The girl he marked episode 17 & 18


šŸŒ³šŸ„€{ His Human Mate }šŸŒ³šŸ„€

Written āœļø: Cisca. H.

Chapter 17:


Diana āœ“


Why do I feel like uncle Kelvin is right? Why do I feel like accepting the wolves is the best option??

But why do I still have the hatred in me?

I sighed.

All thanks to Mrs White and my fellow workers who never stĀ©pped visiting me almost everyday. It has always made my day.

I returned back to work after two weeks of rest which was Mrs White’s idea. It’s always good to be back to work.

Everyone were so happy to see me, especially Mrs White. ” It’s good to have you back, Miss Craig. ”

” Thank you, Mrs White. ” We hvgged for a while.


Writer āœ“

The night surface, and she was re-ady to go home. Her car was been smashed, so going to work and returning back home was by means of transport.

She was waiting at the road side for a cab when a car stĀ©pped by. ” Where to? ” Asked the driver.

” 5th Avenue. It’s downtown to the right. ” She explained. ” You know there? ”

” Yeah, I know everywhere. ” He said.

She opened the door, hopping in. She didn’t realize the guy who was alre-ady in there until she entered.

” Hello, Miss Craig. ” It was Micheal, and he was smiling at her.

” Hi, ” surprised in how he got to know her name, but she didn’t bother asking.

She grew uncomfortable as she noticed they had taken the wrong turn to her house. ” Hey, you are supposed to take the right turn. ” I pointed at the other direction.

” Not anymore, Miss. ” Said Micheal.

” Where the heck are you guys taking me to? ” She asked, angrily.

” To the airport. We are taking you home. ” He smiled.

She started yelling, screaming for help. He held a white handkerchief on her nose, and she dozed off.



They left New York City to the Night Walker pack. They stĀ©pped at a castle which was almost like a skyscr@pĀ£r, Micheal carried her on his shoulder as they head into the castle.

Dropping her in one of the rooms, he exited.

Bella jammed with him, after she had heard of the human he brou-ght to the castle. ” Who is she? ” She asked almost like a whisper.

” Derek’s mate. ” He replied.

” Where’s he then? ” She asked again.

” He’s handling some unfinished business with the humans. ”

Bella’s eyes wi-de-ned. ” What? What does that suppose to mean? ”

” Someone planned to kill her, ” referring to Diana, ” he’s probably doing something about it. ”

She nodded, ” How is she? ”

” She’s asleep. ” He told her.


She woke up earlier that morning after what took like hours. She stared surprised at her new environment, stepping out of the be-d.

She stared down out of the window, the hvge breeze which blew on her face and the length of the ground from the room she stayed pu-ll-ed her back.

ā€œ What the heck is this place? ā€ she thought, ā€œ How did I get here? ā€

The weather was still dark, everyone will be asleep. She thought.

She quietly sneaked out of the room, heading throu-gh the hallway. She ti-p toed step after step, trying not to cause a sound.

Everywhere was as quiet as a cemetery, a sneeze alone can get everyone’s attention. And that’s actually what she’s avoiding.

Finding the exit door was really difficult for Diana, but she ceased not to stĀ©p until she finds it. No matter how confusing the castle might be, there’s got to be an exit.

Finally, she found it. But poor thing, there were guards standing beside it. How is she gonna escape it now? How is she gonna flew from this stock hell?

There’s got to be a way, right?
There’s always a way out.

She took off one of her shoe, throwing it at a direction which alerted the guards. ” Who’s there? ” One of them asked.

They both stared at each other, almost giving up to ask further when she threw her other shoe at the same direction.

They went to check, enabling her to escape. She ran and ran, not even looking back. Thankfully she was on trou-sers, and hopefully she’ll be out of there for good.

After she had run a far distance away, she decided to take a break and rest for a while. She was beginning to feel the pains un-der her feet, they burnt like hell.

She can’t believe that she could escape from those guards so easily, but… Where the heck is this place? The question brou-ght her thinking.

The weather was becoming bright and clear, again, she continued to run but will stĀ©p if she notice her breath was becoming so ha-rd .


A maid walked to her room with a tray which contained new clothes Derek had bought for her. She knocked three times and when she got no response, she decided to open the door.

Shocked as she saw no sign of anyone in the room, she dropped the clothes on the be-d quic-kly leaving to report to Derek.

When she saw that he was having a meeting with his cabinets, she went in search for Bella instead. Thankfully, Bella was in her room, dressing her hair.

She knocked, ” Miss? ”

” Come in, May. ” She entered, ” What is it? ” She asked, still dressing her hair.

” Miss,,, it’s the… human girl. ” She stammered.

She held her hair as she turned to look at May who was trembling. ” What happened to her? ”

” She… She… She… ” She stammered as she couldn’t find her words.

” Calm down, May and talk to me. She what? ”

May took a de-ep breath, ” She’s gone. ” She said at a straight.

She left her hair and it fell in position, she stood up. ” Is Derek aware of this? ”

She shook her head. ” No, not even Micheal is. ”

” We must inform Derek about this. He nee-ds to be aware his mate is nowhere to be found. ”

Before they could get to the court chamber, the cabinets were all gone. Derek was leaving too but she stĀ©pped him by the door, ” Bella?, ” he called as he wasn’t expecting to see her.

” Derek, we’ve got a problem. ” She informed.

” What problem? ” He asked.

” It’s the human, she’s not in the castle. ” The information sounded like a bomb in his ears, a de-ep breath escaped his nostrils.

” What’s that supposed to mean? ” He stormed.

” May went to give her the clothes you brou-ght only to find the room empty. I bet she will be far besides, she doesn’t know anywhere around. ”

” Why is she so stubborn. ” He frowned.

” She wouldn’t have followed the window, right? ”

” If it were to be this morning she left, the guards could have seen her leaving. I doubt she will be near. ”

” But at least, let’s just hope she isn’t far. ”



šŸŒ³šŸ„€{ His Human Mate }šŸŒ³šŸ„€

Written āœļø: Cisca. H.

Chapter 18:


The two of them went in search for her outside the castle, into the woods.

Diana has lost her way, and she stood confused not knowing what to do.

There were four pathways and she doesn’t know which to follow. Taking the straight road nor returning back wasn’t Diana’s choice, neither taking the left or right turn is.

Which way is then?

She decided to take the straight road when she heard voices. She quic-kly went into the forest to hide, waiting to see who it was coming.

There he c@mĀ£ with a lady beside him. They stĀ©pped and she hid her bĀ©dy behind a tree.

But unknown to her, werewolves aren’t just animals nor ordinary humans. He could hear her heart beat echoing like a drum in his ears.

” She’s here, ” he said, looking at the direction of the tree she was hiding.

She knows… She knows he has seen her.

She left her hiding place, running more dee-per into the woods. He alongside with Bella chased after her.

She kept running that she didn’t know she was reaching to the dead end of the road.

She sli-pped and tumbled several times down the hill, landing her head against a stone.

She gro-an ed, ru-bbing her forehead. She stood to continue only to find him standing before her.

She turned to make an attempt of following the other side when he gr@bbĀ£d her by the hand, pu-lling her back and slamming her angrily against a tree.

He held her throat ti-ght, frowning at the rolls of blood that fell out of her forehead.

She struggled to let go but his grip was way too stronger than her effort.

” Where do you think you’re going to? ” He angrily asked, folding his fist ti-ghter around her nĀ£Ā¢k.

He could feel the pains as if he were strangling himself, the feelings as if his air lungs were gradually getting closed.

And he hated why he was feeling that way, especially now he wanted to punish her for disobeying.

” Derek, stĀ©p! ” Bella yelled and he immediately let go off her.

Diana fell to the ground, almost coughing out her lungs. ” What were you thinking? ” She asked, throwing him an angry gaze.

” Come on, ” she helped her stand to her feet, ” let’s take you home. ” She held her for support as they returned back to the castle.

Even as they walked back, Diana still held her nĀ£Ā¢k. They got to her room, sitting on the be-d.

” I’m sorry, ” she apologized on behalf of Derek, ” he didn’t mean to hurt you. I mean, it wasn’t supposed to be this way. ”

Diana said nothing. She can’t stĀ©p imagining her state of being if Bella hadn’t intervened. Where would she have been by now?

” What were you thinking? How on earth did you walk pas-s throu-gh those guards? ”

Diana still kept mute at her.

” Look, I know you’re angry and you have every right to be. I un-derstand what it feels like to be taken against your will, to choose a life you don’t want to live. But,,,, you wouldn’t have been here if we had to inform you first. ”

” You don’t know what it feels like to be taken from the people you love, ” she finally talked, ” from your dreams, your career, your future, your happiness. It’s the most painful thing you ever want to taste, cos it hurts… a lot. ”

” I un-derstand. ”

” No, you don’t. ” She said, painfully. ” None of you do. It’s like loosing the whole world, everything you’ve risked for just for some fvĀ¢king destiny. ”

” Diana… ”

” Don’t call my name! ” She yelled. ” I just wanna go home, I wanna be free and far away from here. I just wish this is all a dream. I just hate it here, I hate everything in here! ” She bur-sted out in tears.

Bella pu-ll-ed her into a hvg, ” It’s okay to hate it here, and it’s totally fine to hate everyone of us. But I just wanna let you know, sometimes we find ourselves in a circu-mtances we can never run away from and we’re just left to face it just the way it is. No matter how ha-rd we try to fight it away, it ends up coming the more. We have no choice, Diana, but to follow whatever fate decides for us. ”

” It’s not that easy, ” she said in between the sob, sniffing ha-rd .

” I know, it never is. But you have to, Diana, you have to give it a try. ”

She left her to sleep, shutting the door gently behind her. She headed to her room when he c@mĀ£ out of nowhere, stĀ©pping her in her tracks.

” How is she? ” He asked.

” She’s fine, she’s asleep. ” She sighed. ” I think she nee-ds some time to think and accept her fate. ”

” How long? ”

” I don’t know. ” She shook her head. ” I think you should give her some space, she’ll get to un-derstand the bond sooner than you’ll expect. ”

She left to her room.

From where he stood, he could feel the pains he has caused her. And it burnt him like he had done it to himself.

Back in the woods, he could have strangled her to death. If not of Bella, he almost went extra mile to punish her.

He has always hated humans for one thing… the same thing all the time… Disobe-dience.

But why…?

Why would she behave like them? Why will she try to hurt him? And why would she want him to hurt her too?

He has to give her some time to realize her fate, but how long will that have to take?
How long does he have to wait for her… To accept her destiny?

Or even… Years???

The thoughts bothered him, that he couldn’t stĀ©p hating himself for doing what he did in the woods. He wasn’t re-ady to look into those pleading eyes, those eyes that begged him for mercy.

He has longed to stare into them, but when he finally did, anger took over him. How is she now? Is she okay? Does it still hurts?

Why is it only him who un-derstands this feelings more than anyone?
Why all of a sudden was he feeling so weak, so loosed just because of one human?

He wanted to go to her room, but on a second thought he declined. The two thoughts battled in his head and he was left with no choice but to go even though there wasn’t any winner between his conscience.

He pu-ll-ed the door knob down, ma-king way for himself into her room. Everywhere was dark, but he could see her bĀ©dy la-id on the be-d.

He didn’t want to disturb, he sat beside her. He loves to watch her sleep and she looks adorable while she sleeps, her breath felt soft against the skin as she breathed calmly.

And he can’t help but stare at her peaceful slumber with compas-sion and gratitude. Just being by her side feels heaven.

Staring at thosel-ips made him want to have them in his, the urge gradually growing and almost about to go cli-maxed, he stood up.

Taking in a de-ep breath. ” No, not now. ” He consoled himself, staring at her for the last time.

He left.


To Be Continued…