My best friend episode 34 & 35

MY ❤️
(Have been in love with him 🧑 but he never noticed 💔)
Written by Bella writes 🙃🙃🙃
CHAPTER 34✌️✌️✌️
I layed on Nick starring down at him,I knew we were the centre of attra-ction because every one was starring at us
“Wow! Turns out we have made a couple”mark said as he walked towards us
I quic-kly stood up from him feeling a bit and he did the same too
“Not just one couple but two”the host continued as he starred at Stella and Dave who were both holding each other
Seems like they had also bu-mped into each other during the game
“Common let’s have our couple on the podium”Mark said
“No you have got it wrong,Am not his……we are not……”I starred at Nick to explain to him but he kept quiet
The others students cheered for us to go onto the podium
Reluctantly the four of us got on it
“This really isn’t necessary,that’s my boy friend over there and hers is the one standing beside me “Stella said pointing to Dave
“No….he is not my b©yfri£nd,The both of them are not my b©yfri£nd”I said quic-kly correcting what Stella said
“I know but this is just for fun right guys”the host asked the other students and they all screamed again
“So let’s pl@yalong,You stay with this handsome guy, While the other lady stay with hers”Mark said
“Are we re-ady for some game between these two couples”He yelled and every one responded screaming
The game started after he got our names “so now we want to test how strong both our guys are,So now both our guys will carry their p@rtner for a while”Mark said
I was still recovering from learning what the first game is about when Nick suddenly pu-ll-ed me to him carrying me in his arms
“You don’t ha…..”
“So Dave can get all the credit “He said interrupting me
“Just hold on to me,If you feel uncomfortable just think of me as a friend,After all we were friends before I confessed my feelings to you”He said and I could say nothing but to just hold onto him
“So now the beauties in each of our gentle man arms will do their best to distract them and I mean your best,We must know how strong your men are?”mark said
I didn’t know what to do to distract him,It would have been different if we hadn’t told each other of our feelings back when we still consider each other as friends,I would have find a way to distract but to do that now will certainly feel awkward
“Do some thing”Mark urged me when he saw that I wasn’t doing anything
“Be your self Alexia,Have told you to think of me as a friend not as some one who is in love with you”He said again
Gently I placed my arms around him and began to tickle him,I knew that was his weak point
“Hey,Just because you know that is my weak point,You are using it on me! Go easy on me,We are pla-ying a game and we must win”He said
“Okay sorry!”I whispered lightly as I continued to tickle him some where else
I couldn’t st©p myself from laughing when I saw the look of restraint on his face
“You look so ugly”I laughed up at him.
“You will pay for this!”he warned smiling at me too
“Just show them how strong you are,You must win Dave right!”I asked as I kept on tickling him
“St©p it Alexia,Am going to lose with what you are doing”He said
“Okay then fine,I will use another method”I said and curving my hand around his n£¢k I moved towards him intent on k!ss!nghis cheek but at that precise moment he moved too and I ended up k!ss!nghisl-ips.
quic-kly I moved away,Starring at him in shock,He was so surprised by what I just did and I felt so embarras-s
quic-kly I got out of his arms ma-king Dave and Stella the winner
The others wouldn’t have seen it but I was sure that Stella and Dave had seen it because Stella was giving me a evil glare
“So our winner right now is Dave and Stella”Mark announced
As soon as he did that I got down from the podium,Moving towards the other students.
How could I have been so foolish,I thought
For a while it was back to us just being friends and I had to make every thing awkward again,I thought.
Mark still kept Stella and Dave on the podium,Asking them to sing for us
Stella clearly refused ma-king room for Dave,Dave took the mic and began to sing one of his songs.
when every one had been shown their room and had settled in.
We were asked to go to the hall because there was going to be a fun night game for every one
I didn’t want to go but I had to see Alexia,Ever since what happened during the game,She has been avoiding me.
We were getting along well until the k!sshappened.
Why did I have to turn right at that moment,I thought as I went around looking for her
“Hey Nick aren’t you coming for the game night “Mary asked
“I only c@m£ because I had to see Alexia but I can’t find her anywhere”I said
“Well since you c@m£ because if Alexia,I will tell you where she is because I like you and am on your team”She said
“Alexia decided to stay in,She is in our room,room 14″She added
“Thanks Mary”I said as I went in search of her.
As soon as I got to room 14,I knocked twice before she c@m£ to the door
As soon as she saw that it was me she tried closing it back but I was quic-k to st©p it
I got into the room,closing the bolt “why are you here Nick”She asked as she moved to the end of the room
“I c@m£ to check on you,Why aren’t you going to the game night?”I asked
“I don’t feel like it and besides am working on the song for the competition tomorrow”she answered
“Do you nee-d my help?”I asked
“You know your help is the last thing I nee-d right now,plea-se just leave” She said
“What if I say no”I replied
“Then I will scream,I will scream until some one comes “She said
“Am not leaving until we have talked”
“But I don’t want to talk to you,So plea-se leave”She said
“You don’t have a choice Alexia,It’s either you listen or we both stay here locked up ”
“Fine then,since you won’t leave,you leave me no option but to scream”She said and in two strides I was in front of her putting my hand over her mouth.
“No screams from you I mean it”He said as he put his hand over my mouth,Standing so close to me
“You promise you won’t scream if I let go”He asked and I nodded in return
Just then some one knock on the door”who do you think that is”Nick whispered at me
I Shaked my head in return again “Alexia It’s me,Are you in there?”Dave called
“He just doesn’t give up,let him keep knocking,He will leave when no one answers”Nick said
Not wanting to be left alone with Nick and seeing Dave as the only way to get out of this mess,I pushed his hand away and was about to speak when Nick silenced me by k!ss!ngme
I tried to pu-ll away but Nick de-epened the k!ss,Holding me close.
Throu-gh every thing I could hear Dave knocking and calling for me but I was lost in Nick k!sses
Wra-pping my arms around Nick n£¢k,I k!$$£d him back fiercely
We stayed in each other arms like that until finally reality descended on the both of us
“I told you not to scream”Nick muttered staring at me
“But Dave was at the door”I whispered
“To heck with Dave and every one else one,You belong to me and only me”He said as he held me closer
“Nick I……”
“I will do it,I will break up with Stella tonight,That will bring you to me right! That will make you accept me”He asked
“You really will?”I asked
“Yes,Its you I love and I don’t want us to be ap@rt any more,I just can’t take it each time you ignore me or each time you get close to Dave,I hate it ”
“Dave is just a friend”
“A friend who wants you, I don’t like it Alexia”He said
Then he let go of me and pu-ll-ed off the n£¢klace Stella had given him
“I will call this off and as soon as it’s done, That will make you my girlfriend,From now hence fourth you are mine and mine alone”He said and pu-ll-ed me into his arms k!ss!ngme again
And feeling so happy and excited,I k!$$£d him back
CHAPTER 35✌️✌️✌️
“I thought you said you weren’t going to come to the show”Stella said as she walked towards me
“I c@m£ out so I can talk to you”I replied as I took her hand and took her to some where quiet
“What’s this,Are you planning on s£dûç!ng me”She asked
“No”I replied and gently I pu-ll-ed off the n£¢klace
“What are you doing?”She asked
“Stella you are a beautiful girl,Am sure that you will find some one better,Some one who will love you very much and who will take care of you but am not…….”
“What ru-bbish are you saying?”She asked interrupting me
“I alre-ady have you and we both love each other and I ……”
“Wrong! I don’t love you anymore Stella”I said
“I will pretend you didnt say that,Let’s go back,They will be looking for us”She said
“I meant what I said Stella,I don’t love you any mor…….”
I couldn’t finish what I was saying because she sl@pped me
“Hurt me but that won’t change any thing ” Taking her hand I put the n£¢klace in her hand
“Let’s break up”I said
” Its all because of her right?”She asked
“Yes,I love Alexia”I replied and she threw the n£¢klace at me
“You bastard,I hate you”She yelled at me
“Calling me names won’t change a thing, You deserve to be with some one who loves and cherish you,Am not that guy, Goodbye Stella”I said and walk off
Why am I feeling hurt,I knew this day would come,I got involved with Nick just to help Dave get back at Him
But Dave backed out on me and fell in love with that stupid girl.
I don’t love Nick,So why am I feeling this hurt.
‘its because you love him’ my conscience taunted
I do love Nick, The stupid thing that happened to Dave also happened to me
Just knowing that he is In love with Alexia makes me feel so angry
“You just can’t lose him to her”Some one said behind me and I turned to see Isabel Madison
“Were you eaves dropping”I asked
“I was just pas-sing by and I couldn’t help but to listen to your conversation”She said
“Its none of your business”I said turning to leave
“Don’t you think it’s unfair that those two hunks are bewitched by that Alexia”She said and i st©pped to stare at her
“What does it have to do with you? Don’t tell me that you like those hunks as you call them”I asked
“I only like them as a fan but who I don’t like is Alexia” She said with so much hatred
“Why do I feel like you hate her more than I do”I asked
She took my hand and sat me down and then she began to tell me why she hated Alexia
“So you are saying,She is the daughter of your father and that she is back to have a share in the inheritance”I asked
“Yes,And that’s some thing I will never allow,You hate her and I hate her,Why don’t we work together”She said
“And what makes you think that I will work with you”I asked
“Because you want Nick and he is in love with Alexia,The only to have him is by getting Alexia out of the way and I know just what to do”She replied
“I think i like you alre-ady”I said giving her a evil smile
“What are you doing here Alexia? I thought you said you weren’t coming”Jennifer asked amongst the scream of the students
“I changed my mind”I replied as I looked around the crowd,Searching for Nick
Ever since he left me,Have been wondering if he will really call it off with Stella..
Staying locked up made me think a whole lot of things and I decided to come spend some time with the others,That way I will st©p thinking.
Just then my phone beeped and I got a message.
‘come meet me at the Hall’
Seeing that it was a message from him,I quic-kly made up an excuse and went to the hall where the competition had been taken earlier
The lights were on and I saw him standing in front of a hvge glas-s window
“Nick!”I called softly and he turned to stare at me
The first thing I noticed was that the n£¢klace was no longer on his n£¢k.
He did it,He broke up with her,I thought happily and I ran towards him
hvgging him fiercely,He hvgged me back and then re-leased me
“I broke up with her,I told you I will right”He said and I nodded my head
He k!$$£d me and I k!$$£d him back,Enjoying the moment
“Now you are my girlfriend,Mine and mine alone”He whispered softly
“Am yours alone”I whispered and he k!$$£d me again
He re-leased me and brou-ght out two n£¢klace
It was the n£¢klace that had both our names,The one I had given him back
“Its the right time to put it back on right?”He asked and I nodded
Turning around,He put the n£¢klace with his name written on it on my n£¢k and then I put mine on his and we both stared at the n£¢klace
“Nothing will ever bring us ap@rt,”He said as he pu-ll-ed me back into his arms
“Nothing”I replied
“I love you”he whispered and I felt so happy.
Have waited a long time to hear him say those words to me and just hearing it from him tonight brou-ght me to tears
“Hey what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
“Its nothing,Am just happy, Do you know how long I waited to hear you say those words to me”I asked and he smiled
“Am sorry it took me so long,I love you,I love you and I will forever love you,These words will be constant in my mouth “He said and I smiled in return
“I love you too”I said and k!$$£d him
Just then his phone rang and he starred at me
“What’s wrong?”I asked
“I don’t know why but the music teacher is calling me “He said
“Go to him”I replied
“But I don’t want to leave you”He said
“Why don’t we do this,I will be waiting for you right here,So go quic-kly and come back to me”I said
“Fine then”he replied and gave me a k!ssbefore running off
I feel like the most happiest girl in the world,I finally got the love of my life,What more can I ask for,I thought to myself
If only I had known that some thing is being cooked up to ruin our happiness,I would not be feeling like the most happiest girl right now
What do you guys think will happen☺️