The girl he never noticed episode 26-28

One night)
By authoress gabby Daniel
Chapter Twenty six
Jeff climbe-d down from the car, scarlet also climbe-d down too before Jeff could get to her
She stared around and couldn’t figure out where they are
It was in the middle of nowhere
And then she did the only thing that c@m£ to her mind
She started running but she wasn’t fast enough and Jeff was able to caught up with her
“you think you can run, huh!” Jeff holding her hand
“Jeff you are crazy, why did you bring me? ” she asked
“isn’t it obvious, to make you mine, gone are those days I waited for you to love me, now I will f0rç£fully make you mine” Jeff yelled and Scarlett skrie-ked in fright
“no Jeff, I’m not yours, I don’t love you” Scarlett said
For the first time she wish to see Max
She wish she had never s£nt him away
“This isn’t you Jeff, plea-se let me go, my mother is still sick” she muttered not wanting to cry in front of him
“I don’t give it a damn and this is me, I have pretend not to be who I am just to make you love me but since you love my brother then you will see the monster in me” he yelled as he started pu-lling her along
She struggled not wanting to go with him
What will he do to her, her mother is still at the hospital
“struggling right? ” Jeff asked and before she could say any word he hit her stomach knocking her out
Max drank the tenth bottle of vodka
“I FEEL NOTHING FOR YOU MAX” scarlet words keep pla-ying in his ears as he gro-an ed
Life was being so unfair
He never R@p£d her yet he had to suffer,
Scarlet never gave him any chance to prove he was innocent,
He thought Scarlett might be the one to show him the love that his father and brother never showed him, his father disowned him because of the love he had for her
Life was so so unfair
Max drank another bottle and then a girl c@m£ to him
She was an average girl, fair in complexion, beautiful when she smile as she displ@yher de-ep dimples but not as beautiful as Scarlett
“hey man” she said and got hold of his hand leading him to where he don’t know and Max couldn’t resist her because he was drun!k
She lifted him upstairs and fell so many times
She managed to lift him up and placed his hand on her shoulder as she as-sist him
They got to a room and he fell on t©p of the be-d
She c@m£ on t©p of him and started str!pping his clothes as he did the same to her, she stood up from him half n-ked and max look at her
Her slender legs just like scarlet
The skin
The hazal eyes
He look at the face and noticed it was Scarlett
“Scarlett ” he called
“oh sorry, I’m not Scarlett but pamalia” she said
Max gro-an ed, his head hurt so much
He stared at her and noticed it wasnt scarlett
She c@m£ to him again and max couldn’t help staring at her
Those hazel eyes again
He look at her face and saw scarlet smiling at him
“oh Scarlett! ” he called
“am not Scarlett ” the girl corrected and when he stare at the face he only saw the same girl
“who is even this scarlet ” she asked and he pushed her away
He can’t do this
Scarlet image is haunting him
Max ran outside falling and getting up till he got to his car. He entered and drove out
The road was so dark
All he could see was Scarlett
Scarlet in his head
Scarlet in his eyes
Scarlet everywhere
He which to have her in his arms
It so much disgust him when he imagined Jeff with her, he knew his brother was an animal
Maybe he shouldn’t have given up
He nee-ded to find scarlet and make sure she knows the truth
She deserves to know
He turned to the other direction and before he knew it, he was hit by another car and hit his head on the steering
“scarlet!! ” he screamed and lost consciousness
Chapter twenty-seven
Max slowly opened his eyes
“where I’m i” he said looking around
“Ahhhhhhhhh” he felt pains and quic-kly shut his eyes
He tried to think and he felt a sharp headache
“doctor he is awake ” I saw a guy beside me but I really don’t know who he is
I think so
Then a young man rushed in, I guess it’s the doctor because he dressed like one. I looked around and noticed I was in the hospital
“how did I get here” he thought
“oh my goodness, Thank God you are awake! What a miracle ” the doctor exclaimed
“doctor……” he tried to talk but his br@in couldn’t process words out of his mouth
“don’t try to stress yourself, I will tell you all the details you nee-d to know ” he said and max nodded
“Mister Holloway , you were involved in a car accident which affected your br@in and lead to a br@in trauma. You might not remember everything immediately but those forgotten events will reveals itself as times goes on. plea-se don’t try to stress yourself to avoid much damage to the br@in ” the doctor said
What a mess
“A br@in trauma ” Max asked
“yeah a br@in trauma but trust me it’s alre-ady a Miracle that you are awake, plea-se don’t stress yourself, get some rest ” the doctor added and max nodded slowly
Scarlet sat on the be-d crying, it’s been two weeks alre-ady,
No sight of Max
He never c@m£ back to her
It’s was all her fault
She haven’t heard from her mum and Jeff have gone crazy locking her in the God forsaken room
The door opened and she didn’t bother to look up
“oh, look who we have here” a voice said and she raised her head just to see linda
“the girl who stole my b©yfri£nd” Linda uttered with hatred as she stared at her
“you look like a total mess” Linda added smoking from her cigarettes and b!owing the smoke right on scarlet face
“oh less I forget, Max was involved in an accident ” Linda said and her eyes wi-de-ned
“wait till I give you the most beautiful p@rt” Linda added putting back the cigarette in her mouth
“he lost his memory” she added and laugh out loud
“and do you know what that means, I can easily plant myself back in his life, I can tell him I’m his girlfriend and we can start all over without him remembering you but you can be happy with Jeff right ” Linda asked staring at Scarlett who her eyes were full with tears
“why aren’t you talking ” Linda huffed
“say something ” she yelled holding Scarlett hair
“you!!! “Scarlett yelled and pushed Linda on the be-d as she held her hair
“just come in here and act like a damaged pvzzy” Scarlett yelled
She descended on Linda and gave her sl@ps from different angles
She was angry, so angry.
“OMG!! You are psychopath, you’re crazy ” Linda cried and started screaming
Scarlet gr@bb£d her hand behind her back as she slammed her b©dy to the wall
Just then Jeff rushed in and pushed scarlet away from linda
“you are pathetic ” Linda yelled
“oh I’m pathetic “scarlet yelled as she crooked her f!nger noisily
“leave linda” Jeff ordered and she walked out not without giving her a deadly look
“what have come over you” Jeff yelled
“don’t you dare ask me, you locked me in here and expect me to be the scarlet you know then you got to be kidding me, let me go jeff” she yelled
“never, you will be mine forever, get re-ady for our marriage ” Jeff said walking out
“is love by f0rç£ ” Scarlett asked suddenly and Jeff st©pped not turning to stare at her
“when it comes to you Scarlett is by f0rç£ ” he said and walked away
Max stared at his wrist watch, it was still early
He quic-kly ate his breakfast and kept stealing glances at his wrist watch, he didn’t want to miss his flight
He was traveling, far from here, to start a new life
It’s been weeks alre-ady still he had the br@in trauma, he have been expecting family member to come by
But no
No one c@m£, except a girl who claims to be his girlfriend
Seeing her disgust him and truly he couldn’t believe the girl was his girlfriend
And then also was a guy who stood by him, he was the only one who knew he was traveling,
He wanted to leave as soon as possible, the environment brings bad memories
The door opened and the clas-sy girl he hated so much walked in
“hey you look dressed up, where are you going to ” she asked and Max huffed
“non of your business ” he replied standing up
“I’m your girlfriend, so I deserve to know ” Linda murmured following him upstairs
“enough with the girlfriend stuff, if you were my girlfriend in the past let it remains in the past, I don’t remember you, I don’t know who you are and I have a new life to live ” Max uttered as he picked up his visa
“you are leaving ” Linda asked shocked
“but why, I mean why” Linda asked staring at him as her tears threatening to fall
“st©p questioning me about what I do in my life, I’m leaving” he said moving to the door what linda st©p me
“where exactly, I mean I should go with you” she said and Max chuckled
“you disgust me, get lost” Max said and push her and she land on her bu-tt
“it’s because of scarlet right” she said and max turned to look at her
The name scarlet kept ringing in his head
Who is she
He shuddered and walk away
Linda cried her eyes out immediately Max left, Max will never love her
She quic-kly hurry and went to the place Jeff was hiding Scarlett, today was the day of their wedding
Scarlet felt disgust with the clothes she was wearing, her eyes was swollen from crying too much
It was obvious Max will never remember her
The make up artist kept doing her job as Scarlett tried much as possible not to shed any tears
“isn’t my future wife beautiful ” Jeff uttered and the make up artist nodded
“shes the best kind of girl any man can wish for” she replied with a smile
“Thank you. You can leave us now”jeff said and she nodded
“you look wow, I ba-rely recognized , can’t believe in the next hour you will be called my wife” he win-ked
“oh less I forget you mum will soon be here, I have s£nd my men to bring her” Jeff said and tear drop off her eyes
Will her mom see her this way,
She only wanted to make her mom proud but now she hasn’t even finish college
“Jeff why are you doing this, what of college, I really want to go back to college ” Scarlett cried
“you will go back to college but that’s after you become my wife, I don’t want anyone taking you from me” he grinned placing his on scarlet trying to give her a k!ss
He gro-an ed painfully and withdraw his mouth, scarlet just bit him
“you will never learn ” he said and sl@p Scarlett cheek
Linda walked in and was happy to see Jeff sl@p Scarlett for the first time
“I have tolerated you enough, you better not act stupid ” he said getting up but the door opened again and he was shocked at who he saw
It was Valerie and leo
“Valerie ” Jeff called and she smile as some officers walked in
“Arrest them officer” she said pointing at Jeff and Valerie
“for what” Jeff asked foaming fury
“for ra-ping Miss scarlet and for her abduction ” the officer reply
“you got to be kidding me, tell them I never abduct you ” he said and Scarlett chuckled and sl@pped him
“you animal ” she yelled
“take him away officer, he deserves to rot in hell ” she yelled
The officer took them away and Valerie hvgged Scarlett as she cried on her shoulders
Valerie pu-ll-ed away and stare at her
“this isn’t the time to cry, Max is leaving and you got to st©p him” Valerie said
“leaving… ” Scarlett asked confused
“yeah Scarlett, he is leaving for good, go st©p him” she said
“we will ride you to the airport ” Leo said
“but my mom ” she asked
“don’t worry I will take care of it” Valerie added and she nodded
They got to the airport on time,
She hoped she wasn’t late
Max can’t leave her, not now that she knows how much she love him
She love Max
Yes! She love him
She got to the airport and saw people moving helter scatter
“this morning flight has it gone” she asked a pas-s£nger
“yes ma’am about 30 minutes ago ” she replied and Scarlett slowly nodded and broke down in tears