Mama is a witch episode 27

Episode 27.

Its Friday, and Francis was alre-ady on his way to Bridget place with Fred who offered to go with him.
“Are you not feeling nervous? Fred asked him as Francis was on the steering.
“Not a bit, he replied.

“You know fathers can be annoying with questions o, are you prepared? Fred asked and Francis smiled.
“I’m out spoken too remember, Francis replied and Bridget call on phone asking where they are and directed them to the right lane to follow.

Few minutes later he was alre-ady at her father compound and she c@m£ out to receive them,
“How did you know the compound? She asked after hvgging them.
“We asked, Fred replied.

“plea-se come in, she said taking them in and left to inform her parents of their arrival.
She ran down happily and sat on Francis legs in a s£dûçt!veway and he shook,
“Common your dad will be down soon, Francis said.

“and so? You’re not a stranger right? She asked.
“Babe plea-se let’s put on a good and matured atmosphere knowing your father won’t condone this plea-se. Dont make him see me irresponsible, Francis said and Fred nodded.

“plea-se you two can do this pri-vately or even at my place not here, Fred concurred.
“Okay fine, they will be down soon so what can I offer you? She asked getting up from Francis legs.

“Uhmm water will do? Fred replied.
“No drink? She asked.
“Nah I don’t take soft drinks I’m not a kid, but if your peanuts or chin chin is available no problem, Fred replied and she laughed.

“I did some yesterday as if I knew, let me go get it, she said and was about to go but saw her parents coming.
“They are coming, she whispered to them while they sat up properly and she left.

“Good afternoon sir, good afternoon ma, they greeted standing up when they entered.
“Welcome, sorry we took your time a little, we just returned from somewhere plea-se sit down, her father said.

“Its no problem sir, Francis said as they sat down.
“And how was the journey? I hope you didn’t find it difficult to arrive here? Her mother asked.

“No not really, Bridget directed us well and when we arrived here we asked and we found ourselves at the door post, Francis Replied.
“Beautiful, so which of you is the Francis? Her father asked and Francis smiled.

“Its Me sir, and I brou-ght this gift for you, Francis said giving him a bag and he took it.
“Thank you. What about your family? Her father asked keeping the bag aside.

“Ermm they will be coming with me when next I’ll be visiting, he replied.
“Tell me about them, he said and Bridget entered with a tray that contained a packet of jui-ce and a plate of chin chin.

“Daddy will you eat too? She asked.
“No let them have it, he replied and she wanted sitting down with them.

“Bridget plea-se leave us, her father said and her eyes bulged out.
“Excuse me, I should leave my fiancee with you? Like I’m not supposed to be here or what? Bridget asked and Francis looked shocked.

“Babe don’t be like that, Francis said.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t be here? I am going no where, Bridget said and sat down and Her father smiled.

“Actually young man I am not happy with your coming nor the engagement you had with my daughter, her father said.
“Honey don’t…….’don’t tell me to pretend, I am clearly showing my displea-sure here! He shouted angrily on his wife.

“My daughter talks and disrespect me anyhow she likes, I don’t know her anymore ever since she walked into this house engaged! I want to know what you did to her and why the sudden change of character, Her father continued that Francis felt like urinating instantly.

Fred sat confused and looked at Bridget who was standing with her hands akimbo disrespecting her father with her eyes.
Francis was totally speechless as he looked at her father not knowing what to say,
“Ermmm sir I want to apologize for this, but sir this has nothing to do with my friend…… “Then give me one reason why my daughter is acting strangely, you can see it yourself right? Are you surprised?. For all I know, I am not accepting this relationsh!p! Her father dropped.

“What! What did you just say? No you must be joking, daddy you are a liar! I am getting married to him and if the devil wants to use you to put an end to my beautiful relationsh!pthen I promise you, you will lose me for life! Bridget dropped shouting at her father.
Her mother unconsciously sl@pped her,
“keep your stinking mouth shut and st©p embarras-sing yourself and this family this way. What has come over you? Who raised you this way Bridget! Her mother shouted while Francis and Fred tried holding them.

“This is a promise and I mean it, don’t say I didn’t warn you, Bridget said and stormed out of the house while Francis ran after her.
“I must get to the bo-ttomof this matter, no!! Her father shouted while Fred stood confused.
“Bridget! Bridget! BRI… st©p okay, just st©p! Francis shouted and held her and she began to cry,

“What happened back there? Why did you have to do all that? Francis asked.
“I don’t un-derstand myself anymore, I feel strange and do things I have no idea about, I’m sorry, she said crying seriously and he hvgged her.

“What are we going to do now? Your father doesn’t want to accept us and he thinks I’m the one influencing you negatively, he said and she shook her head.
“It has nothing to do with you plea-se, she said.

“Then what is going on? Is there anything I can do to help plea-se tell me? Francis frustratedly said and she shook her head crying.
“I don’t know, I’ll just go apologize to them about my outbur-st, plea-se don’t leave me, Bridget said clinging on Francis shi-t and he looked at her more confused.

“Honestly speaking, looks like I don’t know you anymore with what I saw in there, that means you can do more than that in my abs£nce. Were you all acting to be good all this while? Were you camouflaging what you were not? Francis asked and Bridget sl@pped him.
“How dare you say that to me? Is it because I accepted you that will give you the guts to call me fake! If you don’t want me anymore then fine, take your stupid ring and get out of my life! My life has become more complicated ever since I met you so go! She shouted taking the ring off and threw it on his face.

“I don’t know you too! She shouted breathing ha-rd .
Fred who c@m£ out to look for Francis just met the action as Francis stood controlling his anger.
“Thank you, Francis said and turned to see Fred standing like a monument,

“Let’s get out from here, Francis said getting into the car while Fred quic-kly entered before Francis will take off leaving him behind.
Bridget slowly saw herself going on her knees as she watched Francis drove off until he was out of sight,
“What did I do? God what did I do? She asked and saw the ring on the ground and bur-st out crying.

Her parents stood watching her and her father went inside saying nothing while her mom went after him,
“This is not ordinary and I don’t un-derstand Why God is keeping us on suspense. What’s wrong with her daughter? The girl on her knees out there is the Bridget I know but I can’t console her in her broken state, what’s going on? Her mother lamented inside and broke down crying while her father stood so pained holding her.

“When God keeps silent he’s pas-sing a message, for the first time in my life I’m feeling so stupid and confused trying to un-derstand what he wants me to see. Then I ask why Bridget? What is God trying to do? Her father asked as her mother was still crying and Bridget slowly walked in looking so pale and her mother quic-kly went to her.
“Honey how are you? Her mother asked tou-ching her as her face was bathed in tears,

“He left, he’s gone, Bridget replied and broke down on her,
“Oh dear, its okay we will fix this okay we will fix this together, Her mother said holding her and painfully looked at her father who quic-kly left for his room…………..

Francis kept hitting on the steering as he drove recklessly on the road,
“Frank calm down before we will get into trouble, if you don’t mind I’ll do the driving plea-se just park! Fred shouted on him for the second time and Francis cleared up and kept his head on the steering crying while Fred t©uçhed him.

“I un-derstand but you have to put yourself together, Fred said.
“Why should she behave that way to me? I never expected this from her, Francis said.

“I’m shocked to my marrows, like everything seem like a dream to me. Bridget reactions doesn’t even look like her and the way she sat on your legs was the beginning of the surprise but then, you have to be strong, Fred said.
“She threw the ring on me and sl@pped me? I feel so ashamed, what will I tell my mom now? Francis asked.

“Uhmmm I think you shouldn’t, I know Bridget will come back begging and if you tell your mom about this she will never accept Bridget back even when you want to take her back, Fred replied.
“Take her back? With what I saw? Francis asked and Fred heaved.

“I know we just met Bridget and with my experience with women, I think we can see a girl and tell if she’s a well behaved lady or not. Bridget isn’t that kind of girl, yes I know people pretend and sometimes unpredictable but there’s something about that girl I want you to give her a chance again when she comes back. I think she nee-ds you more with whatever she’s going throu-gh now, though you are free to make a choice if you’ll want her or not but plea-se don’t tell your mom, Fred said and Francis weighed himself closing his eyes and Fred heaved.

“Can we exchange seats now? Fred asked and he nodded going out so Fred can take the wheels…………….