arrived home late at night. He took a hell of a time to wash his car before heading up to the house. It was Soo obvious and a perfect give away. Today after he discovered about my pregnancy, he stormed out of the house in rage. I just couldn’t believe my ears when Jenny called from the hospital and told me everything. James, g@y? He…trust me, I’m still in shock.”

I bowed my head. ” I’m sorry, Cas-sie.”

” Don’t be,” Cas-sie shooked her head. ” I should be the one apologising for getting you into this mess in the first place.”

I stared at her, my mind opened. I realized Dada was frowning at me but I didn’t care. ” So what do we do about the child?”

Cas-sie bite herl-ips then shooked her head. ” Nothing.”




This was the crime newspaper and nobĀ©dy loves crime news more than I do. I’m still left in shock.

It’s been all over the news. Last week, there was the case of bombing at the opening ceremony of one of his new company br@nch now he’s being arrested for murder.

” Don’t see how he’s going to survive this one,” a man who stood opposite me with his own newspapers shooked his head sadly. ” The police would be glad to pin a murder ra-p on him.”

The news paper vendor laughed. ” Don’t be too sure. The white beard billionaire has a way around things. I’m sure they won’t hold him long enough.”

The man scowled. ” I hate that man. He’s too smug about his wealth. Wealth he just inherited.”

” Everyone hates him because he’s rich,” the newspaper vendor remarked. ” When you’re that stinking rich, you create many enemies. My bet, someone out there is troubling this man.”

” Serves him right!”

I would’ve loved to join these two men in this interesting conversation but what do I know about the White beard billionaire?

I turned the next page. There was a new disease outbreak at Cross River State. So far, the government has called for a state of emergency to curb the spre-ad of this disease.

The name still sounds funny to me. Zombie k!ss. What sort of disease is that?

Other news surfaced but they didn’t hold my interest.

I was searching for a job vacancy but there were no job for a lady like me. Times were tough on everyone.

Sighing disappointedly, I paid for the news paper and roamed the streets in search of any vacancy. I was damn broke and very hungry.

I didn’t know who to blame for all my troubles; Teddy or Lola?

Yesterday, Lola’s father got arrested for attem-pted murder at k!ssES. Which makes it all the more obvious that this guy, Marcel maybe Teddy. I still haven’t gotten my facts straight.

It was and the day is nearly over. I haven’t found a job yet and I’m still famished. Looking around, I sighted a familiar face walk-in throu-gh the crowd on the other side of the road.

Wait a second…. wasn’t that Marcel?

I saw him walked towards a rather distinct path. It was a path leading to the next street that would take anyone to k!ssES.

My bet, he’s heading there now.

I followed him, keeping in the shadows to aviod him seeing me.

I was right. He was headed towards k!ssES. I saw him approached the door and went in.

My suspicion was correct. Marcel is Teddy. It clinches. My next move surprised me. I took out my membersh!pcard and approached the door as well.

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{Teddy’s POV}

” What do you want?” I asked stepping into Dada’s office. ” I thought you mentioned never to l@ysight of me again here.”

Dada was seated cross-legged on behind the desk. ” Well, I changed my mind. You can keep your job.”

” Why?”

Dada made a downward sm-irk. ” I figured you’d nee-d some support after that incident. Your sister’s hospital bills, your house rent, your feedings… well, I can’t just let you out loose like that.”

” You don’t want me to go that’s why!”

” Marcel, you and I know you’re mine. I can’t leave you out there in the cold. Alright, I admit it, I was mad you scre-wed up but that’s to be expected. I can make you a better offer in this business. All I want from you is your loyalty and every thing will be fine.”

I eyed him, sure enough there was more to his mind. ” What are you up to, Dada?”

” I’m up to a lot of things, kid,” he drummed his f!ngerson the desk. ” Take for example, the arrest of Kelvin Johnson today. I got some policemen coming in today for questioning. Then there is also umm…the case with Tarma…. business is a little…how will I put it…. ti-ght. I want you back to loosĀ£n things up and set the club on fire. You know the women loves you. I’m hosting a show tonight and lots of women are coming in but that’s because I announced you’d be performing tonight with free l@p dances for at least ten women. Umm…I know you’re still mad at me for firing you but that’s because I got mad. Anyways I want you back soo….”

” I’ll do it,” I said sharply.

He was surprised at my quic-k response. ” Well, that’s fast. I’m happy to hear that. So how do we…”

” But I want a raise,” I cut him off sharply.

He stared at me. ” A raise, eh?”

” Yes,” I said firmly. ” I want a raise and a bigger one at that.”

He smiled broadly. ” How much?”

” A hundred and fifty thousand per week and a cut of eighty thousand for every pri-vate session.”

” That’s all eh?” Dada grinned but I could see from his eyes that he was burning. ” Now look here, before you start giving orders, let’s evaluate some certain facts. I pay for the club, I also pay for our g@y licence fee, I pay the str!ppers and I also take care of your affairs which includes your school fees, your rents and other stuffsā€“”

I waved my hands, cutting him off. ” I’m paying for my affairs from now henceforth. I don’t nee-d your help anymore. I can handle my bills.”

” Hey! Wait a minute!” He exclaimed. ” You don’t tell me what to do, kid. I run this place. It’s within my power to pay you whatever I like.”

” And it’s within my power to turn down your show and go get a better job.”

” Marcel, what’s gotten into you?”

” That’s my term, Dada,” I said. ” You either start paying me well or I quit and move on. After all, there are many str!p club out there who’re willing to hire me.”

Dada sat up. ” StĀ©p fooling yourself, kid. No one would employ a young boy like you.”

” Not until I prove to them that I am Teddy. Imagine how many of your customers would leave k!ssES to see me perform in another club.”

Dada frowned. ” Youā€“ you young robber!” He bawled. ” After everything I’ve done for you. Remember where I picked you up from. What about the Goodwill and the generousity?”

” I’m sorry, Dada. But I can’t make the same mistake I made with Cas-sie. If I had been treated well, paid reasonably, I wouldn’t have gotten into the side hustle. Because of me, someone’s husband is in jail. Because of me, TARMA’S wouldn’t be able to walk again. Because of me, Cas-sie’s pregnant with my own child. Simi’s in the hospital and lots of secret I’ve been trying to hide from her are surfacing every day. If I’m going to go on with this job, it better be worth it. I won’t settle for less. It’s either you agree with my terms or I leave.”

Dada was silent.

” You know you can afford it,” I added. ” But if you won’t pay me what I request for then it’s over. I won’t go on with this sh*t.”

Dada exhaled and sat back on his seat. For a while, we said nothing the he spoke.

” What about Cas-sie?”

” She’s fine.”

” I’m asking about her pregnancy.”

I bite myl-ips. ” She said she’s going to keep the baby.”

” I will do it,” he said finally. ” But un-der one condition.”

” What condition?”

He stood up and walked over to where I stood and held my face in his hand. ” That you’d come back home.”

” Dada, I can’t do that. Simiā€“”

He k!$$Ā£d me.

We remained like that until he let go off myl-ips and gazed at my eyes. ” I’ll take care of Simi but plea-se come back home and I’ll pay you what you de-sire.”

I stared at him, feeling sick of myself. ” Alright, I’ll come home.”



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