Light out at flory high episode 12 & 13


Episode 12
“What do you want?” ju-icy asked when Spike stood before her.

“I have something to show you, pri-vately.” He said and she felt uncertain for a while.

“Alright, but be quic-k. As you can see, I have things to do.” She stated and he nodded.

They proceeded to moving to a corner while the other girls stared after them.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” One of them whispered to the other feeling suspicious if the two were d@t!ng.

“Fine, we are here now. What did you want to tell me?” ju-icy asked and he brou-ght out a phone from his back pocket.

“We don’t trust you. You can’t blame us, girls can be cruel sometimes. So, we are f0rç£d to do this. If you don’t keep your mouth shut about us, we’ll s£nd these to Astrid’s parents and expo-se them to the media….”

As he spoke, he showed her what was on the screen of the phone and ju-icy couldn’t help but g@sp in astonishment.

“Oh my goodness!!! What the h*ck is this??” She asked beyond shocked.

“Do I have to interpret the ph0to. I’m sure you don’t want Astrid to be traumatized, that’s her ph0tos with her b©dy uncovered. Be warned.” He snatched the phone from her face and stormed off.

“I can’t believe this. That explains Astrid waking up at that ordered place. How did I get her into such a mess?? What am I gonna do?” She sobbe-d disintegrated.
“Here you go.” Mandy said handing the last bottle over to Ryan.
They decided to get help from her despite fearing the motives she could have in mind.

Ryan glanced at the bottle and pas-sed it to Justin.

“I don’t know if I should thank you or not. What you are doing is so shady.” He scoffed glaring at her and she sighed.

“Let’s talk in pri-vate.” She whispered and took his hand. She led him to a corner, a bit distant from where the boys where.

“I don’t like you guys risking your lives to come over to the club. So, I’m here to help.” She said ru-bbing her hands against the other.

“Haven’t you helped us enough, you cra.zy vampire?? Why can’t you just leave us alone? You are rather ma-king things more worse for us—”

“I’m doing all this for your good. Do you know what I had to go throu-gh to get those four rings in order for you and your friends to be able to walk un-der the sun??” She asked taking his hand into hers again.

“Why?? Why bother?” He asked getting

“Because I like you. That’s the reason I’m here. That’s the reason I’m in this d**n school working un-der an annoying principal. I just want to be close to you…” Mandy professed.

There was abrupt silence and Ryan was dumbfounded.
ju-icy , Heather and Astrid walked to clas-s feeling exhausted from the day’s activities.

The new principal was sure giving them a tough time with his new timetable.
It’s been a week since she discovered what Ryan and his gang were.

Since then, she has been keeping it a secret. She didn’t want to be secretive towards her friends but she clearly had no choice.

What if they didn’t un-derstand and went ahead to tell someone else??

She had not been in contact with the bits either. She avoided them as much as she could. Not after what they did to Astrid.

“ju-icy , why don’t you run for clas-s president?” Heather asked and a soft laugh emerged from Astrid.

“You want her to get so busy that she would ba-rely have time to see us?” Astrid asked and ju-icy sighed.

“I’ll never be too busy for my friends. Although, I don’t think I’m interested in running.” She replied.

“With all the school work, how can someone possibly take on such a task.” Astrid hissed detesting the idea.

“Astrid! It was just a question. Don’t eat me up plea-se” Heather laughed.

“I know… I’m so tired.” She muttered.

ju-icy looked around and sp©tted Ryan and his friends at a corner. She freaked at the sight of ma-king eye contact with Ryan.

She wondered why he hates her so much.

If he despised her a lot, why would he pick her as his p@rtner at the club??

She turned again and saw Ryan staring intently at her.
His eyeba-lls shifted immediately they made eye contact but he was quite too late since ju-icy knew he was looking at her.


Episode 13
She turned again and saw Ryan staring intently at her. His eyeba-lls shifted immediately they made eye contact but he was quite too late since ju-icy knew he was looking at her. Ryan walked away feeling really bashful to have been caught by ju-icy while staring at her.
ju-icy rolled her eyes and turned back to look at her friends who were staring intently at her the whole time.

“Okay, what is the stare all about you two?” ju-icy asked with a raised eyebrow. “We should be the ones asking you that and not the other way round.” Heather scoffed.
“I don’t un-derstand. The two of you were literally the ones staring awkwardly at me. So, I should be the one asking you what was the stare about.” ju-icy laughed lightly. She couldn’t un-derstand what Heather was trying to say.

“Well, you should explain to us the eye contact you were sharing with Ryan not quite long.” Astrid said, folding her arms un-derneath her bo-ob s and giving ju-icy I-nee-d-an-explanation kind of look.
“Oh! So, this is what it’s all about right?” ju-icy sighed and rolled her eyes.

“At this rate, I think your eyeba-lls would soon fall out because of the number of times you’ve rolled your eyes.” Heather laughed. ju-icy glared pla-yfully at her and hit her hand pla-yfully.
“C’mon ju-icy , talk to us. Or are you hiding something from us? We are best friends okay? And we share everything together.” Astrid pouted herl-ips and blinked her eyes ra-pidly – a thing she does when she wants something from either Heather or ju-icy .

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. But it’s just that I caught Ryan staring at me and I stared back at him. That’s all there is to it, nothing more. St©p thinking about absurd things.” ju-icy stated.
“Are you sure nothing’s going on between the both of you?” Heather asked. “No way! That’s crazy for you to think or even say. He hates me and the feeling is mutual.” ju-icy scoffed.

“Really? Or he likes you and the feeling is mutual?” Astrid tea-sed. “You’re crazy Astrid. I’m going to the libr@ry. I don’t want to continue to seat with you and discuss about Ryan all day.” ju-icy said and walked away. “Hey, wait for us.” Astrid and Heather yelled as they ran after her.


“What is it Ryan? You look bothered.” Spike asked staring intently at Ryan.
“Nothing. I don’t look bothered okay?” Ryan huffed.
The four of them were in the field but they weren’t pla-ying football or basketball, they just sat down watching some of the boys pl@ybasketball. “You sure do Ryan.” Darrell said. “Are we going out tonight?” Ryan asked instead, changing the t©pic. “Don’t try to change the t©pic Ryan.” Justin scoffed.

Ryan sighed and stood up. He darted his eyes from Darrell to Justin and to Spike. “I’m fine and I’m not worried about anything.” He told them.
“Okay sir Ryan.” Spike said sarcastically. “I’m going to the dorm. I feel very exhausted.” Ryan said and walked away.
“Something is definitely wrong with that dude.” Justin whispered.


“So, are we going to the club tonight?” Spike asked with a sm-irk on his face. “Then, who will be my p@rtner?” Ryan asked with a scoff. “What do you mean who will be your p@rtner?” Justin asked with a crumpled look. Ryan sighed softly and turned to look at Justin properly who was sitting beside him.
“What’s there for you not to know or un-derstand huh? I can’t go to the club because I don’t have a p@rtner. I was using ju-icy not until mysteriously, she could not be compelled again. You know I’ve always used her as my p@rtner but not anymore because she can’t be compelled.” Ryan literally spelt it out to him.

“Oh!” Spike nodded his head in un-derstanding. “But you can always use another girl, choose another girl that you can compel and take to the club tonight. We choose different girls all the time but you are the only one choosing just a girl repeatedly. Now, because she knows our secret and can’t be compelled, you don’t want to go to the club anymore. There are many girls in the girls dormitory and you can always compel anyone to accompany you to the club.” Darell stated and exhaled de-eply after having to talk so much at once.
“Exactly! You’re right Darell, I agree with you.” Spike said.

“But who do I take along with me? It’s going to be difficult for me trying to find another girl to compel.” Ryan grumbled. “You don’t have to start hand picking or whatever, just compel any girl – not as if you’re going to d@t£ the girl.” Spike replied him and shrugged his shoulders.
“Okay, I’ll give it a try.” Ryan sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

“But I have an idea!” Justin suddenly said with a smile on his face. “And what could that be?” Ryan asked.
“Why don’t you use ju-icy ‘s friend, Astrid? ju-icy would not be able to do anything about if probably she finds out, knowing fully well that we have Astrid’s nûd£ pictures.”
The moon had settled up on the sky being one of the brightest features in the boarding school. The boys were still asleep when Ryan left the be-d earlier than the time they scheduled and he proceeded to the girl’s dormitory.

ju-icy was up as well, she just couldn’t bring herself to get a shut eye with the vampires lur-k-ing. There were some girls whom were still up re-ading about some minutes ago but sleep gave in before they knew it and they sle-pt off.
She has to protect the girls of this school from them. She walked to the bathroom deciding to take another shower ap@rt from the compulsory one the school made sure everyone took.

She shed her clothes next to her closet before stepping into the bathtub. She turned the shower handle to a low tempo so it wouldn’t wake anyb©dy up.
While fondling the soap in her hand, she thought about the vampire boys and how stressed she had been since she discovered them.

She wordlessly washed herself enjoying how the water took time to ma-king her feel moisturized.
Ryan had gotten to the door and he worked his magic by easily walking pas-sed the door that was never locked incase of emergency. It wouldn’t be nice locking more than forty girls up in a hvge hall room. What if a fire started? Not one would be able to break the door down for others to flee.

He wasn’t doubting girl’s strength. Rather, he was taunting the fact that the boarding school was likely to raise week girls. They could help with gym lessons, tasks and ha-rder sports so they become more strong than they wish they were.

He heard the sounds of shower running. It wasn’t too loud but it definitely created a distinct gentle sounds.

He headed towards the door and entered without rethinking. There were so many tubs in there but only one was occu-pied. He walked straight to it and dragged the curtains ex-posing a n-ked and frightened ju-icy .
What on earth?!