Puzzle of my heart episode 31 & 32

[His Personal maid 👩🏻]
Chapter 31
Mr Ryan and I went into Andrea’s room and started searching for any clue we could find. We’ve search almost everything but couldn’t find anything and my mind drift to the bag she was carrying the day she was about escaping.
I went to where the bag was kept and search. I found her phone and a recorder. What could possibly be recorded in it. We’ll let’s find out.
“Mr Ryan…I found this” I said showing the items I found to him.
“Alright let’s find what we can get in this things. Let’s go to my room” he said and I hide the items in my clothes and we went to Mr Ryan’s room.
“I’ll search if we can get some information in her phone while you find a clue in the recorder” he said and I nod.
He took the phone while I started searching for a clue in the recorder. I tune from one voice record to the other yet couldn’t find anything and I was getting tired alre-ady
“Have you found anything?” Mr Ryan ask but I shook my head signaling no.
I tune to the next one and started listening to it. I can’t believe I’m doing the work of a detective.
“Madam Selena… I want someone killed” I heard a familiar voice but I can’t remember where I have heard this voice but I continue anyways.
“You know we’re always available for any job Mr Clifford” a lady said at the background and the name *Mr Clifford* sounds familiar.
“I want the head of B’s Wine Company to be murdered so I can take over. He’s taking too long in that seat” he said and I felt my heart skip a beat. B’s Wine Company is the company my father and other men c@m£ together to build.
“Hmm mm” she said
“Yeah.. His name is David Brooke and I want him murdered tomorrow evening” he said and the recorder fell from my hand on the be-d.
I felt tears coming out of my eyes…now its becoming clear to me. Mr Clifford Bryce killed my dad so he can become the next CEO. How could he be this heartless and wicked? He must pay for killing my dad.
“What’s wrong Maya? Why did you throw the recorder away just like that?” He ask and I turn to him.
“He killed my dad because of the position of being the head in B’s Wine Company.” I said crying.
I was happy that I’ve finally gotten a clue to locating the place where the people Andrea works for stays. I was about going to show her when I head the sound of the recorder falling.
“What’s wrong Maya ? Why did you throw the recorder away just like that?” I ask and she turn to me.
“He killed my dad because of the position of being the head in B’s Wine Company.” She said crying.
I was really confused. What’s she talking about ?
“Look Maya…just calm down and tell me what happened” I said and she continue crying.
“Mr Ryan…my dad was murdered in cold blood three years ago and I promise to make sure that the person responsible for that will be put behind bars and I just got a clue of the person responsible for my father’s death” she said crying.
“I…I can’t…believe that Mr Clifford could do this..I mean…he was closer to my dad than the other men” she said and I just make her rest her head in my che-st.
“Its okay Maya we’re going to put all of them behind bars.” I said c@r£ss!ngher hair and she pu-ll herself away from my che-st and was trying to say something but I shut her up with a k!ss.
Gosh…I’ve been longing for this and I hope she doesn’t push me away. I was surprise that she responded to it after sometime. I k!$$£d her so pas-sionately as I held her w@!st.
I’ve fallen so de-eply in love with this lady. She broke the k!ssand stare at me.
“I’m sorry Mr Ryan…I nee-d to take my leave” she said and left my room in a hurry even before I could say anything.
“Gosh…I know I’ve messed up” I said and b!ow the be-d in anger. I know she won’t talk to me again. Gosh.. it hurts.
I’ve always suspected Bryce to be behind Brooke’s death so I went to carry out my research and I found out that my suspicious were right.
I couldn’t believe that Bryce could do such a thing out of his greed. He wanted to be the CEO by all means to the extend that he would soak his hands in blood shedding.
Immediately I found out that he was responsible for Bryce death, I created an account and started shifting all the company’s money to it leaving just a little in the main company’s account.
The truth us that Brooke is the owner of the company but then, the company wasn’t moving so he made us join him to also be the head of the company so we can all bring our ideas and make the company move forward and that’s how the company bec@m£ known over the city.
He also went as far as killing Brooke’s wife because he doesn’t want the family to come and start asking for the company.
What a greedy man…I have to tell Brooke’s daughter about it. I have a spy who help me get information and I have her phone number which I got from her brother.
She has to know the person behind the death of her father and her mother. I took my phone and place a call across her….
Chapter 32
I ran to my room feeling so stupid for opening up to Mr Ryan. He’s going to think that I’m helping him because I like him now.
But Gosh…I’ve fallen so de-eply in love with him. I don’t how it happened but I just found myself falling everyday.
I know that the feeling can’t be mutual yet I keep falling. I felt like ripping off my heart so I won’t have feelings again.
I kept thinking till I heard the sound of my phone ringing. It must be Liam calling…or is it Mr Ryan calling to tell me to come back to his room?
I don’t think so…he is going to s£nd someone to inform me so it must me Liam. I took my phone from where I kept it but the ringing has st©p so I just sigh and kept it back. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone anyways.
The phone started ringing again almost immediately and I lazily pick it up. I check it to see an unknown ID. Who could this be?
I shrug and swipe it to the answer mood and place it in my ears waiting for the caller to say something first. I’m not used to answering unknown calls.
“Hello” I heard a thick male voice at the background.
“H..hi..plea-se who…am..I speaking…with?” I said stuttering
“Meet me at Rosa’s Eatery in twenty minutes if you want to know the person behind your parents death” I heard the person say and he hang up immediately. I stare at my phone in shock.
He said I should be there in twenty minutes. I nee-d to hurry. I have to know that person involve in my parents death.
I quic-kly change to something nice and left the mansion. I told the guards at the gate that it was Mr Ryan that s£nt me on an errand and they allow me to leave.
I boarded a cab to Rosa’s Eatery immediately and he st©p me at the parking lot of the eatery. Rosa’s Eatery is the best eatery in Mexico because they attend to customer in a good manner and also their food are the best that’s why the rich come here to eat.
I walk into the eatery and my phone started ringing. I check the ID and I saw that it was the same person that called me earlier. I swipe my phone to the right and place the phone in my ears.
“Turn to your left…I’m sitting close to the second window” he said and hang up and I did as told.
I walk up to the table to meet a not to old man. He must be in his late fourties. I took a seat and sat opposite him.
“Good day sir” I said after sitting down. He was just glue to his phone.
“Are you re-ady to know who killed your parents ?” He ask and I nod even though I know who killed my dad alre-ady. It pains me to know that someone close could do such a thing to us.
“I’m sure that you’re not dumb or are you?” He ask
“No sir…I’m re-ady to know everything. plea-se sir” I said almost moved to tears.
“Mr Clifford is responsible for your father’s death. He has always be greedy and wants everything to himself but I didn’t know he could go further by blood shedding” he said and it felt like I’m just knowing about it.
“Some years ago…I caught Mr Bryce talking to someone on phone to kill someone and the person should make sure to leave no traces but he didn’t know I was actually listening to him” he said continue.
“I didn’t know he was actually planning to kill your dad. I should have st©pped it from happening. Brooke was a good man and he doesn’t deserve death. I wish I could bring him back to life then I won’t mind doing anything to make sure he was alive” he said and my eyes couldn’t st©p bringing out tears.
“What…about my… mum sir?” I said with tears.
“The person behind your father’s death is also behind your mothers death” he said and I felt my heart limping out of my che-st. Don’t tell me that Mr Clifford is also responsible for my mum’s death.
“He did it because of something…take what rightfully belongs to you and your brother” he said and I couldn’t st©p the tears from falling.
“Why the hell would he do such a thing to us?” I said crying so bad.
“This is not the time to cry dear. I told you this so you can put him behind bars and take back what rightfully belongs to you and your brother” he said.
“Thank you so much sir. I think its time i avenge my parents death” I said and clean my tears.
“That’s the spirit girl” he said and I smile amist my pained heart and stood up to leave.
“plea-se what’s your name sir?” I ask also standing up with him.
“Just call me Benjamin. I’m your late father trusted friend” he said and smile before walking away. He got to the entrance of the eatery and right before my eyes, they sh0t him.
What the hell? I ran towards him. Blood was gushing out of his stomach but he was still breathing.
“Mr Ben?” I called and he look at me and smile.
“Go…and…ave..venge…your…parent’s…death” he said and gave up the ghost. Oh my God no he shouldn’t die.
People were alre-ady gathered around me. I promise you that I’m going to avenge my parents death,I’ll take what rightfully belongs to me and Liam and I’ll make sure Mr Clifford must be put behind bars.
T. B. C