The lost alpha heir episode 30 & 31

🌺⛰️…… THE LOST

Authoress FG…

EPISODE 30….☺️


Finally Miles have decided to let things go but has he really forgiven her or it’s all acting. I thought confused.

“Mason till when do you plan on hiding the truth from me” Melissa barked as she walked to me.

“St©p raising your voice,it won’t do you any good” I hinted and she rolled her eyes.

“And what truth are you talking about? I really can’t remember not telling you anything” I acted dumb.

“The truth about princess Luna’s death” She mentioned.

“I thought we couldn’t figure out who the killer was so why are you bringing that up again” I asked sarcastically.

“Are you really going to continue pla-ying dumb. Do I look like a fool to you? We don’t hide things for each other but why did you hide the fact that Miles killed princess Luna” Melissa uttered obviously disappointed.

“How did you find out about that. That’s a secret only Miles and I know of” I asked curiously.

“Don’t tell me, Miles was the one behind my attack” Melissa asked as her eyes bec@m£ teary.

“Don’t think that way Melissa. These are the reasons why Miles and I kept it away from you. You might take it the wrong way. Miles will never do anything that will hurt us so get it off your mind. He didn’t do it” I protested.

“It was the same killing skills with that of how princess Luna was killed” She uttered seriously and I went closer to her, placed my hands on her shoulders.

“Melissa look into my eyes and tell you what you feel inside of you. Do you think Miles did that to you ” I asked curiously staring at her.

“I honestly don’t know what the truth is. Everyone’s changed, everyone now have a c0ckroach in their cu-pboards. I’m sorry but I don’t know” She said slowly as tears roll down her cheeks.

“If Miles were responsible,you probably won’t be alive today. He wouldn’t miss his target if he was the one behind it” I as-sured.

“How do you mean?” She asked curiously.

“The one behind it was Lila. Lila attacked you not Miles and that’s why she’s dead”

“Are you trying to say Miles killed her as well? I thought Miles had feelings for her” Melissa asked curiously.

“It was all an act. Miles avenged you but we have an issue” I pursed.

“What issue? Whenever you sound like that,I really get nervous,is it okay if I don’t hear it” She requested nervously.

“Are you sure you don’t want to hear it” I asked curiously.

“I can’t afford to get anxious at a situation like this,I have the feeling I will freak out” Melissa g@sped.

“I also can’t take that risk. Leave the issues to Miles and I,we will keep everything un-der control” I as-sured.

“There’s no way the alpha’s child will disappear from polatan within a few minutes after birth. The black sheep is at the castle. Do you think they took him to the human reign. It’s possible they hide him at the human reign”I emphasized.

“That’s close to impossible. Who do you think got the nerve to do that,the only devious werewolf capable, happened to be found dead at her resident. We just can’t figure things out because it’s too entwined. What if Miles stole his pub himself” Melissa uttered worriedly.

“Don’t tell me you’re suspecting Miles for doing something like this” I g@sped staring at her.

“Like I said, everyone now have a c0ckroach in their cu-pboards. Miles is no exception. He killed princess Luna without anyone knowing” She uttered and I chuckled.

“You really can’t say that because I’m always aware of his doings. We’re like soulmates. Two bodies one soul. Miles planned on achieving greater things at the arrival of that child so don’t be delusional” I scoffed.

“I also believe Miles wouldn’t do a thing like that” Melissa affirmed.

“Why do you say so? Do you have a hint on who did it” I asked curiously staring at Melissa de-eply.

“If I had,I wouldn’t be with you right now but on my way in search for him so st©p being impulsive. Put your thinking more on how to get the culprit” Melissa mumbled.



It’s eighteen years now and I still got no news about my heir. The demon pack reinf0rç£d and plan on invading into Polatan.

“Mason what’s the situation right now” I asked curiously.

“Luckily for over the past eighteen years you’ve conquered so many packs so you’ve become stronger. The demon pack insist on putting up for a fight and I think the new Alpha wants to avenge the late Alpha. They suffered alot when they lost their Alpha at the fight in the castle” Mason explained.

“Supreme conquering the demon pack, isn’t going to be that easy. They know Polatan pack have become the strongest pack so they wouldn’t jump into the danger zone without a very strong plan” Jaxo affirmed.

“I’m not scared of anything. They may use tricks to get into Polatan so you have to make sure everyone is taken to the pack house” I instructed and stood up from the throne.

“Father plea-se I have a request” Elina uttered as she c@m£ in with Cora.

Now meet my mischievous and pla-yful daughter Elina. Zoe and I had her after three years we lost my heir.

Cora is Mason and Melissa’s second child,they had her same year we had Elina so they kinda stand out as twins.

“Elina can we plea-se postpone your request for later,you can see everyone is here” I said referring to my chiefs and warriors.

“Father you promised Cora and I, that you would permit us to go to the human reign when we clock fifteen and we are fifteen years old alre-ady” Elina complained with a frown.

Elina you can’t be requesting or complaining like this Infront of the officials. We will talk about this at my chambers. I mind linked her.

“No father,I want you to give me your permission now”. She blurted out and everyone chuckled.

“Supreme plea-se give us your permission. We promise to behave when we get there and we will take Finley with us if you’re worried about our safety” Cora ch!pped in.

“They’re really going to make it ha-rd for you if you don’t permit them to go” Mason whispered with a chuckle.

“This is not funny. You don’t expect me to endanger their lives because they want to have a look at what the human reign looks like” I protested as I rolled my eyes.

“You sound like you don’t trust your girls. You’re indirectly telling me to my face that I didn’t train them well. I’m really disappointed in you” Mason uttered with a frown.

“Thank you father” Cora said excitedly and Mason win-ked at her.

“You’re doing this because of Elina and Cora,st©p putting me on a ti-ght corner. You know very well that I can’t go with them because they nee-d me here in Polatan” I gro-an ed.

“Supreme I have a suggestion” Jaxo uttered and I stared at him.

“Suggestion on what exactly”I asked sarcastically.

“Suggestion on how to take them to the human reign” He added with a smile.

“Alright I’m listening” I cut in.

“How about the supreme take them to the human reign and come back after dropping them. We all know very well that the Beta’s son will never go on a trip like that” Jaxo suggested and I nodded.

“Thank you for that suggestion. But Mason why can’t Finley go with them” I asked actually confused.

“Trust me,you don’t want to know” Mason sighed tiredly.

“Elina, Cora I grant you both my permission” I said with a smile.

“Thank you so much Alpha” They both chorused excitedly and ran out.

“The issue about the demon pack we will discuss more on that when I get back. Selene went to the shadow pack to put things in order. When she gets back,we should listen to her own suggestion” I emphasized.



Father took us to them human reign. Cora and I are so excited about our new adventures.

“Wow father,this mansion is beautiful” I complimented looking around.

“It’s still as beautiful as always” Father said with a smile.

“Supreme this is beautiful. Father always narrated to me,how the both of you chose this mansion when you were young” Cora said smiling.

“Come on Cora,you sound like I’m getting old alre-ady” I pouted and they both giggled.

“Father you should get going now. We can take care of ourselves” I cut in.

“Chief guard, come here” Father ordered and he c@m£ to us.

“You’re to always protect the girls, don’t let them leave your sight not even for a second. Protect them with your life. un-derstood” Father instructed strictly.

“Yes boss” He replied with a bow and left

“Wow… They’re so obe-dient,father does that mean everything on this mansion belong to us” I asked curiously.

“Of course, you can order for anything and they will be at your service but you have to promise me to behave” father requested.

“Promise” They both chorused and win-ked at each other then I sat on the couch.

“Father why are you sitting? You should get going” I reminded and he looked away.

“The both of you, plan to do silly things when I leave so I’m not leaving” Father pouted and I sat on his l@ps, ru-bbing his cheeks gently.



Miles went back to Polatan as Elina and Cora promised to behave themselves. He left without having a second thought because he trusted the girls can defend themselves.

“Cora where should we start from” Elina asked excitedly.

“How about eating first” Cora asked grinning and they both relaxed on the couch.

“Chief chef” Elina called out gently and the chef c@m£ to them.

“Yes miss”

“What are we having for breakfast? Cora and I are famished” Elina said politely and the chef gave them the breakfast menu.

“This is getting interesting” Cora said with a smile as they went throu-gh the menu.

“We want everything on the menu” They both chorused.

“We’re indeed best friends” They ch!pped in swiftly together and laughed.

“Okay miss,will be re-ady in a few minutes” The chef mentioned and left for the kitchen.


“Get lost,s¢v-m bags” Aidan fought some street boys on the street as they tried to handpick little kids. They ran away after Aidan beat them black blue.

“I hate injustice” Aidan g@sped.

“Thank you so much for saving us from those thvgs” The kids uttered gratefully.

“You’re all welcome just learn to fight back in a situation like this next time. You shouldn’t get intimid@t£d because they outnumbered you” Aidan advised as he gave them back their money.

“We will. Thank you” They said smiling and left.

Aidan is a wealthy teenager who pretends to come from a wretched home. Aidan is eighteen years old,he lost his parents when he was ten years old.

They really don’t have to threat people like that. It’s really disgusting. Aidan thought with grimace as he walked back home.

He got back home and wanted to get in throu-gh his secret pas-sage when Elina and Cora saw him from afar and ran to him like a wind.

What’s that Aura? Elina thought staring at Aidan and they both stared at each other like same thought was going throu-gh their minds.

“What do you think you’re doing? Are you trying to steal from the rich that’s why you sneaking in throu-gh the wall. How dare you” Elina fired and Aidan chuckled.

“And who are you” Aidan asked rudely.

“We live down the street. Why are you trying to sneak in” Cora asked coldly. Elina and Cora placed their eyes on him, leaving him in a position where he can’t defend himself.

“Why are you mute? Cat cut your ton-gue” Elina barked glaring at him.

“Madams… Madams” The chief guard called out running to them.

“Oh sorry princesses but seems like you ran out from home baby sister” Aidan joked and Elina gr@bb£d his hair ti-ght and Aidan began to scream.

“Ahh..! That hurts” Aidan winced as he struggled to get free.

“Who are you calling baby sister? I hate it when people call me little and you dared to call me baby sister. Do I in any way look like your sister” Elina yelled ti-ght£ñing her grip, the chief guard wanted to get involved but he got a punch on his nose.

“Ah…! You’re one crazy girl you know that right” Aidan cursed and Cora sl@pped him ha-rd on his face. The three of them broke into a fight.

Few minutes later, the three of them were seated inside Aidan’s mansion with their heads down in remorse.

“You two really thought I wouldn’t do anything about this. It really soaks thinking I got attacked by two little girls like you,give me your father’s number I want to speak with him” Aidan ordered and they both stared at each other and kept mute.

“Oh,the both of you think I’m joking. Wait till I get you both un-der detention” Aidan threatened.

“Sorry to ask you but what’s detention” Elina asked curiously.

“You must be kidding me,you have no idea what detention is. Ha! Listen carefully,when you get detent you will beaten to pulp. Will you still refuse to give me your father’s number. Sir you must be their b©dyguard right” Aidan asked the chief guard.

“Sir plea-se let them go. Their father is really going to lose it if he finds out this happened to his girls” The guard pleaded.

“They poked their nose into my privacy so I don’t think I offended anyone here. I nee-d to speak to their dad so he straighten them up” Aidan said seriously.

“Sir you really can’t blame us for what we did. You really looked like a criminal in a piece of rag. We were only trying to be good citizens because I hate injustice” Elina said boldly.

“Why do we have to go with same principle. That’s so not coincidental. Why do you hate injustice? If you give me a satisfactory answer I may think of letting you two go” Aidan scoffed.

“You shouldn’t..”

“I won’t go back from my words. I’m a man of my words” Aidan cut in.

“My father taught me to always fight for justice and it doesn’t matter the measures I use in prevailing justice. Are you satisfied with my answer” Elina said coldly and Aidan stood up.

Aunt also told me same thing and same statement. They have a strange aura and I kinda feel a connection. What’s this feeling. Aidan thought confused.

“You’re….” He uttered as he turned around but Elina and Cora with their guard disappeared. He looked at the window and saw them sneaking out of the gate.

“Ha!” Aidan laughed.

“Scary cats… She’s bold just like me” He uttered with a smile and went to his room.


“We almost got busted… Your father is going to lose it if he finds out,we were involved in a fight on our first day. We’ve got only five days left to go back and we’re alre-ady causing a scene” Cora uttered worriedly.

“We didn’t do anything bad. That incident can’t ruin my remaining days here so get it out of your mind. It’s no big deal” Elina said coldly.

“You really sound like your father. Oh no you got bruised” Cora hinted concerned and swiftly the nurses c@m£ into their room.

“Why are they here” Cora asked Abit surprised.

“I told you, it’s no big deal. Everything is un-der control” Elina win-ked.

“You’re so mischievous” Cora grinned.

“And that’s why we’re best friends. Mother is going to love it when I tell her about what happened today. She loves being mean and heartless just like father” Elina giggled as they nurses treated her injuries.

“Ouch..! It sting” Elina winced with a smile.


I got back from school, feeling all exhausted and famished.

I was having lunch when I heard the doorbell ring.

“Boss should I take the door” Quinn my nanny asked.

“No don’t worry nanny, I will get it myself. Go ahead with what you were doing” I said politely.

“But you’re eating” She mentioned.

“I’m done so I’m good” I said and got the door. To my surprise it’s Aunt.

“Aunt..” I g@sped out excitedly and gave her a hvg.

“Aidan you’re so handsome. You’ve grown so big. I didn’t visit for three months and boom you’re all grown up” Aunt complimented with a smile as we got inside.

“I’ve missed you so much Aunt” I said softly.

“I’ve missed you even more. I’m sorry I couldn’t visit, I was stuck with real business at home” She apologized.

“Were you eating” She added as we walked to the dinning table.

“I was but I’m done” I replied.

“Come clean this up” Aunt ordered one of my maids and we left for upstairs.

“Your neighborhood is becoming more busy than I thought” Aunt uttered staring at the window.

“I really don’t know about that but yeah, some girls c@m£ for a vacation in their Father’s Mansion and they’re really creating a scene” I chuckled.

“You didn’t get in contact with them right” Aunt asked curiously.

“I….” I hesitated before answering.

“Aidan don’t get in contact with others much okay. I can’t afford to endanger your life. You really mean alot more to me than you can ever imagine” Aunt said softly.

“Don’t worry about that Aunt,I will take care of myself” I as-sured.

“The full moon is appearing soon,you have to leave the mansion to our farm house before it appears okay. We can’t endanger others lives okay” Aunt advised.

“Yes Aunt. I vividly remember my first experience when I began to react to the full moon”

I killed so many maids in a roll not knowing what c@m£ over me. I bec@m£ wild and dangerous.

“You don’t regret being a werewolf do you” Aunt asked concerned.

“I once did but I’ve accepted my fate and I wish to go back to where I belong someday so I will st©p feeling inferior about who I am. Aunt I really want to ask you a question” I gulped.

“Alright,you can ask me anything” Aunt said with a smile as she ca-ressed my hair.

“My parents are also werewolves right” I asked curiously.

“Of course but why would you ask such a question. You’re suddenly curious about your parents identity”

“Aunt you mean the whole world to me,you know that right. You’re like a mother to me so there’s nothing to be curious about” I uttered and she hvgged me.

“I’m sorry,I’m so sorry” She uttered almost in a whisper and I felt a drop of her tears on my shoulders.

Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking 😁..