Married to Mr popular Episode 17 & 18

Married To
Mr Popular
(Rude and grumpy)
Episode 17
By: Faith Lucky.
Bethel’s Pov:
The reception p@rty was held outside the Winthrop mansion and trust me when I say this – 80% of the country’s superstars were pres£nt. I even saw some celebrities from outside the world.
“Happy married life bad” Lady K walked upto me and said as I stood next to Nicole.
She was putting on a long red go-wn that expo-sed her th!ghs and a little p@rt of her brea-st.
But she looked really sweet and pink.
“Thank you” I replied and she smiled and walked away.
“Wow! Looks like you’re becoming a celebrity Bethel” Nicole said and nudged me and i scoffed.
I looked around for Ryan and found him sitting and drinking with some other celebrities. Shouldn’t he be around me?
Mum and Ryan’s mum were busy with the guests. The whole place was just buzzing with life and that was when it dawned on me that I was really a married lady now.
I wondered where Ryan’s step mothers were. I saw alot of women there and couldn’t tell which was which.
I also saw two of his step sisters but couldn’t find his j£rk of a brother.
“Excuse me Bethel. nee-d to make use of the restroom” Nicole said and left.
I sighed and sipped from my glas-s.
“Hello sister” I heard someone say behind me and I turned to see the j£rk.
I scoffed and crossed my hand as he stood in front of me, putting on a proud look.
I can’t believe he even had the guts to face me.
He took a glas-s of wine from the table and sipped from it.
“So…how’re you enjoying your p@rty?” He asked.
“Well, I just feel itd have been better without you” I replied and he laughed.
“I’ve been wondering…do you even recognize me at all?” I asked.
“Of course. How Can I ever forget the big as-s girl?”
“Oh, really? And you still have the guts to show your face to me?”
“Well, of course. I mean, we’re jnlaws from now on. So, I guess we nee-d to be in good terms.”
“Oh! plea-se, I don’t have any plans of being in good terms with a criminal”.
“If you don’t watch your ton-gue, I might have to cut it out for you”.
“plea-se be my guest”.
He sm-irked and bent his head.
“You’re lucky the police c@m£ to save you that day” he said.
“Else, I guess you wouldn’t be so bold to talk to me right now.”
“And I guess you wouldn’t be so bold to breath right now” I replied and he smiled and drank from his glas-s again.
“Well, I guess it’s never too late to finish what has been started” he said and I scoffed.
Hold on; is he trying to say…
“Darling” a young pretty lady Called as she scuttled towards us.
I didn’t know her.
She c@m£ to where we were and hvgged Royce.
“Hey love” the Royce guy replied and gave her a pe-ck.
Okay; what’s going on?
“I’ve been looking for you. I didn’t know you were here” the lady said and looked at me.
“Oh! Its the latest bride! Hello” she beamed.
“H-Hi” I gave a perfunctory reply.
I was still confused.
“You’re so petty dear. Nice having you into the family” she said.
“You..Are you also a relative?” I asked and she laughed.
“No dear. I’m Royce’s fiancee” she replied and I rose my brows.
Hold on;
I looked at Royce and he was smiling and staring at me.
“Wow!” I mouthed.
“So…you do have a fiancee?” I asked, referring to him.
“Of course he does. And actually, I do live here in the mansion with him. Besides, we’ll be getting married in a short time” she replied happily, leaning her head on his shoulders.
“Wow. Congrats” I said, looking at him.
So, he’s actually engaged? Yet he’s such a flir-t.
Oh! If only the poor girl knows what she’s getting into.
“By the way, im Lana” she said and brou-ght out her hand for a handshake.
“I’m Bethel” I said with a foax smile as I received the Handshake.
“Come on baby. Let’s go” she said to Royce and her sighed and dropped his glas-s on the table.
“See you later Bethel”,he said with an eye wi-nk and left with the Lady.
Geez! Disgusting.
I really Can’t believe this.
The p@rty finally c@m£ to an end after a very long time as all the guests started dispersing.
I also bec@m£ tired and decided to get some rest since Nicole had left as well.
“Come on Bethel.I’ll show you to your room” Ryan’s mum said as I was about entering the sitting room.
I smiled and followed her.
“I hope you enjoy your stay here Bethel. Perhaps, very soon, Ryan might decide to take you to one of his mansions so you two can have alone time” she said and I felt like puking.
Oh, plea-se!
She was so excited – same as mum who left a while ago.
I climbe-d the stairs with her went a long way until she finally st©pped walking.
“Your husband’s waiting for you” she said with a smile and looked at the room in front of us.
Oh! Was that my room?
Sorry; our room?
I stared at the door and stared back at her.
“Come on. Go in” she said and I swallowed ha-rd and opened the door.
A sweet scent filled my nose immediately and the room wasn’t too bright; so,I couldn’t see clearly immediately.
I went fully into the room, closing the door behind me and slowly, my eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room.
Oh, my! Ryan was on the be-d!
I mean, he was sitting on the be-d.
I swallowed ha-rd and suddenly, he turned to look at me.
Our eyes met and that was the moment i wished I could just disappear.
He looked away and continued with what he was doing – operating his phone.
I bit myl-ips and looked down at the floor.
Am I really going to share the room with Ryan?
Mr Popular.
Mr S3x freak.
Oh, geez!
How do we share the be-d?
Am I really going to sleep on it?
Oh, heavens.
I can’t believe im married I’m married to this guy.
I walked few steps further into the room.
Then a thought suddenly niggled at me.
Oh, God!
My dress.
How do I unZi-p it?
My hand wouldn’t be able to reach the Zi-pper.
Who’s gonna help me with it?
Married To
Mr Popular
(Rude and grumpy)
Episode 18
By: Faith Lucky.
Bethel’s Pov:
He stood up from the be-d immediately with a sigh.
I bec@m£ nervous. Why did he stand up?
He took off the suit he was putting on, now left with just a white long sleeve.
Surprisingly, he started walking towards me.
Okay; what’s going on?
His dark eyes stared at the floor as he walked towards me and surprisingly when he got to where I was, he opened the door and walked out.
I flin-ched and turned to look at the closed door.
Did he really walk out…
I had actually been scared he waa coming to meet me.
Oh, Bethel.
I took one a de-ep breath and sat on the big comfy be-d.
The room wasn’t bad. It was beautiful and looked kingly.
There was a keyboard in front of the window and a two l@pt©ps there on the be-d. I wonder what he nee-ds them for.
I covered my face in my palm.
I really nee-d to get used to this.I nee-d to be strong.
After a while, I stood up from the be-d and walked out of the room. I nee-ded to find someone to help me with my Zi-p.
Ryan’s Pov:
I c@m£ out of my car ans walked into the house and right there in the sitting room, I found them all sitting and drinking.
“Hey! Look whom we have here. The latest groom in town” Davis said.
Lady K was sitting beside him.
I didn’t say a word and went ahead to take a seat.
“Welcome Ryan” Mira said with a smile.
I still didn’t say a word as I reached for a bottle of wine and turned some of it into a glas-s.
“Hey dude , are you alright?” Mason asked.
“I’m fine.” I mumbled and drank from my glas-s.
“By the way Ryan, what’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with your high school WIFE?” Davis asked, being emphatic on the wife.
I scoffed and emptied all the glas-s into my mouth. Then I Reached for the bottle and turned in more.
“He’s right Ryan. Shouldn’t you be drilling her by now? Isn’t that what married couples do?” Bonnie asked, ma-king the rest of them laugh.
“Mind you, Mason; she might be a high school lady, but the goodnews is – she’s still a vir-gin” Mira said.
“Yeah. You’re right. And I must say vir-gins are the Best” Davis said and busted into laughter with the rest.
“Maybe you should get one for yourself” I said and gr@bb£d the half bottle of wine from the table and stood up.
“Hey, where are you going?” Davis asked.
“Your voices are worst than sirens” I replied and took the stairs.
I got into his room – Davis’ room and plonked myself on the be-d.
I just nee-ded to be alone.
I started drinking from my bottle – restlessly.
I couldn’t even think.
Shortly, the door opened and Karen – Lady K – walked in.
Oh plea-se! I really wanted to be alone.
She walked in stylishly, tracing her steps.
“Ryan” she called in an endearing tone as she got to where I was and sat next to me on the be-d.
“Are you okay?” She asked, leaning her hand on my shoulder.
“I’m fine. Just wanna be alone” I replied and drank from my bottle.
She smiled and t©uçhed my jaw.
“Maybe I know what you nee-d” she said and collected the drink from me.
She kept it on the floor and next, she k!$$£d me.
Not now.
She k!$$£d me so perfectly like she used to and I couldn’t help but reciprocate.
Then she c@m£ up and sat on my legs, ma-king her big bu-tts t©uçh my torso.
Damn! She’s turning me on.
She made sure ourl-ips didn’t get separated and slowly, she started moving her bu-tts front and back, ma-king me hunger for a ride.
I gr@bb£d them like a pillow and made her fall on the be-d with me on t©p of her.
I lifted her dress upto her w@!st level and brushed my hand throu-gh her ba-re soft th!ghs. My c**k was alre-ady as ha-rd as rock.
I placed my head on her che-st and gave her n!ppletiny bite from outside. She g@sped in ecstasy.
She wra-pped her hands around my shoulders and wanted me to come dee-per into her.
But suddenly, I restricted myself and Dis£ntangle from her hold.
I left her and sat on the be-d, Reaching for my bottle of drink.
She was quiet for a second.
“Ryan” she called.
“What’s wrong?”
She was still sitting behind me on the be-d.
“I Can’t” I muffled a reply and drank from my bottle.
“You Can’t do what?” She asked, sounding perplexed.
“I can’t do it” I replied and she scoffed and stood up, coming to stand in front of me.
“What are you talking about Ryan? Its something we’ve always done” she grouse.
“Well not anymore.”
“What do you mean by that? Why?”
I scoffed and drank angrily from my bottle.
“I’m married” I replied and she chuckled.
“Are you kidding me, Ryan? What does being married have to do with us?” She asked angrily.
I sighed and stood up with my drink.
“It has to do with everything” I told her and walked out of the room.
Lady K’s Pov:
“Come on Karen; you nee-d to Calm down” Mira Said as I broke the fifth glas-s on the floor.
“St©p telling me that Mira. Didnt you get what I said? Ryan’s avoiding me!! He resisted me for the first time today and made me look stupid!”
“Well, that doesn’t mean you should kill yourself” Bonnie said.
“No! I won’t let this happen. I won’t let that bit-ch take what’s mine from me. This is the reason I got upset when I heard about the God damn marriage stuff! I must do everything to make sure they get separated” I rasped and turned to Bonnie.
“You’re on an as-signment right? Haven’t you gotten anything?” I asked and she folded her hands.
“Well, I have. She did had a b©yfri£nd, but was f0rç£d to break up with him when the marriage issue c@m£ up. His name is Jackson” she replied and my eyes beamed.
“Oh, Bonnie! I nee-d that guy. I nee-d you to get me to him. Find out everything about him. No matter what it’s gonna take, I must make sure Ryan and Bethel get divorced” I said eagerly.