Light out at flory high episode 9/11


Episode 9
ju-icy was walking as fast as she could back to the dorm in order for her to meet up with the others.

She succeeded in getting in and going throu-gh her bag where she kept some of her accessories.

She had a time finding it but luckily, it dropped from her bag.

She picked it up and hurried out of the dormitory.

While moving in a haste, she realized everyone was now at the as-sembly and she was the only one that was still behind at the dorm.

She was alone. It made her feel insecure and she folded her arms.

At this point, she felt that she wasn’t alone as she presumed and looked around frightened by nothing in p@rticular.

Was her instincts and mind pla-ying pranks on her? She wondered as the wind ca-ressed her hair both ways.

She kept moving anyway but still was attentive about what was going on behind her.

She st©pped unawares and made a swift turn intending to catch someone probably sneaking up on her but to her dismay, there was no one.

She turned back around furiously and leaped when her eyes c@m£ in contact with Ryan’s.

He was standing in front of her, so close that it shocked her beyond words.

When did he even arrive to stand before her??

She asked rhetorically at herself.

“What are you doing here? Why were you followings me??” She asked freaking out a little.

“Let’s get going.” He ignored her question and started walking ahead of her.

“I told you guys to stay away from me. I did, didn’t I?? Why on Earth would you show up now; Mostly in front of my friends??” She asked sternly and he rolled his eyes.

“Why do you really care? You three are lonely anyways. You should be happy guys like us could even breath the same sir with you girls.” He said showing a bit of arrogance.

“What? Go to hell with that concept! We were doing just fine before you even had the guts to br@inwashing me to follow you at night.” She bluntly replied and whispering the last p@rt.

“Again, you owe your life to us because we could have killed you but we didn’t. I’m sure Spike won’t hesitate to kill you first.” He coldly said and started walking in a haste like he wanted to get away from her.

“Why did you even follow me here if you don’t want to walk back to the hall with me??” She yelled after him while running.

When the two arrived at the hall, the principal was still being ushered into the hall giving them a perfect view to see him enter first.

The female students especially were cl@pping so loud as he made an entrance.

The principal was young. The rumors were true. He was young and good looking, a type that women would kill just to have.

But that would be determined by his character later on, ju-icy figured correctly as the man got up on stage walking like a King. And a King he was, though.

His name was King Sandro; son of a wealthy professor. He wasn’t the one as-signed to the school, his father was but he had to fill in for him for six months or he would loose his inheritance.

His father was strict and strong-willed so he had no choice but to accept to become the principal for six months.

ju-icy watched him walk and act like he didn’t give a about the screaming girls.

As he made a speech, Ryan was observing Maddy who was standing behind him and looking around.

He badly wanted to ruin her and keep her away forever. Spike might just be right about killing her soon.

“You.” King called pointing at ju-icy and Ryan.

They glanced at each other and then back at their all superior new principal.

“Us?” Ryan asked as everyone’s attention drifted to them.

“Yes, you two. My office, now!” He demanded and ju-icy went numb.
Why would the new principal summon them??

Episode 10
ju-icy and Ryan were taken to the principal’s office by Mandy whom was gladly doing the job.

“I can’t believe I got into trouble because of you.” She muttered with her arms folded.

“Me? What did I do??” Ryan questioned hysterically.

She rolled her eyes not wanting to respond to his question.
They finally arrived and the two were made to sit on a bench facing the principal’s office.

Mandy decided to head back to the hall in case her boss nee-ded her. As she walked away, Ryan took a stare of her and noticed she could ba-rely walk in heels.

Again, he wondered what she was up to.

They waited in silence as ju-icy didn’t want to say a word to him.

The door opened jo-lting them alert as King walked past them to his office door.

“Both of you…” He addressed the duo signalling them to enter the office with him. And so they did without question.

He leaned his back on his desk as he faced the two students.

“I saw the both of you, entering the hall when everyone was alre-ady settled. Are you two… a couple?” He asked squinting his eyes and ju-icy g@sped like he’d said a taboo.

“No, sir! There’s nothing of that sort…” ju-icy stuttered while Ryan didn’t react in anyway.

“But he’s quiet. Which means, I’m right.” The young principal stated gleefully.

“Okay, I’m bored now.” Ryan cut in and She stared at him wondering what he meant.

He made eye contact with him compelling him as he began giving his orders.

“Let us go. You never called us here and you have other things to do. Forget everything we’ve talked about too…” He paused when he felt ju-icy tap him by the shoulder to st©p.

She was scared about what he was doing to the principal.
Ryan re-moved eye contact with King and dragged ju-icy out of the office.


Spike, Darrell and Justin surrounded Astrid who was lying on the floor unconscious from being hit on her head.
That was there plan, to get closer to her and be able to draw her aside.

“We can’t keep waiting for Ryan. If a group of boys comes in right now, it won’t be so easy compelling them all.” Darrell figured and Justin nodded his head.

“Exactly, we nee-d new orders.” Justin added and their gaze dropped on Spike.

“Very well, then. Let’s quic-kly do this without Ryan. Justin, lock the door. Darrell undress her carefully, let’s just deal with her upper b©dy. It will be cruel seeing her divine area before her destined soulmate whom should see it first.” He said and the boys chuckled as they did as he said.

There, Astrid was lying lifeless with her shi-t and t©p undie re-moved. They could see her ba-re che-st, Spike couldn’t take his eyes off them.

He had gone to the club once with her, he remembered vividly and he couldn’t st©p himself from k!ss!ngher.

“Eyes off her. Show some respect.” He immediately said and the boys obeyed instantly.

He took out a phone from his back pocket and took clear pictures of Astrid. After he was done, he had Darrell put back her clothes on her so they can take her somewhere safe to wake up at.
“Where are my friends, Ryan?” ju-icy asked when he was about to p@rt ways with her.

“Where else but the clas-sroom.” He let out a grumpy response.

“Oh! It’s time for clas-ses.” She muttered and he started walking away.

She followed him thinking he was taking the another route to the clas-s building.
Ryan notices she was walking right beside him and made an abrupt st©p.

“Why are you following me now?! Won’t you head to clas-s?!!” He asked infuriated hoping it would scare her off but she was still standing there unmoved.

“Why are you sounding so angry? Is it because the principal asked us if we were a couple?” She asked as her green eyes glistened ma-king Ryan spend seconds staring at them.

‘What Is it with me and her green eyes?’, he questioned himself quite perturbe-d.

“No, that is the least of my worries. I’d rather be single forever that d@t!ngyou.” He cussed un-der his breath and she sighed.

“Most people that say those things don’t mean it. It’s more like; I’d rather be single if I don’t get a chance to d@t£ you.” She replied enthusiastically.

“You wish.” He blurted before continuing his trip out from the staff premises.

ju-icy continued to follow him forgetting to ask him if he was heading to the clas-s building throu-gh another road.

She suddenly st©pped and took out her inhaler. Ryan st©pped when he could no longer hear her footsteps and turned to see her inhaling from the object in her hand.

It made him remember the moment at the club when he tried to compel her like he normally used to but she wasn’t falling for it.

She really did make a fool out of him but he was not so embarras-sed.

Then he remembered Mandy and thought if she had a hand in ju-icy not being able to compelled.

He’s gonna find out sooner.
She’s in their school now, they’re in one unit.

Things will definitely unravel quic-kly.

Episode 11
“So, are you heading to clas-s?” ju-icy asked putting back her inhaler in her back.
She didn’t get a response from Ryan and she tapped him ha-rder than she did before at his back.

“No. If you are, better head back before you miss first period. More like second period.” He stated checking his wrist watch.

“God! I can’t believe I followed you here for nothing. I thought there was another way to the building throu-gh this route but I was clearly mistaking.” ju-icy carped before leaving.

Ryan made sure she was heading to clas-s before wading off to meet his friends.
A soft knock c@m£ on King’s door and he only stared at it.

“Come in.” He muttered despondently.

The door gave way and Mandy entered holding a cu-p of coffee.

“I’ve got it, sir.” She said and dropped it carefully on his table.

He sighed and took the cu-p of coffee.

He acted like he was inhaling the smell before taking a sip from it.

“Perfect. Just as I wanted it.” He said mesmerized and Mandy nodded.

She turned to leave but his voice st©pped her halfway.

“I want to turn things around in this school. I hate the uniform, the colors of paints on each building and of course, the student’s time’s table. I want to start with their schedules. I want a list of all the activities these kids do and we’ll work together to re-adjust them. Also, new c@m£ras should be planted everywhere. Time of lights out will be changed as well, strictly from nine to eight. I feel like I should do things my own way, and I can’t do them with the formal principal’s rules guiding the school. Do you get that?”

“Yes, sir. I’ll quic-kly do what you asked. Don’t worry, taking over this school won’t be a problem at all.” Mandy smiled surprised with him sharing his intentions in this manner.

Well, she was his personal as-sistant. Who else would he turn to?…

She made a fake smile before leaving the office.
Astrid was in an execrable situation as she woke up from being unconscious. She found herself on a pavement which was next to the mas-sive field.

“Goodness!!! What the got me here??” She asked befuddled with the sight.

She got up immediately and began panicking mentally.

So many questions occu-pied her s-en-se of reasoning and she sat back down from where she had ris£n.

“What the h.ell happened??” She asked as sobs emerged from herl-ips. It was virtually too overwhelming for her.
“Good. These are perfect.” Ryan remarked out loud while going throu-gh the ph0tos Spike took of Astrid.

“So, who’s going to confront ju-icy ?” Justin asked and Spike sm-irked indirectly showing her wanted to be the one to threaten ju-icy with the ph0tos.

“Fine, Spike. You can meet her but don’t…” He paused when the boys stared at him strangely wondering what he was going to add.

“Physically abuse her. Don’t t©uçh her.” He completed not giving a d*mn if it sounded like he was being protective of her.

He just knows how violent Spike is and wouldn’t want him to end up kil.ling someone.

“Yeah, copy that. But I guess our cover has been b!own. We can’t go to the club anymore with that girl awake. She’s going to st©p us, which is why I think we should pl@yMandy in order to get ‘blood’.” He pointed out whispering the last word.

“I’ll think about that. For now, get re-ady to meet ju-icy .” Ryan replied.
“Astrid! I’m so sorry I left you alone…” ju-icy cried as she held her ti-ghtly in her arms.

She has been looking all over for her and found her at the field all by herself. It was getting dark alre-ady too.

Astrid was shaking when she appeared and she couldn’t help but cry. She had no idea when she got so carried away that she left her.

She would definitely get back at who did this to her.
She suddenly thought about Ryan and his gang. They must have messed with Astrid.

She tearfully carried her on her back and took her to the girl’s dorm since it was almost time for their dinner.

She was given serving duty with a few other girls. They would put out the dish for the rest of the girls. She did this and later headed outside with the other girls to go to the cafeteria to return some plates.

“I think it’s best if I tell Astrid about the vampires in the school. She’s my best friend. I can’t keep her in the dark, she has to be careful about them.” She muttered to herself feeling bad about what happened.

She lifted her head anyway and saw a guy approaching them.

“That idi-ot must be Spike.” She said seeing his face clearly. I wonder what he wants now.