I hate to love him Episode 10 to 12

I hate love him ❣️
Episode 10 🔥
Lola’s POV
“I don’t like her” Rose gro-an ed after Rita left her seat to get something. I stared at Rose but she glared at me. “I mean she’s fake and all… Don’t you see it? and she flir-ts a lot too” she said.
“yea she flir-ts.. a little, but I don’t think you should hate her” I replied.
” No I didn’t say I hated her, I only don’t like her” Rose exclaimed.
” okay. Whatever” I scoffed ” you’ll have to get used to her. You are going to be seeing much of her around me” I stated.
Rose gave me little glare and continued eating her food.
I know it’s only normal for her to feel threatened, she probably thinks Rita has been taking much of my time , I just wanted her to get along with Rita.
I felt a pinch behind my n£¢k, I looked back and smiled when I realised it was Rita.
The three of us gathered our things as soon as we finished eating and headed home after a long day of lectures.
Rose kept ma-king faces each time Rita talked about herself, I was bit angry at Rose but I decided to ignore her.
I really enjoy been in Rita’s company, she was the jovial type and loved having fun.
” You coming with us?” I asked Rita, who just shrugged.
“Uhm..I probably should go” Rita replied.
“come on … Let’s go to my place jor” I said and smiled at her.
” Am not sure your friend wants me around” Rita said and nodded in the direction of Rose who was alre-ady walking away from us.
“don’t worry about her… You’ll get to like each other pretty soon” I suggested.
We walked into the room while Rose was alre-ady dressing. Rita kept her gaze on Rose which made her uncomfortable.”st©p looking at me that way”.
Rose grumbled and left for the bathroom.
We kept talking while Rose was washing her clothes. She told me things about boys. And the things she loved clothes cars and all.
We had been laughing then suddenly Rita bec@m£ quiet.
“I hate home” Rita sighed.
“why?” I asked. I was confused about her sudden change of mood.
” My roommate can be frustrating… I mean look at you and Rose. She really cares about you and its so obvious” Rita looked really sad and it really t©uçhed me.
“what did she do?’ I was really concerned.
“she’ always finds a problem I with everything I do….she’s so mean to me”.
“well…why don’t you st©p been her roommate” I asked. I was angry someone could be this mean to her, Rita of all people.
“I don’t have anywhere else to live” she sighed.
” what dep@rtment is she?”. I asked.
“chemistry” she answered
” okay…why don’t you come stay with us” I suggested.
She shook her head wi-de-eyed “No…no your roommate doesn’t even like me … I can’t”
“I insist. Let’s go get your things later at night”.
Rose c@m£ out of the bathroom with her towel tied around her b©dy. She walked towards me and dragged me out of the room.
“she can’t live with us… and don’t give me that face, I overheard you guys”
“plea-se Rose , she nee-ds somewhere to stay. At least let her stay till the end of the semester” I held Rose hand and made the most cute face she probably has ever seen.
“fine.. She can stay, but I’ll throw her out if she does anything stupid” she threatened . I hvgged her and rushed back into the room.
‘let’s go get your things” I grinned at Rita. She looked stunned.
” But it’s not -” she said and I cut her off.
” no questions . Lets go” I said.
lola’s POV
I woke up staring at a face smiling at me. I was frightened a bit so I just pu-ll-ed back and she laughed.
“Rita it’s not funny. you scared me” I gro-an ed . She just kept laughing and drew closer to me, and gave me a k!ss.Not on the cheek but on thel-ips.I stared wi-de-eyes. I quic-kly drew back from her. She win-ked at me and got off be-d and headed to the bathroom.
She left the door opened so I just walked up to her.
“what was that about?”. I asked
She chuckled. “I only k!$$£d you, no big deal” she scoffed.
” Yea you did, which is weird-” she cut me off “what is so weird about that” she replied . She took off her clothes to have her bath, she backed me as she tries to hang her clothes on the bathroom door. She looked at me with the most s£dûçt!veeyes I’ve ever seen, I was shocked by her actions. I gulped and turned away .
‘why is she doing this’ I wondered.
Rita has always been the crazy type, but now this is just weird. She flir-ts a lot with guys,I just don’t know if she likes girls too.
she’s a very beautiful girl and way more attrac-tive that I am, her hour glas-s figure could get her any guy she wanted, I don’t just get why she’s acting crazy this morning.. She stayed un-der the shower to wash away the soap, she took her towel and dries herself as she walks out of the bathroom.
I sighed ” you can’t k!ssme again.. Rita it’s not funny”.
“okay” she rolled her eyes and let her towel drop off her b©dy, I turned away and she my head.
Rita and I walked around the mall, we had been looking for a p@rticular dress for an hour now. She claimed she saw the dress in one of the sto-res the last time she c@m£ here but she couldn’t get it because she didn’t have enough money.
” Don’t you know the place anylonger?” I asked.
She shrugged.
I just wish Rose wasn’t busy with group projects maybe she’ll get to save me from Rita right now. I ru-bbe-d my forehead, and gro-an ed in frustration ” Rita let’s just pick somethingelse now”. She nodded her head and went into the next sto-re.
She held the cloth and examined while I payed the sales girl and handed the change back to Rita.
“tonight is gonna be awesome” she wiggled her as-s and I just laughed. ” you coming right?”. She asked.
” Am not sure…”. I replied.
“would you be sure if Noah was going?” She win-ked. “speaking of Noah, do you still like him?”.
“why would you ask that? yes I do!” I replied.
“I just wanted to know…I mean you taking things too slow with him…. aren’t you going to get serious with him?…. there are many girl who would kill to be his girl”. She said and walked towards the gate,she waved a taxi down as soon as we got outside. She was serious from the way she looked at me and spoke.
‘maybe she’s right’ I thought.
we finally got to our ap@rtment, we entered and saw Rose, Danladi and Noah talking.
“Noah” I was surprised to see him, I dropped my things and la-id by his side. Rita greeted everyone.
I saw Noah staring at her and nudged him.
” quit staring”
“am not…there’s just something about her that I don’t get …that’s all” he replied.
“well …. I hope you are not attra-cted to her”. I frowned at him.
“what?…. No! I am not, she’s attrac-tive, but I’ll never hurt you” he said and I sigh in relief.
I sat down in a corner and stared at Rita as she danced with the guys, guess she was really enjoying herself while I just kept glancing at people.
She walked towards me holding a guys hand.. ” sola this is my good friend Lola” she grinned and I smiled awkwardly .
“hi” I said
“what’s up?” He asked. before I could reply him Rita had alre-ady left.
“so… how did you meet Rita” he asked, he drank every content in the cu-p and looked at me. I smiled at him. I told him about how I and Rita met.
” sounds ro-mantic” he chuckled and I glared. ” why would you say that”
” Am sure it’s ro-mantic to Rita…. she’s into girls, you know”
I was speechlesss.
” why are you surprised, it obvious. I guess you don’t know her that well after all. he said.
I looked at him and stood up “let’s go find her… I nee-d to go home”.
sola stood up too and we both walked around to look for Rita. I heard soft cries from one of the rooms so I checked. right there on the be-d I saw Rita on all fours. it was just unbelieveable . She just met that guy about 20minutes ago. I backed away, and left the p@rty to get a fresh air outside and sola followed…..
Episode 11
Lola’s POV
I sat down on the stairs outside and sola kept staring at me.
“st©p staring” I shouted.
” why are you taking this out on me…. Am not Rita” he replied.
I let out a loud gro-an . “ugghh she ba-rely knew that guy…they just danced and there she is …. In the room… Screaming … Gosh! I don’t even want to remember that…” I skrie-ked.
“like I said you don’t know much about your friend” he said and shrugged.
“I guess you are right” I sighed.
” You still have a lot to learn about her” he said . I stood up and we both went back in.
Few minutes later Rita c@m£ out with a red cu-p, dancing and shouting.
“hey, why are you frowning” she said in a high-pitched voice which irritated me more.
“let’s go home” . I dragged her away…… Without saying good bye to sola.
I opened my eyes and checked the time it was 9:30am, as usual I saw Rita walking around n-ked, just then Noah popped his head in, he drew back immediately and started apologising.
“its alright” Rita replied and went into the bathroom. I went outside to meet Noah, he was leaning against the wall. ” Am sorry”
“no problem the door wasn’t locked anyway” I replied him. we walked back into the room this time Rita was alre-ady dressed. She stared at Noah and he apologised again.
” its no big… deal” she said slowly. She sm-irked at him and picked her phone. just then she got a call and answered it.
“uhn-uhn… I’ll be there…don’t worry, I’ll come”. She said and cut the phone.
“turns out I’ll be travelling” she looked at me.
“where are you going?”
“Lagos” she replied.
“lagos?…..do you even have a family there?”.
She ignored me and hissed. She was pretty annoyed. I know i had no right to ask questions, I was just concerned about her.
She packed her clothes in her bag and left without saying a word.
All this time Noah kept pressing his phone.He looked up and smiled. “I have to go” he stood up and walked to the door.
” You just got here” I said unhappyily. He closed the gap between us and k!$$£d me on thel-ips. He drew back and left.
Later in the evening………..
“i’ve got a gist for you” Rose entered and puts her bag down.
” Am all ears” I replied. Eager to hear what she had to say.
“I heard something about Rita” she said .
“is that why you are so happy?” I bec@m£ less intrigued “spill”.
“she’s a prostitute” she said.
“Rose!” I skrie-ked “look I get you don’t like her… but st©p ma-king up stories”.
” Am not lying…. it’s the truth, you know shade now. that tall girl in the dep@rtment, we were together when we saw Rita on the bike and she told me so many disgusting things she’s into-”
“enough!” I shouted “I don’t care about any cra-ps you say…. st©p being jealous….and used to I a d Rita being friends”. She looked sober.
“sorry….I just wanted you to know who she really is” she replied.
I hissed and ignored her.
lola’s POV
After about one eek, Rita returned. She apologised for been so rude the last time we saw, she even got me somethings and I totally forgave her .
I was just so delighted she was back.
She got things for Rose too, but she rejected it. I was mad at her, but she said she didn’t want anything from a prostitute.
Even though those things I heard about her bothered me, I just kept it to myself, i didnt want to annoy her further. I pretended like I didn’t hear a thing. I heard a knock on the door.
I opened the door and Noah walked in.
“lola”. he smiled at me and I returned it. “how are you…Danladi nko…it’s been long I saw him sef” I asked.
“he’s good… Rose how far?” He smiled at Rose. Rita was excited when she saw Noah, she even offered to cook for everyone.
we finished our food , Rita, Noah and I kept gusting and Rose interrupted us.
“did you rad the news about some girls that are missing….I think they are prostitutes sef” Rose looked up from the phone she was pressing. She looked at Rita, I know my friend well enough,she was only trying to make Rita feel uncomfortable.
it was just too obvious there was no news of any girl missing.
I pla-yed along “I hope they find the.”
“I wonder why anyone would risk their life because of money….the annoying things is they mostly don’t use the money for anything reasonable”.
Rita looked up,this time she spoke ” Holy Mary! you shouldn’t blame them….some of them have poor parents”
“plea-se! …. there girls with poor parents too, who don’t go about sharing their b©dy for money, we shouldn’t always put the blame on parents too” Rose replied.
I could s-en-se the tension building g up. Rose just wanted to piss Rita off.
” there are parents who don’t cater for their children…..all am saying is you don’t just blame this girls, you don’t know their stories” she said.
I tried to change the t©pic but Rose cut me off.
“nob©dy is blaming anyone …or am I?” She looked at me and I just kept quiet.
“coward” Rose muttered.
” we don’t have a pr©st!tût£amongst us… so am not blaming anyone” she furrowed her brows.
“Uhm ….I nee-d to go, I’ll see you guys around”. Noah stood up and I followed him.
“what’s with those two?” Noah asked .
I sighed “they hate each other”.
“its not about hatred…..I think Rose is trying to pas-s a message”. Noah replied.
“look Rose belives she’s a prostitute, she heard somethings about her”. I said and looked away.
” and you don’t believe Rose?”. he stared.
“I don’t know what to believe” I answered him
“just be careful …” he sighed. we walked fas-ter to his place and sle-pt over.
“it’s not fair” I argued with Rose on our way back home. ” You didn’t have to say those things”.
I looked at Rose, she looked so unbothered. She rolled her eyes and glanced throu-gh her phone.
She finally looked up when she realised I was staring.
“I wish you’d see her the way i do…. She disgusts me” she snickered.
“she’s a s–t ….. don’t you just get it” Rose said, a bit louder than usual.
Her face softened afterwards I just hope she doesn’t turn you”
“what is she?….. a witch?” I scoffed and increa-sed my footsteps leaving her behind.
Episode 12 ❣️
Lola’s POV
“I have a p@rty to go” she searched throu-gh the wardrobe.
“again ?……Rita you are always p@rtying!” I exclaimed, she turn aroung to look at me and gave me the Are-you-okay look.
I shook my head. I’ve known Rita for like more than a month now, and within this period she’d gone to at least five p@rties and had travelled like three times.
Not that I was condemning her though.I just didn’t want her to get in trouble.
The last time I went to a p@rty with her, she was having S-x with some dude.
Does this mean she has S-x randomly at all p@rties? I wondered.
“oh! I saw Noah today” she turned around. “with a girl….I heard a rumour he’s d@t!ngher Lola” she said slowly.
I frowned , how stupid does she think I am. It was just so obvious she was ma-king it up.
“don’t worry I’ll ask him…thanks for telling me” I gave her a fake smile.
“can you not … I mean tell him I told you?” She sat beside me and squee-zed my hand.
She leaned closer and looked down on myl-ips. I pu-ll-ed back. I was completely irritated by her lvst for me.
She smiled at me and shrugged. “I don’t think I’ll go jor”.
” Am glad you changed your mind”. I smiled, I shut my eyes and sle-pt off.
I felt hands tou-ching me, it was really good. Slowly a softl-ips press gently on myl-ips.
The hands slowly travelled in between my legs, my eyes flew open.
” what the-” I shouted, but she quic-kly covered my mouth.
I frowned.
She smiled a little and stared into my eyes. I pushed her hands away.
” Am sorry… I shouldn’t have t©uçhed you while slee-ping….I just couldn’t hold back” she looked at me ” I really like you”.
My eyes wi-de-ned in shock. ” you are crazy” I shouted.
“st©p ma-king a big deal out of this”
I looked at her.
” really….really, you think it’s no big deal? Is this the first time?” I asked.
“of what?” She said softly.
” of you running your filthy hands on me’ I screamed.
She kept mute. I sat down and waited for an answer, she wiped the tears on her cheeks and sniffed.
” are you going to tell Noah?” She looked up.
“why are you worried about Noah?” I asked.
I leaned on the wall and made a frustrating sigh. ” Am not into girls, so st©p it….. St©p whatever image of me in your head….. It’s disgusting”.
I shook my head and walked into the bathroom.
I c@m£ out as soon as I finished using the toilet, Rita wasn’t in the room, but the door was a bit opened.
I slumped back in my be-d when I heard a phone vibr@ting. I took it and saw it was unlocked. I checked throu-gh some pictures , I saw some p–n videos too.
Bad girl ,I mused.
Just then a message popped up and it was from Noah. “st©p it ” the message said.
I dropped the phone.
Out of curiosity, I picked the phone again and went straight to their chat.
I felt a hurt when I saw the things they said.
Rita and Noah had been secretly meeting up, she even s£nt him some nûd£ pictures. And told him how good she was on be-d.
Noah had told her to st©p it. But I still felt hurt. I was scared I was going to loose Noah.
Soon she walked in with a sanitary pad in her hands. She froze when she saw her phone in my hand.
” How could you?” I screamed.
Tears rolled down my cheeks. She looked down. She looked up again but this time she rolled her eyes.
“he likes me ” she sm-irked. I couldn’t take this any longer. I wished I could smash her face, but I was too scared. And I guess she knew I was.
” you not even his girlfriend”
“how can you say that” I kept crying. “did you guys…. You know… Do it” I paused waiting for an answer. An answer that would at least relieve me of the pain I felt.
“we almost did” she locked the door and used the sanitary pad.
She la-id on the be-d and plugged her earpiece in her ears.
I stormed out of the room and headed to Noah’s place……..
To be continued,