The male str!pper episode 14

{Everyone wants a male str!pper}
© Johnny Légendary
Note: 18+ 🔞 adult contents ❌ not for re-aders un-der the age of 18




{ Cas-sIE’S POV}

James sat on the arm chair with a can of Pepsi. His eyes were on the flat screen television displa-ying a show in our living room but I knew from the looks on his face, he wasn’t interested in the show.

He was thinking, giving himself time to evaluate the things in his mind.

I sat on the sofa while Lola stood beside me. Our two other kids, the boys weren’t home to welcome their sister so it was just Lola, my husband and I.

For a while, there was silence then James spoke. ” So why did you break bounds to go to this str!p club?”

He was talking to Lola but de-ep within me, it felt as if he was talking to me.

Lola shifted her leg uneasily. ” It’s because I loved hanging out with my friends there.”

” You loved hanging out or you’re obsessed with someone there? Which one is it?” James asked, still staring at the television.

Lola looked at me. She was frightened of her father but what did she expect me to do? They were her cards. She got to pl@ythem.

” Answer me, young lady!” James barked.

” Actually, Yes,” Lola answered sharply.

James sighed. ” I’m listening. Talk to me. And don’t you dare lie to me. I alre-ady know the truth.”

” He’s name is Teddy,” Lola hesitated but then continued. ” He’s a male str!pper. My friends and I usually sneak out at night to go watch him perform, then have a few drinks, dance and return back to the hostel.”

James smiled. ” How interesting and how many times has this guy sle-pt with you?”

I swallowed. This my husband. He’s ma-king me really uncomfortable. It felt as if he was talking to me, not my daughter.

” He’s too expensive, daddy,” Lola said. ” W–we couldn’t even afford his l@p dances. We just go to watch him perform and returned back to school that’s all, I swear.”

” But you paid a hvge amount of money to buy their membersh!pcard, didn’t you?”

” I did.”

James sipped slowly from his can of Pepsi. ” I see.”


More silence.

” You’re not saying anything to your daughter,” James turned to me.

I met his eyes. ” What do you want me to say to her?!”

” I don’t know,” he sipped from his can again. ” It’s quite the obvious. Like mother like daughter. Getting drun!k, going to str!p clubs–”

” James!” I called sharply. ” Let’s not have that discussion infront of our daughter!”

” And why is that?” James darted his eyes back to Lola. ” So that she wouldn’t know you frequent the club as well?!”

Lola turned to me, her eyes wi-de. ” You go to k!ssES too?”

” Shut up!” I barked at her. ” Who told you to talk?”

” It doesn’t matter who told her to talk!” James said. ” What matters is you both are Soo obsessed with this Teddy of a guy.”

” I can’t believe you’re saying this, James. What makes you think I’m into that little boy?!”

James looked away. ” Nothing you can hide from me, Cas-sie not after a one night stand.”

My ears prickled and the hairs at the nape of my name bristled. Did he say one night stand?

Lola was staring unbelievable at both of us. From the looks on her face, I could bet she was shock beyond words.

” James, what in God’s name are you insinuating?!” My voice was ba-rely a whisper.

” You heard what I said,” James held my gaze. ” And I ain’t repeating myself again.”

Suddenly I began feeling nausea and the contents of my guts rushed up to my throat. Before my husband and my daughter, I jumped to my feet, covering my mouth with my palm and raced out of the sitting room.

Cas-sie and James watched me as I ran upstairs to our be-droom. I ran into my bathroom and began throwing up in the sink!

I didn’t know how long it took me.

Running the sink water into my palm, I rinsed my face and my mouth. What was wrong with me? Why I’m I throwing up?

Something h0t rushed up my throat and I threw up again. My face went red and so-re. This is serious. What did I eat today?

Looking up from the sink, I received a jabbing shock! I felt cold f!ngersgripping my spine.

From behind me, I saw James reflection on the mirror. He stood by the doorway, his hands buried in his pockets and there was that malicious viscious rage I’ve never seen in his eyes ever since I got married to him.

He stepped into the bathroom and I backed away from fright. He stood before the sink and regarded my vomits.

without looking at me, he snarled. ” So who is responsible for this pregnancy?!”

I went ice cold!



On my way home, I reflected on what happened this afternoon.

Cas-sie and her husband were at my school today. I had recognized them the moment I saw them walking towards the principal’s office.

I took off, gr-abbing my bags and my books. I couldn’t bear to be seen by either one of those couple.

Worse, I was afraid of James. A man who could threaten death is a dangerous man. I wouldn’t want to fall into his tra-p not after what happened last night.

Tarma’s accident was obviously organized. If there were anyone to be suspected, I’d point out James for he’d left the room the instant he s-en-sed an intruder.

But I didn’t have the nerve to tell the policemen that story when they interrogated me that night. If James was that dangerous as to run a woman down with a car, it simply means I had to keep my mouth shut.

One thing was for sure, if I wasn’t careful……

I would be next.

This scared me more than my conversation with Dada’s last night.

” So you’re slee-ping with these ladies without my knowledge?!” He yelled at me.

I glanced up at him. ” It’s not my fault, y–you caused it!”

” I caused it?!”

” If you’d been generous to me, paid me well, I guess I wouldn’t have done the side hustle!”

Dada growled at me. He stood up from his seat and gave me a dirty sl@p that echoed round the office.

” You dirty, ungrateful rat!” He swore. ” I picked you up from the street, gave you a better life, rented a house for you, paid your school fees, paid you extra dough for feeding your sister and all I ask of you is your loyalty and faithfulness. If that wasn’t enough, because of your demand for a raise, I gave you a large cut from Cas-sie’s money to aviod you getting into the side hustle but you betrayed me and went out of your way to go against the rules. What sort of human are you, huh?”

I avoided his eyes. ” Dada it’s not that!”

” Then what is it?!”

I didn’t say anything. I was scared he’d get mad if I said my mind.

” Marcel, spit it out!” He yelled, gripping my shi-t with his fist. ” What are you trying to tell me that you’ve been soo crazy to go against my own rules!”

I couldn’t stand it anymore. ” I want out, okay?!”

He re-leased me. ” You want out, eh?”

” It’s too much on my mind, Dada!” I shouted. ” I can’t live like this anymore. I’m sick and tired of this life, lying to sister, hiding secrets from everyone I know, wearing a mask all the time, getting scre-wed by both men and women after the show, I hate it all. I nee-ded a better life. I dream of becoming Someone better in the future but I nee-d money to do so. That’s why I started the side hustle. You were being Soo stingy to me. I couldn’t save a thing because of Simi’s medicines. I want out, Dada but I’m only doing this because I have nowhere else to go and I nee-d more money to save up. You never cared about me, you only cared about your selfish interest!”

Dada was quiet. He studied me closely with red angry eyes. After a while, he spoke. ” So you want out, ehh?”

I didn’t say anything. I began regretting why I spat out those words at him.

Dada turned around in his desk and brou-ght out a paper and a pen. ” Clear out your stuffs kid, you’re fired!”

Reaching home, last early this morning took a lot of effort, especially before my sister. I didn’t tell Simi I lost my job as a str!pper. It took a lot of nerve for me to organize myself to school today.

Seeing James and Cas-sie was bad news. They were the ones who caused me to lost my job.

A lot ran in my mind as I walked home. For the first time since I got fired, I began to think more clearly with a lot of questions bu-mping up in my head.

Where do I go from here? Who would hire me for a new job? If Dada st©pped paying my fees and the house rent, we’d return back to the street.

For the first time in my life, I began to appreciate Dada’s effort and sacrifices. I realized, I couldn’t do without him. Should I go back to his ap@rtment and apologize?

I wasn’t thinking about myself, I was thinking about Simi. I don’t want that girl to suffer again.

I must’ve been thinking for Soo long for I was home before I knew it. The door to my ap@rtment was opened.

That’s weird. Simi never leaves the door opened.

I walked in and met James seated on the arm chair in the living room.

I halted instantly, my flesh getting cold at the sight of him.

James watched me closely while he crossed his legs. On the table before him was a big kitchen knife.

My eyes grew wi-de and I screamed!

” Simi!”

No answer.

I began panicking as I screamed again. ” Simi!”

James shooked his head. ” Save it boy, she can’t hear you. She’s de-ep in sleep.”

I turned to this crazy lunatic, my hands balling into fists. ” What have you done to my sister? Where is Simi?”

” I drugged her!” James picked up the kitchen knife and stared at the blade ” I would have killed her but she wasn’t my target. You are!”

” What do you want from me?” I bawled. ” I thought we both had an un-derstanding last night.”

” We did,” James eyed me now. ” But unfortunately it’s too late to make amends.”

” What do you mean?!” I asked, feeling the cold s-en-sation climbing up my spine.

James pointed the knife at me. ” I want to un-derstand why you got my wife pregnant!”

My jaws dropped. ” Pre–gnant?”


{ Tarma’s POV}

I woke up with a g@sp. All around me, I could hear life supporting machines beeping.

My blurry vision cleared to reveal one of my leg suspended in space.

” Thank God you’re awake,” someone said jubilantly by my side.

I looked around and saw Jenny. She had a tissue to her eyes and she was just as emotional as I’ve ever seen her be.

” Jenny?” My voice sounded weak. ” Where I’m I?”

” You’re at the hospital,” Jenny said. ” You busted your spine. I’m afraid you may never be able to walk again.”

I nearly cried but I was too weak and heavy to cry. I closed my eyes then opened them.

There was no way I was going to suffer like this without paying back. ” Jenny?”

” Yes, Tarma.”

” I want you to get some policemen. I think I knew who did this to me.”

” Wow, you can still remember what happened? The doctors said it’s a one chance out of them of you recovering your memory. This is wonderful.”

I scowled at her. ” I don’t care if it’s wonderful or not. Get me a police officer. I want to make a statement.”

” What statement? Does this has to do with the driver who ran you down last night?”

I closed my eyes. ” Yes, it was James who did it.”
