The curse of Cain episode 15

?The Curse Of Cain?
Episode 15

Men down!

He drove in silence, she wondered why he had asked the guards to be in one car and the both of them in another car. The guards were going ahead while they were behind them.

“That Sly.” Sonia thought to himself. He had gone to fornicate with some woman while he left her with a stupid guard that had ended up chasing away Michael.

“Look Calvin, I nee-d to get some things clear, is it that while being your prisoner, whenever we go out like this, am I not allowed to have a life?’

Calvin took his eyes off the road momentarily.

“Why would you say that?”

“I just want to know, am I not free to do anything else, to see someone else?”

“Well, I don’t know but what’s the whole purpose of being a prisoner if you get to do what you want?”

Sonia gro-an ed and kept quiet.
Calvin kept smiling at himself until he pu-ll-ed he break so fast, it s£nt Sonia almost crashing her head …thanks for the air bag. That was when she heard the gunsh0ts.

“What the hell was that? Is it time for my death alre-ady?” She demanded, almost out of breath.

However, Calvin wasn’t smiling or replying, instead he made a dangerous swerve. Then he quic-kly gr-ab his phone.

“Ruzo what is happening? Code Red? I just saw the alert now. What about the guards? They all died? Okay, I will turn around and take another route….i should lodge? Okay, let me know when the coast is clear.” He said and then

The only time he had looked this way was when he had caught her looking at them at their first encounter…

“What is going on Calvin?” Calvin said nothing, he made a quic-k reverse and headed back, the road they had come.

“This is why I do not like coming out of my hidings, I just lost four men tonight!”

Sonia was confused. “I do not un-derstand Calvin, what is it?”

He just got a message that some of his enemies knew somehow that he was coming into the open and they had la-id in wait for him, this was why he had s£nt the guards before him. They must have known throu-gh his investors. He slammed his hand angrily against the wheel.

“Damn it!”

“Calvin, you are scaring me….?”

“We won’t be going home tonight, it’s dangerous , we will find a place to stay, that’s all you nee-d to know.” He said sternly and was quiet.

With the way he was looking, Sonia knew she dared not ask him any more question.

***** **** ****

“I am sorry but there is no suite right now.” The receptionist said.

“Okay, if there is no suite, can we get two rooms?” Calvin asked as calmly as he could.

The older man looked tired and worn out. He went throu-gh the system infront of him and then shook his head.

“Sorry, there is only one room.”

“One room? Can we get another h0tel close by?” Calvin asked but the man shook his head.

“That will be two hours drive.” The man said reluctantly.

I sighed and watched as Calvin ban-ged the counter with his fist, ma-king the man jump.

“Okay, we will take it.” Then he faced me, “Well, guess we are going to be roomates for tonight.”

I g@sped in horror. “Oh God! Oh NO!”


As they entered the room, Calvin scre-wed up his nose to show his disgust.

To Sonia, the room was okay, simply designed with a cream and brown colour, clean, one single be-d with white brown be-d sheets and a couch. The carpet reeked of antiseptic, seemed it had just been cleaned

. There was another cotton which Sonia knew will lead to the bath and toilet.

“This is the ugliest room I have ever seen.” Calvin muttered to himself but Sonia was quiet as she dropped her purse and sat on the be-d, she was exhausted, however, she bent slightly to re-move her shoes.

Calvin on the other hand fidgeted with his cuff links while starring at himself in the mirror.

Soon, Sonia thought, trying to stand up, she would go to the bathroom and ‘…..her thoughts died as she saw Calvin….

He was on the floor, doing push-ups with one arm and he was completely shi-tless….well, thank God his trou-sers were on…His muscular b©dy kept going up and down as they dr!pp£dwith sweat emanating from his struggle….

Sonia thought of the first time she had Ben n-ked but she could ha-rd ly remember as her throat dried up with this sight in front of her…she remembered one of her songs….the b©dy of a Grecian god, definitely, this was what the singer was talking about….

She couldn’t move or do anything, she was just ….

“Hey are you okay?” Calvin asked, standing up. He looked exhausted and his adams apple which Sonia hadn’t ever noticed bulged more prominently than ever.

His curls gave him even a darker look as he advanced towards her, muscles r!pp£dacross every p@rt of his b©dy….there was this dangerous irresistible impulse between them as he c@m£ closer ….

plea-se don’t come closer, plea-se don’t come closer….She pleaded in her head even though every p@rt of her b©dy wanted him to come even closer, she knew if he does, she might just explode….

“Sonia!” He shouted again and she snapped out of her lvstful thoughts.

“I..I..I…” She started, then closed her eyes to remember what she wanted to say

. “The bathroom, to change.” She said hurriedly and tried not to trip as she walked to the bathroom.

***** ** ***


Oh my God! I said to myself as I got to the bathroom and rested against the door. What trouble have I put myself in?

I have seen this man several times in my dream but nothing has prepared me for this time….this is far the most dangerous thing I have ever done. How would I survive in the night? What if he tries to k!ssme? I thought and then shook it off, if he tries to k!ssme, I will think of Ben. With that I wouldn’t lose control or fall un-der whatever stupid spell this man is pu-lling me un-der.

I stood up and straightened myself as I checked out the seat of the toilet before pu-lling down my un-derwear and sitting on it.

While I relaxed, I put my head in my hands.

I heard gunsh0ts tonight, for the first time in my life ap@rt from in the movies. I had been so scared but for some reason, being with Calvin just gave me such an inexplicable calm.

I sighed again while looking around for some clean towels….i found one and I stretched my hand to pu-ll it down from the rope, dra-ping it around my n£¢k.

I really hope Michael will remember me and the paper in his br£@st pocket. He had asked for my number, I told him I had no phone and instead he to-re a paper and gave me a pen….but I had written Bens number. Somehow I was hoping he calls and then he tells him where he got the number and then he comes to find me before I end up doing something stupid.

?The Curse Of Cain?
Episode 16


When I stepped out of the bath, I noticed he was alre-ady fast asleep but I wasn’t sure as his face was turned towards the other side of the couch. He was still shi-tless but I looked away and I smiled when I saw a tray of what I knew must be food on the stool close to the be-d.

I was starving alre-ady and I hurriedly opened the tray. It was fried rice and chicken a two bottles of water.

I sat and took the spoon to start eating, then I realized he hadn’t t©uçhed the food and I wasn’t sure if he had eaten, well, he must be quite filled alre-ady or perhaps, the news about his men must be weighing him down.

Poor Devil!

I had taken my bathe and wore the same cloth I had worn throu-ghout the day, I had washed my un-derwears and spre-ad in the bathroom to dry off,my hair was dripping we-t but I was too hungry to bother about it.

Half way throu-gh my meal, my eyes kept circulating around the room until they found themselves on Calvin again.

He was the most built man I have ever seen and the most mysterious

. Why was he in Africa anyways and why had he left Nigeria to come hide here as soon as I was kidnapped. Why did I keep seeing him in my dream and why am I suddenly feeling attra-cted to him all of a sudden?

I paused.

attra-ct what?

No, no, lemme rephrase that.

He was the most built man I have ever seen and the most mysterious. Why was he in Africa anyways and why had he left Nigeria to come hide here as soon as I was kidnapped. Why did I keep seeing him in my dream and why am I suddenly interested in knowing more about him all of a sudden?

Yeah, that was much better.

I allowed my eyes to travel around his b©dy for a while, I wouldn’t lie, it was a while since I last saw a half-n-ked man so plea-se, do not judge me. Besides, it’s not as if he could tell that I was….

Oh God! See those arms! Those must have caused lots of death, they were so strong and so firm and so….

I st©pped and dropped my spoon…while I concentrated on the sp©t that I had just seen.

He had tied his socks around his arm. That was really stupid, why would someone do that when its not as if hes trying to hide something.

Or maybe he was trying to hide something.

Out of curiosity, I stood up, I wanted to take another look at it but immediately I stood up, there was this heavy breeze from outside and the way it blew against the curtain kept giving off disturbing noise and before I knew it, things started scattering in the room.

I knew I nee-ded to close the window so I climbe-d on the be-d, shut my eyes to guide against the dirt from outside and then I began to push the glas-s-windows but it was stuck and the wind kept howling….

Calvin was alre-ady awake and he rushed to my side, with his one push, the window snapped shut and the breeze ceased.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yea, thanks.” I replied, happy that he was finally awake.

“I hope none of those dirt got into your food.”

I smiled, wow, a devil that cared, nice.

“Well, good thing I have had enough.” I replied. “Thanks for the meal too.”

He scoffed and went back to his couch, about to lie down but I wanted to raise a discussion about the scar.

“Why did you do that?”

He paused and l@ydown all the same. “Do what?”

“You always scoff anytime I say a thank you. Don’t you believe in people showing gratitude?”

He shrugged. “Maybe.” He replied and then turned to the other side.

“Well, it’s a good thing to show that you appreciate someone’s effort. If you do not care about me you wouldn’t have done all these.”

“ Done all what?”

“The meal, the question and the window.”

He sighed as if my questions were getting too much.

“I gave you food cos it will be stupid if I don’t. I don’t want you to starve, I closed the window because unlike me, you can easily be b!own away by the power of that wind and I asked if the dirt didn’t get into the food so that my money won’t be wasted. Now can I sleep?”

“No Calvin, you cannot sleep.” I said stubbornly and he raised his head , a little surprised.

“What do you mean I cannot sleep?”

“You are a man, you are human, you are allowed to mourn over the losses of your men but do not use that to maltreat me.

. I am sorry about your men okay? But do not act as if you are this iron man that has no feelings.”


I was surprised at her sudden outbur-st but I was also amused to know I was actually frustrating her. I don’t know what her problem was exactly.

I sat upright, looking at her. I didn’t know why she was angry but it sure made her look more beautiful. This lady had no idea what she was doing to me and I wanted to try to sleep it off as much as I could.

How could I be in the same room with a woman and not t©uçh her or anything, it was driving me insane, especially now that I could tell she wasn’t wearing any un-derwear or anything un-der that short go-wn that was hanging ti-ghtly around her h!ps…and the way her eyes shone angrily at me…..i knew the symbols we both had were working as some sort of magnet between us and I was willing to cool things off but she kept ma-king it worse for me…

“Sonia, what do you want?” I asked, tired of her problem.

“I want you to talk to me okay?”

“Okay.” I replied.

“What is it Sonia?”

“Those people after your life, what do they want and am I in trouble as well?”

“They want my life obviously and no you are not in trouble.”

She was quiet and I know she wanted more, it was quite surprising the control this lady had on me…

“The lady I met at the restaurant was a spy, okay? I got to know too late and that was why I s£nt the guards ahead. I have many enemies Sonia, many. You have no idea what I have done and what I am capable of doing. I have killed lots of people mostly because they wronged me or perhaps for plea-sure, I lost count. But one thing is, nothing, no harm will come to you, I swear.”

She was standing so close to me and my hand was almost reaching out to brush a strand of her we-t hair when I checked myself and pu-ll-ed my hand back.

You are supposed to woo her idiot!

Again, I extended my hand towards her some strands of her front hair and then tucked them behind her ear. I felt her shudder as my hand grazed her skin.

I could tell I was able to as-sure her with that as she bec@m£ more gentle and withdrew to the be-d but I couldn’t help but think of what I just did. I had badly wanted to t©uçh her hair, to just feel the softness, and I had withdrawn but later did so as I recalled what I was meant to do. What exactly am I doing? Am I pretending or doing things based on how I actually feel…? I mean, what I actually want…I mean….whatever!


He withdrew his hand almost as immediately as he extended them….i shouldn’t have shuddered, instead I should be happy that my plan was working but the truth was, I was getting tired of the whole challenge stuff, he was complying now and I had nothing to challenge him for again especially when I saw the sincerity in his eyes that nothing will happen to me, I knew he meant that.

“Will the mansion be safe?’ I finally asked while I withdrew back to the be-d.

“No one knows where I live and even if, they can’t find it easily before I get to know.” He replied from the couch.

That reply gave me a half as-surance and a half panic-one , the enemies wouldn’t get to us on time and two , if Michael finds Ben, how will Ben find us? Am I not putting Ben in danger and even if the time comes, am I willing to let Calvin be punished?
