My mind as a teenager – episode 18

My mind as a teenager
episode 18
He was carrying a small Ghana must go bag.
There was a smile on his face.
Frank: Baby, come and give me a hvg or ain’t
you happy to see me?
I still failed to believe that he was my visitor.
Me: What are you doing here?
Frank: To see you of course. I have missed
you a lot since you st©pped coming home.
There was something strange about him. He
no longer had that rugged look. He even had
a normal hair cut instead of the long Mohawk
he was known for.
Me: What if my parents were here?
Frank: I knew that they won’t be here.
Me: How?
Frank: I wanted to come yesterday but your
brother told me your mum was alre-ady on
the way.
Me: You talked to junior?
Frank: Yes nah. He bec@m£ my paddy after
he delivered your letter.
Me: Okay. So,what’s with your innocent look?
He laughed and I continued.
“Because I don’t Want anyb©dy that will
make me run back to my hostel without
looking back”
He wanted to laugh,but seeing the straight
look i was giving him,he buried the laughter.
Frank: I won’t do that
Me: Yes you won’t ,because there are lots of
security personnel here to tame you.
Frank: Not even that. I’ve come to realise that
. . . . . . .
He was interrupted by Regina. She was with
Lawrence and I remembered quic-kly that we
were to go somewhere.
Regina: Exactly who we were looking for.
Me: Lawrence, what are you doing in front of
the girls hostel?
Lawrence: I followed Regina so she can call
you out for me and then we’ll head to the
school. Didn’t know you had a visitor.
My courtesy s-en-ses c@m£ back to
functioning again.
Me: Ah! Forgive me.
I quic-kly introduced each of them to one
another.Regina as my best friend,Frank,as a
friend from home and Lawrence,as my real
back man. They all laughed at the way I
called Lawrence my back man. Lawrence
used his eye to ask me if it was the Frank in
my story and I nodded.
Me: Reg,plea-se help me s£nd this bag
Regina: Okay. Nice meeting you Frank and
welcome to our school.
Frank: Thank you dear.
Regina: Law,later nah.
Law: Okay my dear. Thank you.
Regina carried the bag and excused herself.
Law: Rose dear,I’ll be in the school. Let me
go and start working on it and I’ll wait for
you there.
Me: Thank you.
He walked away. I was supposed to to
redress the school grotto and Lawrence
agreed to help me since he was good with
decorations. Now he was going to do it
Frank: Rose,this one you’re looking at him
that way,is he your b©yfri£nd?
The question made me realise that I had
being staring for long.
Me: I wish he were.
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