Just be mine only for today episode 24

šŸ™ Just be mine only for todayšŸ™

šŸ˜(My Indian psycho)šŸ˜


By Choice novelsšŸ’ŽšŸ’ŽšŸ’Ž

Nit Twenty four šŸŽ†




He is a demonšŸ‘¹


No! I mean no, it can’t be
No….. it is not my ishaan

“No…. you must be mistaken, it is not my ishaan! ” I said and she bur-st into a hysterical laughter

“Seriously? ur ishaan?? ” She asked still laughing

“Awwwnnn so cute” She coddled cutely

“Get out! Get out” She yelled as I stared at her

“Am not leaving until you tell me why you will lie against ishaan” I yelled and she sm-irk

“Awwwnnn ya like a little bird, tra-pped in the nets of a demon”She said and I glared at her

“You want answers huh? ” She asked and I nodded

“Good, go into ishaan room, inside his table cu-pboard, open it, you will see an iPad that you will be asked to imprint a number, Type 3685 And it will led you to a secret door, there your answers awaits you! ” She said not sparing me a glance

I glared at her and walk out of the room briskly

How dare she accuse ishaan of r@pĀ£ and women S-xual abuse

I trust ishaan and I believe he cant do such a thing

*If you trust ishaan that much they why are you going to his room? my sub conscience asked and I gr0@ninwardly

I want to prove to that bit-ch that she is lying and ishaan is not who she think he is

*Or you want to prove to yourself that ishaan isn’t who she say he is! She taunted

Just shut up stupid mind

I walk into ishaan room which wasn’t locked
I walk towards his desk right across his room

Opening the drawer at the side of the desk, I saw an iPad just like she said

My heart pumped twice as I inputted the pas-sword

The wall at the side of his room slide open as I g@sp in shock

Omg! He did had a secret room
plea-se let this not be true

With a racing heart, I walk into the room and the wall close behind me

There were so many monitors and keyboards
Infact it looked like a room were these equipments were been sold

I walk towards the chair at the center of the whole hvge monitors and sat on the chair

I switched on the monitor and my picture appeared on the screen

I was beyond shocked!
This picture was taken in India, I was even in India clothes

The picture clearly wasn’t edited meaning the either ishaan c@mĀ£ to India and snapped me or he has some one stalking me in India

I quic-kly went to the videos and cli-ck on it but it didn’t open

I had to input a pas-sword, I tied the paasword that I use to unlock the doors but it still didn’t open

I tried so many names including his but it didn’t open

Then it hit me so I decided to try on last thing

I inputted I love neka and immediately it opened

I saw so many videos, I mean more like pĀ©rn videos just that the characters in this one was ishaan pla-ying the role

I swallowed in f0rƧĀ£fully and cli-ck on a p@rticular video as it pla-yed

šŸŽ„plea-se I beg you Lord ish, plea-se forgive me plea-se “The poor girl in the video cried as ishaan guards wi-de-ned her legs very very wi-de
She was n-ked

šŸŽ„Ohhh darling you know I don’t forgive that easily” Ishaan said with a devilishly sm-irk

He walk closer to the girl and inser-ted his d!Ā¢k f0rƧĀ£fully into her pvzzyas the girl screamed in pains

He kept ra-ping her unheeding to her pleads
He Ā¢v-med into her and stood up

Then he looked at the three boys holding on to her ti-ghtly
de-sire clouded their eyes

“Have fun guys! ” He said and they three guys re-move their shorts

To cut the long story short! They all R@pĀ£d her continuously taking turns by turns

The girl fainted due to too much bleeding as ishaan took a gun and shut her head off

Rage clouded my entire bĀ©dy
Ishaan! ishaan is a demon

Omg he is a fvĀ¢king demon!
I entered into the c@mĀ£ra footage and saw pictures of me n-ked

When I first c@mĀ£ and wanted to go take my bath
Omg! He has a c@mĀ£ra in the bathroom which he use to spy on me

I was a fool! To have ever trust a guy I just meet just because I knew him when he was a child

I can’t believe I choose this demon over emperor
I should have called off the engagement

After locking up everything in the office and ensuring no one will ever guess that someone c@mĀ£ into the office

I saw myself heading towards the wooden door as I got into the room and sat on the be-d in rage, shock and regrets

“Wow from the look of the expression on your face it seems you just found out things for yourself! ” She said ma-king two cu-ps of tea then handed one over to me as I gave her a little appreciation smile

She sat on the chair as she sipped put of her tea
Silence linger between us for a long time

“Why didn’t u scream or even try escaping! ” I asked and she smiled revea-ling her dimples

“Screaming in this room is pointless, it is a wooden door, no one can hear you no matter how loud you are”

“And escaping wasn’t an option! ” She explained while I kept staring at her

“Why wasn’t it an option? ”

“Because the securities here are very ti-ght, I would have escaped a long time when I snatched the key from Lord ish pocket” She said sipping of her tea

“Woah! Really? ” I asked and she nodded

“Yea, but when I successfully got out of the room, I was unlucky to be caught by his men, The five of wanted to r@pĀ£ me but ishaan saved me” She explained while I took a long gulp from my tea

“Wow! why did ishaan save you? “i asked and she shrugged

” I don’t know, maybe because he wasn’t yet satisfied with his constant ra-ping”

We both fell into silence again as we both concentrated on our thoughts

“How did you find out about his seceet room? ” I asked and she frowned dropping her cu-p on the desk close to her

“Because he took me there himself”

“What! really? ”

“Yea, the day he resuced me, he took me to the secret room and showed me images of so many girls he had R@pĀ£d!, he f0rƧĀ£d me to watch them all as their constant screaming of pains still hurt my dreams! ” She explained as her fist ti-ghtĀ£Ć±ed in anger and tears rolling out of her eyes in pains
“He showed me so many videos and each of them he ends up killing his victims, he then told me that the reason am not dead was because he still enjoyed my pvzzyand I shouldn’t try or do anything that will make him stĀ©p or even think of escaping cause I wouldn’t ”

Omg ishaan is a monster
He is a demon, how have I been leaving with such monster?

“Now let’s talk about you, How did you know ishaan? ” She asked as i frown

“We were childhood friends back in India….

“Wait hold on, did you just say India? ” She asked and I nodded

“Wait! meaning that lord ish is from India? ” She asked and I nodded while she g@sp

“Of course he is from India, anything the matter? ”

“No… not at all, just that nobĀ©dy on this planet is aware he is an India, we all thought he is a Russian”She said and I muttered a ” Ohh”

“plea-se go on….

” Well like I said, we were childhood friends from India, ishaan then was the sweetest guy I know, he had always protected me from bullies back then, everyone thought we were in love with each other cause of how well we were close, well I was secretly into him very much then
To cut the long story short, ishaan left India and I never got to see him again until I c@mĀ£ to America and he found me
I was so stupid to accept him so quic-kly without investigating how he got to find me
It was just now I discovered that he had been stucking me over there in India
Taking pictures of me ” I said breathing out loudly as a wow escaped herl-ips

“I was a fool, a big one, I was so in love with him or should I say obsessed with him that I didn’t care to see his flaws
Well things change when I got to meet angel emperor”

“Who is angel emperor? ”

“Ohhh angel emperor was my dream man, handsome, loving, kind, sweet, caring always there to save me when I nee-d him even when I don’t”

“Wow he sounds like a nice guy” She said while I smiled sadly

“Yea he was…..”

“Well if he was so good, why didn’t you d@tĀ£ him instead of ishaan? ”

“Like I said, I was a fool, I recently got to find my lost mum and she told me I was bethroted to ishaan right In the same day emperor proposed to me, I could have easily reject the bond between i and ishaan but I didn’t, instead I went ahead and him over emperor”

“Wow! ” She puffed out

“yea, Wow!…. I never knew ishaan was a fvĀ¢king monster” I said and she smile sadly

“We all made mistake when it comes to obse-ssion, I also was obsessed with ishaan” She said and I g@sp

“Yep, then I was so madly into him cause of how the media portrayed him
He was always donating to orphanage homes, giving to the poor, helping the nee-dy
he was that sweet guy that every girl dreamt of…. not until he R@pĀ£d me in front of my dad and killed my dad right in front of me” She said as tears streamed down her face

“OMG! ishaan did that? ” I asked and she nodded

“Yep and he has even done worst things to others”

“Wow! The devil you know is better than the one you don’t” I muttered and she nodded

“I totally agree”

“It’s nice been able to talk to a girl you know, it has been up to three months now” She said sadly as I smiled

“It’s nice been able to talk to you” I said and she smiled

“My name is mercy urs? ” she said stretching forth her hand

“Anneka or neka” I took her her as we both shook

“Nice to meet you”

“Same here” I replied smiling

My phone beep as I re-ad the text of the management box EhDu organising a dancing competition
My expression change to that of sadness

I really love dancing too bad I won’t be able to attend cause the competition is next month abd my wedding is also next month

“What’s wrong? ”

“My school is organising a dancing competition” I said and she muttered a “Ohh”

“let me guess you don’t know how to dance? ” She asked as I gave a heart felt laughter

“I do know how to dance”

“Then why the sad face? ” She asked and I frowned

“I can’t go! ”

