Married to Mr popular Episode 19 & 20

Married To
Mr Popular
(Rude and grumpy)
Episode 19
By: Faith Lucky.
Ryan’s POV:
I returned home hours later, buggered.
I went straight for my room and when I got there, I found her lying on the be-d – Bethel.
She was curled up un-der the duvet and was fast asleep.
I ambled to where she was and sat on the edge of the be-d, staring into her face.
She was so pretty and her long hair fell over her eyes.
I thought of waving it aside, but st©pped myself.
She was a nice person – perhaps. But I couldn’t fall in love; no I couldn’t.
It’d only hurt her.
That’s the reason I never wanted to go on with this marriage stuff. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.
But since its alre-ady happened…
I just can’t fall in love. I wasn’t re-ady for it.
And I hate it that I was f0rç£d into this.
I sighed and leaned on the wall. My head ached a lot.
I guess we’d have to share the be-d.
Bethel’s Pov:
I turned and turned on the be-d and finally f0rç£d my eyes open.
Wow! What a nice long sleep.
I yawned and sat up and looked around. I was the only one in the room. Where was…Ryan.
Did he come home last night? I can’t even recall what happened.
All I could remember was showering and falling on the be-d after taking off my dress.
I itched my eyes and checked the time. Geez! Do I really have to go to school today? I was pretty sure my name and pictures would be all over the place and the eyes and romours would be triplled.
I sighed and left the be-d. Everything I nee-ded was alre-ady pres£nt. Mum had transferred all my belongings yesterday.
I walked into the pretty bathroom and turned on the shower after taking off my clothes.
Ryan’s room was one in a kind. No wonder Hannah had talked about it.
As the cold water poured on me, so many thoughts kept flashing throu-gh my mind.
How would my married life with Ryan be? What was going to happen between us?
I’ve heard about couples getting divorced. What if…
What if this union doesn’t even last?
Geez! What am I thinking?
I better st©p trying to console myself. There’s no getting out of this.
Ryan’s POV:
I entered into the room and couldn’t find her on the be-d. Then I heard water running from the bathroom.
I drew closer and confirmed the water was indeed running. Could she be in?
I looked and noticed the door wasn’t properly closed – just a little opened space.
Somehow, listening to the running water and imaging them pouring on her made me hunger for it.
Immediately, I head the water st©p running and I had a peep at the door and saw her tying her towel.
Our eyes met.
Oh, geez!
She g@sped in fright immediately and I turned away, moving away from the door.
Oh Ryan! What the heck?
The door opened immediately and she c@m£ out, anxiety written all over her face.
“Hey you; what do you think you were doing?” She asked as she supported her towel with her right hand.
Does she know how short this is?
I ignored her and headed for my wardrobe.
“I’m talking to you” she snapped.
“What are you talking about?” I possum without turning to look at her.
“Hey, don’t pl@ydumb with me okay? I saw what you did. Why were you peeping at me in the bathroom?” She asked and I sighed and t©uçhed my forehead.
What thefu-ck?
How do I get rid of this?
Married To
Mr Popular
(Rude and grumpy)
Episode 20
By: Faith Lucky.
Bethel’s Pov:
Gosh! I Can’t believe this. What does this guy think he’s doing?
Its a good thing I was alre-ady tying my towel before he looked at me.
But who knows if he had alre-ady been peeping at me long before I saw him?
Oh, God!
“I’m talking to you” I said as I stood behind him.
I really nee-ded an explanation for it. How could he think of doing such a thing?
“Well , maybe you should’ve been wise enough to close to the door properly” he said unruffledly as he brou-ght out jacket from the wardrobe.
I scoffed.
“Oh, really?” I asked as I crossed my hands below my che-st.
“Well, I think I must have forgotten the fact that I’m living with a Mr s3x freak at home”.
“Hold on; are seriously ranting about this?” He asked and turned to look at me.
“Aren’t you supposed to be my wife? Don’t you have any idea what married couples do?”
My heart gave a mighty leap immediately as his white eyes stared into mine.
His words struck at me.
He drew closer in such a way I was scared he was going to hold me.
He narrowed his eyes from my face down to my che-st, giving it a cranky stare.
What is he…
“Don’t you think I have access to your b©dy now?” He asked almost in a whisper and my eyes dimmed.
I felt my throat becoming so-re as I bec@m£ speechless.
I tried to speak but couldn’t find the right words.
Then he sm-irked and turned away.
He took the jacket he had gotten from the wardrobe and left the room.
As soon as he left, I placed my hand on my che-st and took in a de-ep breath.
What the hell just happened?
Oh, mum! What have you gotten me into?
Ryan’s words repla-yed in my head:
*Don’t you have any idea what married couples do?*
That was when it really dawned on me.
We were married and he had every right to…
God! I can’t even think of it. I’m not re-ady for something like that. I…I Can’t even imagine it with…someone like Ryan.
Oh, God! Im just not re-ady for it. But what if he asks me for it soon?
No; he wouldn’t even dare. I’ll just pluck out his eyes.
I brushed my f!ngersinto my hair and took in a de-ep breath, trying to get over it.
Then, I went over to my wardrobe to get my school uniforms.
Completely re-ady for school, I took my bag and left the room.
But hold on; I hadn’t eaten. I mean, no one served breakfast to me.
I shrugged and proceeded out of the room.
Geez! This is really a mansion indeed.
It was so big and Beautiful.
I climbe-d down the long stairs which were meant to take me to the sitting room and as I did, so many thoughts kept clouding my mind.
I got to the end of the stairs, but as a result of my much thinking, I bu-mped into someone who was trying to walk pas-s me.
“Hey, watch it” she grumbled.
“Oh, my! I’m sorry” I said immediately and looked into her face.
She was one of the step sisters and she was chewing a gum.
I think her name is Judy – the one who behaves rouged.
“You Can keep your apology” she said with an eye roll and walked away, ma-king a bubble with her gum.
I stared at her, stunned.
What the hell was that?
I shook my head and continued walking, Actually following her behind.
Then I got to the dining.
“Bethel!” Ryan’s mum called immediately she saw me.
They were all seated there – like the entire family.
Oh, Geez!
They were so many of them. Were they this much?
The Judy girl in front of me had alre-ady taken a seat next to the j£rk – Royce.
Let me guess – she’s his sister.
Argh! Obviously.
Why didn’t I think about it? No wonder she behaves the way she does.
Like brother like sister.
“Come on, Bethel. Let’s have breakfast together. I was about s£nding a maid to call for you” Ryan’s mom said and I gave a light smile and walked further to the dining.
“Good morning ma’am” I greeted as I scoured my eyes around for a place to sit.
The Closest Vacant seat I saw was next to Royce’s *fiancee* and I took it.
“Hi” she smiled at me immediately.
“Hi. Good morning.” I replied with a smile and she looked back at her food.
Gosh! They were so many of them.
I finally saw the two extra wives.
Was I supposed to great them or something?
They were looking…angry.
Ryan’s mom was sitting next to Mr Winthrop. And Ryan…he was sitting opposite me on the other side of the table.
I shut him a stare and took my eyes Away.
“So Bethel, how was your night?” Lana – Royce’s fiancee – asked.
She seemed really friendly.
“It was fine. Thanks” I replied and awaited the maids as they served my meal.
“By the way, Tanya” Ryan’s mum said.
“I received some complaints about you skipping clas-ses in school. How true is that?” She asked, referring to one of the step sisters sitting on the other side of the table.
I stared at her as she fumed and looked down at her food.
“Hold on;” the first wife said with a scoff.
“If my daughter’s skipping clas-ses, I think it should be my problem”.
“Woah! Chill, Charlotte. I’m not committing a grave sin, okay? I’m just trying to be a caring mother” Ryan’s mum said.
Okay; what’s going on?
“Point of correction, Becky; she isn’t your daughter” replied the first effort.
“Hmph. Don’t worry, Charlotte. I don’t have time to drag your daughter with you. I alre-ady have a son” Ryan’s mum said with a sm-irk and shock crept into the first wife’s face.
Oh goodness.
What’s this?
“That’s enough” Mr Winthrop chimed in.
“Its never gonna be enough” the lady sitting next to the first wife said loathfully, looking down at her food.
“I said that’s enough, Bonnie!” Mr Winthrop said again and the whole place went silent.
Okay; let me guess;
Tanya and Bonnie are daughters of the first wife while Royce and Judy are children of the third wife.
Hm. I guess Ryan is the only one who doesn’t have a sibling here. And I guess it’s the least of his problems.
“Can we all eat peacefully?” Mr Winthrop asked and the j£rk scoffed – Royce.
The maid was done with my meal and I sighed and started eating from it.
When I heard the Winthrop family was on fire, I never un-derstood what it meant.
But now, I think I just did.
I ate my food pitifully as everyb©dy else ate in silence.
What a family.
“By the way, Bethel” Ryan’s mum said after the long silence and I lifted my head to look at her.
“Before I forget, I’ve had you and Ryan enrolled into a marriage clas-s so you could take some marriage lessons which would enable you…”
“What?” Ryan cut in.
Oh God.
“What’re you talking about, mum?”
“Yes Ryan. It’s gonna be of help so you two Can create a good relationsh!p. I mean, since you got married unprepared, its gonna aid you in growing your home” she explained.
What the heck?
“Really mum? I don’t nee-d it” he blurted and she sighed and looked at me.
“As I was saying, bethel; it’s Gonna help you both in building your home. Although, it’s meant for just engaged couples who are planning on getting married, but I was able to speak to the organizer and luckily, she gave her cons£nt.
“The days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by 4 pm. So, you’ll be commencing today”.
“I told you mum; I don’t nee-d it” Ryan said.
“Listen to your mother, Ryan and do as she says” Mr Winthrop said and he rolled his eyes.
But geez!
I can’t believe they’re really ma-king this marriage stuff official.
“When it’s time, Bethel, I’ll let you know” Ryan’s mum said and I just nodded with a smile.
Soon, I was done eating and I took my bag and left the dining after waving bye to the *important* ones.
My driver was alre-ady waiting outside for me and I heaved a hvge sigh of relief as I sat in the van.
Oh God; help me.
I leaned my back on the car seat and closed my eyes, trying to enjoy the ride. That family’s one in a zillion. Why did mum have to push me into something like this?
After a long while, the drive c@m£ to a st©p and I figured we were there.
I opened my eyes and confirmed we were really in school.
Dear Bethel;
Get re-ady for another set of eye recording.
I c@m£ out of the van and took in a de-ep breath before proceeding towards the building.
Surprisingly, I saw someone that made me halt.
Hold on;
I scoffed and st©pped to look at him as he walked towards me.
What’s he doing here?

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