The boy next door Episode 20

💥The Boy Next Door 💥
📘 Chapter Twenty📘
Written by: Tamara Blair.
😁 Author’s P.o.v😁
Gianna was still crying so much,her mom and her brother were trying to calm her down.
The door opened and three male nurses dressed in white c@m£ in and tried to wheel Xander away.
“Where are you going with him?” Gianna said as she stood up from the ground.
“We are taking the b©dy to the mortuary”
“No,You can’t,you can’t take someone who is still alive to the mortuary” Gianna said and they all looked at her like she was crazy.
“Gigi,what are you talking about?” Gianna’s mom asked.
“Am saying that Xander is not dead, he’s just slee-ping,am so sure of that”
Gianna c@m£ closer to Xander’s be-d,she re-moved the cloth from his face.
“Xander, it’s me, Gianna,You have to wake up, you have been slee-ping for so long,wake up”
“Miss,you have to leave” the doctor said.
“Xander,they are going to take you away if you don’t wake up,so plea-se,wake up” Gianna said alre-ady in tears.
“Sis, he’s dead alre-ady and…
“Jamal,if you say he’s dead again,i swear i won’t consider you as my brother again”
Gianna started shaking him vigorously.
“Wake up, Xander,Okay,am sorry i said those horrible things to you,i didn’t mean but that doesn’t mean you have to leave me,Xander, wake up.
You can’t leave me here just like that,you haven’t accomplished your dream of being a famous singer”
She la-id her head on che-st and cried so ha-rd .
“Xander,am sorry, plea-se don’t leave me like this,you can’t.
Okay,i know am so stubborn and annoying but you can’t leave me,and you know why?
Because i love you,yes,i said it,i love you so much, Alexander,i love you so plea-se wake up.
Alexander McQueen,I love you so wake up” Gianna yelled so loud.
Suddenly Xander sneezed so ha-rd .
“He has a pulse” the doctor said.
💞 Gianna’s P.o.v💞
“He has a pulse” the doctor said and my heart skipped a beat.
“You all nee-d to leave now”
“Let’s go, Gigi and let the doctor do this job” My mom said cutting me off.
My mom dragged me out of the room.
“Gigi” Someone called and it was Ashley,i ran to her and hvgged her.
“It’s okay,am here now” She said.
An hour later.
After i told Ashley the whole story, the doctor c@m£ out.
“How’s my friend?” Jamal asked.
“Honestly, it’s a miracle that he c@m£ back to life,he is okay and is recovering really fast”
We all sighed in relief.
“Can we see him?” My mom asked.
“Yes but he is still unconscious for now”
“Okay, thanks doctor”
We walked in and Xander was slee-ping so peacefully,he looked so handsome.
I don’t know why i didn’t realize my feelings for him early.
I went closer and sat in front of him and ca-ressed his face.
“Mom,he is alive,he is really alive”
“I know,honey,we will just have to wait for him to wake up”
“Am so stupid not to realize my feelings for him and how much he loves me”
“Well, Gigi by the time he wakes up, you two will have alot to talk about”
3 days later.
I was looking at myself in the mirror, Jamal called me and told me that Xander is awake so i nee-d to look so beautiful.
“Gigi, you have been staring at the mirror for so long” My mom Said.
“Mom,am almost done,just wait for me in the car”
In no time, I was done and i c@m£ downstairs.
“Woah,my angel is looking beautiful” My mom said as she started the car.
“Thanks,mom,i seriously can’t wait to see Xander” i said and my mom giggled.
We finally got to the hospital and went over to Xander’s room,he was taken out of the E.R because he was doing fine.
On our way to the hospital, i bought Xander his favorite chocolate.
“Good morning, Everyone” My mom said as she entered.
“Good morning,Aunt” i heard Xander say, then I walked in.
Our eyes met,we kept staring at each other.
“Xander” I said and hvgged him so ti-ght.
He pushed me off slightly ma-king me confused.
“Are you okay,are you feeling any pain?”
“Why do you care? I thought you only cared about yourself”
“No,Xander,i care about you just like you care about me”
“No, you are mistaken, i don’t care about you, i st©pped caring the minute you called me a disappointment” he said coldly.
“Xander, I know i said alot of horrible things to you but am sorry, that’s why am here”
“No,you just pity me,you are here just to clear your conscience, that’s all”
“No,Xander, it’s not like that,i alre-ady apologized”
“Did you forget how many times i apologized to you but you didn’t care”
“I was only…
“I don’t want to hear it,i don’t want to see your face”
“What does that mean?”
“Am asking you to leave, just leave me alone”
“Bro, think about it a little bit” Jamal said.
“I alre-ady thought about it, she’s just here because she pities me, she’s still so selfish”
“Xander, plea-se don’t do this to me”
“Gianna,i said leave, get out”
“Xander, don’t rush this” My mom said.
“No, he’s right,i should leave,i don’t want to make his health worse so i will leave but before that, I just want to give you this”
I brou-ght out the chocolate i got for him.
I got it for you,if my pres£nce don’t make you happy,maybe the chocolate will”
I dropped the chocolate beside him.
“Mom, Jamal,i will be at Ashley’s house”
“Okay,just be careful” My mom said and hvgged me.
I looked at Xander one last time before walking away.