Just be mine only for today episode 25

? Just be mine only for today?

?(My Indian psycho)?


By Choice novels???

Nit Twenty Five?

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The mask girl


“I can’t go! ”

“Why not? ” She asked and I frown

“My wedding is coming up next month? ”

“Why do u talk about this wedding like u are really looking forward to it” She asked as I gave a short laughter

“I hate it, I hated it before, but now I know who ishaan really is, I hate it more! ” I spatted out hatefully

“So why speaking about the wedding? ”

“Because it is the perfect time to expo ishaan for the beast he really is” I said with an evil sm-irk..

“Hmm I don’t un-derstand?, how do u plan on achieving that? ”

“Just relax and watch me, I will expo ishaan for the beast he really is, on the day of our wedding and that is a promise! ”

“Hmmm well I believe you, so… moving on, wont u attend the auditions for the dance competition? “She asked and I shook my head

” I can’t, I have to concentrate more on ex-posing ishaan, besides I can’t risk my identity. if ishaan gets to find out that I am going for the audition that emperor organise, then he will doubt my love for him and figure out my plans easily? “I explained as she seems lost for a second

” hey! are you okay? “I called out

” Yea, I was just thinking… did you say emperor? “She asked and I nodded

” Asin emperor R0m-ns, the multi trillionaire, Aka all around ladies man? the most handsome dude in all of America or even the world? “She asked excitedly as I stared at her

” Wow! that’s a great impression of him “I said rolling my eyes and she chuckle

” OMG, emperor is so cool, I can’t believe he once had feelings for you”

“Ohhh no, hold on, no one said anything about him having feelings for me”I said nervously and she laughed

” Why will a guy propose to gitl if he doesn’t have any feelings for her? ” She asked while I just blus-h looking away

“Awwwn looks like someone has also fallen ha-rd ” She taunted as my cheeks Redden

“Ohh shut up! ” ? I said as she kept laughing

“You know my papa once told me before he died that once someone finds the perfect match for him/herself, he makes sure he does everything so he doesnt loose that person”She said sadly .

“You miss him don’t you? ” I asked and she nodded

“Very much…. ” Silence linger between us

“You know what? ” She asked and I shook my head

“No, What? …

” You are going to attend that audition! ” She said and I gro-an

“I told you, I can’t! ”

“I know, you said you don’t want ishaan to find out that you are attending and you don’t want your identity to be hidden”

“Yes, have said that a million times now” I rolled my eyes and she chuckled

“How about we hide your identity? ” She said and I stared at her asif she was going nut

“Hide my identity? ” I asked and she nodded

“Yep! We give you a face mask to wear, and when ya done with the audition, you will run back home immediately! ” She said and I shook my head in disapproval

“Nah! that can’t possibly work, I mean even if I succeed in hiding my face, someone can still recongise me by my b©dy status”

“Just trust me, I can handle that, all you nee-d is too be in with this plan”

“Nah .. I can’t…

” plea-se let me help you, just like you intend to help me”She pleaded as I stared at her briefly

I mean it is not too bad if I give it a trial
She says she will take care of my identity and besides I love dancing
I may even get to see emperor

“Okay am in! ” I said and she squeal jumping for joy

“Yay! This will be so much fun, you will be like the masked lady everyone will be dying to see her face, ” She said dramatically while I roll my eyes

“Yea yea! ” I snorted while she just kept smiling like a maniac

“So were do we start from, your hair? or your shape? ohh no let’s start with your hair” She said giggling as I smiled at her lively nature

I was scared to be honest
What if I get caught?? what if my plan with ishasn fails?

Gosh! This is so scary yet exciting

I smiled taking a sip out off the clas-sic Mexico wine
Good wine?

Am so excited, I mean everything is falling into place

Beauty is un-der my control and soon will be signing the transfer do¢v-ments to my name

My beautiful daughters Becca and diamond are doing quite well, as Becca is now number one on the world billboard as the greatest american model
Diamond obviously will win the dance contest organise by emperor

And soon she will be recognized as the greatest dancer of all time and besides there is no one that can dance more than my two princesses

And as for that step son of mine, he is closer to his death

Soon I will be the world riche-st woman and boss the world riche-st man

Wow! Imagine I, Aliyah Lucy sharikina, the ruler of the shin empire in India
And the most powerful and riche-st woman in the world

Gosh! Just thinking of such wealth makes my heart throbble

I so much love been in control
I will be feared by so many

“Fear? Is that what you de-sire? ” Her voice echoed in the room and I rolled my eyes

“What is it now Zi-pher” I turned to see her

She was now in the disguise of a fairy ?‍♀️
She looks really pretty

“You really think fear is what should be your aim? ” She asked and I frown

“I ask again, why are you here Zi-pher? ”

“I just c@m£ to remind you that the goddess is giving you one more chance to change from ur evil ways” She said and I bur-st into a satisfying laughter

“Ohhh my God! ya so funny Zi-pher”

“Really? ” She asked and I smiled

“Do you really think I care about your pathetic goddess and her useless warnings? ”

“Hmm watch your words aliyah” She warned and I rolled my eyes

“No you watch it, Gosh! You can’t just barge into my house and threaten me” I yelled and she smiled

“Are you going to change aliyah or not? ” She asked and I sm-irk walking very close to her
“Go tell your goddess to fv¢k herself! ” I whispered and she frowned

“It is so ! Namaste then” She bowed and disappeared

Mtcheeew Good riddance to bad ru-bbish

Immediately the door bell rang and I quic-kly head to the door to get it

Opening the door, I froze on my sp©t?
There he was, smiling speech lushly

Looking devilishly handsome and more dashing in the bad boy jacket he wore

Fear clouded me as I couldn’t move or even think

“Hello Lucy” He said still with the devilishly smile on

“lu… k.. e…. Luke?? ”

“Miss me?? ” He asked as I couldn’t utter a word

“That’s right, am back and am going to make you pay! I will destroy you Lucy, so watch your back, cause your worst nightmare is here! ” He said and blew me a k!ssthen left

He is back
No! no! no! no! this cannot be happening

I smiled as I catwalk into the dancing audition room with my girls

Crazy fans screamed our names and I sm-irk in satisfaction
Thats more like it

I don’t even know why I am auditioning
I mean obviously am the most popular dancer in all of America

The screams bec@m£ louder as I turned to the direction it was coming from
I saw Becca catwalking into the audition arena with style with three other girls I don’t know

What the fv¢k is she doing here?
She arent supposed to be here

She blew me a k!ssand win-ked at me as rage grew inside of me

How dare she!
She is here to ruin my plans but I swear she won’t succeed
I glared at her

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen, as we all know this is the audition for the best group dancers in all of EhDu and the world today” The announcer yelled and everyone screamed excitedly

“Not to waste our time, lets go into the audition today, Am sure everyone here has their groups and their various leaders? “She asked and we nodded

” Good! Now the audition will be divided into various categories, today we will be picking out which group will be allowed to perform.
We have up to twenty groups here and we will be selecting only seven for the competition
We will be asking the group leaders to a dance off, and whosever group leader dances beautifully, he or she and their various groups will be going for the competition. So shall we begin! “She yelled and we screamed ” Yes”

“Good! all the group leaders to the stage” She instructed as I and nineteen others proceed to the stage

“It seems this will be a tough one cause we have the best dancers in the house” She yelled and everyone screamed

“Alright, once I call the name of your group, you proceed to the stage and dance to any beat pla-yed for you! ” She instructed and we nodded

“Alright, The mSu leader, proceed to the stage” She announced and the guy walk towards the stage

He was been given a ra-p music by DJ khaled to dance to the tune
Omg the guy was so good…
He dance to the tune so perfectly but he isnt still as good as I am

The music ended and the crowd roared in screams

“Wow! Give it up for mSu” She yelled and the scream increa-sed

“Next up, B42! ” She yelled and a girl c@m£ out

She dance also beautiful, so as to the other 17 contestants
Finally it was my turn

I walk to the arena as the screams that were heard were deaf blocking
I sm-irk at Becca before proceeding to dance a h!phop song by Nicki Minaj

The way I whine and twist my w@!st got people screaming and shouting

I finished off with a slide down receiving several screams and applause

“Wow that was awesome! Next up The magic” she yelled and Becca stepped out

Her screams were also deafening and got me really jealous
She was given a ballet song to dance yet she crushed it so easily

She dance so well that people sprayed her money
Anger and jealous grew in me
She rounded up her dancing and wi-nk at me while I glared at her

“Wow, just wow, the last performance of the day is The Gems” She yelled and people cl@pped a little

A girl with a mask face stepped out boldy as people murmured

Silence lingered around as we all waited for her to start



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