My mind as a teenager – episode 29

My mind as a teenager
episode 29
Lois: I’m Lois. Thanks for the pen.
Me: Ah! Its nothing. My name is Rose.
Lois: Happy to meet you.
she shook my hand and I quic-kly judged her
to be a very homely girl.
Me: Happy to meet you too. So you school
here or you’re a foreigner like me?
She laughed at my dry s-en-se of humour.
Lois: I school here
Me: That’s nice. I c@m£ with Vivian.
Lois: Oh! Vivian.
That’s cool.
We had small talks about our families and I
got to realise that she was from a rich family
and also the last child.
Me: I’m hungry. Can we go outside and buy
something to eat?
Lois: There’s a canteen here. Let’s go and
get something there. Bills on me plea-se.
Me: Mba o. On me.
Lois; plea-se don’t argue. Let it be my first
treat to you as my friend. We can do shifts
from tomorrow.
I laughed ha-rd .
Me: Shifts kwa? You’re funny.
Lois: Abi?
Me: Yes. Anyway,you’ve won. Let’s go.
We walked to the second floor and she
bought two canned cokes and sausages. We
took them there and went back to the empty
clas-s to meet some guys there.
Lois introduced them to me as Skipoo,Stone
and some other names I can’t remember. We
were laughing and getting to know each
other when Vivian walked in with Patrick.
She introduced me to him and of course,they
joined in our ra-por(forgive my blun-der).
I later called Vivian aside and scolded her for
leaving me on my own. She apologised and
claimed that she and Patrick hasn’t seen for
long and she was so happy to see him that
was why she was all over him. She
apologised and we went back to the group.
Before dismissal,Lois,Stone,Patrick and
Skipoo had my number.
Lessons continued and trust me,I was having
The guys and the girls would hang out before
lessons started, during break or during free
periods,then after school. I had never being
that open with friends. I didn’t care anymore
if Vivian had my time or not,Lois was always
there and even a more lively person than
I was about leaving the school after dismissal
one week later when I heard someone calling
my name from upstairs. I looked up and they
were three guys; Patrick,a fair handsome guy
and then Stone or Skipoo. Can’t really
remember. It was the fair guy who waved at
me and asked me to st©p. His face was
familiar,he looked like someone I’ve met
before so I shifted to a closed kiosk and
waited. He c@m£ down and I observed him
closely. He was fair,handsome and Sekxy.
Raymond: Rose.
Me: How did you get to know my name?
Raymond: First,everyone in ss3 clas-s knows
your name and secondly,I’ve known you
since primary school though I was your
s£nior then. Wondering how we ended up in
the same clas-s.
I smiled.
Me: I jumped two clas-ses. But how come I
don’t remember you?
Raymond; You won’t. Just give me your
number. We’ll talk later. Let me not delay
We exchanged numbers and I left for him.
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