My mind as a teenager – episode 28

My mind as a teenager
episode 28
*****SUMMER LESSON******
We got to school around some minutes past
10. I was dressed to look my best,you
know,first impression matters a lot. The first
person my eyes saw was an elderly lady in
her mid forties.
I quic-kly did a flashback to see if she was
there in my primary school days and yes,she
With a smile on my face,I went to her.
Me: Aunty Chi-chi,good morning ma.
She looked at me and her face quic-kly lit up.
Aunty: Rose? Ah! What are you doing here?
she asked giving me a hvg? I think that was
when she noticed Vivian.
Me: I c@m£ for the holiday lesson with my
I pointed at Vivian who c@m£ closer.
Vivian: Good morning ma.
Aunty: Good morning. Rose,how are your
parents? You didn’t change facially. Look
how big you’ve grown.
Me: Aunty,its God o. Mum and dad are fine.
Aunty: You people just left us. What clas-s will
you be entering the next academic year?
Me: Ss3 ma.
Aunty: Wow. Your mates should be entering
Ss1. You’ve being doing a lot of clas-s
jumping. Can I ever forget that you’re the
best in your clas-s then?
We all laughed and she continued;
“follow her to the clas-s then. We’ll talk more
before the vacation is over.”
Me: Thank you ma. Have a nice day.
Aunty: You too my darling.
Vivian and I walked to the secondary block
and she directed me to the stairs. We went to
the third floor which housed the ss clas-ses.
We got to the corridor and Vivian st©pped.
Vivian: Let’s talk.
I tilted my head and looked at head.
Me: Here?
Vivian: Yes. Its important.
Me: Okay. Go ahead.
Vivian: Its about my clas-s boys.
Me: What about them?
Vivian: Most of them know and and friends
with Frank.
Me: So what is my business there?
Vivian: Easy. I just want you to be careful.
I’m sure you alre-ady know the kind of person
Frank is. He might get to hear that you come
here and he will s£nd spies on you.
I was surprised. Yes,the Frank I know would
do anything to have me to himself but to
think I have never thought about him since I
And here I was in the school he graduated
from. What has st©pped me from doing a
quic-k calculation all this while?
Me: Thank you. I’ve heard what you said.
Thanks for looking out for me.
Vivian: Its okay. Are you re-ady to go in now?
I breathed out. Lord knows I was anxious at
first but after hearing what Vivian said,I
bec@m£ nervous or should I say scared.
I heard laughter and some noise and I knew I
was going to meet with crazy people.
Vivian: Don’t worry. Nothing bad will happen.
I nodded and we walked into a clas-s that was
filled with people in my age br@cket. They all
wore happy faces. Some girls were sitting on
some guys’ l@ps,some guys were throwing
paper,the clas-s was just a mixture of crazy
people. I was standing there,taking in every
face when Vivian held my hand and led me to
a chair in front of the clas-s.
She went off immediately to the guys sitting
at the back. I wasn’t going to mingle with this
kind of people. No,i won’t. I’ll just have to
come there every morning,pick a comfortable
position and remain there till 2:00pm when
school will be over for the day.
Twenty minutes after I sat down,a teacher
walked in. He was young and cute,introduced
himself as our chemistry master.
The art students left the clas-s and lessons
began. It was during the lesson that I felt
someone tap my shoulder,I looked around
and it was a girl. She was beautiful,she asked
if I had an extra pen that hers st©pped
writing. I opened my bag and gave her one. It
took the opportunity to look at the back,and
there was Vivian,sitting beside a guy who she
later introduced as Patrick. I felt bad. How
could she leave me to go sit beside a guy? A
question was thrown to someone behind me
and it brou-ght me back to reality.
To be in this school,I should learn to be on
my own. My life belonged to me and not to
Vivian or anyb©dy so I should learn to do
things on my own.
The rest of the day went by slowly. The girl
at the chemistry clas-s introduced herself as
I was in an empty clas-s during Commerce
when she c@m£ to me.
Lois: Hi
Me: Hello
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