I hate to love him Episode 7 to 9

I hate to love him 😍
Episode 7
The next two hours of lecture was a bit boring. I couldn’t concentrate on what the lecturer taught us, he just kept going on and on about a t©pic which made me wish I had just stayed home. I kept pla-ying candy crush on my phone.
” So clas-s this is going to be a group work, you’ll be grouped according to your matric numbers” the lecturer said.
I was extremely happy when he carried his books and left the clas-s.
As soon as I got to know my group members, I dashed out of the lecture room and went for my next lecture. I quic-kened my steps when I saw ‘ the girl’s who attacked me. she was chatting gleefully with her friends. I turned around immediately to take the other stair case when I heard her call me. as much as she was beautiful, I hated her voice.
“hey” she gave me a mona-lisa kind of smile which made me so uncomfortable.
‘this girl is so fake’. I thought within.
I looked away and adjusted the stra-ps of my bag.
“hi” I replied coldly. I res£nted her so much even though I know little about her, the little I knew was enough for me. I mean what normal person would blame me for being friendly with Noah. she didn’t know our story. we’ve been practically enemies for a long time, now that I’ve finally got to know how nice he is, I would do anything to keep him as mine
“its still funny he left me for you”. she kept gesturing with her small hands in a way that irritates me. I kept my cool and let out a soft sigh.
” Am sorry ….who?” I asked . she fumed at me and her face turned sour which made chuckle. I love the fact that I was really getting un-der her skin.
“look here You idiot….. he’s mine, you better stay away” she roared.
“I still don’t know what you are on about….. Anyway.. I’ll see you around” I gave her a disdainful look and walked away.
I walked into the lecture hall trying to search for rose. she had told me she was going to ditch the first lecture but was going to show up for URP 103.
I found a seat and sat down. I took out my phone , attached it’s earpiece to eat and plug it into my ears. I felt someone tap me which made me look back……..
lola’s POV
“I c@m£ to check on you” he said and I avoid his gaze.
I fumbled with the door knob confused on what to do. I felt like shutting the door on him, but then again I wanted to spend the whole day with him.
I had ditched lectures today because I had a little stomach upset, I couldn’t look after myself all day because rose had travelled to get some food stuffs, so it was more like a blessing he visited.
I step aside and let him in.
“rose called me….have you used any drugs?” He looked concerned which made me feel like pu-lling him into a ti-ght hvg. I gave him a soft nod.
slumped back on my be-d and drank the water next to me. The water made feel like throwing up but i had no choice but to finish it up because of the powdered drugs I had put in it. Noah sat next to me and brou-ght out some discs.
“I brou-ght some films….I don’t know what you would like” he took out his l@pt©p and showed me the CD’s
I looked throu-gh all the films and one caught my attention.
“kill Bill?… I have been looking for this film” I exclaimed excitedly and pla-yed the film. he gave me a smile which showed he was plea-sed by the way I reacted.
Episode 8 😳
“I really liked this film” I smiled and nudged Noah’s arm. He scrunched his face pretending to feel the pain on his arm. ” Am glad you did”. He took my hand in his palm which made me shudder. I drew my hand back immediately.
” Am still mad at you Noah” . I paused waiting for his response, he kept his gaze and acted calm.
” The girl thinks you are her b©yfri£nd”
“am not” he retorted.
“she really likes you Noah ….I …. don’t even think am a match sef, she’s so pretty-”
“you are pretty too”. Noah took my hands back in his hands. He had a way of looking at me that always make me feel like drawing him closer and k!sshim.
He stared into my eyes and li-cked hisl-ips which made its colour more prominent. I leaned in for a k!ssbut he pu-ll-ed back. I was astonished by his action but he simply smiled.
” am not going to k!ssyou, until you believe me…. Lola that girl isn’t even my type”.
“st©p acting like she’s just some girl jor”. I wrinkled my face and pout my mouth which made him chuckle.
“what’s her name?” I asked
” Why would you nee-d her name”. He looked so confused.
“I just want to know jor”
“Ife” he replied.
” Oh okay”. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms loosely on my che-st.
lola’s POV
“Why won’t this girl just leave me alone now” . I let out a gro-an , Rose gave me a questioning look and handed my phone to her.
” Why would any normal person s£nd this to someone…. don’t mind her Lola…. she’s just bluffing”. Rose returned the phone to me and gave me a reas-suring smile. I sighed heavily , took the phone from her and kept it in my bag. I had been getting crazy text messages from Ife for the past one week. How she got my number is what I don’t even know.
I initially thought it was all a joke, but right now telling me she’d rip my face off isn’t something i can joke with. This message s£nt a chill down my spine.
I couldn’t concentrate throu-ght the days lectures. I rushed home and left Rose in school.
‘ I have to tell Noah’ i thought within . He is the only one who could st©p her from s£nding further messages to me. I dialled his number as soon as I got home.
‘the number you’ve dialled is not available at the moment , plea…..’ I cut the phone and slumped on my be-d. I couldn’t think straight but I f0rç£d my b©dy to cooperate. I slowly fell asleep in my room, the o my place I co sidered safe from harm’s way.
she launched a punch at my face which made me fall to the ground. I tried to get back on my feet but I was too late, she sat on me and scratched my face with her disgusting long nails.
I screamed for Rose but she just stood there fear written all over face.
Ife stood up and rolled me in the mud, she sat on my back , this time she kept hitting me with a big ha-rd stone.
just when I thought my life would be over soon, Rose pushed her off me and they both rolled, each struggling to over power the other. in split seconds Rose took the stone from her and kept smashing her face with it.
I weakly stood up and held Rose’s hand , I stared at ife’s blood covered face and I couldn’t even recognise her any longer.
I kept crying and scream “she dead! oh my God!”
I screamed loud enough to make rose startled.
“are you okay. You sounded like you were crying” she had a concerned look on her face. I decided against telling her, she would only think am been paranoid…………..
Lola POV
I stood in front of Noah’s ap@rtment and dialled his number, he picked it up at first ring.
In a few seconds he c@m£ out to meet me. ” why didn’t you just knock on my door, rather than calling me” he furrowed his eyebrows.
” Am…… sorry. look I c@m£ to talk to you about Ife” I exhaled and looked at him.
He squinted his eyes ” what’s with Ife this time”.
“she’s been threatening me”.
He put his arms around my n£¢k and we walked into his ap@rtment.
” are you sure it’s her?” He looked confused.
“oh! do you have other girls I should be worried about” I flared.
” hey, come down….. okay?”. He sat down on his be-d and motioned me to sit too. He gave me a weak smile which made me return it a glare.
I was so not in the mood for a smile or whatsoever. I nee-ded those text messages to st©p.
“you nee-d to talk to her…… Am so scared right now,I’ve been having dreams”
Noah put his palm on hisl-ips trying to hold back his laughter. I punched him a little and gave him i-am-serious look which made him st©p laughing.
He leaned on his back and stared at the ceiling.
“those messages are scary Noah…..plea-se tell her to st©p”
“oh……Kay okay! I will. but I don’t think you should take her seriously”
I glared at him. I stood up and went for the door .
I turned at the doorway to look at him “just help me talk to her… plea-se”. I walked out of his room and went back home.
Noah’s POV
“Ife you have to st©p all this cra-p!”. she just kept looking at me. I felt like smashing her face but I had to be a gentle man.
“I don’t even know what you are talking about” she replied.
“next time she gets any message from you…. I swear you’ll regret ever knowing me” I shouted.
she wiped the tears on her face” you are threatening me beacuase of that idiot”.
“I don’t care…… just.. just st©p messaging her”. I shook my f!nger at her, in a bid to warn her and stepped back. I gave her one last look then walked off.
I sat in the lecture room while the lecturer spoke, we had ARC101. “lola” I felt someone tap me from the back, I turned around and smiled at him.
Ife had st©pped s£nding me messages. in fact anytime she sees me, she always avoids me like a plague.
Rose and I went out on several d@t£s with Danladi and Noah (double d@t£s). As for ade, haven’t been seeing much of him to my relief.
“what’s up” he smiled at me and I chuckled ” we’ll talk after clas-s…..”. He smiled and started jotting.
“lola”. Noah gr@bb£d my wrist.
“Noah” I smiled.
“i was thinking if we could hang out this evening”
“we hang out evrytime” I rolled my eyes.
“I mean like a real d@t£…. just you and I alone”.
” oh that type of da..’re” I dragged my words and raised my eyebrows, which made him laugh.
” Yes that type ” he nodded.
” okay…I’ll be re-ady by 7:00, don’t keep me waiting”.
He smiled and put his hand around my w@!st and walked to our next clas-s.
” you should have stayed back now…look at you…your cloth is dripping”. I exclaimed and dragged him inside my room,
Rose wasn’t around so it was just Noah and I. He went straight into the bathroom and locked the door.
He c@m£ out with one of my towels,he placed it around his n£¢k.
“I guess there won’t be any d@t£” he sighed, I could see he was frustrated alre-ady.
” we can have a d@t£ here…we can just pl@yscrabble… I have some slice bre-ad to, so I’ll just make a sandwich” I looked at him. He smileed at me and I went to the kitchen to prepare the sandwich.
within ten minutes I was back with the plates of sandwich. i served him his plate and got the scrabble from where I kept it.
“do you want to eat first?” I asked.
“I’ll do both” he gave me a slight smile.
lola’s POV
Noah tickled me as I tried to get away from him, I had won the game because I cheated. so he kept tickling me to punish me.
“st…..op….it” I choked on my laughter as I tried to gr-ab his jaw, but he just pinned my hand and kept tickling me with his other hand.
“ple..ase now”.
He st©pped and made me roll over him. He grinned nd I sma-cked his che-st. He held his che-st pla-yfully, like it had an effect on him.
” you this girl, you are a cheat Shey you know”
“yea I know, more of a talent” I wiggled my ton-gue which made him laugh. The rain had st©pped now, but I didn’t let him go home. I mean it was too dangerous to walk home.
He kept staring at me and I felt a little uneasy. I gave him slight smile.
He put his hand on my back and pu-ll-ed me closer. I opened my mouth to say something, but he suddenly covered my mouth with his.
myl-ips p@rted with a sharp intake of breath.
He rolled over me,pu-ll-ed back and gazed at myl-ips. He slowly leaned in to k!ssme again. I stared at him before closing my eyes while k!ss!nghim.
A small m0@n escaped myl-ips. The taste of hisl-ips was just so awesome.He drew closer to me, this time my br£@st were pressed against his ha-rd che-st. i returned his k!ssand then wra-pped my arms around him. He reached for my tank t©p and pu-ll-ed it up revealling my two br£@st cover in two lace cu-p br@. He un-hooked my br@ and shifted it up so that it displa-yed my two firm big brea-sts. He st©pped k!ss!ngand let out gr0@nas he fed his eyes with the view.
He stared and then brou-ght hisl-ips over my ti-ps, circling it before covering it with his we-t ton-gue while he fondled with the other brea-st. I was lost in de-sires but I couldn’t let him get it that easy.
I pushed him a little, then pu-ll-ed my br@ over my brea-sts.He rolled away from me and letting out a gr0@nof frustration.
I pushed my tank t©p back on too.
” Am sorry…Am just not re-ady” I said.
He kept mute and gave me a nod. I smiled at him and backed away. He shut his eyes.
I leaned back to him and gave him a k!sson the cheek, before backing him…..
Episode 9 🚶🏾🚶🏾
I stood at the bus st©p as the heavy rain poured and splattered dirt on my legs. I had been waiting in the school bus st©p for the past ten minutes for a bus. I turned and saw a girl behind me. Our eyes met and she walked up to me, shivering.
“plea-se can I share the umberella with you?” She asked.
“yea sure” I nodded and smiled at her.
“ughhhhh can you just st©p” she screamed a little, which startled me, I narrowed my eyes and stared at her.
“its the rain…. It’s annoying now” she gro-an ed.
“oh the rain…. Yea I get… Oh there’s a bus coming” I looked at her and grinned.
We both struggled to get into the bus , there were too many people trying to get on it too.
I sat there silent and kept checking the pictures on my phone.
“he’s cute” she said.
“what?” I was confused.
“that guy…. Your b©yfri£nd….. I can see you’ve been staring at his picture” she pointed at the screen.I smiled and shook my head ” he’s just my friend…. Although I like him…” I replied.
“so what are you waiting for?……” She chuckled and held her bag to her che-st like she was hvgging someone which made me scrunched my nose.
“Uhm… Am still taking my time” I was uncomfortable telling her things about me.
We both got out of the bus and trekked together.
” so I’ll see you around….. I live just down the street” she smiled and win-ked at me. “hey let me have your number” she asked. I called out my digit. ” save it as Lola”. I said.
“all done… By the way am Rita” she smiled and waved at me.
I rushed towards my phone and picked it.
“am on my .. oh…” she said from the other end.
” okay no problem”. I replied.
Rita had told me earlier during our chats that she was going to be visting me anytime soon, I just didn’t know when it would be until she called now.
I rushed out of the bathroom and prepared some noodles and eggs. I heard a knock on the door and opened it.
” ahaha did you fly?” I asked. She chuckled and pinched my arm.
“I was just around the vicinity when I called now” she replied.
I motioned for her to have a sit. I took out my l@pt©p and pla-yed a film for her and headed back to the kitchen. I brou-ght back two plates of noodles and served her one.
She laughed heartily which made me smile. “this Melissa and Joey is a very funny film ooo…. Melissa is so funny” .
I grinned at her “yes she is”
” Am not sure I’ll be able to finish it…. But I’ll s£nd it to my phone. Do you have the season 2″ she asked.
” No I don’t… Am not sure if it has a season 2″ I answered and she nodded “okay”.
We were in the middle of our discussion when Rose, Danladi and Noah walked in.
“hey” I grinned at Noah.
He smiled at me and sat beside me on the be-d. While rose dropped her hand bag and re-moved her sandals. Danladi stood and kept pressing his phone. I looked at Rita who was alre-ady flashing Noah a smile.
“guys.. meet Rita. Rita this is Rose,that’s her b©yfri£ndDanladi and this is my friend Noah”.
She smiled and held out her hand to Noah which he shook.
” You look more cute In person” she said. She totally ignored Rose and Danladi. Not sure this was intentional, but I could see Rose was angry, she scoffed and I arch my brows at her. She shook her head and went to the bathroom. Leaving the four of us.
“thanks” Noah said slowly.
Danladi called Rose and they both left.
” so what dep@rtment are you Noah?” She asked.
“quantity survey. You?” He replied.
“estate management” she answered. They kept talking and Rita kept flir-ting with Noah which was beginning to annoy me. Noah looked at me and got the message. “I have to go now, I’ll see you some other time Rita” he stood up and pu-ll-ed me up.
On getting back to my room, Rita was alre-ady planning to leave, so I just walked her home too.
Hello everyone, so what do you think about this new character? Rita. 🥰