Just be mine only for today episode 23

🙏 Just be mine only for today🙏

😍(My Indian psycho)😍


By Choice novels💎💎💎

The competition 🔱

Nit Twenty three💖



If u guys don’t do well in this episode I will st©p the story 🙅

Like,comment 💬 and share before re-ading📖

Yay! it’s finally my pov💃

I watch as emperor gulp in another glas-s of wine 🍷

Don’t get me wrong, it is a non alcoholic wine 🍷
I mean emperor never drinks an alcoholic wine 🙅

But when ever he gets upset, he drinks and drinks until his stomach can no longer contain it

Gosh thosel-ips
I always imagine su-cking thosel-ips

Yap! I gat a hvge crush on emperor
I know am a tom boy and tom boys don’t crush on men but seriously I can’t help it

Emperor is a complete definition of a guy that has everything a girl nee-ds

He gat the looks, the charms, the wealth, the character

I love the fact that he isn’t one of those boys that waste most of their time talking instead of action
Emperor is a man of lesser words and more action

The perfect idle man for me ☺

“Emperor com’on you can’t kill yourself over that girl,she isn’t worth it! ” I said feeling jealous and irritated

He didn’t reply me but instead place the glas-s cu-p into hisl-ips taking a hvge gulp out of the wine while staring at his phone

The way hisl-ips Redden as the wine t©uçh hisl-ips make me felt so jealous of the glas-s cu-p

His eyeslid bartered together ma-king him look so adorable
I better st©p staring before I do something am not supposed to

I took the glas-s from him and he pouted adorably

“Hey! What gives? ” He asked and I smiled

“I said u nee-d to st©p drinking and drowning urself in agony over that girl… ”

“But it isn’t an alcoholic wine” He said wining like a child ma-king me to laugh

“I know but still, you nee-d to st©p drowning ur sorrows in it”

“Alright ma’am sergeant Sophie” He saluted me in a stylish manner as we both end up laughing

His laughed was so pure and unique
Trust me, that anneka girl is a big fool for choosing Lord ish over emperor

“Have you seen Mason anywhere?” He asked and I shook my head

“Nah…. I overheared him say he wanted to visit a friend! ”

“Ohhh, anyway I was thinking maybe it’s high time we drop a new albu-m ” He said and I flare up excitedly

“Omg seriously emperor? ” I asked and he nodded laughing

“Yea, we have been away from the music world for so long besides I gat a new song idea” He said and I smiled

Yes he was right
We have been away from the music world for a long time

Emperor has been too busy with his companies that he ba-rely has time for music

But now he is back!
The EmS are back!
I can’t wait to be on stage once again

“Tell mase to see me once he comes okay? ” I nodded swiftly and he smiled and patted my cheeks

I felt my cheeks heated up as I watch him little well curvy bu-tt towards the elevator

l!çk!ng myl-ips at how well it was curvy and petite

“I gat to have a taste of that! ”

“Ohhh and Sophie? ” He called out and I quic-kly turn to his direction

“Yes emperor”

“Post it on the schools blog as an announcement, the EmS are looking for a legitable and good dancers, they must be made up of four in a group
It is not compulsory that all must each group must be of different species
A group can be made of four girls or even four boys, I don’t mind, as far as they all are very good dancers”He said and I nodded

“Alright emperor I will inform everyone, any specific time for the competition? ”

“Yea, the competition will be held next month before our new albu-m will drop, so each group will have enough time to practice while we work on the song”

“Alright emperor I will do that right away! ”

“Thanks Sophie, am going to rest plea-se am not to be disturbe-d” He instructed and I nodded

Wow! a competition huh
In EhDu?
This should be interesting😏

General 💞

“Good day everyone, my name is Amy reporting live from EhDu”

“As we all know, our dearly beloved management has been putting a hold in all social activities here in EhDu

But am here to gladly inform you all that the hold has been called to a st©p!

That’s right!
I have just been informed by the authorities that EhDu will be holding their first group dance competition after a long time

It will be held by next month to give candid@t£s enough time to prepare for the upcoming

As usually, it has to be a group of four
This time it isn’t compulsory that the group must have different S-x
It can be an all female or all male group depending on how well your team can dance

And the winners of this competition gets so many rewards

The authorities has promised to give them a cheque of twenty million dollars
Four million each

A free all paid trip to Hawaii 🌋 with extra spice 😉

A sponsorsh!pto any dance institution of their choice

And lastly a performance With the EmS next concert live next month

Is this exciting or what?
Well if you haven’t gotten yourself a group then now is the chance to get yourself one

And yes everyone is allowed to compete
No discrimination allowed

May the odds be in our favor

Still your favorite school reporter, Amy shredock
Good day everyone

Diamond 💎
“Ohhh my God diamond did you hear that? ” Amelia screamed excitedly splashing water all around

“Calm down Lia” I said laughing

Well, we were all at our pri-vate pool in our headquarters
I mean the DAS divas headquarters

And yes, we just finished watching Amy’s live report about the competition

“Am so excited, I mean after so many years emperor decided to host a competition for all” She yelled still splashing water on both I and dasie

“Lia! ” Dasie yelled at her

“Oops sorry! ”

“Am just so excited! ” she muttered getting out of the pool

“Everyone in EhDu is Lia, it is a hvge competition after a long time! I wonder what made emperor bring up the idea” Dasie said and I nodded

“It doesn’t matter why he brou-ght it up, didn’t u hear Amy said that the EmS were going to have a concert next month, maybe that’s why emperor wants back up dancers” Lia explained as I sm-irk taking a sip out of my wine

“What do you think diamond? ”

“I don’t care what his reasons are, but this competition will give me an opportunity to finally kill three birds with one stone”

“i don’t un-derstand diamond! ”

“If I win the competition, I can finally have emperor as mine and Shame both my useless sisters”

“And how do you intend to win the competition? Remember this competition isn’t only for our school, all of emperor’s other institutions will be attending” Dasie said and I rolled my eyes

“I am the best dancer in all of EhDu and trust me, I will certainly win this competition” I said with confidence as they nodded

Just wait and see dear sisters
Emperor will be mine! mine and mine alone 😏

To say am bored is an un-der Statment, I am beyond bored
Like I am really really bored

Right now, am at ishaan’s mansion, since there was no school today

I intended on calling the girls at home but I kicked against it

I have abandoned them for a long time and am not sure they would forgive me cause even I, can’t forgive myself

Ishaan went on a business trip leaving me here

Hmm I guess it is time I check out what’s in that wooden door

I took the key that I ask a blacksmith to make for me
I hope it opens the door

Walking majestically towards the door, I breathed out as I de-ep the key inside

plea-se open plea-se
I heard a crack as I jump up in excitement

Opening the door wi-dely, I walked in

It was a hvge room with a TV set, a be-d, a refrigerator and some other things

Why will ishaan put a wooden door in such a cute and sweet room

“Stay away from me, don’t come close! ” I heard a voice and I turned sharply to see a girl looking well dressed but her eyes were Redden

“Excuse me! ”

“Stay away from me, who are you? did Lord ish s£nd you huh? ” She yelled pointing a knife at me

The only question on my mind was, why would ishaan have a mental disorder girl on his house

“Look I don’t want to harm you” I said walking towards her

“I said stay away! ” She yelled still pointing the knife at me and I rolled my eyes

in a flash I was able to collect the knife from her hand
Her eyes wi-den in fear and shock

“How.. did… you do that? ” She asked and I smiled

“Relax, am not going to hurt you, ”

“Liar, that’s what he always say before he r@p£s and beats me” She yelled with tears rolling out of her eyes

“What! Who? ” I asked

“Lord ish of Course! ” She coll@pse on the floor crying

Am sorry! did she just say Lord ish?.
Asin ishaan? my own ishaan?

I bur-sted into laughing as she stared at me in confusion

“What’s Funny? ”

“Did you Say Lord ish r@p£s and beat you? ” I ask and she nodded

I bur-sted into laughter laughing so ha-rd that my Tommy hurts

She stared at me with a plain serious expression, it was then I realized she was serious

But how? I mean OMG….


Ehhhnn finally anneka has find out

What will happen now??

Hmmm this competition will be tough ohhh😏
Who else is re-ady?

Who else wants Sophie for emperor since neka Is messing up😒