The fall of a drama queen episode 15




🎉Emerald’s POV ✔

Harry arrived at seven sharp. The moment we faced each other, I could feel the air of magic between us. His sharply focused eyes roamed down my b©dy before it settled back on my eyes.
“You look so beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you, and you are very handsome.” I as-sessed his strong gorgeous profile in black tuxedo. His ha-rd ened feature seemed like chiseled out of rock . No doubt, he looked exactly what he was. A royal prince.

He gave me a brief k!sson myl-ips, then put my hand in his arm.
“I nee-d to work out my self control.”

“What do you mean?”

His cold commanding gaze settled on mine. “I won’t be a good king if I keep on thinking of pu-lling you up in my arms, throwing you on that be-d and k!$$£d every inch of your b©dy until you scream my name.”

“Is that what you’re thinking now?”

He chuckled a little. “Not just that, Emerald. Maybe you’ll run if you can re-ad my mind.”

I saw the king at his office before dinner. I got to pres£nt to him the designs of the queen’s crown on my iPad.

“Beautiful, Miss Petrakis. I admire the designs, you surely know your craft. They are all magnificent. But, I like this one better. This looks more simple and yet elegant.” The King showed me the design he chose. It was the first one that I made and really thought ha-rd . It was the best among all the designs.

“I agree, your majesty. That is so beautiful.”

“So, it’s final.” He gave me back my iPad. “With all the gems I wanted to include in the crown, you are now set to make it.”

“Yes, your majesty.” It was a great news, but de-ep inside me, I felt sadness. That means, I have to go home. “Thank you so much for this opportunity. It’s a great honor for us to be entrusted in ma-king the queen’s crown.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Petrakis. The royal palace is open if you wish to make your stay longer. I un-derstand you haven’t explored the country yet.”

“Um…” I looked at Harry who just sat there, unflin-ching like a R0m-n statue, listening to my conversation with the king. “Yeah.”
“I would like to apologize also to you and your family for the scandal that happened. Those two bit-ches…” The King coughed. “Excuse my word. They should have been punished for pu-lling an act like that. If not for my late son’s wife, Princess Dorothy, I had them in jail alre-ady.”

“It’s all right, your majesty. Thank you for being so kind and un-derstanding. I was responsible for what happened also, therefore I would like to apologize.”

The king waved his hand, a gesture of dismissal. “I don’t blame you at all for what happened. You’re supposed to be safe inside the palace. Especially that you are our guest. Not only that – you’re family is a very good friend of Phili-p, p@rticularly your brother, Zion Petrakis.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ahh– Soon, I will invite your family in the palace.” The king made a swift glance at Harry. “Remind me Phili-p.”

“Yes, grandpa.” Harry replied.

“It will be a great honor for us, your majesty.”

During dinner, I was surprised to see Princess Camila joining us. She was with her cousin, Sancho Garcia. From a distance, I knew this type of guy. Who stayed in a gym whole day and took selfie pictures of his b©dy all the time. The way his eyes roamed on me from head to toe and that suggestive look he kept on darting at me, made me feel so uneasy.

The dining table was so long and the five of us were sitting so far from each other. The king was at the head, on his right was Harry and the Princess on his left. I was beside Harry, but he was about three meters away from me. Across me was Sancho, who kept on opening different t©pics to engage me in a conversation with him. I did not want to be rude, I answered him politely, even when he was trying to make a pas-s at me.

I heard my name when the King mentioned that he alre-ady chos£n the design of the queen’s crown. He was excited to see the actual crown. Princess Camila talked about the queen’s crown and suggested other famous jewelers who could do better designs. It was very offending on my p@rt since she was talking like I wasn’t there. The way she delivered a conversation professionally and her tone of voice so mellowed and soft, liked she was not insulting anyb©dy in the room. She was actually being a bit-ch!

But the King and Harry listened to her politely, and later on their conversation shifted to another t©pic. The dinner ended not too long. The king was tired and nee-ded to sleep early. Harry had something to discuss with his grandfather too and excused himself.

I was about to go when Princess Camila st©pped me.

“Miss Petrakis.”

I turned around and faced her. “Yes, your royal highness.”

“Actually…” She looked at me from head to toe. Reminded me of her cousin, Sancho did earlie. I un-derstood now, it was a family habit. “I just want to remind you to make the crown so perfect and flawless.” Then she gave me a smile that did not even reach her eyes. “Because, that’s going to be my crown.”

🎉 ✒Harry’s POV 🎉
“Let her organize the medical mission. I’m busy grandpa. I have to take care of the other projects. I can’t be with her all the time as her esc-rt.” I sat on a couch, half lying and stretching my legs in front of me.

“Sit properly, Phili-p, you’re going to be the next king.”

What the… we’re alone, for Christ’s sake!

But I decided not to argue with him. I did not want to upset him, he would not be able to sleep.

Grandpa sat across me. His milky cloudy eyes staring at me.
“You are expected to accompany her. She’s the best candid@t£ to be your queen.”

I stood up, upset at the t©pic again. I raked my f!ngersthrou-gh my hair. I like Princess Camila as a friend, but other than that, nothing.

“Is that why she’s here? And the reason why Spain funded the medical missions, because they’re expecting me to marry her?

“All of us is expecting it from you, Phili-p, being the next king. We set aside our personal feelings and nee-ds for the people and for the country. Princess Camila is raised to rule the people and govern a country, way ahead than you did. She has a compas-sionate heart and gentle personality to make a good queen of England.”

“I don’t love her, grandpa.” I inhaled de-eply, letting out the squee-zing pain on my che-st. I have to tell him the truth. “I’m in love with someone else.”

He shook his head, showing disappointment on his face. “I made a mistake bringing you both to the Rose field castle cottage. I always thought that you treat her like a younger sister. Seeing you kept on glancing at her during dinner made me suspicious.”

“I love Emerald, grandpa. I can rule the whole England better if I have peace and happiness in my heart. Let me decide for myself and find out if Emerald and I are meant for each other. I want to get my chance with her. If our relationsh!pworks, then, we’d be together. If not, then… maybe I will decide to marry Princess Camila.”

“I married your grandmother, who was the Princess of Denmark because of royal duty. I learned to love her with all my heart. I expected you to do the same. But you are like your mother, Phili-p. Who got attra-cted with an American. Both of you are very weak when it comes to feelings. I’m very disappointed of you that you don’t have loyalty to our country. I can disown you right now, like I did to your mother.”

“I know you wouldn’t dare, grandpa. You would beg for me to stay once I’d walk out on you right now. You wouldn’t want your brother, the Duke of be-dford to be the next king either.” I did not mean to be rude, but I could not help but chuckled. “You’re wrong about me, grandpa. I have utmost love and loyalty for the country and I am not weak, nor my mother. We’re just too strong for you to handle. My mother did not make a mistake when she married my father. She’s very happy with him. She would be miserable if she married the King of Spain. He have mistresses all over the world.”

Grandpa fell silent and suddenly stood up to go to his be-d. “I’m tired, Phili-p. I nee-d my sleep now.”

I shoved my hands inside my pocket. Grandpa was always like that, using his tiredness as an excuse to evade a t©pic. He dismissed me, so I’m going. But I’d stick to my decision.

“Goodnight, grandpa. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I made a n£¢k bow and turned to go.

“Wait.” He halted me when I was about to open the door.

“I’m agreeable to what you said. You can have your chance with Miss Petrakis. Find out if you really love each other.”

“Thank you.” I was relieved that he gave me his blessing. I did not expect that, right away.

“But promise me, Phili-p. You’ll marry Princess Camila if things don’t work out with you and Miss Petrakis.”

“I won’t promise anything, grandpa. Maybe, or maybe not. Let the future hold its course.”

Grandpa nodded. “Whatever you wish, Phili-p. Soon, I’ll die and I could not st©p whatever decisions you’d make. But right now, I want to ask you a favor. I want you to accompany Princess Camila to the medical mission, tomorrow. You nee-d to show up there too, at least on the first day. Since, many people recognized you now.”

“Okay, grandpa. I will.” I as-sured him and left the room.

The moment Emerald opened the door, we started k!ssing. I was hungry for her as she was for me. I pu-ll-ed her up in my arms as I sat her down on the couch. I was k!ss!ngher n£¢k when she suddenly she st©pped me.

“Harry, wait… plea-se. Can we talk?”

“Later.” I slid my hand inside the hem of her dress, going up to her th!gh.

“I have to go back to New York tomorrow.”

My mouth instantly left her n£¢k, then I settled on the couch beside her. “Why too soon?”

“The king ordered rare gems for the queen’s crown and the supplier won’t trust to give it to anyone. They want to give it to me personally.”

Damn supplier. I wanted her to stay at least for a week.

“Make it the next day or the next next day. I want to spend more time with you. I haven’t showed you much of England yet.”
She reached for my face, c@r£ss!ngthe stubbles on my jaw. “I’ll try to talk to the supplier tomorrow. Then we can explore the city.”

I remembered the favor grandpa asked. “I can’t. I have to accompany Princess Camila to the medical mission tomorrow. It will take the whole day. We’re going to the countryside.”

“Oh… then we can explore the next day.”

“Perfect. But I’ll be with you in New York. We can tell your family together about us.”

She smiled and her eyes glowed with pure happiness. “Thank you.”

I claimed her mouth again, thrû-sting my ton-gue inside her to taste her sweetness. My hands ca-ressed her b©dy, skimming her w@!st up to her brea-sts. I found the Zi-p of her dress. I slid it down to open when my phone rang, j£rking Emerald up.
Not again!

“You should answer that.” She said, holding the front of her dress.

“Yeah, yeah.” I said in a very frustrating voice.

The caller was the head police. He informed that there was a riot in the city. They nee-ded help from the royal palace to control the crowd immediately.

“I really have to go.” I explained what happened to her. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, okay?”


I k!$$£d her again, de-eply, before I left.

