My mind as a teenager – episode 17

My mind as  a teenager
episode 17
Check out that feeling that you get when you
say something and people will be like,”upon
she’s a prayer prefect”,or “look at prayer
prefect doing this thing.”
I faked smiles while I got my congratulations.
Lawrence c@m£ to my clas-s and hvgged me.
He said my certificate would be the best
since the principal and priest saw me holy
enough to be made the prayer prefect.
We were supposed to meet with the ss3s
that handled our posts for directions,but in
my case,my superior c@m£ to me..She
noticed how displea-sed I was with my post
and she tried her best to make me see the
brighter side of it.
School activities moved on in full speed,the
same way Lawrence paved his way into my
life with full speed. We went almost
everywhere together. He would f0rç£ me to
go with him to a certain place. He would also
end up ma-king me enjoy doing that activity
with him.
I bec@m£ lively once more. The only thing
that was missing in my life was my friends. I
even forgot all about Ebuka. The only thing
that mattered to me then was how to get my
friends back. We were now s£niors and I
didn’t know how there reasoning would be.
I went to Regina and apologised. Surprising,
it was easy to convince her that I’ll never
misbehave again because I cleared her
doubts by telling her how Lawrence and I got
to be so close and she was so anxious to
hear all about it. She went with me to talking
to the other girls and before second term
exam was over,I had my friends back. That
was when I realised that I had missed out on
a lot. School bec@m£ an interesting place
once again.
On the second day of our visiting day during
the first month of third term,I was informed
that I had a visitor. I was surprised because
mum had visited me the previous day. I wore
my day wear,my black belt and a flat sli-pper
and went out to see who my visitor was.
Immediately I stepped out of our dormitory,I
froze. Who did I see? Oh God! Not today and
not here.
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