The curse of Cain episode 16

💘The Curse Of Cain💘
Episode 16

It takes 2

Some minutes later everywhere was quiet, Calvin could tell it was midnight alre-ady by the quietness and she was fast asleep, covered in the blanket they had found in the room.

The way she was positioned gave him the chance to study her very well. Even though she looked so much like Trister, he could they were completely different.

Her emotions were easily revealed on her innocent face and her anxiety was evident in the crease of her lovely eye brows and the downward curve of her fulll-ips.

Unlike Trister, she wasn’t beautiful in the clas-sical way, she had no golden curls, her hair was jetty black, spre-ading all over the pillow

. She had no green eyes, instead it was brownish as I had noticed earlier when we were standing so close.

She was ordinary-flawless black skin with no face mask product or expensive products but in her ordinariness she was quite stunning

Why was he noticing this for the first time and why was it ma-king him feel something he wasn’t sure of

He felt her whispered something and he quic-kly shut his eyes. He didn’t want to be caught starring at her.

While he shut his eyes, the whispers continued and they bec@m£ intense as if she was in pain

That was when he knew she was having a nightmare.

“Wakeup Sonia, you are having a bad dream!” He shouted at her but she wasn’t opening her eyes, now she was shaking her head vigorously as if trying to wake up but unable to.

Without thinking, he rushed towards her, lifting her head on his l@ps, and tapping her slowly but firmly

**** *** ***


“Sonia! Wake up!”

By the time I opened my eyes, I was surprised at how he had rushed so quic-kly to my side

. I had actually expected he would throw some water on me to wake me up! Maybe this was working after all.

” I stammered, opening my eyes
..mine! He looked so concerned I almost jumped for joy!

“What happened?” I asked without lifting my head at all from his l@ps, though I was faking the nightmare, having him close by actually felt so good.

“You were having a nightmare. Are you okay?”

I sighed and nodded slowly.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No.” I replied.

He shifted his l@ps slowly so my head was now on the pillow while he covered me with the blanket.

“Are you okay now? Will you go back to be-d?”

I was quiet and I looked sober.

“What is it?”

“My nightmares don’t go away quic-kly unless someone holds me while I sleep.”

I held my breath as I waited for his reaction. plea-se say yes, plea-se say yes!

“You want me to hold you
.while you sleep?”

“I’m sorry Calvin, it’s just my nightmares are always terrible, I will stay awake, I don’t want to be a burden at all

I felt his intense gaze on me but then he said

“I know how nightmares feel like, I don’t know if yours are quite intense like mine but since you helped me once with the Piano, I will hold your hand tonight.”

I laughed heartily in my mind, while still giving off the puppy-innocent look.

“Thanks Calvin.” I said , adjusting to make room for him.

**** ****

So the both of them sle-pt on the same be-d, although there was a little distance between them, they were holding hands and thinking different things at the same time while they pretended to fall asleep

Sonia was glad that her fake nightmare plan worked and Calvin on the other hand kept thinking of how brilliant Sodi’s plan was working. Sodi afterall, was the woman he had met at the restaurant and she had come up with this beautiful plan to lie about an attack so as to get the both of them together alone un-der one roof
and it was working perfectly


Sonia was the first to wake up between the two
with her eyes still closed,she at first thought probably she was home and she was lying in Ben’s arms and all the crazy thoughts were all p@rts of night mare. Ofcourse she was in Ben’s arm, or on whose che-st would she be resting if not Ben’s and who else would have his arms around her so comfortably if not her fiancé .

She smiled, as she put her hand on the broad che-st her head firmly rested on

It’s been a long time she had felt so safe and secure, this was heavenly! But slowly, everything began to come back to her and immediately she snapped her eyes open!

Holy mother of God! She was all cu-mddled up in the devil’s arms!

She didn’t stir or try to stand up, her heart was racing so fast! Oh dear God! What had she done? Hope they hadn’t done any stupid thing last night
.oh dear Lord! She remembered she wasn’t wearing any un-derwear!

AH! She exploded out of Calvin’s arms and off the be-d immediately, causing Calvin to stir. He looked as if he had been slee-ping for a long time and he starred at her.

Both of them were starring at each other without talking as if they were both caught doing something they weren’t supposed to do.

**** *** ***

Some minutes later, they were back on the road and none had spoken to the other for like ten minutes since they had left the h0tel.

Sonia had so many things in her mind

. Did they sleep together? How did they end up all cu-mddled together from just holding hands! Oh dear! Had she cheated on Ben? Could it be possible that they had made love last niht? Has that daredevil finally taken an advantage of her?

Calvin on the other hand was more relaxed than ever.

. That was the second best night he had ever had and he had no idea how they had ended up all cu-mddled..oh, ofcourse, he could recall

He couldn’t sleep all night because her b©dy kept calling him and he was just not comfortable with the whole holding hands nons-en-se and somehow, she had adjusted and drawn closer, resting her head against his che-st
well, that relieved him a little bit and what more than to gather her up in his arms and they had both had a beautiful night
the best actually, since Trister

“Calvin, plea-se, did we
.?” Sonia finally demanded unable to take it any longer.

Calvin stared at her as if she was crazy. Was she not the one who asked them to sleep together on the be-d. “Yes we did. You forgot it was your idea?”

Sonia g@sped, she was the one that asked them to have S-x. Oh dear Lord! Was she drun!klast night?

Calvin shook his head as she covered her face. What was she ashamed of, they cu-mddled up to have a good night experience thanks to her. “It was beautiful Sonia, you don’t nee-d to disturb yourself. It shouldn’t be a big deal okay? I enjoyed every bit of it, as well as the whole noise you were ma-king.”

Calvin said with a laugh, she had snored at certain points

Sonia knew she was done for ! He even knew her ringtone! God this was a bad plan! She couldn’t even cry.

. She just remained mute, b!tt!g herl-ips so ha-rd 
how come she didn’t remember any p@rt of it? had he drug her?

While Calvin drove he kept looking at her
.she looked as if she was going to explode.

“St©p the car!” She shouted at him and he pu-ll-ed the break so fast.

“What happened?”

Her che-st was rising and falling

“So this was your plan? To take me to some h0tel, sleep with me and then what? Kill me?”

Calvin was getting angry. “It was your idea for me to sleep wth you! So keep quiet and let it go!”

“I only asked you to hold my hand on the be-d, instead you went to have S-x with me! You are despicable! You are evil! I hope you rot in hell!” She shouted at him, trying to open the door but the door was locked. “let me out!”

“Look, I don’t know what had gone into your head young lady but you and I didn’t have S-x. For God’s sake you are not even my type!”

With this outbur-st, Sonia calmed down. “We didn’t?”

Calvin hissed. “You are not dumb, deaf or blind are you? Or how will someone have S-x with you and you won’t even know or remember?”

She breathed out loudly, now feeling embarras-sed

“You really think worst of me don’t you? You c@m£ over, put your head on my che-st and I thought you nee-ded some comfort which I offered and now you are accusing me of slee-ping with you?”

Sonia was quiet, and she felt bad
she was so stupid

“Calvin, I’m sorry, I was
I just
.i was just surprised with the whole cu-mddled position I found us in this morning and I thought

“You thought I R@pÂŁd you right? You have no idea how much it
!” Calvin st©pped, this was all a mistake. How low did she think he was? If anything at all, she should be grateful that he was able to control himself last night even with the way she sle-pt on him all throu-gh the night and how much she made him want her
.he controlled his urges for her
.something that has never happened before and now

“Im so sorry Calvin, plea-se, thank you for being the perfect gentleman and I am so sorry for doubting you. plea-se Cal.”

He said nothing anymore, then he ignited the engine and the car started again

She hurt his feelings! Why would she hurt his feelings? No one hurts his feelings, he has never given anyone a chance to do that before, no one does that and live to talk about it, his brother didnt survive it and now his feelings were hurt because of her
because he had to deny himself to plea-se her, to make her comfortable and happy
.he thought she deserved it, after all, all this h0tel stuff was his idea, the best he could was to offer her some comfort and now he got his feelings hurt because of her. She was ma-king him too soft and this wasn’t good for him. Once he gets home, he will talk to Sodi, he didn’t want this plan to backfire, he was the one getting his feelings hurt..he mus not feel! That was what got him this curse in the first place!

Sonia felt bad for hurting his feelings
the poor man just lost his men and he still offered her comfort without trying to take an advantage of her
maybe he wasn’t the devil she had actually thought he was, maybe he had a heart afterall
when she gets home she will rethink the whole plan because if she was to start caring for this man, would it not become difficult for her when she wants to leave…?