Mama is a witch episode 26

Episode 26.

Francis got home giving a ballet dance while the guys just looked like they are watching movie.
“we-tin dey sweet this one? Fred asked.
“So she said yes to me, Francis replied.

“Yes? As in she accepted? Fred asked.
“You been Propose? Victor asked and Francis nodded.

“When? How? Mark asked and Francis laughed.
“Well I did it my own way, in the car and still on the road i popped it up and she said yes, He replied and the guys happily cheered him.

“But you be mumu, why didn’t you ask her here? Victor asked.
“Did you see the way he almost went into convulsion thinking about it? Mark asked them.

“Look guys thats not how things are done. First of all I didn’t plan for this and secondly how can my mom buy me the ring I used in proposing to my girl? If you ask me I’ll say its not proper. I should be given the chance to make things done my own way plea-se, Francis seriously said.
“Well we have no hand in this to be sincere, your mom gave us the ring just when we arrived here and I think she’s doing all of this to make you happy and to surprise you, Victor said.

“I know, but now I’ve engaged her, its expected I see her parents so they will know me and the wedding preparations begins right? Francis asked.
“Yes, so when will you be going? Fred asked.
“She said we will talk better on phone when she gets home, he replied.

“She will have to set a d@t£ with her parents before getting back to you. Like pl@ymy guy don go far o, congratulations! Fred said.
“Thanks guys, by the way where’s my mom? He asked.

“Oh she hurried out to somewhere, Mark replied.
“Okay, so what’s up with the guy for the structure? Francis asked Fred concerning the poultry business.

“Yes, that’s why we waited anyway, Fred replied bringing out his phone as they got set for business………

Bridget arrived home smiling looking at the ring for some seconds before knocking on the door,
“Mama I’m back oo, she shouted when she heard her mom voice inside on call and she quic-kly opened up.
“Okay no problem, I’ll be traveling soon so I can get beautiful samples of some materials okay, her mom said still on phone while Bridget sat on the sofa smiling at her.

“Okay I’ve heard you, bye, her mom said and ended the call and looked at Bridget who was looking at her.
“What materials are you getting? Bridget asked.

“Okay, one of us daughter is getting married so we wanted dressing on uniform and I was given the responsibility to get samples of materials, she replied and Bridget smiled twisting her hair.
“This one that you’re shining your teeth like close up ambas-sador where are you coming back from? Her mother asked.

“Hiannn mommy someone should not smile again in peace? Bridget asked crossing her legs.
“I didn’t say so na, but school closed since and you’re just coming back now, her mom replied.
“But I told you I’ll be going to town, i just c@m£ back, Bridget said.

“Eh eh, so why is your b©dy tickling you? Her mother asked and a knock c@m£ on the door.
Bridget stood up to open up and her father walked in tired,
“Ahhhh welcome daddy, what happened? Bridget asked.

“Just coming back from the hospital though, its been a long day for me, he replied sitting down.
“Sorry, but who is at the hospital? Bridget asked.
“Errrm Chinyere mother, she had a very ha-rd labour that she almost gave up o. Even when she succeeded giving birth the doctors couldn’t revive her because she was weak, Her mom replied.

“Ahhhhh how is she now? Bridget asked.
“It was a very strong battle, I think they didn’t want her to deliver that baby and live but God took control. I left her when she was about to eat something and its a baby boy, her dad replied.

“Heyyyy thank God, Chinyere has someone she can pl@ywith now, Bridget happily said breathing out.
“Yes, and why are you still on your clothes? Her father asked and she rolled her eyes.
“Daddy I told you yesterday that I’ll be going to the city today, I told you and your wife nah but dad that aside there’s good news, Bridget said sitting up.

“Thank God, and what’s the good news? Her father asked and Bridget stood up smiling shyly as she showed them her f!nger.
“Its a lie! Honey when? Her mom shouted.
“Well it happened today, it was so quic-k and I said yes, Bridget replied and her mom happily hvgged her.

“Thank you mommy, Bridget shyly said.
“I think I’m lost here, when did this happen? You mean you had a man in your life and you feel I shouldn’t know? Her father said and Bridget sat close to him.

“No nau, Daddy we just met. Remember when I told you what your brother said to me on phone? That day mom told me about the job I’m doing now? Bridget asked.
“Yes just few weeks ago, he replied.

“Yes, that was when I met him. We bec@m£ just friends and just few days ago he asked me out to be his girlfriend and I accepted. And today he wanted me to see his mom and you nee-d to see the way I was welcomed daddy, Bridget said cl@pping her hands.
“Hey! This is the Lord doing! Her mother shouted.

“And it is marvelous in our sight. Daddy the table was prepared with a delicious meal and the house was beautifully decorated to welcome me. His mother even said I should call her mommy, she just accepted me as her daughter alre-ady and I’m so happy. So on the way when he wanted dropping me off, he proposed and I said yes, Bridget happily narrated and her father only heaved.
“This is interesting, he said.

“You’re not happy for her? Her mother asked.
“Did you pray and go to God concerning your decision or you just accepted because to you it happened quic-k? Her father asked.

“Daddy I don’t un-derstand, I love him and his family and friends likes me, that’s God will for me right and a good sign isn’t it? He didn’t want to do this girlfriend of a thing you always frown at but the right thing. I thought you would have asked when he’s coming so you’ll see him instead of this, Bridget replied.

“I’ve heard you but that didn’t answer the question I asked. You met a man few weeks ago and said yes to him without me knowing him or going to God in prayer for direction is that right? Her father asked and Bridget suddenly felt offended.
“I don’t like this at all, I mean this is not fair. I’m not a kid anymore and I know what I want, I can make decision for myself. If Francis was not the kind of man I want do you really think I would have said yes to him? She asked.
“Bridget we are not quarelling here, he only asked a question that shouldn’t bring such outbur-st, Her mom said..

“Is it an outbur-st? At least a oh congratulation daughter when is he coming home? would have ended all of this, but no he said something not important and I don’t like it, such a joy killer, Bridget said taking her bag and left for her room while her parents looked shocked.
“What was that? He asked his wife surprised at Bridget attitude.

‘I’m sorry let me go talk to her, and your food on the dinning plea-se, her mother said.
“Its okay, he said and she left to Bridget room.

Bridget sat on her be-d sadly looking at the ring and couldn’t believe she spoke that way to her dad and a knock c@m£ on her door. She slowly stood up and opened up,
“What c@m£ over you Bridget? What’s the meaning of this? Her mom shouted.

“Mommy I’m sorry, I can’t un-derstand where the anger c@m£ from, she said.
“You’re sorry? The question he asked wasn’t bad to me, you haven’t introduced this guy to us as a friend and you’re alre-ady engaged. Any responsible parent will be concerned and want to know for a very important decision like marriage, and you didn’t even pray about it, she said.

“You think so? When God answers our prayers we tend to ask God again if he’s sure of what he gave us when we have been praying disturbing his ears. Mommy, Francis is the answer to my prayer and i thanked God alre-ady for settling me, and again there was no time for him to come visit you because he will gladly do it. He is re-ady to meet with you just give a d@t£ and he will be here live, mom he’s a good guy, Bridget said and her mother heaved.
“We have a lot to discuss but first Go apologize to your dad, her mom said.

“I’ll let him finish his meal first, I just want to be calm, Bridget said.
“So you won’t have something to eat? She asked.
“My mother in law to be alre-ady gave me a wonderful banquet, Bridget replied smiling and her mom looked at her for a while and left the room……………

Nkiru returned late and saw Francis waiting for her,
“Ahhhh finally for heaven sake mama plea-se try pick up your calls, Francis blurred out when he was so worried and she smiled.
“Don’t mind me, I wasn’t chance to pick it up, she said.

“Where did you go? He asked.
“Settling issues never mind, so is Bridget home safely? She asked.
“Yes and we even spoke on phone about 3 minutes ago, he replied.

“Oh good, so did you like the surprise? She asked.
“Mom seriously it was not necessary na, you made me look stupid, he replied.

“Oh nice, When will you ever say thank you? She asked.
“Mom you know I always sing that but you got me by surprise and the ring? Ahhhh that’s my p@rt to buy that for my woman, he said and she nodded.

“Sorry then I crossed the boundaries, I loved the ring when I went shopping and didn’t want to pas-s it but its okay, she said.
“Not that way mommy, thank you so much and she said yes, Francis said crossing his hand on her shoulders.

“She said yes? Wow that’s beautful, congratulations, she said.
“Thank you mama, he said.
‘Great, so when we are going to see her family? She asked.

“Mama I’ll be going alone, her dad asked to see me on Friday, he replied.
“Friday alone? She asked.
“To introduce myself you know, they don’t know me, he replied.

“Alright then no problem, congrats again, she said.
“Thank you and plea-se try pick your calls so you won’t break the heart meant for Bridget, Francie said locking up and she laughed.
‘I’ll try my best, good night, she said and left for her room……….