Judas in the church – episode 13 & 14

Judas In The Church
Episode 13.
Brother Chuks arrived at sister Happiness’s place, he turned and looked around before entering into the compound. When sister Happiness opened the door and saw it was him she was surprised. Since that day he hasn’t spoken with her and so she wondered what he c@m£ to do.
”Welcome Brother Chuks” she greeted! He stepped in and opened his hands for an embr@ce, she went to him and hvgged him. He held her right not wanting to let her go. But finally she pu-ll-ed away.
”Brother Chuks I hope all is well, this one you c@m£ visiting.” Happiness asked. ”Sister Happiness”, he began, I know you still feel awkward from the last time and I am sorry about that. I have made peace with God and I hope you have too?” She was silent.
”However, I c@m£ to inform you not to flog yourself too much. You know why?” He asked her smiling and holding her two hands with his gaze fully on her. ”No ” she responded shaking her head in the negative. ”Come here” he said as he dragged a chair and sat on it, then he carried her on his l@ps. ”Because God told me I shouldn’t let you go, He said I should love you and keep you close to my heart” Happiness was looking at him trying to un-derstand what he was saying.
”But you have a fiancee, you’ve always told us that” Brother Chuks started laughing loud. ”Happy baby listen, that was just a made up story to scare girls away from me. But right now I do have a fiancee in you. God has told me not to let go and so I will hold on ti-ght to you Happy my treasure.” He was by now fondling and pla-ying with her brea-st.
Happiness just la-id mute, she didn’t know what to think or believe. Gradually hisl-ips found hers and they k!$$£d. He gradually la-id her on the be-d and for the second time he sle-pt with her.
When he was throu-gh this time, he felt no remorse, he just put on his trou-sers, gave her a pe-ck and left saying he would see her later. Happiness stood up to clean herself up and then she noticed it.
Itching has started again!
She quic-kly remembered her ordeal and the treatment she had been on since two weeks which she just concluded days ago.
”Eh!!!!!!”. She shouted!
Episode 14
That same evening sister Gift had dished the correct chicken stew and rice that she had prepared and she had taken it to Brother Chuks. As they sat and ate together they chatted. Sister Gift was really excited.
Gift: MD, do you know I’m the luckiest girl in the world?
Chuks: why do you say that?
Gift: of all the girls in the church. Pretty girls at that. You chose me. Ain’t I lucky?
They both laughed for a while and then she continued.
Gift: I can’t wait for the whole church to know that I am the new Mrs. Chuks…..
Chuks quic-kly st©pped her, ”no no no, don’t o, you want to go out there and start announcing it? You can’t do that o plea-se. I want to take it slow okay? Do you know how many desperate girls are in the church that want me to themselves? I want to take it slow and before another ear will hear of what is happening they will see our wedding card”.
At the sound of wedding card, Gift melted in his arms, she was so excited she didn’t realize when she blew him a k!ss. When she realized what she did she quic-kly bec@m£ sober and apologised. ”I’m sorry, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that”.
Brother Chuks smiled before talking. ”It’s okay my dear, It’s okay. Can I ask you a question? ” he asked, ”anything ” replied Gift. ” do not feel awkward about this okay? I’m just asking okay? Are you a vir-gin?” Gift bec@m£ sad and quiet and Chuks immediately un-derstood the meaning of that. ”Nah, nah don’t do that. I told you not to feel somehow i was just asking okay?” He said trying to lift her chin to make her smile.
”I am so sorry about that” Gift said trying to explain. But he shut her up with his hands. ”I said it is okay” I was only asking. And if you must know I am a vir-gin, I’ve never been with any woman before, so you have a lot to teach me, I hope you don’t mind”? Gift’s face lighten up as she smiled. ”I’d do my best” she said.
They continued chatting until it was dark. And Gift stood up to leave, but Chuks held her and wouldn’t let her go.
Chuks: oh I wish you can stay, I’d be so lonely without you, you’ve lighten up my day and I’m beginning to feel things I’ve never felt before.
Gift: (excited) I could stay if you want me to.
Chuks: really? You would stay with me?
Gift: yes na if you don’t mind.
”Of course I don’t mind, plea-se stay with me plea-se.” He begged.
Gift: MD you don’t have to beg me to stay because I will stay.
Chuks was happy, ”oh I am very happy now, I won’t be lonely tonight, if only you know how lonely it gets at night. I’m glad I have you with me and for me” he tickled her by the side and she laughed. And then he quic-kly added. ” And you can start teaching me some of those things tonight”’
Gift: MD…….
Chuks: hey babe, st©p that, st©p calling me MD, call me by my names if you don’t have any sweet name for me, I am your husband to be remember?
Gift: alright I will call you……..MD, only this time it means My Darling. And it is still coded, no one will suspect.
Chuks: that’s smart of you babe. I like it. Come here ”he said”
She went before him and started k!ss!nghim and of course they ended up in the be-d.
To be continued
This will serve as a lesson to  every lady.
Hmm! A pla-yer will always be a pla-yer!
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