Judas in the church – episode 12

Judas in the church

Episode 12

Brother Chuks had asked sister Gift to wait after rehearsals that he has something to discuss with her. And so after the rehearsals sister Gift waited. Happiness had asked her to come let them walk home together but she had insisted on waiting to see brother Chuks. Happiness felt somehow but decided to go.

After sometime brother Chuks c@m£ to sister Gift and asked that they walk home together.

”Sister Gift, do you know you are a very beautiful girl and a very talented sister” he asked. ”Ah MD, you have started teasing me o, me talented singer, anyways thank you. I have a good MD and he is teaching me well.” She responded.

”Sister Gift, I want to settle down, a lot of sisters are on my n£¢k in this church and I don’t like it, I just want to settle down with one so that the others can let me be”.

Gift looked at him before answering. ”But everyone knows you have someone you are engaged to and you love so much. And so even if many of us are attra-cted to you we just have to stay off because you are taken alre-ady.”

They both laughed for sometime and then brother Chuks continued. ”Actually dear, there is no one in my life. That was a story I just put up to scare girls away and still they keep flocking around me. No matter how ha-rd I try. I really just wanna serve God. (He raised his hands up to heaven as he was speaking) Am burning for Him, my life my everything is for him, I don’t want these distractions but these sisters won’t let me be.” He finally concluded.

”That’s really bad o Gift said, I love how you love the Lord. I just hope these sisters don’t drag you to sin o.

Chuks then held her hands. ”Sister Gift. I have observed you in the choir for some time and you are different, I want you to be my special friend. Together we can work for God and make heaven proud. I am really attra-cted to you. Let’s be one. I have prayed about this and the holyspirit has as-sured me that you are the one. plea-se don’t say no to me plea-se. ” he was almost going down on his knees.

”MD, sister Gift replied, God is faithful. If only you know how much I have secretly prayed for you to be mine. Yes! I accept yes! Together let’s make heaven proud. ” she jumped on him and gave him a ti-ght hvg. ” But you have to keep this within us for now okay? Whenever I tell of my special friend now, be aware that it is you. Okay my love?” Chuks asked. ”Yes yes yes she replied giggling excitedly.

They walked a little distance before they p@rted ways. Brother Chuks had told Gift he would want her to visit him later so they can sing together. He was very happy that he was able to win her. He looked at himself over and spoke silently to himself.

”The Lord is good” he smiled and went his way.

To be continued!

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